How Does Steam Make Money? The Steam Business Model In A Nutshell - FourWeekMBA (2024)

  • Steam is a digital, video game distribution service created by American video game developer and publisher Valve Corporation in 2003. The platform started as a patch distributor with a clunky interface but steadily grew into a popular game services platform enjoyed by millions of users every day.
  • Steam makes most of its money via the commissions it charges on all game sales, with the exact commission based on total net sales volume.
  • Steam charges a small “deposit fee” for new game developers who wish to list on the platform for distribution. There is also a flat transaction fee to protect against fraud and support new features in the Steam economy.
Business Model ElementAnalysisImplicationsExamples
Value PropositionSteam’s value proposition includes: – Extensive Game Library: Offering a vast and diverse catalog of video games across various genres. – Digital Distribution: Providing a convenient platform for users to purchase, download, and play games digitally. – Social Features: Enabling social interactions, including friends, chat, and community forums. – Regular Sales and Discounts: Offering regular discounts and sales events to entice users. Steam appeals to gamers by offering a wide range of games, convenience, social engagement, and cost savings.Attracts gamers seeking access to a vast game library. Engages users with the convenience of digital game distribution. Fosters a sense of community through social features. Encourages game purchases with frequent sales and discounts. Provides a comprehensive value proposition in the gaming industry.– Extensive catalog of video games across genres. – Platform for digital distribution and gameplay. – Social features for community engagement. – Regular sales events and discounts on games.
Customer SegmentsSteam serves the following customer segments: 1. Gamers: Individuals who enjoy playing video games across various genres. 2. Game Developers: Creators and publishers of video games who distribute their titles through the platform. 3. Modders and Workshop Contributors: Users who create and share game modifications (mods) and content through Steam Workshop. Steam caters to gamers, game developers, and modders, creating a vibrant gaming ecosystem.Attracts gamers looking for a diverse selection of games. Provides game developers with a distribution platform and access to a large user base. Supports modders and content creators by offering a platform for sharing their creations. Builds a thriving ecosystem connecting gamers, developers, and creators.– Gamers seeking a wide variety of gaming experiences. – Game developers looking to distribute and sell their titles. – Modders and content creators sharing their work through Steam Workshop.
Distribution StrategySteam’s distribution strategy includes: – Desktop Application: Offering a desktop application (Steam client) for purchasing, downloading, and managing games. – Steam Store: Operating an online store where users can browse, search, and purchase games and other digital content. – Steam Workshop: Providing a platform for users to create, share, and download user-generated game mods and content. – Steam Community: Offering social features like chat, friends, and discussion forums within the Steam client. Steam ensures accessibility, a user-friendly store, modding capabilities, and community engagement to grow its user base.Provides accessibility through a dedicated desktop application. Offers a user-friendly online store for game purchases. Supports user-generated content and mods through Steam Workshop. Fosters a sense of community and social interaction within the platform. Implements a multi-channel distribution strategy for widespread availability.– Desktop application for game management and gameplay. – Online store for purchasing games and digital content. – Platform for sharing user-generated game mods and content. – Social features such as chat, friends, and discussion forums.
