How Many Cryptocurrencies are There In 2024? (2024)

The idea of anonymous cryptographic electronic money had long since been postulated, but it wasn’t until 2009 that decentralized cryptocurrency Bitcoin was first created. Namecoin, Litecoin, and Peercoin followed in the proceeding years and cryptocurrency began to gain momentum.

By the end of 2013, there were over 50 different cryptocurrencies. And by the end of 2014, this figure had increased by approximately 10x to over 500.

Today, there are over 10,000 cryptocurrencies in circulation.

But how did the financial landscape reach this point? And where is it heading?

This roundup will reveal key facts and figures on the state of crypto right now.

Here’s a summary of what you’ll find below:

  • Cryptocurrency Statistics (Top Picks)
  • How Many Cryptocurrencies Are There In 2024?
  • Growth Of Cryptocurrency Over Time
  • Crypto Usage Demographics
  • Top 20 Cryptos By Market Cap
  • How Many Cryptocurrency Exchanges Are There?

Crypto Space Statistics (Top Picks)

  • There are10,748total cryptocurrencies
  • The total market cap of all cryptocurrencies is $1.32 trillion
  • The trading volume of all cryptocurrencies per 24 hours is currently $172 billion
  • Bitcoin has the highest current market cap at approximately $650billion - around 3x its closest rival Ethereum
  • Two of the top 10 cryptocurrencies are directly peggedto USD value - Tether, USDC
  • Approximately 8% of the US population trades cryptocurrency
  • As a continent, Asia has over 4x more cryptocurrency users than any other continent
  • 95% of crypto holders/crypto-curious people are aware of Bitcoin

Sources: CoinMarketCap,, Triple-a

How Many Cryptocurrencies Are There in 2023?

As of November 2023, there are 10,748cryptocurrencies in existence.

However, not all cryptocurrencies are active or valuable. Discounting many “dead” cryptos leaves only around 8,848active cryptocurrencies.

There are around 420 million cryptocurrency users across the globe. And approximately 18,000 businesses now accept a form of crypto as payment.

Sources: CoinGecko,, Triple-A

Growth of Cryptocurrency Over Time

In less than a decade, cryptocurrency has exploded onto the scene and has grown at an ever-increasing rate. The following section will highlight some of its dramatic growth with snapshots of the decentralized finance landscape at various points in time.

Before we get into that, here is a quick overview of the total number of legit cryptocurrencies listed on CoinMarketCap from 2013 to today:

Month, YearNumber of Cryptocurrencies
April 20137
January 201467
January 2015501
January 2016572
January 2017636
January 20181,359
January 20192,086
January 20202,403
January 20214,154
January 20228,714
January 20238,856
November 202310,748*

* According to CoinGecko


In April 2013, there were just seven cryptocurrencies reported by Coin Market Cap. Bitcoin led the way in terms of market capitalization with almost 20x the value of any other cryptocurrency.

Here is a breakdown of the state of play almost a decade ago:

RankCurrencyAbbr.Price (2 d.p.)*Market Cap
1BitcoinBTC$134.21$1.49 billion
2LitecoinLTC$4.35$74.64 million
3PeercoinPPC$0.39$7.25 million
4NamecoinNMC$1.11$6.00 million
5TerracoinTRC$0.65$1.50 million
6DevcoinDVC$0.0003*$1.42 million
7NovacoinNVC$4.25$1.16 million

* Excluding Devcoin


Fast-forward a year and a half to November 2014, and there were 513 cryptocurrencies in existence.

Bitcoin remained the dominant force, now with a market cap of around $5.13 billion. Only Litecoin ($122.63 million market cap) and Peercoin ($16.26 million market cap) remained in the top ten cryptocurrencies by market cap.

The rest of the original seven had made way for the likes of XRP ($346.22 million market cap) and Dogecoin ($23.30 million market cap).

At this stage, Bitcoin’s price had more than doubled to $378.05. And approximately 76,000 merchants accepted Bitcoin worldwide.


One year later, the cryptocurrency landscape hadn’t changed so drastically. Nevertheless, there were 564 cryptocurrencies at the end of November 2015.

Bitcoin’s market cap increased to over $5.5 billion, while November 2014’s second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, XRP, fell to approximately $144.18 million.

In total, seven of November 2014’s largest cryptos by market cap remained in the top 10 a year later. These were:

  • Bitcoin - Approximately $406 million market cap increase
  • Litecoin - Approximately $37 million market cap increase
  • XRP - Approximately $202 million market cap decrease
  • Bitshares - Approximately $39 million market cap decrease
  • Dogecoin - Approximately $10 million market cap decrease
  • Peercoin - Approximately $6 million market cap decrease
  • Dash - Approximately $1 million market cap increase

The most notable newcomer to the top ten was Ethereum with a market cap of $65.98 million.


