How do you measure the effectiveness of TPM in your plant? (2024)

Last updated on Aug 26, 2024

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OEE and Six Big Losses




PQCDSM Scorecard


TPM Awards and Audits


Voice of the Customer and Employee


Continuous Improvement Cycle


Here’s what else to consider

Total productive maintenance (TPM) is a holistic approach to improve the reliability, efficiency, and quality of your manufacturing equipment and processes. By involving all levels of the organization, from operators to managers, TPM aims to eliminate losses, defects, breakdowns, and waste. But how do you know if your TPM program is working and delivering the expected results? In this article, we will discuss some of the key indicators and methods to measure the effectiveness of TPM in your plant.

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  • Eduardo Riady Hazbún Gerente Operaciones - Gerente Supply Chain - Gerente Comercial - Industrial - Manufactura - Packaging - Servicios

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  • Miguel B Guajardo Strategic Operational Leader | Driving Excellence | Quality | Manufacturing | Supply Chain| Engineering | LSS Master…

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  • Dennis McCarthy Director, DAK Consulting

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How do you measure the effectiveness of TPM in your plant? (11) How do you measure the effectiveness of TPM in your plant? (12) How do you measure the effectiveness of TPM in your plant? (13)

1 OEE and Six Big Losses

One of the most common and comprehensive metrics to evaluate TPM performance is the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). OEE measures how well your equipment is utilized and how much value it adds to your production. It is calculated by multiplying three factors: availability, performance, and quality. Availability reflects the percentage of time that your equipment is ready to operate. Performance reflects the percentage of the maximum output that your equipment achieves. Quality reflects the percentage of good products that your equipment produces. OEE can be further broken down into the six big losses: equipment failure, setup and adjustment, idling and minor stops, reduced speed, process defects, and reduced yield. By identifying and reducing these losses, you can improve your OEE and your TPM effectiveness.

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  • Eduardo Riady Hazbún Gerente Operaciones - Gerente Supply Chain - Gerente Comercial - Industrial - Manufactura - Packaging - Servicios


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    El OEE o EGE (en español) mide la eficiencia global del equipo, son 3 grandes variables:- Disponibilidad- Calidad- RendimientoEstos indicadores se miden en % y se multiplican, mientras mas cerca estés del 100% mas cerca estará el equipo de la perfección.Las 6 grandes pérdidas que debemos trabajar son:- Averías- Configuración y ajustes- Paradas e inactividad temporales- Velocidad- Defectos y reprocesos- Pérdidas en la partida



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    Proactive Maintenance is Key: TPM shifts this paradigm to a proactive stance. Regular and preventive maintenance is not just a task for the maintenance department; it involves operators as well. This collaborative approach ensures that machinery is always in optimal condition, reducing downtime and preventing major breakdowns.Data-Driven Decision Making: This approach ensures that decisions are based on concrete information rather than assumptions, leading to more effective and efficient operations.Safety and Cleanliness:TPM emphasizes the importance of cleanliness, organization, and safety in the workplace. This not only prevents accidents and injuries but also contributes to better equipment performance and employee morale.


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  • Peter Doyle Director at Nuclear and Manufacturing Excellence Ltd
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    When OEE is broken down into the six losses it is a very simple and yet powerful tool. In my experience Minor Stops can be a surprisingly large cause of loss that is going unnoticed. If you can get the operators to record the losses then you really start to get buy- in to an improvement culture. Do everything you can to avoid having an ‘outsider’ recording the losses as it will create resentment.


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  • Mina Gamal Production Manager | MBA | Certified Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 | FMCG
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    Assessing Total Productive Maintenance TPM effectiveness involves tracking metrics like overall equipment effectiveness OEE, downtime, maintenance costs Employee engagement, safety incidents, changeover times, and quality improvements are also vital indicators. By evaluating these aspects, TPM's impact on equipment reliability, cost savings, safety, and overall plant performance becomes evident, guiding ongoing improvements


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  • Umarani Ayyappasamy Process Engineering Manager
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    Not only OEE & 6big losses we have other metrics to monitor the effectiveness of the TPM, that is Yield & COPQ are major factor when we monitor effectiveness of TPM. COPQ - Cost of poor quality is nothing but failure rate, m/c attrition, additional inspection when we found the machine realted issues etc...


