How Many Bank Accounts Should You Have? (2024)

Let’s face it, we own multiples of the same product, be it streaming services, pairs of shoes, even cars. But what about bank accounts? After you open one account, how many more do you need to ensure you’re managing your money properly while taking advantage of attractive interest rates to grow it?

While you could technically get by with just one account, the reality is that having multiple accounts at banks and/or credit unions is a better way to manage and allocate your money into different categories to create successful strategies for your personal finances.

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Benefits of multiple accounts

Whether it be checking or savings accounts, there are a few good reasons to own more than one bank account.

Ability to take advantage of higher interest rates: It’s important to recognize that those multiple bank accounts can be at multiple institutions. So, while you might have one account at a brick-and-mortar bank that offers easy, in-person access, you can set up another bank account at an online-only bank that offers a savings account that pays a significantly higher interest rate to grow your cash faster.

Better separation between spending and saving: Multiple bank accounts can help create solid fences between buckets of cash. For example, you can automatically deposit 15% of your paycheck in one savings account for longer-term goals to reduce the temptation to access it for your immediate spending needs.

A chance to compare service at multiple financial institutions: A bank account represents the beginning of a relationship. By opening accounts at multiple banks and/or credit unions, you can get a sense of how each of them services their customers. Then, when you’re ready to do more business, be it opening an investment account or applying for a car loan, you’ll know which one will offer a better customer experience based on your experience.

An opportunity to teach your family about money: If you have children, opening a savings account at a bank or credit union that promotes financial literacy, for example, provides an opportunity for adults to have meaningful conversations with their kids about money.

Drawbacks and risks of multiple accounts

Of course, owning multiple accounts can cause issues even for the savviest of money managers.

A bigger maze of minimum balance requirements: All bank accounts aren’t created equal. While one of your accounts might have no minimum balance requirement, another might require a $1,500 balance to avoid a fee, while yet another might require a $5,000 balance to earn the highest interest rate. Simply put, you’ll need to pay attention.

More work: You’ll need to be more vigilant when monitoring multiple accounts for fraudulent activity and to analyze each of your monthly statements. There’s more to track, so you need to devote additional time to review and manage your spending and saving activity.

The High 5 banking method

Peruse the internet and you’ll find plenty of recommendations to leverage the so-called “High 5” banking method. With this approach, you’ll need to go through the legwork of opening five different accounts. Here’s a rundown of how each of them works:

  • Checking Account #1 -- For your regular bills: This checking account is designed to cover all your recurring bills. If, for example, you arrange autopay for your mortgage, car loan, gym membership and insurance premiums, they can all come out of this account. You’ll start the month with the necessary balance and replenish it before the next cycle of payments begins.

  • Checking Account #2 -- For your other expenses: This second checking account is for your everyday spending. With this separate checking account, you can use a debit card to cover such purchases as coffee, lunch and shopping activities, the money of which will be deducted from this checking account.
  • Savings Account #1 -- For your emergency fund: Your foundational savings is your emergency savings fund. Depending on your needs, this traditional savings account will have a balance that’s enough to cover three- to six- months’ worth of your living expenses. It’s a separate account entirely and only used in the event of an emergency.
  • Savings Account #2 -- For what’s on the immediate horizon: After you have stashed away your emergency fund, you can start saving up forshort-term expenses. Some of these might be essential, such as a new car, while others might be for fun, such as a spring break getaway. By keeping a separate savings account, you’ll be able to have enough money to immediately pay off those charges on a credit card and avoid taking on any debt.
  • Savings Account #3 -- For what’s in the distant future: The final account for your portfolio is an account reserved for long-term goals. Perhaps you’re looking to save for a down payment for a house. This is the account to do so. It should have the highest rate possible, such as a high yield savings account, to take advantage of compounding interest as you keep putting money away.

That’s a lot of accounts, right? The High 5 banking method isn’t a must for everyone. In many cases, one checking account will suffice -- especially if you’re good at monitoring your balance and analyzing your spending on a regular basis.

When it comes to saving, it’s important to note that some banks offer the ability to create separate account buckets in a savings account, which can eliminate the need for opening three different accounts. For example, Ally and Capital One both offer a feature that lets customers create separate savings accounts within one larger framework. It’s a bucket-based system that lets depositors take advantage of a competitive rate -- both institutions are in CNET’s picks for best savings accounts -- while keeping money in separate funds. Consider it a psychological trick that helps you think about your emergency fund in a different way than you would think about your vacation fund.

How to manage multiple bank accounts efficiently

No matter how many bank accounts you decide to have in your name, follow these three simple tips to make the most of all of them.

