How Long Would it Take to Brute Force a Bitcoin Wallet? (2024)

How Long Would it Take to Brute Force a Bitcoin Wallet? (1)

Key Takeaways:

  • Brute force attacks on Bitcoin wallets involve systematically guessing every possible combination of a private key until the correct one is found
  • While it’s theoretically possible to crack a bitcoin wallet through brute force, the chances of success are virtually impossible with current technology
  • To protect your Bitcoin wallet against potential attacks, ensure that you use strong passwords and passphrases

How Long Would it Take to Brute Force a Bitcoin Wallet?

The time it would take to brute force a Bitcoin wallet depends on several factors, such as the encryption strength of the wallet, the computing power used for the attack, the number of possible combinations, and the complexity of passwords or passphrases.

However, with current technology, successfully brute forcing a Bitcoin wallet is virtually impossible due to the large number of possible combinations and strong encryption used. Even with advanced computers, it could take millions to billions of years to crack a typical Bitcoin private key.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the fascinating realm of brute force attempts on Bitcoin wallets, factors affecting the time required for such an attack, and whether it’s even possible to crack a private key using this method.

Moreover, we’ll discuss practical ways you can fortify your wallet against unauthorized access.

Brute Force Attacks on Bitcoin Wallets

Brute force attacks are an attempt to guess a password or private key by trying every possible combination until the right one is found, and while successful attacks have occurred on Bitcoin wallets in the past, they are becoming increasingly rare due to improved security measures.

Understanding Brute Force and Bitcoin Wallets

Brute force attacks, in the context of Bitcoin wallets, refer to a trial-and-error method where an attacker systematically tries multiple combinations to gain unauthorized access.

The sole purpose of this attack is to find the correct private key that enables them to control and transfer bitcoins stored in a wallet.

A Bitcoin wallet consists of two keys: a public key and a private key. The public key is akin to your email address – it’s what you share with others when receiving funds.

On the other hand, your private key can be compared with your email password; providing complete access and control over your funds. It is crucial to keep this private key secure as losing it means you lose access to all the assets within that particular wallet.

But while brute force attempts may seem incredibly daunting or mathematically impossible on paper, real-life examples show that hackers continue exploiting vulnerabilities within cryptocurrency technologies and user behaviors alike – underscoring why vigilance remains vital for crypto beginners everywhere embarking upon their digital asset journey!

Factors Affecting the Time to Brute Force a Bitcoin Wallet

Several factors determine the time it takes to brute force a Bitcoin wallet, making it crucial for crypto beginners to understand these variables in order to better protect their assets. The key factors include:

  1. Wallet’s encryption strength: With most wallets using strong encryption such as 256-bit, it makes cracking private keys exponentially more challenging and time-consuming.
  2. Computing power: The speed of the attacker’s computer plays a significant role in how long it would take to brute force a Bitcoin wallet; stronger computational power typically results in faster attacks.
  3. Number of combinations: A higher number of possible combinations for private keys or passwords increases the difficulty and time required to successfully brute force a Bitcoin wallet.
  4. Password complexity: Using unique and complex passwords consisting of a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters can drastically increase the time needed for an attacker to successfully crack a wallet password.
  5. Wallet type: Different types of wallets (hot wallets, cold wallets, hardware wallets) offer varying levels of security against brute force attacks. Cold storage solutions like hardware wallets tend to offer greater protection than online hot wallets.
  6. Attacker’s methodology: The effectiveness and efficiency of the attack depend on various strategies such as distributed attacks, dictionary attacks, or sophisticated algorithms designed specifically for cracking cryptocurrency wallets.

Can Brute Force Attacks Crack a Bitcoin Private Key?

While brute force attacks on Bitcoin private keys are mathematically close to impossible, it’s worth examining the potential for future technological advancements that could change this.