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Another way to measure TPM effectiveness is to track the mean time between failures (MTBF) and the mean time to repair (MTTR) of your equipment. MTBF is the average time that your equipment operates without interruption or failure. MTTR is the average time that it takes to restore your equipment to normal operation after a failure. Both metrics indicate the reliability and maintainability of your equipment. By implementing TPM practices, such as autonomous maintenance, preventive maintenance, and root cause analysis, you can increase your MTBF and decrease your MTTR, thus enhancing your equipment availability and productivity.

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  • Eduardo Riady Hazbún Gerente Operaciones - Gerente Supply Chain - Gerente Comercial - Industrial - Manufactura - Packaging - Servicios


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    Cuando se comienza con TPM, es imprescindible medir tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF) y el tiempo medio de reparación. Estos indicadores son claves ya que disminuyendo el tiempo de reparación y aumentando el tiempo entre fallas, aumenta la disponibilidad del equipo y por lo tanto aumenta la productividad de la máquina. Luego que se han mejorado estos 2 indicadores, hay que colocar foco en la planificación de los mantenimientos (predictivos y preventivos) de manera de aprovechar los períodos de baja demanda y de esta manera obtener el mejor uso de los equipos.



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  • Dennis McCarthy Director, DAK Consulting
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    Around 85% of recuring failures are due to weak or missing condition standards or work routines. The TPM goal of zero breakdowns is delivered by addressing these two areas. Once the TPM goal of zero breakdowns is achieved MTBF and MTTR are useless measures. After zero breakdowns a far more useful measure is Mean Time Between Intervention (MTBI). Start with unplanned interventions, then move onto planned interventions. The impact is increased material yield, fewer defects and reduced energy usage. That is where the big gains are to be found.


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    Monitor your equipment's mean time between failures (MTBF) and mean time to repair (MTTR). The mean time between failures or interruptions for your equipment is called its maximum useful life, or MTBF. The mean time between failures and normal operation is known as the Mean Time Between Failures (MTTR). These indicators show how dependable and easily maintained your equipment is.


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    Aplicación Práctica.Recopilación de Datos: Registrar el tiempo de funcionamiento y el tiempo de inactividad de los equipos.Relación con TPMEl seguimiento del MTBF y el MTTR es crucial para el éxito del TPM, ya que permite identificar y abordar las causas raíz de las fallas y mejorar la eficiencia del mantenimiento. Un MTBF alto indica que los equipos son fiables y tienen menos fallas, mientras que un MTTR bajo indica que las reparaciones son rápidas y eficientes.Implementar estas métricas junto con el OEE proporciona una visión completa de la efectividad del mantenimiento y ayuda a tomar decisiones informadas para mejorar la productividad y la calidad en la planta.



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    Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): This is a measure of the reliability of your equipment. It’s calculated as the total operational time divided by the number of failures during that time.Mean Time To Repair (MTTR): This is a measure of how quickly you can get your equipment back up and running after a failure. It’s calculated as the total downtime divided by the number of failures.


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3 PQCDSM Scorecard

A third method to measure TPM effectiveness is to use a PQCDSM scorecard, which stands for product, quality, cost, delivery, safety, and morale. This scorecard helps you monitor and improve the performance of your plant across multiple dimensions that are relevant to your customers and stakeholders. Product refers to the output and variety of your products. Quality refers to the defect rate and customer satisfaction of your products. Cost refers to the operating expenses and profitability of your plant. Delivery refers to the on-time and in-full delivery of your products. Safety refers to the accident and injury rate of your plant. Morale refers to the engagement and satisfaction of your employees. By setting goals and targets for each dimension, you can align your TPM activities with your strategic objectives and track your progress and improvement.

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  • Eduardo Riady Hazbún Gerente Operaciones - Gerente Supply Chain - Gerente Comercial - Industrial - Manufactura - Packaging - Servicios
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    Un cuadro de mando útil sería un dashboard en donde se muestre en línea todas las métricas importantes que se definieron. por supuesto todas deben estar alineadas con los objetivos de la compañía:- costo de producción- tiempo efectivo de uso del equipo- cantidad de producto producido- defectos producidos- tiempo de producción- etc..