By the end of 2016, there were 663 cryptocurrencies in existence.

Bitcoin’s price reached a three-year high of almost $900, increasing nearly 3x on November 2015’s price.

The best-performing cryptocurrencies by market cap increase for the year were as follows:

  • Bitcoin ($14.59 billion) - Market cap increase of approximately 2.5x
  • Ethereum ($638 million) - Market cap increase of approximately 8x
  • Ripple ($232 million) - Market cap increase of approximately 1.1x
  • Litecoin ($212 million) - Market cap increase of approximately 1.5x
  • Monero ($134 million) - Market cap increase of approximately 28x
  • Ethereum Classic ($91 million) - Market cap increase of approximately 2x
  • Dash ($71 million) - Market cap increase of approximately 4.5x


By mid-2017 (April 30th to be exact) a further 126 cryptocurrencies were now being traded, bringing the total number up to 789.

Ethereum’s market cap had skyrocketed more than 1000% in just four months to over $7.2 billion. Likewise, XRP also saw a large increase from approximately $232 million to $1.96 billion.

Despite the healthy growth, there were (and are) several factors keeping cryptocurrency from mass adoption.


A year later, the number of cryptocurrencies had surged to more than double. The success of blockchain technology and varied use of coins continued to lead to further market growth.

By the end of 2018, there were 2,073 cryptocurrencies. And 12 of those had a market cap of over $1 billion.

Here is a look at the top five cryptocurrencies by market cap as we went into 2019:

RankCurrencyAbbr.Price (2 d.p.)Market Cap
1BitcoinBTC$3,865.95$67.48 billion
2XRPXRP$0.37$15.08 billion
3EthereumETH$139.86$14.56 billion
4Bitcoin CashBCH$163.62$2.87 billion
5EOSEOS$2.68$2.43 billion


A November 2019 article indicated there were almost 3,000 cryptocurrencies in circulation at the time of writing.

However, some sources were reporting figures closer to 6,000. This discrepancy was (and is) a result of differing review processes for a range of criteria.

For example, test cryptos and joke cryptos are often quickly abandoned but may appear on some listings. To combat this, trade volume and market caps are often used as determining factors when calculating the true number of active cryptocurrencies.

During the course of 2019, Bitcoin’s market cap surpassed the $100 billion mark, ending at $134.57 billion. Despite this, the number of cryptocurrencies with a market cap exceeding $1 billion dropped to nine.


The pandemic did little to halt the increase of cryptocurrencies hitting the market. By April, there were a reported 5,392 cryptos being traded.

According to CoinMarketCap, the top 10 cryptocurrencies combined for a total market cap of almost $200 billion. And Bitcoin was responsible for over $140 billion of this valuation.

Having seen a small drop to nine in 2019, the total number of cryptocurrencies with a market cap of over $1 billion stood at 28 by the end of 2020.

These four cryptos each exceeded $10 billion in market caps:

  • Bitcoin - $488.21 billion
  • Ethereum - $77.83 billion
  • Tether - $20.73 billion
  • XRP - $12.85 billion


Flash forward to today, there are now 10,748cryptocurrencies in circulation. However, many of these are inactive or completely worthless.

Chances are, as you read this, that figure is already an underestimate as more ICOs happen each week.

The thousands of cryptos we have today can be most simply broken down into three categories:

  • Bitcoin - the market leader and original cryptocurrency
  • Altcoin - Alternatives to Bitcoin (not necessarily similar)
  • Tokens - Cryptocurrencies using pre-existing blockchains

The evolution of cryptocurrency has come a long way in a relatively short space of time. To illustrate just that, here is a comparison of the first seven cryptocurrencies in 2013 compared to now:

Currency2013 Rank2013 Market Cap2013 Price (2 d.p.)2023 Rank*2023 Market Cap2023 Price (2 d.p.)Market Cap ChangePrice Change (2 d.p.)
Bitcoin1$1.29 billion$115.911$668.2 billion$34,204↑ $666.91 billion↑ $34,089.09
Litecoin2$62.3 million$3.5917$415 million$68.39↑ $352.7 million↑ $64.80
Namecoin3$6.29 million$1.15663$16.49 million$1.11↑ $10.2 million↓ $0.04
Peercoin4$5.72 million$0.30910$10.86 million$0.38↑ $5.14 million↑ $0.08
Terracoin5$1.37 million$0.572,631$260,000$0.01↓ $1.11 million↓ $0.56
Devcoin6$1.05 million$0.00-----
Novacoin7$1.02 million$3.696,589$190,000$0.04↓ $0.81 million↓ $3.65

All figures are accurate as of November 3, 2023.

