How Interest Rates Affect the Housing Market (2024)

Mortgage loans come in two primary forms—fixed rate andadjustable rate—with some hybrid combinations and multiple derivatives of each. A basic understanding ofinterest ratesand the economic influences that determine the future course of interest rates can help you make financially sound mortgage decisions. Such decisions include choosing between a fixed-rate mortgage and an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) or deciding whether to refinance out of an ARM.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding interest ratesis key to making financially sound mortgage decisions.
  • The interest rate is the amount a borrower is charged for the privilege of being loaned money.
  • Interest rates on mortgages are determined by a number of factors, including the state of the general economy and your personal circ*mstances.
  • Mortgage lenders often peg their interest rates to the 10-yearTreasury bondyield.
  • Looking at the shape of the yield curve can help when trying to forecast interest rate changes on ARMs.

How Are Interest Rates Determined?

The interest rate is the amount charged on top of the principal by a lender to a borrower for the use of assets. The interest rate charged by banks is determined by a number of factors, such as the state of the economy. A country's central bank sets the interest rate, which each bank uses to determine the range of annual percentage rates (APRs) they offer.

Central banks tend to raise interest rates when inflation is high because higher interest rates increase the cost of debt, which discourages borrowing and slows consumer demand.

The Mortgage Production Line

The mortgage industry has three primary parts or businesses: themortgage originator, theaggregator, and the investor.

The Mortgage Originator

The mortgage originator is the lender. Lenders come in several forms, like credit unions and banks. Mortgage originators introduce, market, and sell loans to consumers and compete with each other based on the interest rates, fees, and service levels that they offer. The interest rates and fees they chargedetermine theirprofit margins.

Most mortgage originators do not “portfolio” loans (meaning that they do not retain the loan asset). Instead, they often sell the mortgage into thesecondary mortgage market. The interest rates that they charge consumers are determined by their profit margins and the price at which they can sell the mortgage into the secondary mortgage market.

The Aggregator

The aggregator buys newly originated mortgages from other institutions. They are part of the secondary mortgage market and most of them are also mortgage originators. Aggregators pool many similar mortgages together to formmortgage-backed securities (MBS)—a process known assecuritization.

An MBS is a bond backed by an underlying pool of mortgages. MBSs are sold to investors. The price at which they can be sold to investors determines the price that aggregators will pay for newly originated mortgages from other lenders and the interest rates that they offer to consumers for their own mortgage originations.

The Investor

There are many investors in MBSs, including pension funds, mutual funds, banks,hedge funds, foreign governments, insurance companies, andgovernment-sponsored enterprises, Freddie MacandFannie Mae.

As investors try to maximize returns, they frequently run relative valueanalysesbetween MBSs and other fixed-income investments such as corporate bonds. As with all financial securities, investor demand for MBSs determines the price they will pay for these securities.

Investors' Impact on Mortgage Rates

To a large degree, MBSs investors determine mortgage rates offered to consumers. As explained above, the mortgage production line ends in the form of an MBS purchased by an investor.

Thefree marketdetermines the market clearing prices investors will pay for MBSs. These prices wind their way back through the mortgage industry to determine the interest rates you'll be offered when you buy your house.

Fixed Interest Rate Mortgages

The interest rate on a fixed-rate mortgage is fixed for the life of the mortgage; however, on average, 30-year fixed-rate mortgages have a shorter lifespan, due to customers moving or refinancing their mortgages.

The rule of thumb used to be that homeowners stayed in their homes an average of seven years; however, that figure has been rising. The median length of homeownership in 1985 was five years, in 2005 it was six years, in 2010 it inched up to eight years, in 2015 it was 11 years, and in 2021 it was 13 years.

MBS prices are highly correlated with the prices ofU.S. Treasury bonds. Usually, the price of an MBS backed by 30-year mortgages will move with the price of the U.S. Treasury five-yearnoteor the U.S. Treasury 10-year bond based on a financial principal known asduration.

In practice, a 30-year mortgage’s duration is closer to the five-year note, but the market tends to use the 10-year bond as a benchmark. This also means that the interest rate on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages offered to consumers should move up or down with the yield of the U.S. Treasury 10-year bond.

A bond’s yield is a function of its coupon rate and price. Economic expectations determine the price and yield of U.S. Treasury bonds. A bond’s worst enemy isinflation, which erodes the value of future bond payments—both coupon payments and the repayment of principal. Therefore, when inflation is high or expected to rise, bond prices fall, which means their yields rise—there is an inverse relationship between a bond’s price and its yield.