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  • Dennis McCarthy Director, DAK Consulting
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    Scorecards are most useful when they focus on actions to systematically improve future performance. To do that you need a forward glide path and the use of Plan, Do, Check, Act to develop plans to progress along that glide path. The emphasis should be on the Check step to develop an insight into what lessons have been learned and where future actions can accelerate progress. The scorecard can be part of that but its only a small part.


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    Aplicación PrácticaDefinición de Indicadores: Seleccionar indicadores específicos para cada área de PQCDSM que sean relevantes para la planta.Recopilación de Datos: Implementar sistemas para recopilar datos precisos y en tiempo real sobre cada indicador.Análisis de Datos: Evaluar los datos recopilados para identificar áreas de mejora y tendencias.Implementación de Mejoras: Desarrollar e implementar planes de acción para mejorar los indicadores que estén por debajo de los objetivos.Monitoreo Continuo: Revisar y ajustar continuamente los indicadores y las estrategias de mejora para asegurar un progreso constante.



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    Product: This measures the output of your production process. It can include metrics like production volume, production speed, and product specifications.Quality: This measures the quality of your products. It can include metrics like defect rate, rework rate, and customer complaints.Cost: This measures the cost efficiency of your production process. It can include metrics like cost per unit, waste cost, and maintenance cost.Delivery: This measures the efficiency of your delivery process. It can include metrics like on-time delivery rate, lead time, and stock-out rate.Safety: This measures the safety of your workplace. It can include metrics like accident rate, near-miss rate, and safety audit scores.


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    Make use of a PQCDSM scorecard, which stands for delivery, safety, quality, cost, and morale. Using this scorecard, you can keep an eye on and enhance your plant's performance in a number of areas that matter to your stakeholders and customers. The term "product" describes the quantity and variety of your offerings.


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4 TPM Awards and Audits

A fourth method to measure TPM effectiveness is to participate in external TPM awards and audits, such as the ones offered by the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) or other recognized organizations. These awards and audits provide you with a structured framework and a set of criteria to evaluate your TPM implementation and results. They also give you an opportunity to benchmark your performance against other plants and learn from best practices and feedback. By applying for these awards and audits, you can demonstrate your commitment and excellence in TPM and gain recognition and reputation for your plant.

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  • Dennis McCarthy Director, DAK Consulting
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    Recognition is a powerful lever for change. It reinforces standards and encourages others to adopt the behaviours of role models.This underpins the stepwise TPM approach which seeks to raise standards and the capabilities to deliver them. Something that all good leaders will recognise.


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    Take part in TPM awards and audits that are provided by other recognized organizations, such as the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM). You can assess your TPM implementation and outcomes using the standardized framework and set of criteria that these awards and audits provide you. They also provide you with the chance to compare your performance to that of other plants and gather knowledge from comments and best practices.


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    External Audits: External audits provide an objective assessment of your TPM implementation. Auditors can identify strengths and areas for improvement that may not be apparent from an internal perspective.Benchmarking: Participating in audits and awards allows you to benchmark your practices against industry standards and other organizations. This can provide valuable insights and identify best practices to adopt.Recognition: Winning a TPM award can boost morale and motivation within your organization. It provides recognition for the hard work of your team and validates your maintenance practices.


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5 Voice of the Customer and Employee

A fifth method to measure TPM effectiveness is to listen to the voice of the customer and the employee. The customer is the ultimate judge of the value and quality of your products and services. The employee is the key contributor and stakeholder of your TPM program. By collecting and analyzing their feedback, opinions, suggestions, and complaints, you can gain valuable insights into how TPM affects their satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement. You can use various methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, or social media, to capture and understand their voice. By responding to their voice, you can improve your customer service and employee retention and involvement.

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  • Dennis McCarthy Director, DAK Consulting
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    Voice of the Customer is something that drives the development of future product and services features. This is used as part of TPM Early Management process. It is not a measure of TPM effectiveness but a tool to support business success.