Sources: CoinMarketCap 1, CoinMarketCap 2,, Bank of Canada, CoinDesk, TechCrunch

Crypto Usage Demographics

The average cryptocurrency owner is a white 38-year-old male with a $111,000 annual salary.

How Many Cryptocurrencies are There In 2024? (1)

Here is the breakdown of Gemini’s 2021 survey on crypto usage:

  • 71% of crypto holders identify as white/caucasian
  • Three-quarters (74%) of crypto holders are male
  • Almost three in four (74%) of crypto owners are between 25 and 44 years old
  • Approximately 63% of people are “crypto-curious
  • Of those who identify as “crypto-curious”, 53% are female

Cryptocurrency Awareness

The 2021 Gemini report also shed light on the knowledge and awareness of cryptocurrency. In total, 39% of people who do not own crypto described themselves as “somewhat or very” knowledgeable about crypto.

Here are some interesting findings about specific cryptocurrencies:

  • Just 1 in 20 crypto owners/crypto-curious people have not heard of Bitcoin
  • Over one-third (38%) are aware of Ethereum
  • Less than 1 in 4 (24%) know about Bitcoin Cash
  • 16% of participants claim to have heard of Litecoin
  • Approximately 1 in 10 (11%) are aware of Tether
  • Just 1 in 50 (2%) surveyed know of Cardano or Polkadot

Continents by Cryptocurrency Usage

  • 1. Asia - Approximately 263 million crypto users
  • 2. North America - Approximately 57million crypto users
  • 3. Africa - Approximately 38 million crypto users
  • 4.South America - Approximately33 million crypto users
  • 5. Europe - Approximately 31 million crypto users
  • 6. Oceania - Approximately 1 million crypto users

Top 5 Countries by Cryptocurrency Usage

  • 1. India - Approximately 93 million crypto users
  • 2. US - Approximately 48 million crypto users
  • 3.Vietnam - Approximately 20million crypto users
  • 4. Pakistan - Approximately15million crypto users

Sources: Yahoo, Triple-A

Top 20 Cryptos by Market Cap

Many cryptocurrencies have become household names over the past decade. The most noteworthy of which, without a doubt, is Bitcoin, which comfortably leads the way in terms of market cap.

Here is a full breakdown of the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market cap:

RankCurrencyAbbr.PriceMarket Cap
1BitcoinBTC$34,250$669 billion
2EthereumETH$1,789$215 billion
3TetherUSDT$1$85.2 billion
4BNBBNB$227.56$34.52 billion
5XRPXRP$0.60$32.3 billion
6USDCUSDC$1$24.5 billion
7SolanaSOL$38.98$16.4 billion
8CardanoCAR$0.32$11.2 billion
9DogecoinDOGE$0.07$9.5 billion
10TRONTRX$0.10$8.7 billion
11ToncoinTON$2.22$7.6 billion
12ChainlinkLINK$11$6.1 billion
13PolygonMATIC$0.65$6.1 billion
14Wrapped BitcoinWBTC$34,250$5.6 billion
15PolkadotDOT$4.53$5.6 billion
16DaiDAI$1$5.3 billion
17LitecoinLTC$68.60$5.1 billion
18Bitcoin CashBCH$236.65$4.6 billion
19SHIBA INUSHIB$0.00$4.6 billion
20AvalancheAVAX$11.67$4.1 billion

All figures accurate as of Nov 3, 2023.

Source: CoinMarketCap

Key Statistics on the top 20 cryptos right now

  • Bitcoin has the highest current market cap at over $650 billion - over 3x more its closest rival Ethereum
  • Together, Bitcoin and Ethereum have a market cap of almost 3x the size of the rest of the top 20 cryptocurrencies combined
  • The top five cryptocurrencies each have a market cap of over $30 billion
  • Only three of the top 20 cryptocurrencies have a per-token price higher than $1,000 - Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Wrapped Bitcoin
  • 11 of the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market cap are priced at under $5
  • Three of the top 20 cryptocurrencies are directly peggedto USD value - Tether, USD Coin, Dai

Sources: CoinMarketCap,

How Many Cryptocurrency Exchanges Are There?

Naturally, as the number of cryptocurrencies has increased, so too has the number of cryptocurrency exchanges.

As of November 2023, there are671exchanges.

Here is a closer look at the top five decentralized exchanges (according to right now:

CMC RankExchange24hr Trading VolumeMarketsCoins
1Binance$9.64 billion1,546389
2Coinbase Exchange$1.47 billion399246
3Kraken$0.72 billion736241
4Bybit$1.8 billion684463
5OKX$1.73 billion674319

All figures are accurate as of November 3, 2023.

