How Does Credit Work? Here's What You Need To Know (2024)

by Bola SokunbiUpdated on November 1, 2023

Reviewed by Alex Loredo

What is credit, how does credit work, and why is it important? When it comes to making bigpurchaseslikebuying a homeor financing a business, knowing and understanding your credit is super important! Find out all you need to know about credit here!

How Does Credit Work? Here's What You Need To Know (1)

Table of contents

  • What is credit and what makes up your score?
  • Two types of credit
  • How your credit score is calculated
  • Expert tip: Credit isn’t everything
  • Key tips to build and maintain your credit
  • 3 Common credit myths
  • What is a simple definition of credit?
  • What is a good credit score?
  • How does credit build up?
  • Is credit the money you owe?
  • What builds your credit score the most?
  • Articles related to the best way to build credit
  • Learning how credit works can benefit you financially!

Your creditworthiness is used to determine your eligibility for “pay to use” services like your cell phone or your apartment rental. It’s also used to determine yourinterest rateonyourcredit cardsand loans.

Some employers may even use yourcredit reportas a determining factor when considering you for a job! Given how important your credit is, let’s get into how credit works.

What is credit and what makes up your score?

Your credit is essentially your ability to borrow money in the form of a loan or credit card at a specific interest rate based on your past borrowing and payment history. Your credit score is made up of several factors, including history, payments, debt to credit ratio, age of the debt and more.

That said, in order to full answer the question, “how does credit work?”, it’s important to know more about each of these different factors.

Credit history length

Your length of credit history is how long you’ve had credit for. If you’ve had an account open for many years, it’s usually better for your credit score.

It obviously takes time to build up a good credit history length, so this isn’t something you can immediately change. If you have no credit at all, you can start building the history length by opening an account.

Yourcredit historyis a compilation of allcredit cardsand loans you’ve ever had. All the way back to that firstcredit cardyou signed up for in college in order to get the free t-shirt (been there, done that!).

It’s the history of how (well) you’ve paid your bills in the past, and it records the amount of cards you have, how much you owe, etc.

If you are new to building credit, you might have aninsufficientcredit history.But this can be remedied over time by mindfully applying for credit and paying your bills on time.

Credit mix

There are a lot of types of credit, including credit cards, mortgages, student loans, etc. So, your credit mix is how much of the different types of credit you have.

The Ascent from Motley Fool explains that having a good credit mix means a balance of both revolving and installment credit.

History of payment

History of payment is a very big factor that helps determine your overall credit score. It is how well you’ve paid back your debts over time, and it accounts for 35% of FICO scores as well as being important for VantageScore, claims Forbes.

So, if you’re wondering where to start with building good credit, paying on time is an extremely important thing.

Credit utilization (Debt to credit ratio)

Credit utilization is another very important thing for determining your credit score. It is also known as your debt-to-credit ratio, and it is essentially how much you owe, divided by the amount of available credit you have. Using more than 30% of your available credit can make your score drop.

So you want to be careful not to take on any debt that you don’t need to and pay off your credit cards and loans as soon as possible.

New credit

Any new credit cards or loans can affect your credit. If a hard inquiry (when your credit is checked for a loan or credit card) is made when you apply, it can affect your score.

However, Bankrate explains that new credit may also have a positive impact if it improves your credit mix or utilization.

So it’s important to be aware of how this can impact your score before you apply for anything new.

Two types of credit

So, how does credit work when it comes to the types of credit that exist? There are two main types, called revolving and installment credit. Here are the details.

1. Revolving credit

Revolving credit allows you to continue to borrow money on a revolving basis, even if you are currently paying the money back. The best example of this is a credit card, which allows you to make payments while simultaneously using the card. But be sure to learn how to use credit cards wisely.

Other examples of revolving credit include home equity lines of credit and personal lines of credit.

2. Installment credit

Installment credit is a fixed amount of money that you borrow and then pay back over time. You’ll make payments on it continuously until the amount is paid back. But you will pay back with interest.

A home mortgage is one of the best examples of an installment loan, and there are also student loans and other types of loans. Other examples of installment credit include car loans and personal loans.

How your credit score is calculated

So, how does credit work when it comes to yourcredit scores? In the US, there are 3 majorcredit bureaus:Equifax,Transunion, andExperian.

Their main job is to collect your credit information from various sources, aggregate them into a report, assign you acredit scorebased on their methodology, and make this information available to your potentiallenders.

You’re assigned acredit score, a number typically between 300 to around 850. Your credit score basically reflects how well you’ve managed yourcredit cardsand loans in the past. A good credit score is deemed as 700 and above.