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  • RACHID BOUACHA, Eng., M.Eng. Always learning, improving and evolving
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    It is crucial to emphasize the importance of the voice of the customer and the voice of the employee. These two factors play a vital role in driving improvements within the business and promoting growth.


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    Voice of the Customer (VOC): This involves gathering feedback from your customers about the quality of your products. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or customer reviews. If TPM is effective, it should result in higher quality products, which would be reflected in positive customer feedback.Voice of the Employee (VOE): This involves gathering feedback from your employees about their work environment and processes. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or suggestion boxes. If TPM is effective, it should result in a safer and more efficient work environment, which would be reflected in positive employee feedback.


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6 Continuous Improvement Cycle

A sixth method to measure TPM effectiveness is to follow a continuous improvement cycle, such as the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle or the Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) cycle. These cycles help you establish a systematic and disciplined process to identify problems, implement solutions, monitor results, and make adjustments. By applying these cycles, you can ensure that your TPM program is constantly evolving and adapting to changing conditions and needs. You can also use various tools, such as Pareto charts, fishbone diagrams, or control charts, to support your analysis and decision making. By following a continuous improvement cycle, you can foster a culture of learning and innovation in your plant.

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  • RACHID BOUACHA, Eng., M.Eng. Always learning, improving and evolving
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    DMAIC is a very effective approach that I personally implement to improve total productive maintenance (TPM). By monitoring key metrics such as mean time between failure (MTBF) and mean time to repair (MTTR), we can effectively mitigate equipment-related losses, whether downtime, breakdowns or quality defects.


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  • Daniel Donaldson General Manager, CSSGB, CSSBB
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    In my experience, deploying tier boards to the lowest level is a great way to hold accountability of continuous improvement cycles. This puts your plans and results in a visual format that’s easy to keep everyone informed. From team recognition to holding task owners accountable. Tier birds are a great tool to drive the continuous improvement cycle.


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    1. Choose a Cycle:PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act): Plan improvements, execute, check results, and adjust.DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control): Define issues, measure performance, analyze data, improve, and control.2. Apply the Cycle:Identify Problems: Use data to find areas for improvement.Implement Solutions: Apply changes systematically.Monitor Results: Track and assess performance.Make Adjustments: Refine based on feedback.3. Use Tools:Pareto Charts: Spot major issues.Fishbone Diagrams: Analyze root causes.Control Charts: Track process stability.Promote Innovation: Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Dennis McCarthy Director, DAK Consulting
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    The theme of this article is how to measure the effectiveness of TPM in your plant. You do that by tracking the rate of improvement in Overall Equipment Effectiveness. As assets become more stable that releases time to invest in optimising the plant. If End to End process OEE is not improving, you are not using TPM well. Look to reduce hidden losses by around 15% per annum. Outstanding companies can reduce hidden losses by 25% per year.


    How do you measure the effectiveness of TPM in your plant? (246) How do you measure the effectiveness of TPM in your plant? (247) 11

  • Ronaldo Bagawisan Manufacturing Excellence (CI) Manager, Driving leaner manufacturing environment, Lean Six-Sigma Certified
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    To know the effectiveness of TPM implementation in manufacturing environment, we should see the Transformation of People and Machine and delivering sustainable results (OEE).Transformation of People1. Engagement of the shopfloor people(operators and maintenance team)2. Operators can troubleshoot basic issues in the lines and knows to use problem solving tools3. Maintenance starts transferring the activities to the operators e.g. lubrication, inspectionTransformation of Machine1. 5S are implemented in the areas, in the machines and the machine areas2. Machine is not stopping unless the operators push the stop button3. Visual standards, adjustment points, lubrication points are being followed and standardized in the machines


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    Communication and involvement is also important to make a big impact in the organization and teams. If people do not know how those KPIs are used, showed, and understood, it will be hard to implement them. Visual boards are useful.


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  • Luis Fernando Gonzalez Ramirez Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
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    Training and involving employees in TPM is vital for optimizing operational efficiency and minimizing downtime. By educating workers in preventive maintenance, it promotes shared responsibility, enhances work quality, and strengthens a culture of continuous improvement, ultimately contributing to the sustainable success of the organization.


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How do you measure the effectiveness of TPM in your plant? (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.