How long does it take for KYC to get processed? (2024)



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It takes 10-15 working days for KYC to get processed and registered with the KRA. You can check your KYC status here.

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How long does it take for KYC to get processed? (2024)


How long does it take for KYC to get processed? ›

It takes 10-15 working days for KYC to get processed and registered with the KRA.

How long does the KYC process take? ›

The offline KYC procedure takes around one week to be completed whereas the online KYC registration may take a shorter period. However, this can vary based on a slew of factors such as whether or not there were any errors, inconsistencies, or ambiguities in the application form.

Why is my KYC still pending? ›

Items that may cause a delay in processing are: Complicated ownership structures (e.g. company is owned by a trust) Submitting documents that do not correspond to the investing entity being verified. Submitting documents as proof of entity registration that do not satisfy the requirements.

Why is my KYC verification taking so long? ›

Sometimes verification could take a bit longer if we're receiving a large number of signups or if your specific KYC needs further verification. Once you have submitted your KYC details and documents, sit back and relax. The KYC team will take a look at all your details and approve your account as soon as possible!

How do I know if my KYC is approved? ›

You may consider visiting the website of your bank. You may find the link 'Check KYC status'. You then enter the bank account number and the CAPTCHA to check the KYC status of your bank account. You may also log in to your internet banking account and check the bank account KYC status.

What to do if KYC is on hold? ›

KYC On-Hold/Rejected - Remediation

You simply have to remediate the reason for KYC On-Hold/Rejected. o If the KYC On-hold reason is “PAN is not linked with Aadhaar”, then in that case the investor first needs to link the PAN with the Aadhaar.

What are the 5 stages of KYC? ›

Best practices for KYC onboarding due diligence typically begin with these five steps:
  • Step 1: Customer Identification Program (CIP) ...
  • Step 2: Customer Due Diligence. ...
  • Step 3: Enhanced Due Diligence. ...
  • Step 4: Continuous monitoring. ...
  • Step 5: Reporting and compliance.
Jun 24, 2024

Who will approve KYC pending for approval? ›

Once the KYC documents are successfully submitted in the UAN EPFO portal, the EPFO officials or the employer needs to give the approval of the KYC details. In general, employers gives the approval of KYC requests. In case they fail to approve the details, you can get in touch with the EPF Grievance Portal.

Why is KYC getting rejected? ›

1. The quality of uploaded documents may be blurred, cropped or you have masked your identity information. 2. Uploaded irrelevant photos of identity documents or proof of address.

What happens if KYC is not completed? ›

Missing the deadline can lead to deactivation of your bank account. If your bank account has been suspended due to a re-KYC compliance failure, you can re-activate it. The process for activating one's bank account in case of re-KYC failure is the same for every bank.

Why would KYC fail? ›

A failed KYC verification refers to a situation where the information provided by a user during the KYC process does not meet the required criteria or is not validated successfully These errors can occur for a variety of reasons, including incorrect or incomplete documentation, or technical issues within the ...

Why is my KYC not approved? ›

There are several reasons why your KYC (Know Your Customer) verification might have failed, ranging from incorrect personal information to having multiple accounts and regulatory compliance issues. Name Mismatch - Make sure to sign up with your legal name as it appears on your documents.

How do banks verify KYC? ›

It involves offline or online verification by submitting necessary documents. Offline KYC requires visiting the bank branch while online verification can be done through the website or mobile app. Necessary documents include proof of identity and address like Aadhaar, PAN, utility bills, and a recent photograph.

How long does KYC usually take? ›

Typically, the KYC process takes less than 5 minutes, but in some situations, additional checks are required to verify the authenticity of the data.

How long does it take for KYC under process? ›

The KYC data is normally checked within 3-5 working days. An SMS will be sent to the registered mobile number after the approval has been completed successfully.

Who verifies KYC? ›

The process of KYC Identity Verification is performed by businesses or conducted via commissioned third-party service providers. The goal is to verify the identity of customers to gauge their legitimacy and credibility while adhering to the regulatory requirements in the given country.

What is the KYC life cycle? ›

The KYC end-to-end process, or KYC lifecycle, includes: KYC verification and due diligence: During onboarding, verification and due diligence confirms the customer's identity and assesses their level of financial crime risk.

What is the standard KYC process? ›

KYC involves several steps to: establish customer identity; understand the nature of customers' activities and qualify that the source of funds is legitimate; and. assess money laundering risks associated with customers.

How long does KYC 2 verification take? ›

Level 2 KYC

Once the team has reviewed the information provided (usually within 48 hours) and if you are eligible you will be verified. Your limit will be lifted and you will receive an email notification. In certain cases, an enhanced verification is required, where extra information and documentation is requested.

How do you get passed KYC? ›

In order to pass KYC, users usually need to upload an ID document (except in countries where Non-Doc verification is already accepted and compliant) and pass a liveness check.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.