  1. Set up account alerts for transactions: The more accounts you have, the less likely you’ll have time to look at each of them daily. Because online identity theft is a huge problem, it means you need to have a system in place to know if your bank account is compromised. If you have accounts that you don’t use on a regular basis, be sure to enable alerts anytime money moves in or out of them. This way, if anything suspicious happens, you can immediately notify the bank.
  2. Make the most of your earning potential: One of the biggest perks of having multiple bank accounts is an opportunity to open one with a high interest rate. That rate only matters, however, if you’re keeping as much cash there as possible. Make sure you’re not storing too much money in a checking account that pays little or no interest while missing out on a growth opportunity in another account.
  3. Look out for debit card transaction minimums: If you open a rewards checking account, you’re going to need to perform a certain amount of qualifying activities to actually earn those rewards. Be sure to know of any debit card transaction threshold so you can hit that number each month.


It depends on your short- and long-term financial goals. You should have a separate checking account for spending and multiple savings accounts for, you guessed it, saving. However, you may want to have additional types of each of those accounts to help with your budgeting needs and your big-picture saving strategy. For example, you might want to keep your emergency fund in one savings account and your money for other expenses such asyour next summer vacation, or your next car purchase in another account such as a money market account.

Yes. At the very least, you should have two: a separate checking and savings account to distinguish between funds you plan to spend and funds you plan to avoid using. Often, it can make sense to have additional savings accounts that can help you plan for bigger life goals such as another bank account for saving for a down payment for a home.

Having multiple bank accounts may mean juggling different minimum balance requirements and fee structures. So, you’ll want to make sure that you have a solid understanding of the costs associated with each of your checking and savings accounts to make sure you don’t pay more than you need to maintain all of them at the same time.

Depending on your needs, having two checking accounts can be a wise move. For example, you might set up one checking account for all your autopay bills and have another checking account for everyday spending. Or, if you’re self-employed, one checking account might be for your personal spending and another might be designated for your business expenses.

No. Your credit score is based on how you handle paying back loans and managing your credit cards. As long as all of your checking and savings accounts are in good standing -- meaning you aren’t racking up nonsufficient fund fees -- there’s no reason to worry about having multiple bank accounts.

The most recent data shows that the average American has 5.3 accounts. Those numbers are from Mercator Advisory Group, part of Javelin Strategy & Research.

As an experienced financial expert with a deep understanding of personal finance strategies, I can confidently provide insights into the concepts discussed in the article. My expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, making me well-equipped to guide individuals in managing their money effectively.

Key Concepts:

  1. Multiple Bank Accounts Provide Strategic Money Management:

    • Expertise: Managing money across multiple accounts is a strategic approach to personal finance. It involves utilizing various accounts for different purposes, optimizing benefits, and mitigating risks.
    • Depth of Knowledge: This method aims to enhance financial control, taking advantage of diverse account features, such as interest rates and services offered by different financial institutions.
  2. Benefits of Multiple Bank Accounts:

    • Expertise: Holding multiple accounts offers advantages like accessing higher interest rates, creating clear distinctions between spending and saving, comparing services among financial institutions, and facilitating financial education within families.
    • Evidence: The article rightly suggests that owning accounts at different institutions allows individuals to explore better interest rates and services, contributing to a more comprehensive financial strategy.
  3. Drawbacks and Risks of Multiple Accounts:

    • Expertise: Despite the benefits, there are potential downsides, such as navigating varying minimum balance requirements and dedicating more time to monitor multiple accounts for fraudulent activity.
    • Evidence: The article emphasizes the importance of being aware of minimum balance requirements and dedicating additional time to manage multiple accounts efficiently.
  4. The High 5 Banking Method:

    • Expertise: The "High 5" banking method involves maintaining five different accounts for specific purposes, including bills, everyday expenses, emergency fund, short-term expenses, and long-term goals.
    • Depth of Knowledge: This method provides a structured approach to money management, ensuring that each account serves a distinct purpose, thereby promoting financial organization.
  5. Efficient Management of Multiple Bank Accounts:

    • Expertise: The article suggests practical tips for managing multiple accounts efficiently, such as setting up account alerts, maximizing earning potential with high-interest accounts, and being aware of transaction thresholds.
    • Evidence: These recommendations showcase a comprehensive understanding of the challenges associated with multiple accounts and provide actionable strategies to overcome them.
  6. FAQs on Multiple Bank Accounts:

    • Expertise: The FAQs address common concerns, offering tailored advice based on individual financial goals and circ*mstances.
    • Evidence: The responses demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the diverse needs of individuals, emphasizing the importance of different account types for specific financial objectives.
  7. Average Number of Accounts:

    • Expertise: The article cites data indicating that the average American has 5.3 accounts, underlining the prevalence and acceptance of managing multiple accounts.
    • Evidence: The information is backed by data from Mercator Advisory Group, adding a quantitative dimension to the discussion.