There are two maincredit scoresused by these bureaus:

FICO score

TheFICO scoreis the most popular scoring method.Factors used to calculate yourFICO scoreincludepayment history, debt owed, age of credit,new credit/inquiries, and types of credit.

90% of the toplendersuseFICO scores.Score range: 300 to 850.

Fico scores are extremely important to consider, but there is another main scoring method.


The VantageScoreis another scoring model. It was created by the three majorcredit bureaus.

Factors used to calculate yourVantageScoreincludepayment history, creditutilization, type of account and age, and credit behavior.Score range: 300 to 850.

Expert tip: Credit isn’t everything

Your credit score does matter for a lot of things, for you as a borrower, from getting a mortgage to being approved for a new credit card.

However, it’s essential to remember that your credit score is just part of your financial picture. There are other things that matter just as much, like saving, investing, and retirement planning.

If you are trying to build your score and it isn’t where you’d like it to be, don’t worry. Focus on the things you can control by continuing to choose financial wellness, and your credit will eventually improve with this intentional action.

Key tips to build and maintain your credit

Now that you’ve answered how does credit work, let’s focus on the best way to build credit.

Building your credit

It’s a smart idea to try to improve your credit score as much as possible. It can help you getting the best interest rates on loans, credit cards, and many other types of debt.

Employers may even leverage your credit score as part of their background checks depending on the role you’ve applies for. Here’s what to do to make your credit score better.

Understand your current credit standing

In order to improve yourcredit score, you need to know your current credit standing. This is essentially the starting point when it comes to the best way to build credit.

So, what is yourcredit score? When was the last time you checked your credit? Is everything on yourcredit reportdocumented accurately?

Furthermore, are you paying all your bills on time? Are you aware of any delinquencies?

You should be able to answer all of these questions about your credit at any point in time. Then, you’ll have a good idea about your credit status before you apply for any loans.

Knowing yourcredit scoreand what is in yourcredit historywill also make you aware of credit fraud oridentity theftof yourpersonal information. Then, you can figure out what to do if your identity is stolen.

It is very important to catch this early because if you catch it too late and your credit has already been damaged, it can be a pain to fix.

In the US, you are entitled to afreecopy of your credit reportfrom each of the three bureaus once a year, according to Check out your free credit report

It’s a good idea to obtain a copy of your currentcredit reportfrom all threecredit bureaus. After all, you want to know where you currently stand with your credit.

You need to understand what has been reported about you to thecredit bureaus. That means informationregarding your payments, how much you owe, your different account types, and any late payments or delinquencies.

Pay your bills and loans on time

Paying your billson time is a big part of how credit works. It proves your creditworthiness tolendersand has a huge impact on yourcredit score.

If you are behind on any payments or have bills piling up, you should try your best to catch up as soon as you can. Call yourcreditorsto create payment plans and set up new payment dates.

It’s also a good idea to set reminders for yourself for all your bills. Then you can make sure you don’t forget to make any payments in the future.

Build all your recurring payments (along with their due dates!) into your budget. Also, consider automating your payments.

Reduce your overall debt-to-credit ratio

You can do this by paying down debts and/or paying them off each month. Your overall debt load, as well as your percentage ofcreditutilization,affects yourcredit score. You can calculate your credit card utilization here.

Let’s say you have acredit cardwith a limit of $1,000, and you owe $950 on it; yourutilizationis 95%. Highutilizationcan count against you becausecreditorsuse it as a gauge to see how likely you are to pay back what you owe.

You can also try to add to yourcredit limitand pay down debt at the same time to make your debt-to-credit ratio smaller.

Don’t close old accounts

So, how does credit work when it comes to your old credit accounts? Yourcredit cardaccounts make up a vital part of yourcredit history, so if you have accounts that show you’ve been paying your bills on time consistently, you’ll want to keep them as part of yourcredit history.

If you have accounts you’ve paid off, keep them open and make the occasional smallpurchaseon them. Pay them off in full each month.

Monitor your credit

Many banks andcredit card companiesnow provide free updatedcredit scoresas well as daily credit monitoring. It’s worth looking into these services to stay on top of yourcredit score.

Maintaining your credit score

Once you finally get to a point where your credit is good, how do you ensure you stay there? By maintaining your score. Here’s how:

Pay off and avoid debt

Paying off debtshows yourcreditorsthat you are financially responsible, and avoiding it as a whole (especiallycredit cards) will give you fewer bills to pay each month. It will also allow you to focus on what really matters – building wealth.

So learn how to pay off credit cards fast and use your debit card for purchases.