Revenue StreamsSteam generates revenue through the following streams: 1. Game Sales: Earnings from selling video games and digital content through the Steam Store. 2. Valve Index Sales: Revenue from the sale of Valve’s virtual reality (VR) headset, the Valve Index. 3. Steam Workshop: Collecting a percentage of revenue from user-generated content sold on Steam Workshop. 4. Steam Community Market: Earnings from fees on transactions involving in-game items and virtual goods. Game sales are the primary source of revenue.Earns income from the sale of video games and digital content. Generates revenue from the sale of Valve Index VR hardware. Collects a portion of revenue from user-generated content sold on Steam Workshop. Earns fees from transactions involving in-game items and virtual goods. Diversifies revenue sources within the gaming and digital content ecosystem. Ensures financial sustainability through multiple income streams.– Earnings from the sale of video games and digital content. – Revenue from the sale of Valve Index virtual reality hardware. – Percentage of revenue from user-generated content on Steam Workshop. – Fees collected from transactions involving in-game items and virtual goods.
Marketing StrategySteam’s marketing strategy involves: – Seasonal Sales: Hosting seasonal sales events, such as the Steam Summer Sale and Steam Winter Sale, to attract users with discounted games. – Email Marketing: Sending personalized email recommendations and notifications to users based on their gaming preferences. – Social Media: Leveraging social media platforms to engage with the gaming community and promote game releases. – User Reviews and Ratings: Encouraging user reviews and ratings to influence purchase decisions. Steam focuses on attracting users through enticing sales events, personalized recommendations, and community engagement.Attracts users with highly anticipated seasonal sales events. Engages users with personalized email recommendations and notifications. Utilizes social media to connect with the gaming community and promote games. Encourages user-generated content through reviews and ratings. Implements a comprehensive marketing strategy to drive user acquisition and game sales.– Seasonal sales events like the Steam Summer Sale. – Personalized email recommendations and notifications. – Social media engagement with the gaming community. – User-generated content in the form of reviews and ratings.
Organization StructureSteam’s organizational structure includes: – Valve Corporation: The parent company overseeing the development and operation of Steam. – Development Teams: Dedicated teams responsible for the design and development of the Steam client and related software. – Customer Support: Providing customer support services to address user inquiries and issues. – Steam Workshop Moderators: Overseeing user-generated content and ensuring adherence to guidelines. Valve Corporation leads the operation and development of Steam, supported by teams focused on software, customer support, and content moderation.Led by Valve Corporation, the parent company responsible for Steam. Employs development teams for software design and user experience. Offers customer support services to address user inquiries and concerns. Enlists Steam Workshop moderators to oversee user-generated content. Maintains an organized structure for efficient platform operation and user support.– Valve Corporation leading Steam’s development and operation. – Development teams responsible for software and user experience. – Customer support services addressing user inquiries and concerns. – Steam Workshop moderators overseeing user-generated content.
Competitive AdvantageSteam’s competitive advantage stems from: – Extensive Game Library: Maintaining a vast and diverse library of games, making it a go-to platform for gamers. – Digital Distribution Pioneers: Being early adopters of digital game distribution, establishing trust with users. – Community and Social Features: Fostering a strong sense of community and offering social features that enhance the gaming experience. – Sales and Discounts: Hosting popular and highly anticipated sales events that drive user engagement and purchases. Steam’s strengths in its game library, digital distribution, community, and sales events solidify its position as a leading digital gaming platform.Distinguishes itself with an extensive game library catering to diverse gaming tastes. Pioneered digital game distribution, establishing trust and user loyalty. Fosters a vibrant gaming community with social features. Drives user engagement and sales through highly anticipated sales events. Enjoys a competitive edge as a prominent digital gaming platform.– Vast and diverse library of games across genres. – Pioneering digital game distribution, establishing trust. – Strong sense of community with social features. – Highly anticipated sales events that drive user engagement. – Leading position as a digital gaming platform.

