How Long Does It Take To Master Python? Various Python Learning Levels | upGrad blog (2024)

The more we progress, the more the importance of programming languages increases. Presently, a handful of programming languages are at the top of the list, and Python is surely one of them. From software development to building a website, most areas related to coding will have Python.

Therefore, if you have not already considered learning it, then please do! But if you have already set your mind to start your journey of learning one of the most popular programming languages, Python, and wondering how long it takes to learn Python, then worry not. Keep on reading, and you will get answers to your questions!

Before finding the answer to the question of how long does it take to learn Python, let us gather some fundamental knowledge about the programming language itself. It will not only lay a foundation for you but will also help you understand how many days required to learn Python for you.

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted, high-level, and general-purpose programming language. The language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.

The Python Process

Python being open-source, you have plenty of tutorials and resources on the web to learn Python.

Before learning Python you need to choose which version of Python you want to acquaint yourself to. The latest version, 3.4, which has all the newer features and some bug fixes, but older versions have extensive libraries.

The next step is to get Python and that again depends upon the platform you are using such as, Mac, or Linux. But the best was to get Python is to get it from the source itself.

The next step is to select the text editor. You have plenty of text editors in the market but focus on those text editors that are adaptable to larger-scale projects, keeping in my mind the long term goal. In short, you need to find a balance between usability and power. So you can choose a simple text editor for using Python in the integrated development environment (IDE). An IDE is a powerful text editor. IDEs enable users to write, debug, and compile text efficiently. IDEs are more complicated to learn and take up more memory.

Why Learn Python

Learning Python is a good use of your time. But Python takes time to learn since it is such a complex language. Although Python is complex, with extensive libraries to learn and navigate through, Python’s syntax is reasonably simple, and the concepts are relatively easy to grasp. The easy syntax makes it suitable for fast learning and adds to the streamlined coding experience.

Python has vast varieties of libraries that streamline the coding process. Since Python is an open source, the list of libraries and resources constantly grows. Read more on why learning python will help your career.

Here are a few more reasons to learn Python:

  • It is high-level programming that flawlessly works on various platforms like Windows, Linux, Mac, Raspberry Pi, etc.
  • Since it runs on an interpreter system, the code can be run instantly as we write. So, prototyping is extremely swift.
  • The python learning time is less because it features easy-to-understand syntax like the English language.
  • Python can be used procedurally and functionally.
  • Its syntax allows developers to write programs in fewer lines quickly.
  • The time required to learn python is low because it supports the feature of swiftly writing complex tasks.
  • Python is quite helpful in data science and AI.
  • Python is extensively used in Internet of Things applications.
  • Beginner Python learners can rapidly learn its basics and gradually write its scripts to automate data. So, the python learning time is less.
  • The built-in powerful library packages fulfill data science and analytical requirements. Also, Python is prioritized for big data applications.
  • Its modules, Integration, Optimization, Signal and image processing, Linear algebra, ODE solvers, FFT, etc., are useful in technical and scientific computing.
  • Due to the low learning curve, Python is very helpful for web development.

Now that you know what is Python, how Python works, and why you should be learning Python, let us get an overall idea of how long it takes to learn python. This section will give a brief idea; however, it is totally up to you, how many days to learn Python do you want to devote or how many hours to learn Python is at ease for you.

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How Long Is This Going to Take Master Python?

When talking about how many weeks or how many days required to learn Python it takes to learn Python, It takes around 8 weeks to learn Python basics on average. This includes learning basic syntax, links if statements, loops, variables, functions, and data types. Like learning any new programming language, how quickly you adapt yourself with the Python language basics and also depends upon how much time you spend learning the language. The learning duration depends on your schedule, and what you want and how much you want to learn.

On average it takes about 6-8 weeks to learn the basics. This gets you enough time to understand most lines of code in Python. If you want to become an expert in Python and its field and plan on getting into data science then months and years of learning is needed.

The online courses and classroom courses assure one can learn Python in one or two months, but that is again basics and to learn it completely is something difficult and an impressive feat, and it is not to be taken lightly.

Again if you are a working professional, learning basic Python can take much more time than learning it as a student. The best way to learn is to join a coding bootcamp.

Our learners also read: Top Python Free Courses

Another option is to devote yourself to Python for five months. This is for those of you who work full time. The plan must be to spend 2-3 hours a day on the computer. Learn one day, practice the same thing the other day. This needs to be done daily in order to ensure you learn consistently and efficiently. Doing complete data science online certification will help you master python and other tools and languages that are necessary to compete in this fast paced market.

