How Liquidity Provider Tokens Work • Benzinga Crypto (2024)

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) are cutting-edge programs on Ethereum’s blockchain that offer investors an alternative way to exchange cryptocurrency tokens. Gaining popularity over the last year, there’s now over $100 billion worth of cryptocurrency locked in decentralized finance protocols.

The most successful decentralized exchange to date is Uniswap with over $9 billion in crypto assets staked for liquidity on its platform. Uniswap is an Ethereum-based protocol that uses smart contracts to hold crypto assets in liquidity pools, allowing for investors to trade cryptocurrencies directly from their Ethereum wallet. However, Ethereum gas fees have been extremely expensive as of late, so these programs are shifting toward layer 2 scaling solutions to lower the trading costs for investors.

You can provide liquidity to decentralized exchanges to earn transaction fees. Popular liquidity pools, such as the Ethereum-USDC liquidity pool on Uniswap, earn fees equivalent to about a 25% annual interest rate. Learn more about how liquidity provider tokens work now.

Table of Contents [Show]

  • What is a Liquidity Provider?
  • How Liquidity Provider (LP) Tokens Work
  • Automated Market Maker (AMM)
  • Farming with LP Tokens
  • What is a Liquidity Pool?
  • Are Smart Contracts Safe?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Liquidity Provider?

Liquidity providers are investors who stake their cryptocurrency tokens on DEXs to earn transaction fees, often referred to as liquidity mining or market making. These transaction fees are often denominated in interest rates, and the interest varies based on the amount of liquidity available and the number of transactions in the liquidity pool. While Uniswap doesn't show the interest rate you'll earn, you can estimate your yield based on the transaction volume and amount of liquidity staked in the pool.

How Liquidity Provider (LP) Tokens Work

Uniswap V2 uses Ethereum-based ERC-20 tokens as liquidity provider (LP) tokens. These LP tokens are proof you own part of the liquidity pool which you can use to remove your crypto tokens from the liquidity pool at any time. The fees earned from transactions go directly into the liquidity pool, so your token holdings will appreciate proportionately with the growth of the liquidity pool.

Uniswap has upgraded to Uniswap V3, but it still offers Uniswap V2 as an option to investors. The new version of Uniswap launched on May 5, and it uses non-fungible tokens (NFTs)as liquidity provider tokens. No, you won’t be using art or collectibles for liquidity –– NFTs are simply tokens that hold distinct, separate values.

Since NFTs can hold separate values for each token, Uniswap V3 lets liquidity providers choose the price range of crypto assets that they wish to provide liquidity at. This custom price range is represented by an NFT which you can use to remove your liquidity at any time.

The protocol explains this concept as a “fee earning limit order”. If the price of the cryptocurrency falls out of the price range you specify, the smart contract will remove you from the liquidity pool and sell your cryptocurrency for whichever token is still within your price range.

For example, you could provide liquidity to the ETH-USDC pool specifically between a $1,500 Ether and a $2,000 Ether. If your Ether tokens drop in value to $1,500, then you’ll sell your USDC for Ether tokens and receive all your funds back in Ether. You’ll also be able to adjust the price range that you provide liquidity at, letting you adjust your liquidity with market conditions.

Automated Market Maker (AMM)

Automated market makers (AMM) replace the need for order books used by centralized exchanges. Exchanges like Coinbase and Gemini use investors’ buy and sell orders to provide liquidity. They can do this because centralized exchanges have a certain degree of control over investors’ funds. With DEXes, smart contracts calculate the price of an asset by dividing the total amount of tokens in the liquidity pool by each other.

Since liquidity pools rebalance to maintain a 50/50 proportion of cryptocurrency assets by USD value, they can use the formula X * Y = K where X and Y are the USD value of cryptocurrencies in the pool, and K is the total value of funds in the pool.

For example, there may be 79,180 Ethereum tokens and 134,457,994 USDC tokens in the ETH-USDC liquidity pool. The total amount of funds in the pool would be equivalent to $269,084,583.

With this information, Uniswap can derive the current price of each asset. Take 134,457,994 and divide it by 79,140 to determine the price of Ethereum would be $1,698.13 on Uniswap’s exchange.

Farming with LP Tokens

Liquidity provider tokens are proof that you own a piece of the liquidity pool you stake your crypto assets in. You need these tokens to redeem your assets when you want to sell your tokens, but until that time you can use certain LP tokens to yield farm.

