How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (2024)

By Morgana Best

Morgana Bestis a#KWLWonderWoman—a savvy entrepreneur building her writing career into a successful independent business. Follow the stories here and onInstagram. Do you have a story to share? Tell ushere.

The best way to tell you why I decided to go wide and stay wide is to share a little of my journey to becoming a six-figure author.

Years ago, Random House solicited a non-fiction manuscript of mine, and I had an agent for my non-fiction. I found the traditional route slow and unsteady, so was keen to go indie with my fiction. I became a full-time author in 2011, hopped into KDP Select when it first came out and earned KDP Select author bonuses as well as book bonuses.

I didn’t consider going wide until I released the first and second books in a new series two days apart, and on the day I released the second book, Amazon removed both books from sale. My blood ran cold. Amazon was unable to tell me why they had removed the books. The ranking was excellent before the books were pulled, and when Amazon returned the books to sale a week later, the ranking was appalling. It killed the series. That was a huge red flag to me. What if my whole account had been pulled? Amazon was my sole source of income at the time.

I had a few other issues with Amazon, and was concerned when Amazon cut audio royalties in March 2014. I hoped that wasn’t a foreshadowing of KDP royalties. After KENPS (pages read) were introduced in mid-2015, I decided to go wide. Barnes & Noble has never accepted Australian authors, so I went with an aggregator for all platforms.

My books did not perform well, and I soon regretted my decision. I went back to KDP Select. My books sold well for the first 30 days, but I spent the next 60 days waiting for my contract to expire.

When I went wide for the second time, I went direct to the retailers, apart from Barnes & Noble for whom I used a different aggregator. The difference was astounding. Many authors say that it’s too much effort to go direct to several retailers, but the difference in my sales when direct and through the original aggregator was chalk and cheese. It’s definitely worth the five extra minutes per book to gain the significant extra income.

These days, Amazon is rank-stripping, pulling reviews, is beset by click farms and scammers, and, until recently, pulled some books that had TOCs at the back of the book. Despite that, many authors continue to do well in KDP Select.

I’m in this business for the long term, so I’m always looking to the future and keeping an eye on the volatility of markets. The publishing industry can and does change on a dime, sometimes without notice. The way to keep our author business safe from external pressure is to build a closer relationship with our readers, and that is easier to do wide.

Some authors upload books wide and expect them to sell well overnight, and when they don’t, they pull their books. Not only does it take time to gain traction on the retailers, but the general marketing advice is geared to Amazon rather than the wide retailers. The Amazon mindset does not work with marketing wide.

Why should authors go wide? For a start, wide readers will pay more, whereas in my experience, many KDP Select readers are free and cheap seekers.

Box sets perform particularly well wide. Binge reading is on the increase, perhaps fuelled in part by Netflix releasing whole seasons of shows such as Stranger Things. I have a nine-book box set for $24.99. I do not have that box set on Amazon, because I would receive a mere 35% royalty there, yet on Kobo and iBooks I receive 70% royalty, do well on Google Play, and on Barnes & Noble—65% minus the aggregator’s 10%.

Preorders work well wide. A preorder book’s ranking is eaten away on Amazon; whereas on the other retailers the sales aggregate either in part or in full on the release date. This gives the release day ranking a huge boost, often pushing a book to #1 in its category.

There is a greater global reach wide. It’s easy to have blinkers on and think Amazon is the one and only giant retailer, but Kobo is, in fact, the market share leader in many worldwide territories. Kobo dominates in Canada. Tolino has 40% of the market in Germany. If you want to get your books into libraries, you need to go wide. Some countries do not have Amazon at all. And talking of territories, my funniest cozy mystery series is my bestseller in Canada, UK, and Australia, but the same series completely tanks on Amazon US.

Amazon’s 30-day cliff was the bane of my existence for years. There is no cliff on the other retailers, and sales are steadier and always gaining ground.

It’s always good to question assumptions. I’ve heard the advice that some genres can’t do well wide because they’re dominated by Kindle Unlimited. My own category, cozy mysteries, is dominated by Kindle Unlimited, but I make a six-figure income regardless. If a genre is dominated by Kindle Unlimited, then there are plenty of wide readers looking for books in that genre. It’s a golden opportunity.

