How many millionaires in the Netherlands? (2024)

In2021, 317thousand people in the Netherlands had net assets worth at least one million euros. This means 4percent of all Dutch households are millionaires. Ofthese, 9.3thousand had 10million euros or more.

Household wealth, or net assets, equals assets minus liabilities. Assets include own homes, bank and savings balances and shares. Liabilities may consist of mortgage debts, repayable student loans and other debts. Thenet worth of 65percent of millionaires in2021 was between 1 and 2million euros. Nearly 27percent had between2 and 5million euros. Asmall share of millionaires –3percent– had net assets of 10million euros or more.

On average, millionaire households had 2.7million euros. Non-millionaires had an average wealth of 157thousand euros. Sothe average wealth of millionaires is 17times that of non-millionaires.

More millionaires

The number of millionaires increased between2014 and2021, after remaining fairly constant in the crisis period before that. Thereal value of 1million euros was less in2021 than in previous years. Taking inflation into account, there were around 120thousand more millionaires in2021 than in2014.

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Show datatableMillionaire households, 1 January (x 1,000)Hide datatableMillionaire households, 1 January (x 1,000)

Millionaire households, 1 January (x 1,000)
Jaar In current prices In 2021 prices
2011 170.2 221.4
2012 166.1 206.3
2013 168.5 198.2
2014 168.1 195.6
2015 179.5 206.4
2016 188.1 215.7
2017 206.9 232.8
2018 231.3 254.4
2019 253.4 268.6
2020 285.2 296.5
2021* 317.4 317.4
*Provisional figures

Millionaire assets mainly substantial interest and business capital

Substantial interest (at least 5percent of company shares) and business capital accounted for 44percent of millionaires’ assets in2021. Nearly one quarter consisted of the value of the own home. Fornon-millionaires, the value of own homes accounted for three-quarters of their assets. Substantial interest and business capital accounted for 4percent. Thehigher the wealth of millionaires, the larger the share of it consisting of substantial interest and business capital. Conversely, the share of the value of the own home in total assets decreases as net assets increase.

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Show datatableComposition of assets, 1 January 2021* (%)Hide datatableComposition of assets, 1 January 2021* (%)

Composition of assets, 1 January 2021* (%)
Soort Bank and savings balances Securities Own home Other real estate Business capital Substantial interest Other assets
Non-millionaires 14.3 2.2 75.4 3.2 1.8 2.1 0.9
Millionaires 8.2 10.2 23.1 10.4 4.8 39.5 3.9
By assets; . . . . . . .
1 to 2 million euros 13.4 9.1 40.8 10.3 6.0 16.9 3.6
2 to 3 million euros 9.1 10.8 26.5 11.5 8.3 29.6 4.2
3 to 5 million euros 6.8 11.1 19.3 11.5 6.7 40.6 4.0
5 to 10 million euros 5.0 10.7 13.1 11.3 3.4 52.4 4.0
10 million euros or more 3.2 10.7 5.2 8.6 0.7 67.7 3.9
*Provisional figures

Three in ten households in Bloemendaal and Laren are millionaires

The provinces of Noord-Holland and Utrecht have relatively most millionaire households among their inhabitants (5.3percent). Thetwo municipalities with the largest share of millionaires are located in Noord-Holland: Bloemendaal and Laren. Around three in ten households in these municipalities are millionaires.

Groningen and Limburg provinces have fewest millionaires. Less than 3percent of households have net assets worth at least 1million euros in these provinces. Municipalities Kerkrade, Brunssum, Landgraaf and Heerlen, all in Limburg, and Nissewaard in Zuid-Holland, have relatively fewest millionaires within their borders

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Show datatableMillionaire households, 1 January 2021*Hide datatableMillionaire households, 1 January 2021*