Yield farming refers to an investment strategy where cryptocurrency investors switch between different liquidity pools to earn the highest interest rates possible. They often do this by leveraging their positions by taking out loans on DeFi platforms like Compound or MakerDao.

Certain platforms let you stake your LP tokens to earn extra rewards in separate liquidity pools. Most of these platforms are small, and you run the risk of losing your assets through smart contract failures. Depending on your risk tolerance, it may be better to simply stake your crypto assets in 1 liquidity pool.

What is a Liquidity Pool?

Liquidity pools use smart contracts on Ethereum’s blockchain to provide liquidity for decentralized exchanges. Liquidity providers can use their Ethereum wallet to send tokens to a liquidity pool, where investors’ funds are aggregated for liquidity on DEXes.

Uniswap charges a flat 0.3% transaction fee for every swap, and this fee is distributed proportionally to each investor in the liquidity pool. Depending on the pool you’re invested in and the amount of transactions on Uniswap, you can earn anywhere from 2% to 50% annual interest from liquidity provider fees.

Are Smart Contracts Safe?

While smart contracts have been hacked in the past, most smart contracts today are very secure. A good way to gauge the security of a smart contract is by looking at the value of the funds locked in the contract.

If there is a significant amount of assets stored in a smart contract, say over $1 million, the contract should be pretty secure. This is because if a hacker were able to hack the contract, they’d be able to seize all the funds that are held inside of it.

Essentially, you can view the amount of funds locked in smart contracts as a “bounty” for hackers –– the bigger the bounty, the less likely it is that the smart contract can be hacked.

Frequently Asked Questions


How do liquidity providers make money?


Liquidity providers commonly make money in 2 ways. Liquidity providers earn fees from transactions on the DeFi platform they provide liquidity on. The transaction fees are distributed proportionally to all the liquidity providers in the pool, so the more crypto assets you stake the more fees you’ll earn.

Some pools also offer rewards for certain liquidity pools as an incentive to stake your cryptocurrency. These rewards are typically paid in the ERC-20 token used on the platform, so if you’re bullish on the Ethereum token that the protocol uses, these pools may be a good choice for you.


How is Uniswap price calculated?


Uniswap token’s price is calculated by supply and demand for the asset. When Uniswap updated to Uniswap V2, the protocol airdropped 400 UNI tokens to every Ethereum wallet that used Uniswap V1. Today that airdrop is worth about $12,000 per wallet connected to the platform.

Uniswap token can be used to provide liquidity on the exchange, and it’s also used as a governance token for the platform. Governance tokens are used to make decisions about upgrades to the Uniswap protocol, so investors who own Uniswap can have a say on how the project is upgraded.


Can you lose money on Uniswap?


Like any investment, there is risk involved with providing liquidity on Uniswap. When you provide liquidity on a decentralized exchange, there is risk of impermanent loss.

Since you need to provide a 50/50 balance of each crypto asset you provide for liquidity, if one token increases and the other stays stagnant, then the contract will sell your appreciating tokens for the other crypto asset you provide to maintain a 50/50 balance. In this case, you’d be better off not providing liquidity and holding both cryptocurrencies independently.

If a token decreases in value, then you’ll be selling the higher valued token for the crypto that’s falling in value. This loss is impermanent because if the token appreciates after losing value, you’ll have more funds allocated to that token, and you’ll end up making your money back.


Do Decentralized Exchanges put up their own liquidity?


No, users put liquidity into decentralized exchanges (liquidity providers) in order for others to trade, and by doing so they can earn fees.


How Liquidity Provider Tokens Work • Benzinga Crypto (2024)


How Liquidity Provider Tokens Work • Benzinga Crypto? ›

Liquidity providers deposit assets into a pool to facilitate trades on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and automated market makers (AMMs) and receive liquidity pool tokens (LP) in return. Liquidity pool tokens are also called liquidity provider tokens.

How do liquidity provider tokens work? ›

Liquidity providers deposit assets into a pool to facilitate trades on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and automated market makers (AMMs) and receive liquidity pool tokens (LP) in return. Liquidity pool tokens are also called liquidity provider tokens.

How do crypto LP tokens work? ›

The LP tokens represent a user's share of the pool and can always be redeemed for the original tokens. Liquidity pools enable users to easily swap one token for another on a decentralized exchange. See crypto liquidity pool and decentralized exchange.

