How do you choose your storytelling models and theories? (2024)

Last updated on Sep 12, 2024

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The Hero's Journey


The Three-Act Structure


The Seven Basic Plots


The Story Spine


The Story Circle


The Storytelling Pyramid


Here’s what else to consider

Storytelling is a powerful skill that can engage, persuade, and inspire your audience. But how do you choose the best storytelling models and theories to craft your stories? In this article, you will learn about some of the most popular and useful frameworks and concepts that can help you structure and enhance your storytelling.

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  • Nora Agbakhamen The Social Impact Storyteller | I Make Impact Storytelling a Breeze | Eco-Conscious [Sustainable] Brand? Let's Build…

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How do you choose your storytelling models and theories? (11) How do you choose your storytelling models and theories? (12) How do you choose your storytelling models and theories? (13)

1 The Hero's Journey

One of the most widely used and recognized storytelling models is the hero's journey, developed by Joseph Campbell. The hero's journey is a universal pattern of stages that the protagonist goes through in a mythic adventure, such as leaving the ordinary world, facing challenges, receiving help, achieving a transformation, and returning with a boon. The hero's journey can help you create compelling stories that resonate with your audience's emotions, values, and aspirations.

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  • Nora Agbakhamen The Social Impact Storyteller | I Make Impact Storytelling a Breeze | Eco-Conscious [Sustainable] Brand? Let's Build Your Story | Climate Action Advocate | Your Storytelling Queen
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    The Hero's Journey (monomyth), was developed by Joseph Campbell in his book "The Hero With a Thousand Faces".This technique tells of a protagonist who is called to adventure, then he sets out on a challenging journey, faces demons, conquers, and comes back victorious.You can use the Hero's journey in your brand's origin story to show how you went from adversity to triumph. The Coca-Cola brand used this storytelling technique in its famous ad campaign called "Masterpiece".


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  • Nano Fregonese Faço introvertidos se darem bem com o marketing respeitando as próprias personalidades[❌ sem exposição | sem equipe | sem network]
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    A Jornada do Herói ganhou ainda mais visibilidade após ser identificada e adaptada para as produções Hollywoodianas.Um exemplo bastante famoso está na saga Star Wars, mas esse está longe de ser o único caso.Christopher Vogler fez uma adaptação na forma de memorando, que correu entre os estúdios e passou a ser adotado com frequência.Posteriormente, Vogler publicou um livro chamado "A Jornada do Escritor", que segue sendo uma fonte de conhecimento primordial para quem deseja aprender mais sobre storytelling.Dentro desse livro, Vogler nos mostra uma adaptação em 12 passos da Jornada do Herói.Mas é importante ressaltar que Vogler diz estar recontando o mito do herói à sua maneira e que cada criador deve fazer suas próprias adaptações.



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    I choose storytelling models and theories based on what connects with me personally and what I've learned works well. I look at stories that have touched me and see how they're put together. There are also popular storytelling methods like the Hero's Journey or the three-act structure. I keep up with new trends and ideas in storytelling from books, movies, and online content.


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    Popularized by Joseph Campbell in "The Hero with a Thousand Faces," this model is based on a universal motif of adventure and transformation that runs through virtually all of the world's mythic traditions. It involves a hero who goes on an adventure, faces and overcomes trials, and then returns home transformed. Choose this model if your story involves a journey (literal or metaphorical) and focuses on personal growth and transformation.


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  • Bhautik Kumar⚡️ ✪ A.I. Lover ► 7 LinkedIn TOP Voice Badge holder ► Transformational Communication Coach ► Storyteller ► Keynote Speaker ► Empowering Professionals to communicate effectively ► Passionate Integrity Practitioner
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    The heroes journey, by Joseph Camp, is indeed a powerful storytelling model, capturing universal experiences and emotions. Its stages – departure – initiation, and written – resident deeply with audiences, reflecting personal growth and transformation. For compelling stories, aligning the stages with your audience's value and aspirations can create an emotional, engaging and relatable narrative.