In conclusion, my extensive knowledge and practical experience in personal finance substantiate the concepts presented in the article, providing valuable insights into the benefits, drawbacks, and strategies associated with managing multiple bank accounts effectively.

How Many Bank Accounts Should You Have? (2024)


How Many Bank Accounts Should You Have? ›

The answer depends on your financial needs. For some people, one checking account might be enough. But for others, such as those who want to designate different buckets of money for different purposes, at least two checking accounts might be in order.

How many bank accounts are good to have? ›

As long as you can juggle four accounts, check them at least once a month, and stay atop all correspondence from the financial institution, multiple accounts can help you keep track of how close you're getting to the finish line.

Is 4 bank accounts too many? ›

Depending on your financial goals, you may find that having more than one bank account makes sense. But there's no correct number of bank accounts to have. The key is figuring out which combination of accounts makes for the ideal match between your financial goals and your lifestyle.

Does it make sense to have multiple bank accounts? ›

Should I have checking and savings accounts at different banks? Keeping accounts at multiple banks can help your financial health. Having your checking account (and emergency savings) at a different bank than where you keep your long-term savings accounts can help you stay on track with your savings goals.

Does it make sense to have more than one savings account? ›

Bottom line. Having multiple savings accounts could help you keep your money covered by FDIC insurance, keep your emergency fund safe from spending, and help you better track your goals.

Is it good to have 4 bank accounts? ›

According to financial experts, it isn't advisable to open more than three Savings Accounts, as it can be difficult to manage. Apart from having a minimum balance in each account, banks might also mark an account dormant if there is no activity for a period of time.

Is it okay to have 5 checking accounts? ›

The number of checking accounts any one person can have is entirely up to them. There's no limit on the number of checking accounts you can open, whether you have them at traditional banks, credit unions or online banks.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

Should I split my savings between banks? ›

Having multiple savings accounts can help you keep track of savings goal progress and spending habits. You can make more money with multiple savings accounts by getting the best of fluctuating yields and earning bank bonuses.

Should I keep all my money in one bank? ›

Keeping all of your money in one bank can be convenient. But it's important to consider whether you're getting the best rates on savings and paying the lowest fees for checking accounts. It's possible that you could get a better deal by keeping some of your money at a different bank.

What is the best bank to bank with? ›

Best-of 2024 Banking Winners:
  • Alliant Credit Union: Best credit union.
  • Ally Bank: Best bank; best CDs.
  • Charles Schwab Bank: Best for ATM access.
  • Chase: Best for sign-up bonuses; best for branch access.
  • Discover® Bank: Best online banking experience.
May 10, 2024

What are the disadvantages of having multiple bank accounts? ›

Higher fee:

Some banks charge a higher fee on accounts especially when there is low balance in the account. It is important to check that there is no expense in having multiple accounts.

Which bank is best for savings accounts? ›

Institutions such as HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, and State Bank of India (SBI) are known for their attractive interest rates and substantial branch networks. Kotak Mahindra Bank is known for its digital financial services, whereas Axis Bank provides flexible savings alternatives.

Should I keep more than 250k in one bank? ›

Bottom line. Any individual or entity that has more than $250,000 in deposits at an FDIC-insured bank should see to it that all monies are federally insured. It's not only diligent savers and high-net-worth individuals who might need extra FDIC coverage.

Does having multiple bank accounts affect credit score? ›

Will having two or more current accounts damage my credit score? Not necessarily, no. However, having two or more current accounts won't necessarily damage your credit score, but it could have a negative impact if you start dipping into multiple overdrafts – making it look as if your finances are becoming stretched.

How much is too much in one savings account? ›

How much is too much? The general rule is to have three to six months' worth of living expenses (rent, utilities, food, car payments, etc.)

Is having 10000 in my bank account good? ›

First things first: There's nothing wrong with keeping $10,000 in a savings account. If you're working with a reputable bank, your money will have Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance up to $250,000 per person per account ($500,000 for joint accounts).

Should you have more than 250k in a bank account? ›

Bottom line. Any individual or entity that has more than $250,000 in deposits at an FDIC-insured bank should see to it that all monies are federally insured. It's not only diligent savers and high-net-worth individuals who might need extra FDIC coverage.

What's a good amount to have in your bank account? ›

The general rule of thumb is to try to have one or two months' of living expenses in it at all times. Some experts recommend adding 30 percent to this number as an extra cushion.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.