Millionaire households, 1 January 2021*
Share of millionaire households
Aa en Hunze 5.1
Aalsmeer 7.7
Aalten 3.5
Achtkarspelen 2.1
Alblasserdam 2.7
Albrandswaard 5.0
Alkmaar 2.4
Almelo 1.9
Almere 1.4
Alphen aan den Rijn 3.9
Alphen-Chaam 10.2
Altena 5.2
Ameland 5.4
Amersfoort 3.8
Amstelveen 8.4
Amsterdam 4.9
Apeldoorn 3.2
Arnhem 1.9
Assen 1.6
Asten 6.7
Baarle-Nassau 8.4
Baarn 8.5
Barendrecht 4.7
Barneveld 6.6
Beek 2.6
Beekdaelen 3.2
Beesel 2.5
Berg en Dal 3.9
Bergeijk 7.8
Bergen (L.) 3.3
Bergen (NH.) 13.3
Bergen op Zoom 2.4
Berkelland 4.7
Bernheze 6.5
Best 4.3
Beuningen 3.6
Beverwijk 1.8
Bladel 5.7
Blaricum 20.8
Bloemendaal 29.7
Bodegraven-Reeuwijk 8.6
Boekel 6.8
Borger-Odoorn 3.3
Borne 3.1
Borsele 5.3
Boxtel 4.2
Breda 4.4
Brielle 3.7
Bronckhorst 6.2
Brummen 4.5
Brunssum 0.9
Bunnik 8.6
Bunschoten 5.1
Buren 6.7
Capelle aan den IJssel 2.3
Castricum 6.8
Coevorden 3.6
Cranendonck 5.3
Culemborg 3.0
Dalfsen 6.0
Dantumadiel 2.2
De Bilt 12.2
De Fryske Marren 4.5
De Ronde Venen 9.7
De Wolden 5.8
Delft 2.8
Den Helder 1.2
Deurne 5.4
Deventer 2.5
Diemen 2.7
Dijk en Waard 2.9
Dinkelland 7.4
Doesburg 2.4
Doetinchem 2.8
Dongen 3.7
Dordrecht 2.2
Drechterland 6.1
Drimmelen 4.7
Dronten 4.1
Druten 3.2
Duiven 2.4
Echt-Susteren 3.1
Edam-Volendam 6.5
Ede 4.6
Eemnes 8.8
Eemsdelta 2.2
Eersel 7.1
Eijsden-Margraten 5.1
Eindhoven 2.5
Elburg 2.9
Emmen 1.7
Enkhuizen 2.4
Enschede 1.9
Epe 5.7
Ermelo 5.2
Etten-Leur 3.3
Geertruidenberg 3.2
Geldrop-Mierlo 3.6
Gemert-Bakel 5.2
Gennep 3.6
Gilze en Rijen 3.5
Goeree-Overflakkee 4.4
Goes 3.7
Goirle 4.5
Gooise Meren 13.1
Gorinchem 2.6
Gouda 2.3
Groningen 2.1
Gulpen-Wittem 5.2
Haaksbergen 4.6
Haarlem 4.8
Haarlemmermeer 4.7
Halderberge 4.1
Hardenberg 3.3
Harderwijk 2.9
Hardinxveld-Giessendam 3.9
Harlingen 2.4
Hattem 5.8
Heemskerk 3.1
Heemstede 18.5
Heerde 4.2
Heerenveen 3.2
Heerlen 1.1
Heeze-Leende 8.8
Heiloo 7.6
Hellendoorn 3.7
Hellevoetsluis 2.2
Helmond 2.4
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht 3.8
Hengelo 2.0
Het Hogeland 3.5
Heumen 4.8
Heusden 4.4
Hillegom 4.1
Hilvarenbeek 7.4
Hilversum 5.9
Hoeksche Waard 4.8
Hof van Twente 5.9
Hollands Kroon 5.1
Hoogeveen 1.9
Hoorn 2.5
Horst aan de Maas 4.7
Houten 5.7
Huizen 6.3
Hulst 4.4
IJsselstein 3.9
Kaag en Braassem 7.3
Kampen 2.8
Kapelle 4.8
Katwijk 4.0
Kerkrade 0.7
Koggenland 5.7
Krimpen aan den IJssel 3.9
Krimpenerwaard 5.9
Laarbeek 4.9
Land van Cuijk 4.5
Landgraaf 1.1
Landsmeer 9.6
Lansingerland 7.0
Laren 27.0
Leeuwarden 1.8
Leiden 3.5
Leiderdorp 4.4
Leidschendam-Voorburg 5.8
Lelystad 1.6
Leudal 4.8
Leusden 5.3
Lingewaard 3.3
Lisse 4.6
Lochem 8.6
Loon op Zand 4.7
Lopik 8.4
Losser 4.2
Maasdriel 5.3
Maasgouw 3.3
Maashorst 5.1
Maassluis 1.9
Maastricht 2.5
Medemblik 4.6
Meerssen 4.1
Meierijstad 5.1
Meppel 2.2
Middelburg 2.6
Midden-Delfland 10.3
Midden-Drenthe 3.9
Midden-Groningen 2.2
Moerdijk 3.9
Molenlanden 8.1
Montferland 3.2
Montfoort 7.4
Mook en Middelaar 7.6
Neder-Betuwe 4.7
Nederweert 5.3
Nieuwegein 1.8
Nieuwkoop 6.8
Nijkerk 5.6
Nijmegen 2.1
Nissewaard 1.1
Noardeast-Fryslân 3.1
Noord-Beveland 5.6
Noordenveld 4.2
Noordoostpolder 5.1
Noordwijk 8.0
Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten 7.4
Nunspeet 4.7
Oegstgeest 12.3
Oirschot 8.1
Oisterwijk 8.4
Oldambt 2.2
Oldebroek 4.0
Oldenzaal 2.9
Olst-Wijhe 5.0
Ommen 5.5
Oost Gelre 3.7
Oosterhout 3.6
Ooststellingwerf 3.6
Oostzaan 6.0
Opmeer 4.9
Opsterland 4.0
Oss 3.3
Oude IJsselstreek 3.0
Ouder-Amstel 10.3
Oudewater 8.9
Overbetuwe 3.6
Papendrecht 2.8
Peel en Maas 4.4
Pekela 1.3
Pijnacker-Nootdorp 6.3
Purmerend 2.6
Putten 7.7
Raalte 4.6
Reimerswaal 4.3
Renkum 6.4
Renswoude 8.4
Reusel-De Mierden 6.5
Rheden 3.4
Rhenen 6.1
Ridderkerk 2.9
Rijssen-Holten 4.3
Rijswijk 3.1
Roerdalen 3.4
Roermond 2.3
Roosendaal 2.7
Rotterdam 2.1
Rozendaal 22.9
Rucphen 4.6
Schagen 4.9
Scherpenzeel 4.5
Schiedam 1.6
Schiermonnikoog 6.0
Schouwen-Duiveland 7.0
's-Gravenhage 3.9
's-Hertogenbosch 3.8
Simpelveld 2.2
Sint-Michielsgestel 7.0
Sittard-Geleen 1.9
Sliedrecht 2.8
Sluis 7.4
Smallingerland 2.0
Soest 6.8
Someren 6.5
Son en Breugel 6.6
Stadskanaal 1.9
Staphorst 8.0
Stede Broec 2.7
Steenbergen 4.1
Steenwijkerland 3.9
Stein 1.8
Stichtse Vecht 7.3
Súdwest-Fryslân 3.9
Terneuzen 2.9
Terschelling 7.2
Texel 8.1
Teylingen 6.9
Tholen 3.6
Tiel 2.1
Tilburg 1.9
Tubbergen 7.8
Twenterand 3.2
Tynaarlo 5.6
Tytsjerksteradiel 3.0
Uitgeest 4.2
Uithoorn 4.2
Urk 3.6
Utrecht 3.4
Utrechtse Heuvelrug 8.9
Vaals 2.5
Valkenburg aan de Geul 4.0
Valkenswaard 4.0
Veendam 1.6
Veenendaal 2.7
Veere 9.3
Veldhoven 4.7
Velsen 3.7
Venlo 2.1
Venray 3.8
Vijfheerenlanden 4.1
Vlaardingen 1.6
Vlieland 6.1
Vlissingen 1.4
Voerendaal 3.5
Voorschoten 8.3
Voorst 6.2
Vught 9.5
Waadhoeke 3.0
Waalre 9.8
Waalwijk 3.5
Waddinxveen 3.8
Wageningen 3.4
Wassenaar 20.1
Waterland 8.4
Weert 3.5
Weesp 5.4
West Betuwe 6.1
West Maas en Waal 4.6
Westerkwartier 3.4
Westerveld 5.7
Westervoort 1.5
Westerwolde 3.0
Westland 7.1
Weststellingwerf 3.9
Westvoorne 10.0
Wierden 5.9
Wijchen 3.6
Wijdemeren 10.3
Wijk bij Duurstede 4.6
Winterswijk 3.7
Woensdrecht 3.9
Woerden 6.4
Wormerland 4.7
Woudenberg 6.2
Zaanstad 2.0
Zaltbommel 4.8
Zandvoort 8.3
Zeewolde 4.4
Zeist 8.8
Zevenaar 2.2
Zoetermeer 1.9
Zoeterwoude 6.8
Zuidplas 5.7
Zundert 7.3
Zutphen 2.1
Zwartewaterland 4.9
Zwijndrecht 2.9
Zwolle 2.5
*Provisional figures