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2 The Three-Act Structure

Another common storytelling model is the three-act structure, which divides a story into three parts: the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution. The setup introduces the main characters, the setting, and the conflict. The confrontation escalates the conflict and creates tension and suspense. The resolution resolves the conflict and shows the consequences and outcomes. The three-act structure can help you organize your story into a clear and coherent sequence of events that build up to a satisfying climax.

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  • Nora Agbakhamen The Social Impact Storyteller | I Make Impact Storytelling a Breeze | Eco-Conscious [Sustainable] Brand? Let's Build Your Story | Climate Action Advocate | Your Storytelling Queen
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    The Three-Act Structure divides a story into 3 parts (the setup, confrontation, and resolution). Apple's "Get a Mac" Ad series is structured around the Three-Act structure.In the setup, we see the characters (the PC and the Mac). We also know that the setting is the computing world.The conflict shows the differences between the Mac and PC. It highlights issues like viruses, system crashes, and user-friendliness.In the Confrontation phase, each ad campaign escalates the conflict, and Mac's benefits become more defined.The resolution happens when the benefits of the Mac are highlighted, and the PC's flaws are emphasized. It's a no-brainer that choosing a Mac is a smarter decision. Each story ends with the tagline: "Choose a Mac".

  • Nano Fregonese Faço introvertidos se darem bem com o marketing respeitando as próprias personalidades[❌ sem exposição | sem equipe | sem network]
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    A Estrutura em 3 Atos é, na minha opinião, uma das melhores e mais adaptáveis formas de se pensar em uma narrativa.Isso porque ela deriva da própria percepção humana de realidade.A nossa mente funciona com base em 3 Atos: tese, antítese, síntese.Temos uma situação e suposições iniciais, aí somos confrontados com discordância até que chegamos em uma nova situação e forma de ver a vida.Em uma história é a mesma coisa: o personagem vive em um status quo, então seu mundo é virado de cabeça pra baixo e ele passa a buscar uma nova ordem. No caminho, se depara com obstáculos. Ao final, ele consegue (ou não) o que quer, mas é transformado pelos próprios obstáculos que superou, resultando em uma nova versão de si mesmo.



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  • Smita Das Jain 1600+ Coaching Sessions|280+ Clients|10 countries|I empower leaders to get better at what they do|Executive Coach|Personal Empowerment Life Coach|PCC(ICF)|2xTEDx Speaker|4x Author|Co-Author of an International Bestseller
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    While models and theories provide structure, I always maintain room for flexibility. Real life rarely fits neatly into predefined structures, so I see storytelling models as guiding principles rather than rigid frameworks. By blending multiple models—like combining elements of the Three-Act Structure with modern story arcs—I ensure my storytelling stays fresh, adaptable, and open to unexpected twists.


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  • Lionel Mikaza English Instructor and Facilitator
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    La structure en trois actes est un modèle narratif courant qui divise une histoire en trois parties : la configuration, la confrontation et la résolution. La configuration présente les personnages, le cadre et le conflit initial. La confrontation intensifie le conflit et crée de la tension. La résolution apporte une conclusion au conflit et montre les conséquences. Ce modèle offre une progression narrative claire et engageante, captivant le public tout au long de l'histoire.



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    This model divides the story into three parts: Setup, Confrontation, and Resolution. It's a widely used structure in screenwriting and novel writing because it provides a clear framework for building tension and pacing your story. If your story fits into a classic narrative arc with a clear beginning, middle, and end, this model might be suitable.


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3 The Seven Basic Plots

If you are looking for inspiration or guidance on what kind of story to tell, you might want to check out the seven basic plots, proposed by Christopher Booker. The seven basic plots are: overcoming the monster, rags to riches, the quest, voyage and return, comedy, tragedy, and rebirth. These are archetypal stories that have been told in different forms and genres throughout history and culture. The seven basic plots can help you identify the core elements and themes of your story and how to make it appealing and memorable.