How Powerful Computers Attempt to Crack Bitcoin Private Keys

Powerful computers, such as supercomputers and quantum computers, have been developed to perform complex calculations at incredibly fast speeds.

Even with advanced technology like IBM’s Summit – the world’s fastest supercomputer –the task of brute forcing a 256-bit long bitcoin private key remains extremely challenging.

As we move closer towards developing real quantum computing capabilities, concerns about their potential impact on blockchain security arise. Quantum computers may be able to crack Bitcoin private keys much faster than traditional systems due to their ability for parallel processing and superior computational power.

The Chances of Successful Brute Force Attacks

While it may be technically possible to brute force a Bitcoin private key, the chances of success are incredibly slim. In fact, attempting to guess a 256-bit number (the length of a typical private key) through trial and error would take an incomprehensible amount of time – estimated at anywhere between millions to billions of years.

And even if someone were able to generate vast numbers of guesses per second, the probability of finding the correct private key is still minuscule.

How yo Secure Your Bitcoin Wallet Against Brute Force Attacks

Secure your Bitcoin wallet against brute force attacks by using strong and unique passwords or passphrases, implementing two-factor authentication, and keeping your private keys offline.

Using Strong Passwords and Passphrases

One of the most important things you can do to protect your Bitcoin wallet against brute force attacks is to use a strong password or passphrase. Here are some tips for creating a strong password or passphrase:

  1. Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  2. Do not use easily guessable information such as your name, birthdate, or address.
  3. Use a random sequence of characters that is at least 12 characters long for passwords and 16-24 characters long for passphrases.
  4. Consider using a password manager to generate and store strong passwords and passphrases.

Remember, a strong password or passphrase is crucial for securing your Bitcoin wallet against brute force attacks. A simple password can be cracked in just a few milliseconds, while a more complex passphrase can take weeks or even longer to crack. So take the time to create a strong password or passphrase and protect your investment in cryptocurrencies.

Implementing Two-Factor Authentication

One of the most effective ways to improve Bitcoin wallet security is by implementing two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA adds an extra layer of protection to your account, requiring a secondary proof of identity in addition to your password.

This means that even if someone guesses or cracks your password through brute force attacks, they won’t be able to access your Bitcoins without also having access to another form of identification such as a fingerprint scan or authenticator app.

Google Authenticator and Authy are examples of popular 2FA authenticator apps that work with Bitcoin wallets.

Keeping Your Private Keys Offline

One of the safest ways to protect your Bitcoin wallet from brute force attacks is to keep your private keys offline. This method, also known as cold storage, involves storing your private keys on a physical device like a USB drive or paper wallet that is not connected to the internet.

It’s important to remember that responsibility for securing your Bitcoin funds lies solely with you as there is no bank or institution protecting them. By using offline storage methods, you reduce the risk of hackers gaining access to your private keys and stealing your Bitcoins.

Real-Life Examples of Brute Force Attacks on Bitcoin Wallets

The most prominent real-life example of a brute force attack on a Bitcoin wallet is the infamous Mt Gox hack, where hackers were able to steal 850,000 Bitcoins worth around $450 million at that time by exploiting a vulnerability in the exchange’s system.

The Mt Gox Hack

In 2011, the world’s largest bitcoin exchange at the time, Mt. Gox, was hacked by a cybercriminal who breached their security measures and stole about 6% of all bitcoin in existence at that time.

This amounted to around 740,000 bitcoins worth approximately €460 million. The hack was attributed to poor cybersecurity practices and weaknesses in Mt. Gox’s digital wallet system.

As a result of this high-profile theft incident, many crypto investors became more aware of the risks involved with keeping their cryptocurrencies on exchanges rather than offline wallets where they could better control security measures themselves.

