How I Made $4,513.43 in Passive Photography Income in 11 Months Using Affiliate Marketing (2024)

How I Made $4,513.43 in Passive Photography Income in 11 Months Using Affiliate Marketing (1)I cannot tell you how often I’d been asked by a friend or client what camera I would suggest they buy.

Last year I had a TON of people asking me that question, and I got tired of writing out a specific response to each one of them.

So I wrote a blog post about What DSLR Camera To Buy and started simply sending people to that post.

That post made me $145.38 in 2 months simply by telling people to visit that post instead of writing it out each time to every person that asked. So easy. This was the start of my search for passive income to supplement our regular photography income.

You can do it too. It’s super-easy to set up, and it can add significant money to your yearly income if you put some time and effort into it.

A Photographer’s Guide to Creating Passive Income

The most popular form of passive income is to recommend products online and earn a commission from it. This is commonly called affiliate marketing, although some programs such as Amazon’s Associate Program do not consider themselves affiliate marketing programs.

Almost all online businesses that sell something offer a commission program, and the more lucrative ones have commissions that are 50% of the total price or higher.

You simply sign up for their program (which typically requires you have a business and/or website) and they give you a personalized link that you use to link to their product that tracks the sale back to you. You’ll then receive the commission from the sale when someone uses your link to buy that product.

One of the most popular programs is the Amazon Associate Program.

This is what I used in the article that suggested what DSLR to buy. Because people used my links and then bought the items on Amazon (that’s an affiliate link), I received a commission as if I were an online salesman for them. It was directly deposited into my bank account after a few months and could not have been easier.

Vital things to know about Commission Programs and Affiliate Marketing

Disclosure is required

The FTC requires you to disclose to people that you benefit from the links you are providing or you will be breaking the law, so don’t try to hide the fact that you’re making a commission from it.

This is part of why it is SO important that you only promote products you love and you really believe in. If it’s a digital product, such as an ebook or a set of Photoshop actions, buy it first and check it out.

If you sell something you haven’t seen and it really stinks, it will reflect poorly upon you and you don’t want that, believe me. Not worth a few extra bucks.

On a side note, this is how I make enough money to justify spending the time each week to share my business secrets with all of you. I make commissions from almost all of the products I sell and suggest here. Some photographers would be horrified that I’m profiting from the purchases made by other photographers, but I never suggest a product I haven’t seen, read, or have complete faith in.

Minimum payout amounts

It’s also important to note that some affiliate programs and commission programs do not pay you until you’ve reached a certain amount of sales.

For example, Amazon is lovely as you only need to earn a very small amount to be paid your commission. Some sites require a larger amount, such as $100 earned, before you get your commission. If you never make it to that point, you never get paid. Read the fine print to find out if it is worth pursuing or not.

You can’t earn commissions from your own purchases

You generally are not allowed to use your own affiliate or commission links when making purchases.

So if you shop on Amazon a lot, you can have your account suspended or closed if you do it using your own program links.

I’ve yet to have seen a program that doesn’t have this same requirement, so read their terms of service before signing up.

Since you can’t earn a commission on your own purchases, I’d appreciate it if you’d use my link when you shop on Amazon. (I’m shameless, aren’t I?) Bookmark and use it to make your purchases (THANK YOU!) In Firefox, just right-click on the link for PC users or control+click for Mac users and select “Bookmark this Link” and you’re set to go.

Some commissions and affiliate programs I like and how to use them: For Clients

Here’s a list of some of the programs I highly recommend. If you choose to promote their product and it’s a digital product, make sure you buy a copy of it first before promoting it (preferably using my affiliate links below).

Most of these have commissions high enough that you only need to sell 2-5 of them to earn your money back from buying it so if it’s something with wide appeal, this is a worthwhile investment.

Amazon Associates

The opportunities you have to make extra money in your business with Amazon are incredible. You can link to the site’s home page or link to specific items directly (which is generally more effective). Here’s just a few quick ideas for how you could make money with it:

  • Write about what’s in your bag and link to each piece of equipment you use
  • Suggest outfits, hair bands, accessories, and other fun items that clients could purchase to wear at their session
  • Share a list of suggested wedding party gifts or bride & groom gifts to your wedding couples
  • Blog about what camera you’d suggest they buy, just like I did. This is especially powerful right around Christmas time!