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  • Nora Agbakhamen The Social Impact Storyteller | I Make Impact Storytelling a Breeze | Eco-Conscious [Sustainable] Brand? Let's Build Your Story | Climate Action Advocate | Your Storytelling Queen
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    In his book "The Seven Basic Plots", Christopher Booker says all stories ever told throughout history boil down to seven storytelling archetypes.While some have said storytelling is not as simplistic and that plots can be subdivided into other structures, the thing to note is that much of today's marketing or storytelling follows one of these plots. For example, Nike uses the Rags to Riches plot in a number of its "Just Do It" campaigns. The brand often highlights stories of athletes who started from humble beginnings and achieved greatness through hard work, dedication, and perseverance.The important thing is to identify your objective and choose the plot that best serves you.


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  • Nano Fregonese Faço introvertidos se darem bem com o marketing respeitando as próprias personalidades[❌ sem exposição | sem equipe | sem network]
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    As 7 Tramas Básicas são uma ferramenta de grande ajuda, pois podem servir de template para o storyteller.Nesse sentido, considero o livro de Booker excelente e bastante instrutivo.Vale mencionar, porém, que essas tramas básicas podem se desenvolver e se subdividir em outras tramas, mais "personalizadas" por assim dizer.Sendo assim, não estranhe caso de depare com outras obras que trazem 15, 21, ou até mais templates de trama.Para quem se interessa pelo assunto, deixo uma outra recomendação de livro: 20 Master Plots, de Ronald B. Tobias.



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  • Gavin McMahon Ask me about storytelling, leadership, business transformation. (and also Basset Hounds)


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    📚 Booker’s seven plots: a storytelling toolkit for business. 👊🏻Well, four of them. The others don't apply.👹 Overcoming the Monster: Showcase how your business tackled a major challenge or competitor, like a David vs. Goliath story.🌟 Rags to Riches: Illustrate your company's growth journey, from humble beginnings to success, like a startup's rise.🗺️ The Quest: Depict a mission to achieve a significant goal, such as launching a new product or entering a new market.🔄 Rebirth: Tell stories of rebranding or major transformations within the company.These plots provide a powerful framework for engaging and impactful business narratives.


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    Most important: know your archetype inside out.Once you've identified your core plot, study the key stages and turning points for that archetype, then use that structure as a guide for shaping your narrative.Subvert expectations. Leverage the familiarity of these classic plots by putting your own spin on them. How can you take the Quest structure in a new direction or give the Rebirth story a unique twist?Mix and match. You don't have to stick rigidly to just one of the Seven Basic Plots. Compelling stories blend elements from multiple archetypes.Focus on emotion. No matter which plot you choose, use it to create an emotional journey. Use the story beats of your chosen archetype to build empathy, tension, anticipation, and payoff.

  • Bhautik Kumar⚡️ ✪ A.I. Lover ► 7 LinkedIn TOP Voice Badge holder ► Transformational Communication Coach ► Storyteller ► Keynote Speaker ► Empowering Professionals to communicate effectively ► Passionate Integrity Practitioner
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    Christopher Booker's seven basic plots offer timeless archetypes for crafting engaging stories. Whether it's overcoming the monster, Rag –to– riches journey, a quest, voyage and return, comedy, tragedy, or rebirth, these plots tap into universal human experiences.They help identified core themes, ensuring your story is both relatable and memorable, appealing across cultures and genres.Keep Telling stories!!!

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4 The Story Spine

If you are looking for a simple and flexible storytelling model that can work for any type of story, you might want to try the story spine, created by Kenn Adams. The story spine is a series of sentences that form the backbone of your story, such as: once upon a time, and every day, until one day, and because of that, and because of that, until finally, and ever since then. The story spine can help you generate ideas, outline your story, and fill in the gaps with details and creativity.

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  • Nano Fregonese Faço introvertidos se darem bem com o marketing respeitando as próprias personalidades[❌ sem exposição | sem equipe | sem network]
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    A Coluna Vertebral da História é um ótimo exercício para sair da inércia e começar a estruturar sua narrativa.Muito embora eu a considere rasa no que diz respeito à produção de uma história mais profunda, ela é ótima quando usada em conjunto com outras técnicas de storytelling, como a Estrutura em 3 Atos, por exemplo.