Other Noteworthy Events

Bitcoin wallets have been the focus of several hacking attempts in the past. Here are some noteworthy events:

  1. The Bitfinex hack: In August 2016, the cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex was hacked, resulting in the loss of 119,756 bitcoins worth around $72 million at that time. The hackers were able to bypass the exchange’s security measures and gain access to their hot wallet.
  2. The Binance hack: In May 2019, Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, suffered a hack that resulted in the theft of 7,000 bitcoins worth over $40 million at that time. The hacker was able to obtain API keys, two-factor authentication codes and other information to withdraw funds from multiple BTC hot wallets.
  3. The QuadrigaCX case: In January 2019, Canadian cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX filed for bankruptcy protection following the death of its founder Gerald Cotten. It was discovered that Cotten had sole access to cold wallet private keys containing over $150 million in cryptocurrencies owned by users.

These events highlight the importance of securing your Bitcoin wallet against potential threats such as hacks and thefts. It is crucial to use strong passwords or passphrases and implement two-factor authentication measures for added security. Hardware wallets are also an option for those who want an extra layer of protection for their private keys.

Lessons Learned and Best Practices

To protect your Bitcoin wallet against brute force attacks, it is crucial to follow some best practices and learn from past incidents. Firstly, use strong passwords or passphrases for your wallet that include a combination of upper and lowercase letters, special characters, and numbers.

Keeping private keys offline in cold storage is another way to safeguard against cybercriminals attempting to access them remotely.

Real-life examples have taught us that even large cryptocurrency exchanges like Mt Gox are not immune to theft by hackers. Storing coins on an exchange may seem convenient but consider self-custody alternatives such as hardware wallets instead.


Is It Possible to Crack Bitcoin Wallet Passwords?

It’s theoretically possible to crack a Bitcoin wallet password through brute force attacks, but it would require an enormous amount of computational power and time. A five-character password could be cracked in as little as a fifth of a millisecond, while a more complex password like ‘[emailprotected]’ could take around 14 weeks to crack.

Can Brute Force Attacks Crack Bitcoin Wallet Seed Phrases?

A Bitcoin wallet seed phrase is a 12 to 24-word combination of words that are randomly generated and used to create the private key. The seed phrase is essentially a backup for the private key, allowing users to retrieve their funds in case they lose access to their original private key.

How Hard is It to Brute Force Bitcoin?

Brute forcing a Bitcoin private key is incredibly difficult and close to mathematically impossible. A private wallet key is simply a random 256-bit number, making it extremely challenging for anyone attempting to brute force it.

Is It Possible to Brute Force a Bitcoin Wallet?

It is possible to brute force a Bitcoin wallet by trying to guess the private key using different combinations. However, the task is extremely difficult and the number of possible combinations is expected to be higher than the number of atoms in the universe (estimated to be between 1 and 115 quattuorvigintillion) as well as the strength of the hashing algorithm that secures Bitcoin.

What is the Hashing Algorithm That Secures Bitcoin?

Bitcoin uses SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit) to secure transactions and generate new blocks in the blockchain. This algorithm is extremely secure and has not been successfully broken or compromised to date.

What Happens if Someone Tries to Brute Force a Bitcoin Wallet?

If someone tries to brute force a Bitcoin wallet, they will effectively be trying to break into the wallet and steal the contents. This is illegal and goes against the principles of Bitcoin and blockchain technology.

Is It True That Brute Forcing Bitcoin Would Effectively Take Forever?

Yes, it is true that brute forcing Bitcoin would effectively take forever. The combination of the immense number of possible keys and the strong hashing algorithm used by Bitcoin makes it virtually impossible to crack a wallet without the private key.

Conclusion: How Long Does It Take to Brute Force a Bitcoin Wallet and How to Protect Yourself

In conclusion, brute force attacks on Bitcoin wallets and private keys are a real concern for crypto enthusiasts. However, it’s important to note that the chances of successfully cracking a private key or seed phrase through brute force are virtually impossible with current technology.

Even if an attacker were to use hundreds of powerful computers, it could take millions of years to crack just one wallet.