The questions

  1. What keeps people from eating healthier?
  2. What is working people’s income?
  3. How much of the energy we consume is renewable?
  4. What percentage wears glasses?
  5. How are the dragonflies and butterflies doing?
  6. How many housing units are there?
  7. How does home burglary affect people?
  8. In what occupations do most people work from home?
  9. How much more expensive did food get?
  10. How many babies were born to unmarried mothers?
  11. From which countries do most immigrants come?
  12. How many centenarians are there?
  13. How do fathers and mothers divide work and care?
  14. How many cars are there?
  15. How much milk does a cow produce?
  16. What portion of income went to food in1936?
  17. How many pigs were there in 1910?
  18. How many cattle and pigs in the Netherlands?
  19. What do we import from China?
  20. What type of shop is seen less and less?
  21. How many nights are spent in Dutch hotels?
  22. How often do older people have contact with neighbours?
  23. How many adults comply with the physical activity guidelines?
  24. Where do international students in the Netherlands come from?
  25. What are the major religions?
  26. How many litres of water do we use per day?
  27. How many millionaires in the Netherlands?
  28. How many inhabitants in the Netherlands??
  29. Where can we ride our bikes?
  30. At what age do workers retire?
  31. Which day has the most birthdays?
  32. How many people have a student debt?
  33. How does CBS handle your privacy?
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How many millionaires in the Netherlands? (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.