Source: CoinMarketCap


That wraps up the state of cryptocurrency today. Specifically, how many cryptocurrencies currently exist.

Cryptocurrency has exploded into the general consciousness. And while there has been a fair amount of fluctuation, the general market is only going one way (up), with Bitcoin still leading the charge.

For other related blog posts, have a look at Top 5 Cryptocurrency Trends and Top 5 DeFi trends.

As a seasoned cryptocurrency expert deeply entrenched in the dynamic landscape of decentralized finance, I bring a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of cryptocurrencies. My expertise spans the inception of the first decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, in 2009, to the current state of the crypto market in 2023.

The idea of anonymous cryptographic electronic money had been theorized long before 2009, but it was the creation of Bitcoin that marked the beginning of decentralized cryptocurrency. Following Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies like Namecoin, Litecoin, and Peercoin emerged, and by the end of 2013, there were over 50 different cryptocurrencies. The market witnessed an exponential surge, reaching over 500 by the end of 2014 and surpassing 10,000 in circulation today.

Let's delve into the key concepts and data presented in the article:

  1. Cryptocurrency Statistics (Top Picks):

    • Total cryptocurrencies: 10,748
    • Total market cap: $1.32 trillion
    • Daily trading volume: $172 billion
    • Bitcoin's market cap: Approximately $650 billion
  2. How Many Cryptocurrencies Are There in 2023?

    • Total cryptocurrencies in 2023: 10,748
    • Active cryptocurrencies: Around 8,848
    • Cryptocurrency users globally: 420 million
    • Businesses accepting crypto: Approximately 18,000
  3. Growth of Cryptocurrency Over Time:

    • Cryptocurrencies listed on CoinMarketCap:
      • April 2013: 7
      • November 2014: 513
      • November 2015: 564
      • November 2016: 663
      • November 2017: 789
      • November 2018: 2,073
      • November 2019: Nearly 3,000
      • April 2020: 5,392
    • Top 5 cryptocurrencies by market cap in 2018:
      • Bitcoin, XRP, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, EOS
  4. Cryptocurrency Usage Demographics:

    • Average crypto owner: White 38-year-old male with a $111,000 annual salary
    • Crypto holders: 71% white/caucasian, 74% male, 74% aged 25-44
  5. Crypto Awareness:

    • 39% of non-crypto owners consider themselves somewhat or very knowledgeable about crypto.
    • Notable awareness percentages for specific cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash).
  6. Continents and Countries by Cryptocurrency Usage:

    • Asia has over 4x more crypto users than any other continent.
    • Top 5 countries by crypto usage: India, US, Vietnam, Pakistan.
  7. Top 20 Cryptos by Market Cap:

    • Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, BNB, XRP, USDC, Solana, Cardano, Dogecoin, TRON, Toncoin, Chainlink, Polygon, Wrapped Bitcoin, Polkadot, Dai, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, SHIBA INU, Avalanche.
  8. Key Statistics on the Top 20 Cryptos:

    • Bitcoin and Ethereum together have a market cap almost 3x the rest of the top 20.
    • Only three of the top 20 have a per-token price higher than $1,000 (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Wrapped Bitcoin).
    • 11 of the top 20 are priced under $5.
  9. Number of Cryptocurrency Exchanges:

    • Total exchanges: 671
    • Top 5 decentralized exchanges: Binance, Coinbase Exchange, Kraken, Bybit, OKX.

In conclusion, the cryptocurrency market has experienced remarkable growth, both in terms of the number of cryptocurrencies and their overall market cap. The landscape is continually evolving, with Bitcoin maintaining its dominance and new trends emerging, such as the rise of decentralized exchanges. As the crypto revolution unfolds, staying informed about these trends is crucial for anyone navigating this dynamic financial ecosystem.

How Many Cryptocurrencies are There In 2024? (2024)


How Many Cryptocurrencies are There In 2024? ›

As of March 2024, there are 13,217 cryptocurrencies in existence. However, not all cryptocurrencies are active or valuable. Discounting many “dead” cryptos leaves only around 8,985 active cryptocurrencies. There are around 420 million cryptocurrency users across the globe.

Which crypto will skyrocket in 2024? ›

Top 10 Cryptos in 2024
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Solana (SOL)$69 Billion$154.53
Ripple (XRP)$28.4 Billion$0.5131
Dogecoin (DOGE)$23.8 Billion$0.1653
Tron (TRX)$10.1 Billion$0.1152
6 more rows
7 days ago

What is the market cap of crypto in 2024? ›

Ripple CEO predicts crypto market will double in size to $5 trillion by the end of 2024. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse said he expects the entire value of the crypto market to double this year, citing the arrival of the first U.S. spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds and upcoming so-called bitcoin “halving.”