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  • Bhautik Kumar⚡️ ✪ A.I. Lover ► 7 LinkedIn TOP Voice Badge holder ► Transformational Communication Coach ► Storyteller ► Keynote Speaker ► Empowering Professionals to communicate effectively ► Passionate Integrity Practitioner
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    Kenn Adams' story spine is a versatile and straightforward model for any story type. With its sequel prompts.-once upon a time, every day, and because of that, until finally, and ever since then-it provides a clear frame to spark ideas and structure narratives.This model encourages creativity, ensuring a cohesive and engaging story flow, perfect for generating and refinance story ideas.


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    The Story Spine, created by Kenn Adams, is a simple and flexible storytelling model that can be applied to any type of story. It consists of a series of prompts that form the backbone of your narrative:Once upon a time...And every day...Until one day...And because of that...And because of that...Until finally...And ever since then...This structure helps generate ideas, outline your story, and allows for creativity in filling in the details.


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5 The Story Circle

If you are looking for a more advanced and nuanced storytelling model that can help you create complex and dynamic stories, you might want to explore the story circle, developed by Dan Harmon. The story circle is a circular diagram that represents the journey of the protagonist in eight steps, such as: a character is in a zone of comfort, they want something, they enter an unfamiliar situation, they adapt to it, they get what they wanted, but pay a price, they return to their original situation, having changed. The story circle can help you create stories that have depth, balance, and harmony.

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    Story Circle, aka “The Embryo,” is an accessible path to storytelling with unique benefits: ① OPERATIVE: Demystifies storytelling. ② EASY: Guides writers without strict rules, allowing them to explore & innovate. In Pirate’s Code terminology, it’s “more what you’d call ‘guidelines’ than actual rules.” ③ CHARACTER-FOCUSED: Emphasizes character growth, helping writers create considered character arcs. ④ ADAPTABLE: Intuitively scales for writing film scripts/novels; perfect for shorter stories/scripts (Harmon is a TV writer). ⑤ ITERATIVE: Writers loop the circle several times, refining & leading to polished, trailblazing narratives. Perpetual motion reflects the cycles of biology, psychology, & culture.Explore & have fun! 🖤


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  • Bhautik Kumar⚡️ ✪ A.I. Lover ► 7 LinkedIn TOP Voice Badge holder ► Transformational Communication Coach ► Storyteller ► Keynote Speaker ► Empowering Professionals to communicate effectively ► Passionate Integrity Practitioner
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    Dan harmon's story circle is an advanced model that maps protagonist's story in eight steps. It emphasises character growth through a cycle of comfort, desire, unfamiliarity,, adoption, attainment, scarifice , return, and transformation.This model adds depth and balance to narratives, ensuring dynamic, harmonious stories.It's ideal for crafting complex, engaging tales that resonate on a profound level.


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  • Jordan Gosselin
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    In my opinion, the storytelling circle is a refined alternative to the monolith or hero's journey. It seems to offer a more streamlined approach, especially suited for quicker results and less intricate narratives. It's like the sprinter of storytelling models, efficient and effective in crafting concise tales.


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    Identify your character's desire. What does your protagonist want at the start of the story? This desire should be the engine that drives the narrative forward.Raise the stakes in the unfamiliar situation. When your character ventures into new territory, make sure they face significant challenges and obstacles. Show the cost of success. Getting what you want should come at a price. This could be the sacrifices made, lessons painfully learned, or new challenges ushered in by success. Emphasize the transformation, showing how the character has changed by the end. For your protagonist, this could be how they've grown as a leader, how their perspective has shifted, or how they're now ready to take on even bigger challenges.


6 The Storytelling Pyramid

If you are looking for a practical and effective storytelling model that can help you communicate your message and persuade your audience, you might want to use the storytelling pyramid, inspired by Barbara Minto. The storytelling pyramid is a hierarchical structure that organizes your information into four levels: the situation, the complication, the question, and the answer. The situation sets the context and the background. The complication introduces the problem or the challenge. The question states the main issue or the goal. The answer provides the solution or the recommendation. The storytelling pyramid can help you create stories that are clear, logical, and convincing.

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  • Jordan Gosselin
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    In my professional journey, tackling user challenges led me to embrace the storytelling pyramid. Transforming problems, queries, and resolutions into video narratives injects life into our content. With this pyramid as our architect, we construct compelling stories that not only entertain but also resonate with our audience. It's the secret sauce in turning complexities into captivating tales.