Learning Python demands dedication and honesty. The learning process is worth spending time since it drastically improves your job prospects.

If you want to learn Python to automate some specific tasks at work, you can achieve that more rapidly than if you aimed to learn Python to secure a job as a data analyst. The less time required to learn python helps you to master it and get a pertinent job easily.

You can remove confusion on how long does it take to learn python by taking up online courses and tutorials. To shift from awareness to ability, you must go through online tutorials and courses that introduce you to all vital concepts of Python. Keep in mind that developing your Python ability demands focus and determination. So, ensure you carefully and efficiently attend the online course sessions and tutorials to reduce the learning time.

You can quickly master it, and the answer to the question ‘how long does it take to learn python’ will be a few weeks if you begin writing Python code logic. You must be proficient in English and have prior programming experience. The programming exposure ensures your question on how many days to learn python is answered as one month.

You must know at least the following Python programming concepts:

  • Data types
  • Python’s syntax
  • Flow control structures, such as the for loop, the while loop, and conditional statements
  • Classes and object-oriented programming
  • Functions and scopes
  • Decorators, generators, and iterators
  • Popular packages in the standard library, including pathlib and collections
  • Best practices for writing Pythonic code

To reduce Python learning time, you must know how to:

  • Manage Python dependencies
  • Write and handle exceptions
  • Debug your code to detect and solve errors
  • Test your Python apps
  • Set up Python development environment
  • Understand packages and modules and how to use popular packages in Python’s widespread third-party ecosystem

Usually, beginners ask how many days to learn python because they are unfamiliar with the coding skills and practice it needs. If you can master coding and practice it, you can use Python for the following applications:

  • Data Science
  • Machine learning
  • Web development
  • REST API programming
  • GUI programming
  • DevOps
  • Pygame game development
  • Embedded programming

This list is limited; and for each field, there is a lot to explore. Remember that you will have unique expertise in each area. For example, you can be an expert in any of these topics while a beginner in other topics. The key to learning Python in less time is to keep practicing the programming concepts and the important Python libraries.

You can master Python in less time if you learn the following fundamental building blocks of Python programming:

  • Numbers and arithmetic operations
  • Variables
  • Functions
  • Strings and string manipulations
  • Data structures (lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries)
  • Loops (‘for’ loops, and ‘while’ loops)
  • Logic and Conditional Flow
  • Object-Oriented Programming (Classes and Objects)

Factors influencing the time it takes to master Python:

Now that you have got an idea of how long to learn Python can generally be, you must also know about the factors that might affect the planning of yours. Here are some factors influencing how quickly you learn Python:

1. Prior programming experience:

The answer to how much time required to learn python significantly depends on your programming experience. You can easily and quickly master Python if you have done coding before.

2. Time devoted to learning:

The answer to how much time it takes to learn python depends on the time you spent learning. Ask yourself how much time you can dedicate to learning and practicing Python. Generally, it is recommended to dedicate one hour every day to Python learning.

3. Ability to learn new tools:

With a myriad of people working on this programming language, it is always better to learn new tools. So, how much time it takes to learn python also depends on your potential to learn new tools. Your Python learning time will be less if you are competent enough at learning new tools and technologies.

4. Learning method:

You can pick up well-structured and reliable courses that align your Python learning goal and also accelerate your learning.

Learning useful libraries and functionalities:

The exact answer to how much time required to learn python can be found if you know which libraries and functionalities to learn. Python comes with lots of libraries and functionalities but you only need to learn the most important ones. It means that mastering Python is an ongoing process where you would learn the important concepts as you require it.

Also Read:42 Exciting Python Project Ideas

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How to Learn Python Step-by-step:

Even with all the pieces of information and resources in the world, you might fail in making a step-by-step to-do list that can make your learning process efficient. Instead of throwing an arrow in the dark and wondering how long to learn Python, here is a step-by-step process curated from the experiences of learners who wanted to master Python. You can follow these steps to make your learning process more organized and efficient.

# Step 1: Find your motivations

Motivation is a must when you are pushing yourself to learn a new subject, especially one that is more on the technical side. How many days to learn Python significantly depends on your motivation.

Hence, ask yourself why you want to learn Python and keep reminding yourself of the reasons when you feel like the learning process is becoming monotonous. Aim on some areas that interest you the most and keep on reminding yourself that you need to master them.

Some of the projects in which you may find interest can be,

  • Mobile apps
  • Websites
  • Games
  • Machine learning
  • Hardware/ Sensors/ Robots
  • Automation work

Choose one or two from these and start your learning!