Many opportunities are lost when going exclusive. Kobo now has the deal to sell Kobo e-Readers and digital content through Walmart. Territories expand all the time, and the longer an author has been on a platform, then clearly the more established they are to take advantages of these new territories. It takes time to build a loyal reader base.

Some other reasons to go wide? Going exclusive with Amazon precludes an author from selling directly from their own website. Now is a good opportunity to advertise wide, because there is less competition for your advertising dollar. Ranks wide stick much better and longer after a promo. You have the option of free at any time—you are not limited to a 5 day period out of 90 days. It’s far easier to get a BookBub when wide. The support wide is excellent.

One thing is certain; it’s a disaster to go wide and then pull your books, thinking you will put them back wide if Select does not work for you.

It’s easy to be seduced by KDP Select with the news of some big time authors raking in millions, and not notice the six- and seven-figure authors who are wide.

As authorpreneurs, we need to have a business mindset, and I for one rest easier knowing I am not wholly dependent on one retailer for my livelihood.

How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (1)Australian authorMorgana Best is an internationally bestselling cozy mystery author.

Morgana was a college professor with a Ph.D. in literature, and had early training for the busy pace of writing life by having two children while doing her undergrad degree. In fact, the examiners were terrified she would give birth in the middle of two different sets of exams.

Morgana was introduced to the world of publishing when a (then) Big Six publisher solicited a manuscript and held onto it for months before finally knocking it back. She ended up buying out her agent and turning indie.

Morgana used to live in the Aussie bush, and was bitten by a redback spider, a wolf spider, and a tiger snake. Now Morgana lives at the sunny Gold Coast, Australia, with a chocolate Labrador and a rescue dingo, as well as an irritating cat. Morgana enjoys putting people she doesn’t like into her books and killing them in clever ways.

  1. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (2)

    Jane Steenon March 9, 2018 at 10:39 AM

    Hi Morgana,

    Great story. I’m also committed to staying wide. I’m not at six figures yet, but I’m getting closer! I’m now at the point where my income from non-Amazon sources could almost keep my business ticking over, and I’m aiming at getting that number up to where it could provide a decent income even if a disaster happened with Amazon. Kobo in particular is helping me build audiences in Canada and Australasia, along with a sprinkling of sales in quite a variety of countries, library sales through Overdrive, and the Kobo Plus subscription service. These small trickles of income do add up, and I’ve also noticed that Kobo readers, in percentage terms, are much more likely to leave a review or rating than Amazon readers. I would really hate to be dependent on one company to grow my business.



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (3)

      Morgana Beston March 9, 2018 at 8:56 PM

      Hi Jane,
      Yes, Kobo is great for Canadian and Australian audiences, too. I agree with you – I would not like to be wholly dependent on one company to grow my business. It makes good business sense to be wide, doesn’t it. I’m keen on building the library sales through Overdrive. Very best of luck with reaching six figures and soon!



  2. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (4)

    ktomsovicon March 9, 2018 at 12:38 PM

    You make a lot of great points for those of us hammering out our own strategy. Thanks for sharing your experiences and congrats on your success!



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (5)

      Morgana Beston March 9, 2018 at 8:57 PM

      Thanks so much! It’s fun to talk strategies.



  3. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (6)

    Samantha Priceon March 9, 2018 at 5:26 PM

    Thanks for all this good information, Morgana.



  4. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (8)

    rosemary pfeifferon March 9, 2018 at 7:41 PM

    Wow..I always thought the hardest part about being an author was issues with a publisher. I don’t understand why/how Amazon can pull books like that. I know as a reviewer,you must put the disclaimer about if you got the book free from the author,that you had to mention that the review was voluntarily in the review itself. I recently heard they were pulling off the reviews that were not verified purchases. The only way it could be verified is to be purchased from them !! This is so unfair to the author as well as the reader,because of the time put in to writing the review. I could go on about this unfair practice from such a big company but it angers me too much. I am however glad your books are there so I can get them…I love all of them.



