How do companies profit from data monetization? (2024)

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Direct monetization


Indirect monetization


Embedded monetization


Data sharing


Data monetization best practices


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Data is the new oil, as the saying goes. But how do companies actually turn their data into revenue streams? Data monetization is the process of creating value from data by transforming it into products, services, or insights that can be sold or shared with others. In this article, you will learn about the different types of data monetization, the benefits and challenges of each, and some best practices to follow.

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  • Shalu Aggarwal Sr. Executive - Business Analyst | Ex- Senior Analyst - Content at Magicpin (Samast Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) | SQL…

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  • Axel Schwanke Senior Data Engineer | Data Architect | Data Science | Data Mesh | Data Governance | 4x Databricks certified | 2x AWS…

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How do companies profit from data monetization? (9) How do companies profit from data monetization? (10) How do companies profit from data monetization? (11)

1 Direct monetization

Direct monetization is the simplest form of data monetization. It involves selling raw or processed data to external parties, such as data brokers, advertisers, or researchers. For example, a retailer might sell its customer data to a marketing agency that uses it to target ads or campaigns. Direct monetization can generate immediate income, but it also has some drawbacks. It can expose the company to legal and ethical risks, damage its reputation and trust, and reduce its competitive advantage by giving away its data assets.

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  • Shalu Aggarwal Sr. Executive - Business Analyst | Ex- Senior Analyst - Content at Magicpin (Samast Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) | SQL Expert | Advanced Excel | Passionate about Data Visualization and Analysis
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    Companies make money by selling their data insights, using it for better ads and products, offering subscription services, and teaming up with others. It's like turning information into gold!


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    Selling Data:Companies sell data to marketers, researchers, or businesses for market analysis and customer profiling.Subscription Services:Offering subscription-based access to data repositories with tailored analytics and insightsData-Driven Products:Developing and selling data-driven products like predictive analytics tools or personalized advertising platformsTargeted Advertising:Leveraging data for targeted ad campaigns, maximizing marketing effectiveness.Partnerships: Collaborating with businesses to share data and create new revenue streamsData Licensing:Licensing data for specific use cases, such as risk assessment or compliance reporting.Analytics Services:Offering data analytics services and consulting for actionable insights


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  • Koteswara Chundi
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    From my experience, Nielsen Media Research profits from data monetization. It is a 100-year-old company. Nielsen uses a variety of methods to collect data from households, including TV, radio, print, online, and mobile.Common methods include panels, audio meters, and apps. This data is used to create TV ratings, which are used by publishers, cable TV, broadcast networks, and advertisers to set advertising rates. Companies aggregate data at the QHR, program, and daypart level and sell it to other businesses for market research, advertising, or product development. Companies give access to data and develop data-driven products and services to allow other businesses to analyze and use the data for insights.


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  • Mehdi Banatehrani Model Risk Specialist at BMO | PhD Candidate at UofT | UQ | ML | AI
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    Companies monetize data by selling insights, targeting ads more effectively, enhancing products, offering data subscriptions, optimizing operations, forming strategic partnerships, and licensing technology. These strategies boost revenue, reduce costs, and maintain competitiveness, all while adhering to legal and ethical standards.


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    Direct monetization is the straightforward method of making money from data by selling it to external entities like data brokers or advertisers. For instance, a retailer might sell customer data to a marketing agency for targeted advertising. While direct monetization offers immediate income, it comes with risks like legal and ethical concerns, potential damage to reputation and trust, and a reduction in competitive advantage due to sharing valuable data assets.


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2 Indirect monetization

Indirect monetization is the opposite of direct monetization. It involves using data internally to improve the company's core products, services, or operations. For example, a bank might use its customer data to offer personalized recommendations, loyalty programs, or cross-selling opportunities. Indirect monetization can increase customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty, as well as reduce costs and optimize efficiency. However, it also requires more investment in data infrastructure, analytics, and governance, and it may not have a clear or measurable impact on revenue.