To protect yourself from potential attacks, it’s crucial to use strong passwords and passphrases when creating your wallet or encrypting your private key.

While quantum computing may potentially change this landscape in the future, for now, we can rest assured that our Bitcoins remain safe as long as we follow best security practices.

How Long Would it Take to Brute Force a Bitcoin Wallet? (2024)


How Long Would it Take to Brute Force a Bitcoin Wallet? ›

It takes 0.002 seconds for this progam to brute force a single Bitcoin address. However, through multiprocessing. Process() a concurrent process is created for every CPU your computer has. So this program can brute force a single address at a speed of 0.002 ÷ cpu_count() seconds.

How long would it take to crack Bitcoin encryption? ›

Webber's team calculated that breaking bitcoin's encryption in a 10-minute window would require a quantum computer with 1.9 billion qubits, while cracking it in an hour would require a machine with 317 million qubits. Even allowing for a whole day, this figure only drops to 13 million qubits.

How long does it take to open a Bitcoin wallet? ›

Before you start using cryptocurrency, you'll have to set up a crypto wallet that can hold the public and private keys used to prove your coins belong to you. This can be an intimidating proposition for people who are new to crypto, but it only takes a few minutes.

Who lost the password to a USB drive worth $235 million? ›

They Cracked the Code to a Locked USB Drive Worth $235 Million in Bitcoin. Then It Got Weird. Stefan Thomas lost the password to an encrypted USB drive holding 7,002 bitcoins. One team of hackers believes they can unlock it—if they can get Thomas to let them.

What is the hardest to crack encryption? ›

AES 256-bit encryption is the strongest and most robust encryption standard that is commercially available today. While it is theoretically true that AES 256-bit encryption is harder to crack than AES 128-bit encryption, AES 128-bit encryption has never been cracked.

What is the easiest way to open a Bitcoin wallet? ›

Creating a Bitcoin wallet is as easy as installing an app on your mobile device or laptop/desktop. When you install the app, your Bitcoin wallet is automatically created.

How much does it cost to open a Bitcoin wallet? ›

How much money do I need to open a crypto wallet? It depends. Hardware-based wallets generally cost between $100 and $200, though many software-based wallets are free. Most don't require you to actually own any cryptocurrency.

How long does it take to liquidate Bitcoin? ›

‍A: Bitcoin ATMs allow you to sell Bitcoin in exchange for cash. You need to verify your identity, typically through a government-issued ID, phone number, and a picture. You then send Bitcoin to the ATM's wallet and receive cash equivalent. The transaction process can take around 10-20 minutes.

Can Bitcoin encryption be broken? ›

A private key can theoretically be decrypted. However, one key is an encrypted number between one and 2256, or 115 quattuorvigintillion (a quattuorvigintillion is a 1 followed by 75 zeros). It would take centuries, possibly millennia, to break the encryption with current technology.

How strong is Bitcoin encryption? ›

Back in 1995, the US National Security Agency (NSA) came up with a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) called SHA-01. That was cutting edge security at the time. Today, Bitcoin uses a much stronger hash algorithm called SHA-256. The process of hashing is basically just converting a message into a secret code: a hash.

Is it possible to crack a Bitcoin private key? ›

The security mechanisms of Bitcoin, from its private keys to the blockchain network, are designed to offer robust protection against hacking and cracking attempts. While the theoretical possibility of hacking a Bitcoin private key exists, the practicality of such an endeavor is virtually nil with current technology.

How fast can a quantum computer crack SHA-256? ›

4.1. 2 Symmetric Encryption
CryptosystemCategoryTime Required to Break Systemb
RSAdAsymmetric encryption3.58 hours 28.63 hours 229 hours
ECC Discrete-log probleme-gAsymmetric encryption10.5 hours 37.67 hours 55 hours
SHA256hBitcoin mining1.8 × 104 years
PBKDF2 with 10,000 iterationsiPassword hashing2.3 × 107 years
1 more row

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