What happens when you add liquidity to a token? ›

You can add liquidity for any token pair by staking both through the Liquidity page. In return for adding liquidity, you'll receive trading fees for that pair, and receive either an NFT or LP Tokens you can stake in Farms to earn CAKE rewards!

Can you lose tokens providing liquidity? ›

Liquidity pools are prone to impermanent loss, a term for when the ratio of tokens in a liquidity pool (for example, 50:50 split of ETH/USDT) becomes uneven due to significant price changes. That could result in losing your invested funds.

Do liquidity providers make money? ›

The market makers, or liquidity providers, make money primarily by charging a bid-ask spread. Forex liquidity providers employ various strategies like algorithmic trading.

What is the risk of staking LP tokens? ›

What is the risk? The risk of providing liquidity is impermanent loss (IL). IL is the difference between the value of the tokens in a liquidity pool and the value of the tokens if they were held in a wallet. The loss does not become permanent until the LP tokens are removed from the liquidity pool.

How do LP tokens increase in value? ›

Uses of LP tokens

You can start by depositing them into a compounder or farm, which are the different liquidity pools across the DeFi blockchain. Compounding increases the value of your LP tokens, and after some time, the LP tokens are staked back into your liquidity pool. This increases your earned interest.

What happens when LP tokens are burned? ›

Burning LP tokens involves sending them to the burn address which is the Ethereum genesis address. This is the first address that existed on the Ethereum blockchain which no one has the private keys to, which means all tokens sent to the address are lost permanently.

Do LP tokens go up in value? ›

They can gain value in a number of ways, including: Increase in the value of the assets in the liquidity pool: The value of an LP token is typically tied to the value of the assets in the liquidity pool. If the value of the assets in the pool increases, the value of the LP token may also increase.

How much do liquidity providers make crypto? ›

Every time a trade is executed on Uniswap, liquidity providers (LPs) earn fees proportional to the amount of liquidity they have supplied. This fee is usually set at 0.3% but can be as low as 0.05% for stable assets, and as high as 1% for more exotic pairs.

How do you make money by adding liquidity? ›

By supplying liquidity into a pool, LPs make money from letting traders use their liquidity for making transactions. Provider's income consists of: In-pool fees: 0.2% on each trade. Final amount depends on volumes traded within the pool.

Does adding liquidity increase price? ›

Liquidity is important for all tradable assets including cryptocurrencies. Low liquidity levels mean that market volatility is present, causing spikes in cryptocurrency prices. High liquidity, on the other hand, means there is a stable market, with few fluctuations in price.

What are the risks of liquidity provider? ›

Liquidity providers are at risk of experiencing impermanent loss if the price of the tokens in the pool changes significantly. This can happen when the price of one token in the pool increases or decreases more than the other, which can lead to losses for the liquidity provider.

How do you know if a token has liquidity? ›

All you have to do is:
  1. Copy the token's contract address.
  2. Head to if it is a BSC token, if it is a Solana-based token, or ether scan if it is an Ethereum-based token.
  3. Look up the page with the liquidity addition details.

Do you need to put in money to add liquidity to a token? ›

You need to decide on the cryptocurrency pair and liquidity pool you want to put your crypto asset into. Then, you need to confirm that you have the appropriate amount for the two assets you intend to deposit. In order to receive your tokens, you must deposit the two assets.

Who is the biggest liquidity provider crypto? ›

Top 5 crypto liquidity providers in 2023: Reviewed
  • What is a crypto liquidity provider?
  • Binance.
  • Kraken.
  • Huobi.
  • Coinbase.
  • BitMEX.
  • Conclusion.
Jan 4, 2023

Who is the biggest liquidity provider? ›

The biggest liquidity provider in the Forex market is Deutsche Bank, UBS bank follows it, and Barclays Capital is the third biggest liquidity provider. Also among the significant Forex liquidity providers are international financial exchanges trading futures, options, and other financial instruments.

Is liquidity hard to sell? ›

Stocks with low liquidity may be difficult to sell and may cause you to take a bigger loss if you cannot sell the shares when you want to. Liquidity risk is the risk that investors won't find a market for their securities, which may prevent them from buying or selling when they want.

What are the benefits of LP tokens? ›

The LP tokens become your claim to your share of the pool's assets. Holding these LP tokens allows you total control over when you withdraw your share of the pool without interference from anyone — even the Balancer platform.

Is liquidity staking risky? ›

Liquidity Risk

Liquidity is a critical factor that cannot be overlooked when it comes to crypto staking. The lack of liquidity can pose a significant threat to an investor's ability to sell their accumulated assets or convert their staking rewards into more popular assets like Bitcoin or stablecoins.