Get creative. There’s a ton of things you could link to that could earn you extra money. The only downside is that the commission is quite small, but you make it on anything a person buys, not just the item you link to. So you often get multi-item purchases by people as they’re thinking about what else they need to buy while they’re there.

To learn more & sign up, visit them here.

Digital Photography School E-Books

The reason I really love promoting these is because they are geared towards amateurs but are incredibly packed full of information (even I’ve picked up a few tips from them) and they are relatively inexpensive. To make things even better, the affiliate commission is quite nice and can be earned back quickly.

These are great to suggest to clients who are interested in learning more about how to take beautiful photographs.

How I Made $4,513.43 in Passive Photography Income in 11 Months Using Affiliate Marketing (2)I’ve only read through one of them so far, but I plan to read more of them and promote more of them in the future as I’m so impressed by them. Here’s a few that I think would be especially good for your clients:

Click! How to Take Gorgeous Photos of Your Kids – This is the one I’ve read and I was really surprised and what a great resource it was. Blog about what a great e-book this is for parents or grandparents who want to take better photos of their kids or link to it on Facebook.

Transcending Travel – This will be the next book I pick up and promote to my clients (assuming it’s as good as the other one I read) as it talks about how to take better travel photos. It’d be a great gift suggestion for your wedding couples who are about to go on a honeymoon.

There’s several other e-books that might be of interest to your clients as well. Take a look.

You can find their affiliate program here.

Some commissions and affiliate programs I like and how to use them: For Photographers

If you’ve been in business more than 2 days, you’ve probably had people asking you for advice about how to start a photography business. In fact, this is how this blog was born. I kept answering the same questions again and again from other upcoming photographers, even when I was so new I hardly knew anything.

These next few affiliate programs are ones that are good for sharing when you’re asked for advice but are probably not something you’d plan to share with your clients.

Photographer’s Pricing Guide

How I Made $4,513.43 in Passive Photography Income in 11 Months Using Affiliate Marketing (3)One of the main questions I am asked is “How do I set the prices for my photography?!?” So I put together a free pricing guide for photographers and then created a Photographer’s Pricing Guide Workbook that can be purchased as an add-on to save time.

I offer an affiliate program that pays out 50% commissions, so if you buy it and like it you only need to explain to 2 colleagues about how helpful it is and get them to buy the guide and yours is free.

There’s no minimum sales threshold – you’re paid no matter if you sell only 1 workbook or 100 of them.

Here’s a link to our affiliate program information.


Lawrence over at Tofurious is a marketing genius, and his products are ridiculously helpful.

How I Made $4,513.43 in Passive Photography Income in 11 Months Using Affiliate Marketing (4)My favorite product is the Creative Pricing & Packaging for Photographers e-book. It talks about the psychology of choice how to construct photography packages so that your clients choose the one you want them to choose most of the time.

Pure brilliance.

Wish I had written it myself, but since I didn’t I’ll just promote the snot out of it for him to any photographer who will listen. It’s definitely increased my average wedding booking by a few hundred dollars over last year before I read the e-book.

He’s also got some blog templates, album templates, and a mix of other photography related items, but it’s the e-book that I truly adore. There’s also no minimum sales amount in order to receive a payment, so that’s pretty sweet.

Find more information about the Tofurious affilate program here.

Photography Concentrate

How I Made $4,513.43 in Passive Photography Income in 11 Months Using Affiliate Marketing (5)I’m in love with the super-helpful tutorial products that Photography Concentrate has put out just this year.

I’ve actually got a copy of their Super Photo Editing Skills and their Awesome Album Design Skills that they sent me to review and promote and I LOVE them.

I haven’t gotten through all of the album design one yet, but they have a knack for making things simple using clear video tutorials coupled with fabulous (and pretty!) e-books to go with them. You’ll see these promoted here in the next few months, and I would highly suggest checking them out and then pointing people who are looking for tips on how to edit or design albums to head on over.