Table of Contents

Origin story

Steam is a digital, video game distribution service created by American video game developer and publisher Valve Corporation in 2003.

Steam started as a way for Valve to control the patching process for games like Counter-Strike.

The platform was also used to prevent cheating and provide easier access to content produced by the game developer.

However, Steam required a constant internet connection at a time when only 20% of American households had access to broadband internet.

What’s more, the interface was clunky and players were often locked out of the games they purchased as the platform’s authentication servers struggled to cope with demand.

Nevertheless, the 2004 release of Half-Life 2 – which could only be played with a Steam account – increased the popularity of the platform with three prominent packages emblazoned across the Steam storefront.

The following year, Valve made a decision that would essentially make the platform what is today.

They decided that Steam would move away from being a humble patch distributor and allow third-party developers to host and sell their own games.

Steam continued to grow in the following years, adding a competitive eSport scene and features more common to social media sites such as friend community groups and integration with review service Metacritic.

The Steam Workshop was released in 2011 after a major user interface overhaul, enabling gamers to create and upload content directly to the platform.

Many such contributions were used in Counter-Strike Global Offensive and Team Fortress 2, with Valve’s introduction of skins to CSGO saving the game from ruin.

The Steam Marketplace was released in 2012, allowing in-game items to be bought and sold using funds from digital wallets.

Two years later, Steam transitioned from a gaming platform to one providing game services.

Users could transform their laptops and tablets into wireless monitors to stream games or broadcast their sessions live to family and friends.

Steam now features almost 30,000 games from major publisher releases to independent titles and everything in between.

There are an estimated 120 million monthly active users who logged a combined total of 31.3 billion hours of playtime in 2020.

Steam revenue generation

Steam utilizes the online marketplace model where it connects buyers with sellers.

The company collects various fees and commissions for providing services, facilitating transactions, and giving game developers exposure to a vast audience.

With that in mind, here is a more detailed look at how the company makes money.


Most company revenue comes from the commissions Steam charges on the sale of a game.

The exact commission depends on the game’s net sales volume:

  • Net sales volume of under $10 million – 30% commission.
  • Net sales volume between $10-50 million – 25% commission.
  • Net sales volume over $50 million – 20% commission.

Steam Direct fee

Steam Direct is a submission path designed to provide a streamlined, transparent, and affordable route for new game developers to submit games to the Steam platform.

For each new submission, the developer is required to pay an app deposit fee of $100. The deposit fee is recoupable from the payment made if the app reaches $1,000 in gross adjusted revenue.

Transaction fees

Steam collects a transaction fee of 5% to protect against fraudulent incidents and also to cover the cost of future Steam economy features.

The minimum transaction fee is $0.01 and is charged to the buyer based on the total item cost.

Key Highlights

  • Foundation and Evolution:
    • Created by Valve Corporation in 2003.
    • Evolved from a patch distributor to a leading digital game distribution platform.
    • Significant growth marked by the release of Half-Life 2 in 2004.
  • Value Proposition:
    • Extensive game library across various genres.
    • Convenient digital distribution of games.
    • Integrated social features and community forums.
    • Frequent sales and discounts on games.
  • Customer Segments:
    • Gamers seeking a wide range of video games.
    • Game developers looking for a distribution platform.
    • Modders and workshop contributors sharing game mods and content.
  • Distribution Strategy:
    • Desktop application for game management.
    • Steam Store for browsing and purchasing games.
    • Steam Workshop for user-generated content.
    • Community features for social interaction.
  • Revenue Streams:
    • Commissions from game sales.
    • Sales of Valve’s VR headset, the Valve Index.
    • Revenue from user-generated content on Steam Workshop.
    • Transaction fees from the Steam Community Market.
  • Marketing Strategy:
    • Seasonal sales events like Steam Summer Sale.
    • Personalized email recommendations.
    • Social media engagement.
    • User reviews and ratings to influence purchases.
  • Organization Structure:
    • Valve Corporation oversees development and operation.
    • Dedicated teams for software development and customer support.
    • Moderators for Steam Workshop content.
  • Competitive Advantage:
    • Extensive and diverse game library.
    • Pioneer in digital game distribution.
    • Strong community and social features.
    • Popular sales and discount events.
  • Origin Story Highlights:
    • Initial focus on patch distribution and anti-cheat measures.
    • Steam’s growth catalyzed by Half-Life 2’s Steam-exclusive launch.
    • Expansion to host third-party games in 2005.
    • Introduction of the Steam Workshop and Marketplace for user-generated content and in-game item transactions.
  • Revenue Generation Details:
    • Commission-based model with rates sliding from 30% to 20% based on sales volume.
    • Steam Direct fee for new game submissions.
    • Transaction fees on the Steam Community Market to support platform features and combat fraud.

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How Does Steam Make Money? The Steam Business Model In A Nutshell - FourWeekMBA (2024)


How does Steam make its money? ›

Steam makes most of its money via the commissions it charges on all game sales, with the exact commission based on total net sales volume. Steam charges a small “deposit fee” for new game developers who wish to list on the platform for distribution.