The Fed’s Role

TheFederal Reserve(Fed) plays a large role in inflation expectations. This is because the bond market’s perception of how well the Fed is controlling inflation through the administration of short-term interest rates determines longer-term interest rates, such as the yield of the U.S. Treasury 10-year bond. In other words, the Fed sets current short-term interest rates, which the market interprets to determine long-term interest rates, such as the yield on the U.S. Treasury 10-year bond.

Remember, the interest rates on 30-year mortgages are highly correlated with the yield of the U.S. Treasury 10-year bond. If you’re trying to forecast what 30-year fixed-rate mortgage interest rates will do in the future, watch and understand the yield on the U.S. Treasury 10-year bond (or the five-year note) and follow what the market is saying about Fedmonetary policy.

Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs)

The interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) might change monthly, every six months,annually, orless often, depending on the terms of the mortgage. The interest rate consists of anindexvalue plus amargin. This is known as thefully indexed interest rate. It is usually rounded to one-eighth of a percentage point.

The index value is variable, while the margin is fixed for the life of the mortgage. For example, if the current index value is 6.83% and the margin is 3%, rounding to the nearest eighth of a percentage point would make the fully indexed interest rate 9.83%. If the index dropped to 6.1%, the fully indexed interest rate would be 9.1%.

With an ARM, homebuyers need to be aware that the monthly cost of their mortgage payments can increase if interest rates increase, and that they should ensure that they can still afford the payments if this happens.

The interest rate on an ARM is tied to an index. There are several different mortgage indexes used for different ARMs, each of which is constructed using the interest rates on either a type of actively traded financial security, a type of bank loan, or a type of bank deposit. All of the different mortgage indexes are broadly correlated with each other. In other words, they move in the same direction, up or down, as economic conditions change.

Most mortgage indexes are considered short-term indexes. “Short-term” or “term” refers to the term of the securities, loans, or deposits used to construct the index. Typically, any security, loan, or deposit that has a term of one year or less is considered short-term. Most short-term interest rates, including those used to construct mortgage indexes, are closely correlated with an interest rate known as thefederal funds rate.

Forecasting Changes

If you’re trying to forecast interest rate changes on ARMs, look at the shape of theyield curve. The yield curve represents the yields on U.S. Treasury bonds with maturities from three months to 30 years.

When the shape of the curve is flat or downward sloping, it means that the market expects the Fed to keep short-term interest rates steady or move them lower. Conversely, when the shape of the curve is upward sloping, the market expects the Fed to move short-term interest rates higher.

The steepness of the curve in either direction is an indication of how much the market expects the Fed to raise or lower short-term interest rates. The price of Fed funds futures is also an indication of market expectations for future short-term interest rates.

How Rates Impact the Housing Market

In general, when interest rates are higher or increasing, the housing market slows down. When interest rates are going up, the cost of owning a home becomes more expensive due to the higher interest rate, which reduces demand. This reduction in demand then results in a drop in home prices.

When the Fed increases rates to slow down the economy, particularly in times of inflation, the above goal is what it's looking for; a reduction in consumer spending that results in a drop in prices.

Conversely, when interest rates drop, the cost of buying a house becomes cheaper, which increases the demand for housing. Lower interest rates go hand in hand with a bustling housing market. This increase in demand then slowly increases home prices.

Why Are Interest Rates Important to the Housing Market?

Interest rates are important to the housing market for several reasons. They determine how much consumers will have to pay to borrow money to buy a property, and they influence the value of real estate. Low-interest rates tend to increase demand for property, driving up prices, while high interest rates generally do the opposite.

Which Factors Influence How Interest Rates on Mortgages Are Set?

There are many factors that impact how much mortgages cost. Lenders will first consider the general cost of borrowing in the economy, which is based on the state of the economy and government monetary policy. Personal factors, such as credit history, income, and the type and size of the loan you are after, will then come into play to determine how much you'll be charged to get a loan to buy a house.

Am I Better Off With a Fixed-Rate or Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)?

Generally speaking, an ARM makes more sense when interest rates are high and expected to fall. Conversely, if predictable payments are important to you and interest rates are relatively stable or climbing, a fixed-rate mortgage might be your best option.

Popular methods to potentially gauge the future direction of interest rates include studying the yield curve, keeping tabs on the 10-year Treasury bond yield, and paying close attention to Fed monetary policy.

The Bottom Line

An understanding of what influences current and future fixed and adjustable mortgage rates can help you make financially sound mortgage decisions. For example, itcan inform your decision about choosing an ARM over a fixed-rate mortgage andhelp you decide when it makes sense to refinance out of an ARM.

Don’t believe everything you hear on TV. It’s not always “a good time to refinance out of your adjustable-rate mortgage before the interest rate rises further.” Interest rates might rise further moving forward—or they might drop. Find out what the yield curve is doing.