How do you hedge LP tokens? ›

Hedging Your Liquidity Pool Position

To hedge your position, you must borrow a portion of the liquidity that you are providing. In doing so, you are able to rake trading fees during high volume and will benefit the most when there is minimal impermanent loss.

Are LP tokens taxable? ›

If you receive a liquidity pool token in return - these transactions are subject to Capital Gains Tax. If you receive new tokens or coins, this would be subject to Income Tax.

How do you yield farm LP tokens? ›

LP tokens: In order to yield farm on a DEX, you will also need certain cryptoassets the decentralized exchange requires for farming. These are specific liquidity pool (LP) tokens that you obtain by first depositing equal amounts of two cryptocurrencies in a specific liquidity pool on the DEX.

Can I move LP tokens between wallets? ›

Most LP tokens in the DeFi ecosystem can be transferred between wallets, thereby transferring ownership.

Does crypto go up after a burn? ›

Coin burning reduces the supply, making tokens of that cryptocurrency scarcer. That scarcity can lead to an increase in price and benefit investors.

Can burned tokens be recovered? ›

The burn transaction will be recorded on the blockchain as any other transaction and these tokens are forever unusable. On each destruction round, we deduct from the total supply of tokens initially released a predefined quantity of tokens which will be lost forever.

How do you calculate the price of LP tokens? ›

Directly calculating NAV is the simplest way to value an LP token. In short, it is calculated by getting all underlying balances, multiplying those by their market prices, and dividing by the total supply of LP tokens.

How much liquidity should I add? ›

There is also no "correct" amount of liquidity you need to provide. You can provide as little as you want, or as much as you want. Remember that anyone else can also provide liquidity. Also remember, that if you provide only very little liquidity, the price will change fast and people will most likely stop trading.

What is the difference between liquidity provider crypto and staking? ›

The main difference between staking and yield farming/liquidity mining is that staking is focused on earning rewards for holding and validating transactions on a blockchain network, while yield farming and liquidity mining are focused on providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges and liquidity pools to earn rewards ...

What is the best liquidity pool in crypto? ›

Uniswap is one of the most popular and successful liquidity pools in the crypto space. It is a decentralized exchange that allows users to swap any ERC-20 token with ETH or another ERC-20 token.

What is liquidity to convert into cash? ›

Liquidity is the ease of converting an asset or security into cash, with cash itself the most liquid asset of all. Other liquid assets include stocks, bonds, and other exchange-traded securities. Tangible items tend to be less liquid, meaning that it can take more time, effort, and cost to sell them (e.g., a home).

Where to stake LP tokens? ›

You can stake your LP tokens to get extra profit in WX token, to do so, open WX Network app, login to your account and navigate to the Pools tab. Select a pool from the list and click on it. For example, WAVES/XTN pool. On the screen that opens select Stake tab and specify the amount of LP token that you want to stake.

How do LP tokens gain value? ›

Two things determine the value of an LP token, the total value of a liquidity pool, as well as the circulating supply of total LP tokens. The total value of the pool is the combined market value of all its crypto assets.

How do you make money from liquidity pool? ›

Liquidity pools pave a way for LPs to earn interest on their digital assets. By locking their tokens into a smart contract, users can earn a portion of the fees that are generated from trading activity in the pool.

How do you burn LP tokens? ›

How to Burn LP Tokens? Burning LP tokens involves sending them to the burn address which is the Ethereum genesis address. This is the first address that existed on the Ethereum blockchain which no one has the private keys to, which means all tokens sent to the address are lost permanently.

What is the benefit of LP staking? ›

One of the primary benefits of staking is the ability to earn passive income. By holding your cryptocurrency assets in a staking wallet or smart contract, you can participate in the network's consensus mechanism and earn rewards in the form of new cryptocurrency tokens.

What are the risks of liquidity pools? ›

Liquidity pools do, however, introduce the risk of impermanent loss during extreme price fluctuations. This is when the total dollar value of the deposited tokens is at a loss from liquidity provision compared to just holding, as the price of the assets in the pool changes.

What is better staking or liquidity pool? ›

Since staking requires locking up user funds with no opportunity to switch pools, stakers don't have to pay transaction costs. Instead, they earn a percentage of network fees when they validate transactions. When compared to liquidity pools, staking has much lower maintenance costs for generating returns.

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