Is there a way to make money on Steam? ›

As you play the games, you earn different reward currencies (units, GXP, and PXP). You earn PXP by playing any game on the platform, which boosts your GXP earning potential. Finally, the amount of GXP impacts your ability to earn units, which you can exchange for gift cards.

What is the profit breakdown of Steam? ›

Steam's Revenue Share Model

Steam takes a 30% cut from the revenue generated by game sales on its platform. This means that out of every dollar earned by developers on their games, Steam keeps 30 cents, while the remaining 70 cents goes directly to the developers' pockets.

How does Steam company work? ›

Once the game is bought, a software license is permanently attached to the user's Steam account, allowing them to download the software on any compatible device. Game licenses can be given to other accounts under certain conditions.

What is Steam's business model? ›

The Steam business model is designed as a platform for video game distribution where users can view, purchase, play, and even discuss video games. The gaming industry is categorized into: PC, Console, and Mobile gaming.

How is Steam so successful? ›

Steam's developer-friendly services made it an attractive place for third-party sellers to list their games on Steam and started a golden age for PC game development. The steam storefront had democratized video game development, giving developers a direct line to consumers that they never had before in retail.

How to earn Steam points? ›

Sign in to your Steam account to review purchases, account status, and get personalized help. Whenever you make a purchase on Steam, you'll gain Steam Points based on how much you spent. Points can be redeemed in The Points Shop for a variety of community content.

Does Steam make you pay monthly? ›

Valve has no recurring fees or monthly charges unless otherwise explicitly stated as part of an online game subscription.

Is Mistplay real? ›

It turns out the app is a legit way to earn gift cards for playing games. It isn't a scam, but it won't make you rich. I personally received a $5 gift card after playing. Here's what I found out in my detailed Mistplay review.

What is Steam and does it cost money? ›

Steam is a digital game storefront and a social platform that lets you see what your friends are playing. To sign up, select Login > Join Steam on the homepage and enter your information. Steam is free to use, but you typically pay for games.

How much money has Steam made total? ›

Valve has generated about USD10 billion from the Steam store. Looking in the past, we can see how the Steam Marketplace's revenue for Valve had skyrocketed in 2020, most likely because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How much money does Steam make per game? ›

Steam takes its 30% cut, although some developers may have negotiated a smaller cut, for example for exclusivity. But this number is probably the standard for indie game developers. Steam also has a 100$ fee per game, which may be more relevant for lower numbers.

How much does Steam make from Steam market? ›

Steam charges a "Steam Transaction Fee" of 5% item value for every item sold on the Market. For example, if somebody sold an item for $100 on the Market, the buyer would have to pay $115 for the item.

How does Steam sell work? ›

The Steam Community Market treats items as commodities and uses buy and sell orders for all transactions. Instead of choosing a specific item you want to buy from a particular person, you tell the system the price you are willing to pay or how much you are willing to accept.

Are CDKeys legit? › is a legitimate website. It both works as it is supposed to and is entirely legal. Among third-party key reselling sites, it is among the most trusted. As the company's website explains: "For more than 10 years we have been selling CD Keys to millions of customers from all around the World.

How much money does Steam make per year? ›

While the PC gaming segment saw a brief but significant boost during the initial period of the COVID-19 outbreak, it was estimated that Steam's annual gaming revenue in 2023 amounted to 8.56 billion U.S. dollars, down from more than 10 billion U.S. dollars in 2021.

Is Steam market real money? ›

The Steam trading interface does not support the transfer of money in any form. This includes Wallet credits, PayPal, gift cards or any other type of currency. Trading for CD Keys is not supported in the Steam Trading interface. CD Keys that are offered are often for a different game, fake, used or region restricted.

Do you really own a Steam game? ›

If you further research the topic, you'll find out that you actually do not own the games, and never had. What you do “own” is the digital license to use them, with many different systems working against having access to the files that you've paid for!

Does Steam cost any money? ›

It's also a community portal where you can connect with friends to see what they're playing, share screenshots and videos, and play cooperative and competitive multiplayer games. Signing up for a Steam account is free, and there are no ongoing costs to use the service.

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