They also have an “Extremely Essential Camera Skills” product that I am sure is an amazing resource for learning all the ins and outs of your camera (good for coupling with your “What camera to buy” blog post!)

They do have a medium-level payout threshold and a lower percentage commission than all the other photography affiliate programs I mention here in the “For Photographers” section, even if you sell extras to move up the commissions chart, but it’s a good product that I’d promote even if it didn’t have an affiliate program so I’m okay with it.

View their affiliate program information by clicking “affiliate program” in the bottom center of this page.

Flaunt Your Site

How I Made $4,513.43 in Passive Photography Income in 11 Months Using Affiliate Marketing (6)William Bay at Flaunt Your Site just released an e-book called “Photographer’s Web Marketing E-Book” that clearly lays out how to gain a web presence and really market your business online. From how to get a website set up to social media guides and suggestion, this is a great framework for marketing your business on the internet. This is especially useful for people who are just starting out and want to make sure they’re doing things correctly right from the start.

There’s no minimum threshold to meet to receive payment.

View the affiliate details here (at the bottom of the page).

Adorama and B&H

Both of these companies have affiliate programs, but the threshold for getting paid out is relatively high (especially Adorama’s program) and the commission fees paid are so low that I’m not sure they would be worth your time, but I put them here in case you want to add them to your list as well.

You can find information about their respective programs by visiting their sites. If you buy from Adorama or B&H often, using the links here is always appreciated.

So really, how much can a person make doing this?

Like most things, it will depend upon how much time and effort you put into it. If you plan to promote many products or do a lot of affiliate marketing, you’ll want to consider how this will change your brand and what effects it may have on it.

Just remember, don’t spam people. Don’t get pushy. Don’t promote products you don’t believe in or haven’t really experienced. Tell people that you’re getting something out of the deal.

Since starting commissions and affiliate marketing last year (just under a year ago) I’ve made over $4500 all from comissions or sales of my own pricing guide. While it isn’t huge money, it has more than covered my expenses for this website and gives me great satisfaction to know that I can be helping other people to grow their businesses without feeling like I’m stealing away time and income from our main wedding photography business.

There are some people, like Darren Rowse (who owns and runs Digital Photography School and Problogger) who make bajillions of dollars. (Yes, that’s an exact figure, approximately speaking).

But realistically, most people won’t even come close to that. But it’s not unrealistic to make a few extra bucks each month that can add up to a significant amount of money, especially if you have a lot of friends who shop on Amazon or have a lot of people asking you what questions about the business side of things.

This is incredibly fascinating! Where can I learn more?!?

I’d highly suggest reading Copyblogger and Problogger (Problogger is run by Darren Rowse as well). They will get you on the right path to learning more about commissions and affiliate marketing and how to do it ethically and well.

Also, if you’re interested in learning how to sell a digital product and create your own affiliate program (or why you would want to) leave a comment below or on our Facebook Page. If there’s enough interest, I’ll put together a post about it as well.

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How I Made $4,513.43 in Passive Photography Income in 11 Months Using Affiliate Marketing (2024)


Can you make $10,000 a month with affiliate marketing? ›

Affiliate marketing is a hard way to make money, but if you want to make $10,000 per month, you need a clear plan, hard work, and the will to keep learning. Success changes from person to person, but based on my work with affiliate marketers, here are the most important steps to get you going in the right direction: 1.

How much can affiliate marketers make per month? ›

Affiliate Marketing Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$125,000$10,416
75th Percentile$99,500$8,291
25th Percentile$66,000$5,500

Can I make 100k a month with affiliate marketing? ›

Affiliate marketing offers a lucrative opportunity to make money online by promoting products or services that align with your interests and expertise. By earning commissions for successful referrals or sales, you can generate a passive income stream and potentially earn $100,000 or more per month.

How is affiliate marketing passive income? ›

You find a product you like, promote it to your audience, and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make. It's similar to a salesperson earning a commission, except you don't work for the company. Instead, it's like earning a reward for sending a new customer to the company.