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (9)

      Morgana Beston March 10, 2018 at 2:00 AM

      I’m so glad you love my books, Rosemary!



  5. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (10)

    Sherry Priddyon March 9, 2018 at 8:41 PM

    Very interesting! Thanks Morgana!



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (11)

      Morgana Beston March 10, 2018 at 2:01 AM

      So glad you found it interesting, Sherry!



  6. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (12)

    Marla Bradeenon March 9, 2018 at 9:00 PM

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience, Morgana! I’m with you on going wide and not relying solely on one retailer, and your insights really help to give me some ideas on how to build my non-Amazon readership.



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (13)

      Morgana Beston March 10, 2018 at 2:01 AM

      I’m so glad about that, Maria, and I agree – wide is the way to go!



  7. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (14)

    ritterameson March 9, 2018 at 11:08 PM

    Terrific information, Morgana, thanks so much for offering up this great information. And thank you, Kobo Writing Life, for posting this. Really appreciate reading stories like this one.



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (15)

      Morgana Beston March 10, 2018 at 2:02 AM

      Happy to hear you enjoyed it, Ritter! Kobo Writing Life’s blog is so informative.



  8. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (16)

    mariagraziaswan.comon March 9, 2018 at 11:39 PM

    What a great article, and…now I know what you look like!!! Brava Morgana!



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (17)

      Morgana Beston March 10, 2018 at 2:03 AM

      Lol Thanks so much, Maria!



  9. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (18)

    Gayleon March 10, 2018 at 12:23 AM

    Is there a checklist you use to make sure you’ve included all the distributors?



  10. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (19)

    Morgana Beston March 10, 2018 at 2:10 AM

    Hi Gayle, I have a table in a word doc with a list of my books down the left column, and the retailers across the top. That way, I write the date when I have uploaded (or reuploaded) a book, and I can print more sheets at any time. I don’t lose track of any books, which is easy to do otherwise. I use Kobo, iBooks, Nook (via D2D – since I’m Aussie and can’t go direct to Nook), Overdrive via Kobo, Google Play, Scribd, my own website, and Amazon.



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (20)

      gayletrenton March 10, 2018 at 7:28 PM

      Thank you so much, Morgana!



      • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (21)

        Morgana Beston March 11, 2018 at 4:40 AM

        You’re welcome!



  11. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (22)

    autumnbarlowon March 10, 2018 at 2:25 AM

    Great information and very reassuring as I’m planning to make an upcoming series wide, right from the start.



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (23)

      Morgana Beston March 10, 2018 at 8:48 PM

      Best of luck with your new series wide, Autumn!



  12. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (24)

    Sherri Bryanon March 10, 2018 at 5:48 AM

    Huge congratulations on your success, Morgana, and thanks for the solid advice in this article.
    I’m one of those who took a look at going direct when I first started out but gave up and took the easy route with D2D. Having read this, though, I’m rethinking.
    Good stuff – thanks again.



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (25)

      Morgana Beston March 10, 2018 at 8:48 PM

      I’m convinced direct is the way to go! Thanks, Sherri.



  13. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (26)

    dianevallereon March 10, 2018 at 12:40 PM

    Great article! Thank you Morgana for sharing your experience, and Kobo Writing Life for featuring this information. Very valuable!



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (27)

      Morgana Beston March 10, 2018 at 8:49 PM

      Thanks, Diane!



  14. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (28)

    rebecca barretton March 11, 2018 at 2:23 PM

    This was very informative. I’ve recently been struggling with this question of KDP or staying wide. Thanks for the insight.



    • How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (29)

      Morgana Beston March 11, 2018 at 5:57 PM

      Hi Rebecca, best of luck going wide, if you chose to do so!



  15. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (30)

    Lisa B. Thomason March 14, 2018 at 8:23 PM

    Inspiring information, Morgana. Surviving all those critters definitely makes you Wonder Woman in my book!