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    Instead of selling the recipe, use it to bake delicious cookies (increased revenue)! Indirect monetization is all about using data to improve your own business operations. Here's how:Targeted marketing: Analyze customer data to personalize campaigns, predict buying behavior, and boost conversion rates. Imagine showing shoe ads to people who browse sneakers, not socks!Product development: Analyze usage data to understand user needs and preferences, then use those insights to develop better, more relevant products or services.Operational efficiency: Use data to identify areas for cost reduction, streamline processes, and optimize resource allocation. Every penny saved is a penny earned!


    How do companies profit from data monetization? (68) 3

  • Koteswara Chundi
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    From my experience, I was involved in building an insurance company campaign decision-making system. Companies invest in digitalizing their historical sources, like policy holders, social media insights, customer demographics, prior campaign information, and credit union information. The new system improved target advertising, personalized marketing campaigns, and optimized customer acquisition costs.It is indirect monetization. Using their internal data, identify the insights from it and launch a new insurance policy for the latest needs.From the latest CNN news:"Aware’s analytics tool—the one that monitors employee sentiment and toxicity."This is a new kind of indirect monetization: knowing employee sentiment internally.


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    Indirect data monetization uses internal data to enhance products, services, or operations, like banks personalizing services to boost customer satisfaction and efficiency. This approach demands significant investment in data infrastructure and may not directly impact revenue, but it can foster loyalty and operational optimizations.


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    In the game of business, indirect monetization is the long play. It's not the quick sale of data, but the craft of using it to refine the art—the products, the services. A bank might weave data into personalized offerings, not selling it, but building loyalty, efficiency. The investment is steep, in tools, in insight, but the return is in the loyalty of customers, the streamline of operations. It's a path of patience, of vision, seeing beyond the immediate horizon to the value data brings home without a price tag.


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    Indirect monetization uses data within the organization to enhance products, services, or operations, such as personalizing customer offerings. As a result, customer satisfaction, loyalty, and operational efficiency are increased, while costs may be reduced. In spite of its benefits, it requires significant investments in data management and analytics and may not directly increase revenues.


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3 Embedded monetization

Embedded monetization is a hybrid form of data monetization. It involves embedding data or analytics into the company's existing products or services, or creating new ones based on data. For example, a fitness tracker might embed data or analytics into its app or device, or create a new service that provides health coaching or insurance based on data. Embedded monetization can create new value propositions, differentiate the company from competitors, and enhance customer experience. But it also poses some challenges, such as ensuring data quality, security, and privacy, and aligning data strategy with business strategy.

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    Think of this as renting out your fancy kitchen equipment. Embedded monetization involves offering data-driven services or products to customers. Examples include:Data analytics as a service (DAaaS): Provide data analysis and insights to other businesses, leveraging your expertise to turn their data into gold.Subscription-based data products: Develop and sell data-driven tools or reports that give subscribers valuable insights into their own industries or markets.Location-based services: Offer apps or services that utilize user location data, like traffic navigation or targeted advertising with user consent.


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    In the marketplace's dance, embedded monetization is a clever step. It's not just selling data; it's weaving it into the fabric of products, making them smarter, more intuitive. A fitness app becomes a coach, a guardian, informed by the pulse of data. The challenge is in the crafting—ensuring quality, guarding privacy. Yet, when done with care, it sets a company apart, creates bonds with users. It's a strategy of innovation, embedding data where it enhances, transforms, without a seam showing.


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    Integrating data or analytics directly into existing or new products and services is embedded monetization. For instance, a fitness tracker can offer health coaching services based on user data. As a result, a company can introduce unique value, set itself apart from competitors, and improve the customer experience. Data quality, security, and privacy must be considered, as well as alignment of business strategies with data.


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    Embedded monetization integrates data or analytics into products or creates new services, like a fitness tracker offering health coaching. This approach adds value, differentiates from competitors, and enhances customer experience, but requires attention to data quality, security, privacy, and strategic alignment.