How Interest Rates Affect the Housing Market (2024)


How does interest rate affect the housing market? ›

When the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, home buyers can't afford expensive houses, so the prices will start to drop. And the reverse is also true – when mortgage rates are low, buyers have more money to spend, so home prices will start to rise.

Is it better to buy a house when interest rates are high? ›

The bottom line. Today's elevated mortgage rate environment isn't preferable for homebuyers, but it doesn't mean that you should refrain from acting, either. If you discover your dream home, can afford the interest rate, find an affordable house, or have an alternative to rent, it can be worth it for you now.

Is it better to buy a more expensive house with a lower interest rate? ›

Total home price

In this case, buying the less expensive home with the higher interest rate saves you money on your down payment, PMI, monthly mortgage payments, and total cost. But keep in mind that the numbers will depend on your exact interest rate and house price.

What do Fed rate cuts mean for home buyers in 2024? ›

One of the most immediate effects of a Fed rate cut is the potential for lower mortgage rates. For prospective homebuyers, this can mean lower monthly payments or the ability to buy a more expensive home than they otherwise could.

Will mortgage rates ever be 3% again? ›

Lawrence Yun, chief economist at the National Association of Realtors, even told CNBC last year that he doesn't think mortgage rates will reach the 3% range again in his lifetime.

Do interest rates go up or down in a recession? ›

Interest rates usually fall early in a recession and then rise later as the economy recovers. This means that the adjustable rate for a loan taken out during a recession is likely to rise once the downturn ends. The fixed-rate loan at recession pricing could be a better deal in the long run.

Should I wait to have a 20% down payment? ›

It's better to put 20 percent down if you want the lowest possible interest rate and monthly payment. But if you want to get into a house now and start building equity, it may be better to buy with a smaller down payment—say five to 10 percent down.

Should you sell your house when interest rates are high or low? ›

Falling interest rates nearly always create a favorable market for sellers, stimulating buyer demand and potentially expediting the sales process.

What months are the best time to buy a house? ›

When is the best time to buy a house? Generally speaking, late spring and summer are the peak real estate season, when there's the most inventory to choose from — but also the most competition, and the highest prices. If affordability is a concern, you're likely to score a better deal during the winter months.

What is a good interest rate for buying a house? ›

Current mortgage and refinance interest rates
ProductInterest RateAPR
5-1 ARM5.90%6.92%
10-1 ARM6.90%7.11%
30-Year Fixed Rate FHA6.21%6.25%
30-Year Fixed Rate VA6.49%6.53%
5 more rows

Can you buy a house and keep the same interest rate? ›

Porting a mortgage essentially means transferring your mortgage to a new house. This will include the current terms of your loan, such as the interest rate and payment schedule.

Is it better to buy down interest rate or put more money down? ›

As you can see, buying down points reduces your monthly mortgage payment and saves you money on interest over the life of the loan. Alternatively, you could choose to put an additional $10,000 toward your down payment. Let's stick with the same $325,000 home purchase and 7.125% interest rate for this scenario.

Will rates drop again in 2024? ›

Mortgage rates are expected to go down throughout the rest of 2024, and they may continue dropping in 2025. Mortgage rates started ticking up from historic lows in the second half of 2021 and increased dramatically in 2022 and throughout most of 2023.

Will mortgage rates decline in 2025? ›

Fannie Mae's August 2024 forecast (its latest at the time of writing) predicts that 2025 rates will start at 6.2% and trickle downwards by 0.1% each quarter, landing somewhere near 5.9%.

Why do mortgage rates go up when the Fed raises rates? ›

When the Fed makes it more expensive for banks to borrow by targeting a higher federal funds rate, the banks, in turn, pass on the higher costs to their customers. Interest rates on consumer borrowing, including mortgage rates, tend to go up.

How does interest rate affect a mortgage? ›

If the mortgage is a fixed-rate loan, each payment will be an equal dollar amount. If the mortgage is an adjustable-rate loan, the payment will change periodically as the interest rate on the loan changes. The term, or length, of your loan, also determines how much you'll pay each month.

Will housing interest rates go up or down? ›

Mortgage rates are expected to go down throughout the rest of 2024, and they may continue dropping in 2025. Mortgage rates started ticking up from historic lows in the second half of 2021 and increased dramatically in 2022 and throughout most of 2023.

How will a fed rate hike affect mortgages? ›

Mortgage rates have surged alongside the Fed's hikes, with the 30-year fixed-rate loan topping 7% in 2023 as well as earlier this year. That placed homebuying out of financial reach for many would-be buyers, especially as home prices continue to climb.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.