Build an emergency fund

Your emergency fundis essentially your backup plan in the event the unplanned occurs. Having one means you won’t have to rely on debt to resolve your situation, which in turn means you can keep your creditutilization ratiolow.

Save for retirement

Just like with having an emergency fund, over thelong term, saving for retirementreduces and hopefully eliminates any reliance you have on debt. A solid nest egg for your future self means you won’t need to finance the costs of your lifestyle come retirement.

So consider different tips for retirement and start planning.

Check your credit frequently

Checking your credit frequently will inform you of what’s being reported, this way, you can take any necessary actions to rectify inaccuracies if they occur.

Apply a credit freeze

It’s also a good idea toestablish a credit freeze that prevents the opening of newlines of creditin your name. It can help protect you from credit fraud. If you are not applying for a newline of creditor loan anytime soon, it’s definitely something to consider.

Find out more about the process if you’re wondering, should I freeze my credit?

These are all things you should be doing over the long term. Establishing good financial habits ensures you avoid scenarios that will impact your credit.

How Does Credit Work? Here's What You Need To Know (2)

3 Common credit myths

Now that we’ve gone over the question of what is credit, plus some ways to build your credit and stay in good standing, let’s dispel some of the myths people commonly believe about their credit.

Having a thorough understanding of these incorrect assumptions will help you make sound financial choices.

There are a number of myths going aroundabout how credit works, including:

Myth: Holding a credit card balance is good for your credit

Wrong! Carrying a balance isn’t a great idea. Not only will you owe money, but you will also be paying interest.

That means the price of whatever you paid for on credit will cost you more money every month that you carry a balance.

You should strive topay yourcredit cardbillin full and on time every month to build and protect yourcredit score.

Myth: Checking your credit report will reduce your credit score

If you are applying for loans orlines of credit, there will likely behard inquiriesmade on yourcredit report.

A hard inquiry forcredit cardapplications or credit checks can cause a temporary dip in your score, but soft inquiries such as checking yourcredit scorethrough credit monitoring tools will not impact your score.

Myth: Once a credit score is bad, it can’t be rebuilt

Your credit can be rebuilt over time if you focus on developing good credit habits and working through the issues on yourcredit report.

Things like paying your bills on time and in full, coming to agreements with collection agencies for any accounts that are delinquent, getting consumer credit counseling or coaching, etc., are all steps you can take towards rebuilding your credit.

What is a simple definition of credit?

A simple definition of credit is being able to borrow to pay for things and then pay it back at a later time. So your credit cards and any loans you obtain are all considered credit.

You can use credit for many good things e.g. to purchase an asset like a home that has the potential to appreciate. But that said, because you are borrowing money, it is a potential debt that has to be paid back, so you should use it with caution and with a plan.

What is a good credit score?

The general consensus is that agood credit scoreis 700 or higher. With acredit scorelike this, you’ll likely get approval for a loan at a goodinterest rate. An excellent credit score, on the other hand, is about 800 and higher.

How does credit build up?

Credit builds up over time and with good credit behavior. Paying off your debts on time, keeping accounts open, your credit mix, and other factors can help build up your credit.

It takes time and patience to build your score, so don’t expect overnight results.

However, you can consistently take steps to improve your score and make good money moves.

Is credit the money you owe?

Credit isn’t the money you owe, it’s the amount you can borrow and will need to pay back. Credit, however, has the potential to become money you owe, but only if you use it.

For instance, if you have a credit card that you can spend $5,000 on, then you have $5,000 worth of credit. But if you use some of it, then there is less that you can borrow.

What builds your credit score the most?

Your payment history over time builds your credit score the most. That said, there are many factors that contribute to credit.

FICO suggests keeping credit accounts open, using a low percentage of the credit available to you, and not trying to get too much new credit to start.

Articles related to the best way to build credit

If you enjoyed learning about how credit scores and credit works, then you’ll like these other blog posts!

  • 27 Tips For How To Pay Off Credit Cards Fast
  • The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Credit Cards
  • Why Did My Credit Score Drop?
  • How Do Credit Card Companies Make Money?
  • Can You Pay A Credit Card With A Credit Card?

Learning how credit works can benefit you financially!

So, now that you know how does credit work, remember you should use credit wisely and to your advantage. That means using it to obtain a home loan, get a cell phone,sign a lease for an apartment, or for business financing (with a solid business plan).

Don’t use it to rack upcredit carddebt, which, over the long term, is to your disadvantage. Learn more aboutbuilding good credit with our free course!

How Does Credit Work? Here's What You Need To Know (2024)


How Does Credit Work? Here's What You Need To Know? ›

Credit is an agreement between you and a lender to borrow money that you'll repay later. Credit can also refer to your individual credit history, which is used to assess your creditworthiness.