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    Embedded monetization is like a mix of data and business magic. It's when companies weave data or analytics into their existing products or create new ones. For instance, a fitness tracker might upgrade its app with data insights or offer health coaching services. This not only adds value for customers but also helps the company stand out. Yet, it's not all smooth sailing; challenges include keeping data safe, ensuring quality, and making sure the data plan aligns with the overall business strategy.


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4 Data sharing

Data sharing is another form of data monetization. It involves exchanging data with other parties, such as partners, suppliers, or customers, for mutual benefit. For example, a manufacturer might share its production data with its suppliers to improve inventory management and quality control. Data sharing can create synergies, collaborations, and innovations, as well as increase transparency and trust. But it also requires careful management of data ownership, access, and usage, and a clear understanding of the value and cost of data.

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  • Axel Schwanke Senior Data Engineer | Data Architect | Data Science | Data Mesh | Data Governance | 4x Databricks certified | 2x AWS certified | 1x CDMP certified | Medium Writer | Turning Data into Business Growth | Nuremberg, Germany
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    From our own experience in preparing data sets to be shared: Sharing real estate data enables banks and insurance companies to improve their business processes.With access to comprehensive real estate data, banks can make more informed lending decisions, accurately assess property values and manage the risks associated with mortgage portfolios.Insurance companies can use real estate data to underwrite policies more effectively, assess real estate risks and set appropriate premiums. However, companies must consider privacy, security and regulatory compliance (GDPR) concerns when sharing sensitive real estate data. Establishing a robust data governance framework and entering into secure data sharing agreements is critical.


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    Data is shared with partners, suppliers, or customers to achieve mutual benefits. By sharing production data with suppliers, manufacturers can improve inventory management and quality control. Trust is built through collaboration, innovation, and transparency. Data rights, access, and usage must be meticulously managed, along with an understanding of the data's value and associated costs.


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    In my own experience, share your data is the longest way to monetize your data but is one of the most effective way in order to build long term relations with your partners.Is the longest and the tough way because you need to align not only the goals of your business but also you have to include your partner goals.But is the most effective way because not all companies can show in a effective way their data and define actions in order to improve your results, and if you do it you can almost ensure that your partner will not change you for another competitor


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    Data sharing exchanges data with parties like partners or suppliers for mutual benefit, enhancing collaborations and transparency. It requires managing data ownership and understanding its value and cost.


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  • Lahcene Ouled Moussa IBM Developer at IBM Watson studio
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    everyone can build Data with advanced purpose and AI TECHNOLOGY answers from several form resolution with Developer and searchers in this field occured syteme enhance better execution platformBest wishes,Lahcene


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5 Data monetization best practices

Data monetization is not a one-size-fits-all solution, as it depends on the company's goals, capabilities, and resources. However, some general best practices can help any company succeed in data monetization. It's important to define objectives and metrics to measure success, assess data assets and capabilities, identify opportunities and risks, develop a strategy and roadmap, and implement and monitor initiatives. Doing so can help leverage data to generate new revenue streams, improve products and services, and gain a competitive edge.

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    For successful data monetization, clearly define objectives and measure progress with specific metrics. Assess your data assets and capabilities to understand what you have and how it can be used. Identify opportunities for value addition and be aware of risks, particularly around privacy and compliance. Develop a strategic roadmap outlining how to leverage data, incorporating technology and skill enhancements. Implement initiatives in phases, monitor outcomes, adjust strategies based on feedback, and ensure all practices comply with legal and ethical standards. Promoting a data-driven culture within your organization is key to unlocking data's full potential for revenue generation and operational improvement.