  16. How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (31)

    Author Tamie Dearenon March 15, 2018 at 2:21 AM

    Thanks for this article. Great information. I have a hard time finding advertising venues for venues other than Amazon. A few offer promotions for ibooks and/or Barnes and Noble, but I’ve found very few who promote on Kobo. (Other than BookBub, of course.) Have you found good venues for wide promotion?




  1. Writing Links 3/12/18 – Where Genres Collide - […] “When I went wide for the second time, I went direct to the retailers, apart from Barnes &…
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How I Make a Six-Figure Income From My Writing - Kobo Writing Life (2024)


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"I have published through Kobo Writing Life for years, and highly recommend it. The process is simple, the platform is effective, and the customer service is exemplary."

Can you make 6 figures as a writer? ›

You have to be great at customer service and negotiating, but you also have to stay on top of your craft and accumulate skills and knowledge to keep adding value for your clients. Being a six-figure freelance writer is difficult but deeply satisfying.

How much can you make from writing a successful book? ›

Self-published authors can earn 40% to 60% royalties for the selling price of a book, while traditionally published authors typically earn 10% to 12% royalties. First-time authors willing to publish traditionally will receive a prepayment. This is usually $10,000 (not so much for first-time authors).

How much can I make on Kobo? ›

For original works, you will receive 70% of the list price for the book (the price the customer pays, not including taxes) for each copy of the book that is sold, provided the price is greater than or equal to: $2.99 USD. £1.99 GBP. $2.99 CAD.

How do I get paid on Kobo? ›

You can receive payments from Kobo via EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) directly in to your bank account. Authors are paid 45 days after the end of each monthly period provided they have met a minimum threshold of CAD $50. The currencies that we support are USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, JPY, AUD, NZD and HKD.

Can I make 100k as a writer? ›

Plain and simple. I've earned six figures (and sometimes well over six figures) as a content writer for many years. That doesn't mean it's easy to do so, but it's definitely possible.

How rare is it to make 6 figures? ›

What Percent of America Makes Six Figures? When you remove demographics such as infants, students, and stay-at-home spouses and focus only on full-time workers, around 18% of all earners in the US make at least six figures. Conversely, the median American household income in 2023 was approximately $44,225.

Can a book writer become a millionaire? ›

Yes, of course it can. But like I said in the beginning of this article, you get out what you put in. Don't expect to make a million dollars in your first year. It takes time to build up the experience, expertise, and social proof you need to charge the big-bucks.

What is the average book deal for a first time author? ›

The average book deal for first-time authors can fall between $1,000 to $10,000, depending on factors like publisher size and competitor landscape. How much is a book deal worth for seasoned authors? It can go up to the millions. Well, how much royalties do authors get with self-publishing?

Can I make a living writing a book? ›

So, it's definitely possible to make an income writing. It's possible to make your only income as a writer but I think some flexibility and some open-mindedness is required. And definitely some patience before you can say like, "I am a full-time writer. This is what I do." Some people don't achieve that.

Can you become a billionaire from writing? ›

To be clear, you don't have to be a millionaire writer to succeed or experience the good life. There are plenty of happy 5 and 6-figure writers. The point of this article is to show you what's possible, especially if you've always wanted to write and make a full-time income from it.

Do authors make money from Kobo? ›

Royalties for books enrolled in the subscription scheme, Kobo Plus, are paid at 60% but depend on the amount of time readers spend reading each book (not pages as read, as in the Kindle model).

How does Kobo writing life work? ›

Kobo Writing Life is the free self-publishing portal that lets authors and publishers create, edit, and upload eBooks to Kobo. When you choose to distribute your content through Kobo Writing Life (KWL), you're making it available to millions of readers in over 200 countries.

Can you really make money writing eBooks? ›

Ebooks are profitable, but simply publishing one is not enough. eBooks are profitable when they are marketed and sold properly with intent. Some authors who use Amazon to publish their ebooks can potentially make $1000+ a month.

Is Kobo Plus worth it for authors? ›

Kobo Plus pays authors per minute of material read, which is better than KU's quickly dwindling “pot” payment method. And in their latest TOS, Kobo announced authors will also be paid if a reader re-reads their work in the program, which is something that KU doesn't offer.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.