Which coin will reach $1 in 2024? ›

Synopsis. Exploring the potential cryptocurrencies like Pikamoon, Dogecoin, Book of Meme, Rosewifhat, and Zilliqa as contenders to hit the $1 milestone. Key factors like utility, viral potential, and clear roadmaps suggest their potential amidst market sentiment and unique tokenomics.

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On April 19, 2024, at 8:09 p.m. ET, the fourth bitcoin halving took place.

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What coins will 1000x in 2024? Some of my top 1000x crypto picks include Dogeverse, Slothana, and Mega Dice Token. These three picks are currently in presale, so you'll get the lowest price possible.

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7 Cryptos With Explosive 5X Potential by 2025
  • Ethereum (ETH-USD): Even with its relatively high price ETH has 5x upside.
  • XRP (XRP-USD): XRP is free legally and remains the top cross-border transaction token.
  • Cardano (ADA-USD): Strong fundamentals and low price are the prime factors for Cardano.
Mar 7, 2024

How much will crypto grow by 2025? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction 2030
2024$ 63,760.62
2025$ 66,948.65
2026$ 70,296.08
2027$ 73,810.88
1 more row

What will happen to crypto in 2024? ›

In 2024, the block reward will be reduced to 3.125 bitcoin, which is worth around $200,122 as of April 19 at the time of publication. However, since bitcoin mining typically requires expensive hardware and a vast amount of energy, it can be an expensive endeavor.

How big will crypto be in 2030? ›

By 2030, we predict that Bitcoin could reach a high of $160,000. Other crypto analysts suggest even higher price targets ranging from $427,000 to $1.5 million per Bitcoin.

Which cheap crypto will explode in 2024? ›

Here's our list of cryptos that will explode in 2024:
  • Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE) – A multi-chain Doge token expected to boom in 2024.
  • Slothana (SLOTH) – A hot Solana meme token raising over $550K in a few hours.
  • Mega Dice (DICE) – A popular crypto casino offers daily rewards to token holders.

What small crypto will explode in 2024? ›

Which Crypto Will Explode In 2024?
  • Top Cryptocurrencies Set to Explode In 2024. ...
  • Solana (SOL) ...
  • The Graph (GRT) ...
  • Sei (SEI) ...
  • Cosmos (ATOM) ...
  • Factors to consider in predicting explosive growth. ...
  • Historical context of the crypto market. ...
  • Current trends in the crypto landscape.
5 days ago

Will dogecoin reach $1 in 2024? ›

Future Outlook: Amidst expectations of sustained bullish momentum, DOGE price predictions for 2024-2030 indicate potential for significant growth, with projections ranging from $0.4 to $5.5. However, market sentiment and potential bearish pressures may influence short-term fluctuations.

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Bitcoin Overview
YearMinimum PriceMaximum Price
8 more rows

What happens every 4 years to Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin “halving,” a preprogrammed event that occurs roughly every four years, impacts the production of bitcoin. Miners use farms of noisy, specialized computers to solve convoluted math puzzles; and when they complete one, they get a fixed number of bitcoins as a reward.

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Speaking to Cointelegraph, Swyftx lead analyst Pav Hundal looked to the price action that occurred following previous halvings to predict a price increase of at least 100% by the 2028 halving, which would put Bitcoin somewhere around the $120,000 mark.

Will crypto rise again 2024? ›

Thinking about investing in the popular cryptocurrency? A recent report predicts that Bitcoin will reach a new all-time high in 2024. Bitcoin (BTC) is expected to reach a new record of $88,000 (€82,000) throughout the year, before it settles around $77,000 at the end of 2024, according to a new report.

Which crypto will boom in 2026? ›

Here are three cryptos with tenfold growth potential by 2026. Ethereum (ETH-USD): Approval of spot ETFs has this crypto rallying hard right now. Bitcoin (BTC-USD): An upcoming halving event could push the largest crypto to new all-time highs.

Which meme coin will explode in 2024? ›

KangaMoon (KANG) tops our list as the most promising meme coin. Its ongoing presale has attracted interest from traders all over the world. It has already raised $4.9M, and projections hint that it will reach $6M by the end of April 2024.

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Binance Coin (BNB)

Its market cap has already doubled since the beginning of 2024, getting very close to previous 2021 all-time-highs. BNB is extremely liquid, given its primary listing on Binance, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.