# Step 2: Must learn Syntax fundamentals

Sad to say, but no matter how much you dislike Syntax, you still have to learn it and there is no skipping in this. All your motivation and determination are needed in this step!

However, stay focused on learning the basics of Syntax and move on to Step 3 as soon as possible. The reason is, that it does not matter how much time you spend on Syntax but how quickly to learn it and apply it to real-world projects.

Unless you start implementing what you learned, it will be of no use.

# Step 3: Work on beginner-friendly structured projects

Once you are done knowing the fundamentals of Syntax, it is time to implement it! Unless you start working on projects you would not be able to understand your interests, strengths, and areas of improvement.

The tip will be to start with smaller projects that you can finish quickly. It will help you learn about the projects and boost your confidence once completed.

Here are some blogs you can refer to where you will find beginner to advanced level Python project ideas.

  • Python Projects for Beginners- List of 7
  • Top 10 Real Time Python Projects
  • Python Database Projects for Beginners
  • 8 interesting Artificial Intelligence Projects in Python for Beginners
  • Top Machine Learning Projects in Python for Beginners

# Step 4: Work on your Python projects

Once you are done practicing structured projects, the next step will be to work on your projects. While you were working on those projects, you may have gotten an idea of what interests you and what does not.

So you can choose an area that interested you the most and start doing small projects on them.

Here are some reference ideas that you can take into consideration.

Machine Learning projects:

  • The algorithm that predicts weather
  • Stack market prediction tool
  • News article summarizing tools

Mobile App projects:

  • Steps tracking app
  • Chatbot
  • Chatting/ messaging app

Website projects:

  • Review websites
  • Note taking website
  • Calendar website for planning

Gaming Projects:

  • Puzzle Solving Game

Hardware/ sensor/ robot projects:

  • Body temperature detecting app
  • Smart alarm

Automation Project:

  • Data scraping tool

You can also be a part of communities like StackOverflow, where people discuss various programming-related issues or source reference material from Python Documentation.

# Step 5: Keep working on harder projects

Once you have worked on at least 20 smaller projects, you can move on to working on more complex projects.

You can either keep working on advanced-level projects in which you have the highest level of fluency or you can try to strengthen those areas where you feel like you need improvement.

We hope these steps will help answer your most asked questions about how long does it take to learn Python. The span to learn Python can range from candidates asking how many hours to learn Python to how many months it would take. In the end, it all comes down to your dedication to learning which decides the learning speed of the process.

Python Learning Levels

Learning Python has its own levels.

  • Elementary Python
  • Advanced Python
  • Professional Python

Learning elementary Python enables you to learn syntax, keywords, data types, functions, classes, and so forth. This takes around 8 weeks for an intermediate programmer to master.

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Learning advanced Python comprises multi-threading, data synchronization methods, socket programming, socket programming, database programming, and so forth. It would depend on the nature of the work. The time to learn these techniques strictly depends upon the skill level of the learner.

Learning professional Python is all about using concepts like Data analytics, executing libraries/packages, image processing, and so forth. These are complex technologies. There are both online and offline courses for learning these techniques. Again, the time to learn these complex techniques varies from 2 weeks to a month depending on the depth of the content.

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As an expert in programming languages and Python, it's evident that the article you provided touches on various aspects of Python, its learning process, and its applications. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts discussed:

  1. Introduction to Python:

    • Python is an interpreted, high-level, and general-purpose programming language.
    • It follows an object-oriented approach and aims to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.
  2. Python Learning Process:

    • Python is open source, and there are plenty of tutorials and resources available online for learning.
    • Steps in the Python learning process include choosing a Python version, selecting a text editor or IDE, and understanding the basics of the language.
  3. Why Learn Python:

    • Python is versatile and can be used for software development, web development, data science, AI, Internet of Things (IoT), and more.
    • It has a high-level syntax, making it suitable for fast learning and providing a streamlined coding experience.
    • Python has extensive libraries that simplify the coding process, and it supports procedural and functional programming.
  4. Time to Learn Python:

    • On average, it takes about 6-8 weeks to learn the basics of Python, including syntax, variables, functions, and data types.
    • Becoming an expert in Python, especially for data science, may require months or even years of learning.
    • Factors influencing learning time include prior programming experience, time devoted to learning, ability to learn new tools, and the learning method.
  5. Python Programming Concepts:

    • Learners are advised to be familiar with data types, Python syntax, flow control structures (if statements, loops), classes, object-oriented programming, functions, scopes, decorators, generators, iterators, and popular packages in the standard library.
  6. Python Learning Levels:

    • Elementary Python involves learning syntax, keywords, data types, functions, and classes and takes around 8 weeks for an intermediate programmer.
    • Advanced Python includes multi-threading, data synchronization methods, socket programming, and database programming, with the time to learn depending on the nature of the work.
    • Professional Python involves complex concepts like data analytics, executing libraries/packages, and image processing, with the time to learn varying based on content depth.
  7. Learning Python Step-by-step:

    • The step-by-step learning process involves finding motivations, learning syntax fundamentals, working on beginner-friendly projects, advancing to personal projects, and tackling harder projects.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of learning Python, its applications, and the factors influencing the time required to become proficient. It emphasizes the importance of dedication, consistent practice, and the application of Python concepts in real-world projects.