How long does it take to start making money with affiliate marketing? ›

How long does it take to make money with affiliate marketing? Generally, most affiliate marketers start to see their first commissions rolling in around the 6-month to one-year mark. Search engines need time to index a site.

Can you really make 6 figures with affiliate marketing? ›

15% can earn upwards of $80,001 to $1 million, while only 1% of affiliate marketers are raking in six- to seven-figures monthly. In a survey conducted by the Influencer Marketing Hub, they found that 3.78% of survey respondents managed to earn more than $150,000 annually in affiliate income.

How much can a beginner affiliate make? ›

How much do beginner affiliate marketers make? Beginner affiliate marketers typically make up to 30% commission per sale. Depending on the number of sales made, beginner affiliate marketers can make anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 annually.

What is the highest paying affiliate marketing platform? ›

Top 10 High Paying Affiliate Programs
  • Kinsta.
  • WP Engine.
  • Shopify.
  • Smartproxy.
  • AuthorityHacker.
  • Tips for Success with High Paying Affiliate Programs.
  • Identifying Profitable Products.
  • Creating High-Converting Content.
Jun 7, 2024

Does affiliate marketing really pay? ›

Affiliate marketing can be lucrative, but it takes a commitment of time and money to make it a real business. Do thorough research before you jump on the affiliate-marketing bandwagon. Also, remember to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.

What is the highest paid niche for affiliate marketing? ›

The most profitable niche for your affiliate marketing business can vary based on current market trends, audience demand, and competition. Historically, niches like technology, finance, health and wellness, and lifestyle products have been very profitable due to their high consumer demand and broad appeal.

What is the easiest way to make money with affiliate marketing? ›

  1. Launch your affiliate site with existing content. ...
  2. Diversify your affiliate partners. ...
  3. Own the relationship with your audience. ...
  4. Become an affiliate for audience-recommended products. ...
  5. Know the ins and outs of the products you're recommending. ...
  6. Disclose affiliate links. ...
  7. Share discount codes. ...
  8. Become a creator on Instagram.
Jun 18, 2024

How much does Amazon affiliate pay? ›

When someone clicks an affiliate link and buys a product, you'll receive a commission. Amazon commissions range from 1% to 20% depending on the product category. Amazon has few requirements on how affiliate links are promoted, meaning they can be used by a variety of creators and businesses.

How do you introduce yourself as an affiliate marketer? ›

Hello, my name is [Name] and I'm an affiliate marketer. I specialize in helping companies promote their products and services through online marketing. I'm passionate about helping businesses increase sales and create lasting relationships with their customers.

Is affiliate marketing difficult? ›

Affiliate marketing is a skilled practice, and learning the ropes can be a slow, hard slog. So be prepared to spend a lot of time, rather than a lot of money, at the start of your affiliate career.

How to be an affiliate marketer for beginners? ›

Affiliate marketing isn't complicated – it's primarily about posting affiliate links. That's it. It's easy to get started. Join a few affiliate programs, create content, post links, and you're on your way.

Can you really make a lot of money with affiliate marketing? ›

Affiliate marketing can be a source of high passive income, as some successful affiliates make over $100,000 per month. However, it requires effort, patience, and consistency to succeed. To be successful in affiliate marketing, it is important to choose a niche that you are genuinely interested in.

How much money do you need to be successful in affiliate marketing? ›

In general, there is no fixed amount of money required to be a successful affiliate marketer. You should set out a monthly budget for paid traffic and additional tools to help you progress from a beginner to an intermediate affiliate.

What is the monthly profit of affiliate marketing? ›

Based on the latest trends, here are some key revenue and earnings statistics in the affiliate marketing sector: The average affiliate marketer earns $8,038 per month. 81.2% of affiliate marketers make more than $20,000 annually. An average ROI of $15 for every dollar invested in affiliate marketing is 1400%.

What is the average payout for affiliate marketing? ›

In general, the average affiliate marketing commission rate lies between 5 and 30%. Most businesses will start on the lower end and increase this rate as the brand grows. This rate should be attractive to your affiliates and affordable within your payment ability.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.