How does credit work in simple terms? ›

Credit is the ability of the consumer to acquire goods or services prior to payment with the faith that the payment will be made in the future. In most cases, there is a charge for borrowing, and these come in the form of fees and/or interest.

What is everything I need to know about credit? ›

Your credit score is determined by five factors: payment history, credit utilization, credit age, types of credit, and recent credit activity. Payment history is the most important factor in determining your credit score. This includes whether you've paid your bills on time and how often you've missed payments.

How does credit really work? ›

It's a financial commitment to repay money borrowed plus interest in a timely manner. Failure to repay your credit as agreed can affect your ability to borrow, rent, or even get a job. Lenders use your credit score to determine if it is safe to lend you money.

What is the basic knowledge of credit? ›

What is Credit? Credit is an agreement you make with a lender that allows you to pay for goods or services now. In return, you agree to pay the lender back, usually with interest. Some common forms of credit are credit cards, mortgages, personal loans, payday loans, student loans, and car loans.

What is the basic concept of credit? ›

Credit is a relationship between a borrower and a lender. The borrower borrows money from the lendor. The borrower pays back the money at a later date along with interest. Most people still think of credit as an agreement to buy something or get a service with the promise to pay for it later.

How does credit score work for dummies? ›

Credit scores are calculated using the information found in your credit reports, such as how many credit accounts you have and how long they've been open, whether you make payments on time, your account balances and more. The primary objective of a credit score is to indicate how likely you are to repay a loan on time.

What habit lowers your credit score? ›

Having Your Credit Limit Lowered

Recurring late or missed payments, excessive credit utilization or not using a credit card for a long time could prompt your credit card company to lower your credit limit. This may hurt your credit score by increasing your credit utilization.

What is a good credit score for a beginner? ›

You would need to score between 670 and 739 to have a good credit score. If the lender is checking your VantageScore with TransUnion, you need to rate between 661 and 780. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict which credit scoring model your lender will see.

What is my credit score if I dont have credit? ›

Credit scoring models generate credit scores based on the information pulled from your credit report. If you do not use credit accounts, you will not have a credit report, and thus, you will have no credit score. You are “credit invisible” or “unscored.”

What is the #1 way to build your credit? ›

Become an authorized user

One of the fastest ways to build credit is by becoming an authorized user on someone else's card, like a family member or close friend. You can piggyback off the primary cardholder's credit and establish your credit history.

How does a beginner build credit? ›

Ways to build credit
  1. Understand credit-scoring factors. ...
  2. Develop and maintain good credit habits. ...
  3. Apply for a credit card. ...
  4. Become an authorized user. ...
  5. Examine your credit mix. ...
  6. Apply for a special kind of personal loan. ...
  7. Make timely payments on other loans and accounts.

How fast can you build credit? ›

Whatever your reason for wondering how long it takes to get a credit score, you can generally expect it to take about six months – and usually longer to get into the good-to-exceptional credit score range.

What are the three Cs of credit? ›

Students classify those characteristics based on the three C's of credit (capacity, character, and collateral), assess the riskiness of lending to that individual based on these characteristics, and then decide whether or not to approve or deny the loan request.

What is a good credit score? ›

There are some differences around how the various data elements on a credit report factor into the score calculations. Although credit scoring models vary, generally, credit scores from 660 to 724 are considered good; 725 to 759 are considered very good; and 760 and up are considered excellent.

What is credit explained simply? ›

Credit is an agreement between a lender and a borrower that allows the borrower to obtain funds, goods or services now and repay them later. Credit can also refer to your history of borrowing and repaying money.

What is credit explained for kids? ›

In a credit transaction goods, money, or services are given to the buyer in exchange for the promise to pay in the future not only the full cost of the goods, money, or services but also an extra charge—called interest—for the privilege of using credit.

How does the credit process work? ›

The credit process evaluates the ability and willingness of a borrower to repay the debt, underwrites the risk, prices the loan, and determines whether the loan fits the bank's portfolio. An integral part of the credit process is analysis of the borrower's cash flows and financial statements.

How does the credits system work? ›

One credit is typically described as being equal to 10 hours of notional learning. A module that involves 150 notional hours of learning will be assigned 15 credits. One that involves 400 notional hours of learning will be assigned 40 credits.

What is the basic credit process? ›


Exhibit 1 outlines eight key elements in an effective credit process: planning, credit generation and acquisition, transaction negoti- ation, credit approval, documentation and dis- bursem*nt, administration, collection and workout, and credit review.

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