How Long Does It Take To Master Python? Various Python Learning Levels | upGrad blog (2024)


How long does it take to fully master Python? ›

If you're a beginner and you want to learn Python in two months or less, you would need to devote a full-time schedule to learning Python. If you spend 40 hours a week learning Python, it could ultimately take around 250 hours to fully develop your Python skills.

Can I master Python in 3 months? ›

In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But you can learn enough to write your first short program in a matter of minutes. Developing mastery of Python's vast array of libraries can take months or years.

How long does it take to be fluent in Python? ›

To become an expert in Python, you must invest at least six months to 2 years of dedicated effort. Python has several advanced data structures you should master, such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. Learn how to manipulate and iterate through these data structures.

How many hours of practice does it take to master Python? ›

To learn the very basics of Python, 2 hours per day for two weeks can be enough. Considering it takes 500+ hours to reach a somewhat advanced level, though, you'll have to study Python for 4 hours per day for 5 months to get there.

Can I master Python in 2 weeks? ›

If you're looking for a general answer, here it is: Learning the Python basics may only take a few weeks. However, if you're pursuing a career as a programmer or data scientist, you can expect it to take four to twelve months to learn enough advanced Python to be job-ready.

Is it worth to learn Python in 2024? ›

If you're looking for a versatile programming language that is beginner-friendly, in high demand, and relevant in emerging technological fields, then Python is an excellent investment in 2024 and beyond. Here's why: Ease of Learning: Start building projects quickly and gain a solid foundation in programming concepts.

Is 30 too old to learn Python? ›

It's never too late to learn a programming language. Some job seekers who are older may initially doubt their ability to learn coding because of a lack of experience or fear of employment bias.

Is Python enough to get a job? ›

Python alone isn't going to get you a job unless you are extremely good at it. Not that you shouldn't learn it: it's a great skill to have since python can pretty much do anything and coding it is fast and easy. It's also a great first programming language according to lots of programmers.

Is Java easier than Python? ›

Learning Curve: Python is generally considered easier to learn for beginners due to its simplicity, while Java is more complex but provides a deeper understanding of how programming works. Performance: Java has a higher performance than Python due to its static typing and optimization by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

How long does it take to become a good Python programmer? ›

How long does it take to become a Python developer? In general, learning the fundamentals of Python takes between two and six months. However, you can learn enough to write your first short programme in just a few minutes. It can take months or years to master Python's vast array of libraries.

How long does it take to master Python for data analysis? ›

While mastering Python for data science can take years, fundamental proficiency can be achieved in about six months. Python proficiency is crucial for roles such as Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Software Engineer, Business Analyst, and Data Analyst. Key Python libraries for data analysis are NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy.

What is the easiest programming language to learn? ›

HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, GoLang, R, Ruby, Python, and C are considered to be the easiest programming languages to learn for beginners. They have simple syntax with words closer to the English language and are fairly popular, thus enabling good availability of learning opportunities.

How long does it take to learn pandas? ›

If you already know Python, you will need about two weeks to learn Pandas. Without a background in Python, you'll need one to two months to learn Pandas. This will give you time to understand the basics of Python before applying your knowledge to Python data science libraries such as Pandas.

Can I master Python in 2 years? ›

Yes, it is definitely possible to become proficient in Python within 2 years with consistent effort and practice. However, the key to mastery is continuous learning and experimentation. The more you practice and work on projects, the more confident and capable you will become.

Is Python easy to learn hard to master? ›

Although Python is easy to learn, it can sometimes present difficulties, especially if you're learning the complex aspects of the language. For example, you can find motivation in the fact that you're likely to get a promotion in your current role or get your dream job once you acquire advanced Python skills.

How many days it will take to become expert in Python? ›

While you can start to write small scripts in Python after just a few days of study, you'll probably spend around four months gaining an essential ability in programming with Python. You'll have to spend years and build many projects to become a Python expert in even just one field.

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