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    Data monetization strategies vary based on individual company needs, but some overarching best practices can guide success. Firstly, defining clear objectives and metrics aligns efforts and provides measurable goals. A retail company might aim to increase customer lifetime value by leveraging customer data to personalize marketing campaigns.Assessing existing data assets and capabilities is crucial. A healthcare provider analyzing patient records to identify trends and insights can improve treatment outcomes or streamline operations.Next, identifying opportunities and risks helps prioritize efforts. A financial institution might explore data partnerships to enhance fraud detection capabilities while mitigating data privacy concerns.


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  • Axel Schwanke Senior Data Engineer | Data Architect | Data Science | Data Mesh | Data Governance | 4x Databricks certified | 2x AWS certified | 1x CDMP certified | Medium Writer | Turning Data into Business Growth | Nuremberg, Germany
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    Best practices include several strategies to maximize the value of data assets while ensuring ethical and legal compliance:Ensure the accuracy, completeness and reliability of data to increase its market value.Identify the unique value propositions of your data assets and target the relevant market segments.Develop a clear strategy on how the data should be packaged, priced and sold or exchanged.Implement robust governance frameworks to manage data access, use and privacy in accordance with regulations.Form strategic partnerships and collaborations to expand data monetization opportunities and enter new markets.Regularly evaluate and optimize data monetization strategies based on market trends, feedback and performance metrics.


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  • Abhishek Barandooru Janavejirao Cloud | Data
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    To succeed in data monetization, companies should follow best practices. Start by clearly defining goals and measurable metrics. Assess existing data assets and capabilities, identifying opportunities and addressing associated risks. Develop a strategic roadmap aligning with business objectives. Implement planned initiatives, whether involving direct, indirect, or embedded monetization, or data sharing. Continuously monitor performance, regularly evaluating impact and adjusting strategies to adapt to changing business conditions. By adopting these practices, organizations can effectively leverage data assets, generate new revenue streams, enhance products/services, and stay competitive.


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    Depending on a company's objectives, strengths, and resources, data monetization strategies vary. Setting clear goals and success metrics, evaluating data assets and capabilities, determining opportunities and risks, crafting a strategic plan, and overseeing the execution of initiatives are key steps. By implementing these strategies, organizations can increase revenue, enhance offerings, and gain a competitive advantage.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Axel Schwanke Senior Data Engineer | Data Architect | Data Science | Data Mesh | Data Governance | 4x Databricks certified | 2x AWS certified | 1x CDMP certified | Medium Writer | Turning Data into Business Growth | Nuremberg, Germany
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    An emerging trend:Real-time data auctions are revolutionizing the data economy by enabling instant transactions between data providers and consumers. These auctions operate dynamically and enable the exchange of data in real time based on market demand and supply.By automating the bidding process, data sourcing is streamlined, discoverability is improved and pricing is optimized. Real-time auctions provide economic incentives for both parties and foster a vibrant ecosystem where data liquidity and value creation are maximized. However, to realize the full potential of real-time data auctions, challenges such as legal complexity, standardization of terms and data security must be overcome.


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  • Arthi R. AI Advocate | Bridging Analytics and Storytelling in Tech
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    Companies profit from data monetization by leveraging their data in various ways, including selling or licensing it, enhancing product offerings, personalizing marketing, offering Data as a Service (DaaS), improving decision-making and operational efficiency, managing risks, creating data-driven business models, forming partnerships for shared data use, and providing value-added services. These strategies enable companies to generate revenue, reduce costs, increase customer engagement, and gain competitive advantages. By transforming data into a valuable asset, companies can unlock new revenue streams and improve their financial performance through targeted advertising, analytics, insights, and optimized operations.


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  • Harish Balasundaram Advanced Analytics and Data Science | Drive business growth through data and insights
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    > Data is valuable asset for any company. Companies that are able to crack the code in monetizing their data generate lot of revenue, whereas companies not able monetize struggle to generate value. - Companies successful in generating value from data E.g. Google, Meta, Netflix, Amazon- Companies struggled to generate value from data E.g. Most of the media and fintech firms


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How do companies profit from data monetization? (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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