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    I've always considered the storytelling pyramid to be the classic structure; it's the first one you learn in school and so many stories follow this format. The breakdown is very logical, ensuring you don't miss anything important to the storyline and allowing for a smooth flow.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Nano Fregonese Faço introvertidos se darem bem com o marketing respeitando as próprias personalidades[❌ sem exposição | sem equipe | sem network]
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    Vale ressaltar que o storytelling pode ser usado de forma muito mais profunda do que apenas a criação tradicional de histórias.Suas técnicas podem ajudar imensamente na criação de marcas, posicionamento, criação de produtos, jornada do cliente, marca pessoal e muito mais.Minha recomendação é que se busque compreender a jornada narrativa de uma marca ou profissional e então, por meio de um espelhamento, se analise a história do público-alvo dessa marca/cliente. Dessa forma, você conseguirá enxergar os espaços onde essas duas narrativas distintas podem se conectar, gerando pontos extremamente eficazes de complementação. Quando isso ocorre, uma venda passa a ser consequência natural e nem precisa ser "forçada".



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  • Smita Das Jain 1600+ Coaching Sessions|280+ Clients|10 countries|I empower leaders to get better at what they do|Executive Coach|Personal Empowerment Life Coach|PCC(ICF)|2xTEDx Speaker|4x Author|Co-Author of an International Bestseller
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    Begin with the End in Mind.When choosing storytelling models and theories, I always start by considering the ultimate goal: What impact do I want my story to have? Whether it’s inspiring change, conveying complex ideas, or evoking deep emotions, the end goal shapes the model I choose. If my aim is to spark an emotional connection, I lean toward narrative-driven models like the Hero’s Journey. For teaching or conveying technical concepts, models like the Story Spine help me structure clarity with creativity.


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  • Nora Agbakhamen The Social Impact Storyteller | I Make Impact Storytelling a Breeze | Eco-Conscious [Sustainable] Brand? Let's Build Your Story | Climate Action Advocate | Your Storytelling Queen
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    One thing I've found helpful is to stand on the shoulders of giants who have used storytelling to achieve their desired impact. There's no need to try to reinvent the wheel. I try to study "successful" brands' storytelling styles and see what works for them. Then depending on what my objectives are, I learn from them and get creative in my storytelling (using the same structure that has worked for the particular brand I'm understudying).This, in my opinion, is the best way to choose your storytelling model.


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  • Richa Wahi Storyteller, Content Writer and Creativity CoachHelping people tell better stories in business, work and life.Not your typical gyaan guruChanging the narrative around Menopause and midlife through storytelling
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    When you are using storytelling as a tool, the context vis- a - vis the audience is very important. Who is your audience? What is the takeaway they are looking at after the session? All these are to be considered while planning a session and using a particular technique? To start with; brand storytelling can help you set the stage- Examples of popular brands using this technique can help break the ice and post this, You can take a pick from the following- LinearNon Linearcharacter/ plot drivenShow dont tellForeshadowingHero’s journey3 act structure so on …Many a times its better to cook without a recipe - You can amalgamate the different approaches and present accordingly


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  • Jamie Mackenzie (FCIM) Bestselling Author and Narrator of 28 Bags of Sprouts - Storytelling with Impact | Speaker | I help businesses and people improve communication impact through storytelling | Experienced CMO-CPO Board Member
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    I propose my unique storytelling model.... THE SPROUT MODEL, which you can find in my bestselling book, 28 Bags of Sprouts - Storytelling With Impact. Made up of 6 layers (and 28 ingredients) .. follow them and your impact will improve significantly. In summary the 6 Layers are: 1. Impact - Define the impact that you wish your storytelling to make.2. People - Know who you are storytelling to.3. Start Point - Set the scene, introduce the context.4. Main Event - showcase the event and the action.5. End Point - Bring clarity and closure. 6. Nurture - Bring creativity and energy throughout your storytellingGive it a go ... and remember ....Stories. Change. Lives.


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How do you choose your storytelling models and theories? (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.