You may be asking yourself, "How do I get a bid to my dream sorority?”

First, let’s talk about how sorority recruitment works. Have you ever seenThe BachelororThe Bachelorette? Sorority recruitment is similar. Round 1 is comparable to the first episode ofThe Bachelor. During this round, you will meet all of the sororities on your campus.

After you meet all of the sororities, you select the sororities you want to go back to for Round 2. Also, The members are voting on the potential new members. They decide which potential new members to invite to Round 2.

Then, at the beginning of Round 2, you will receive your invitation schedule. This schedule has the sororities you will be meeting for that round. Most potential new members assume their invitation schedule will have all of the sororities they voted to keep. That is not the case. During sorority recruitment, the sororities have the upper hand. They invite potential new members to each round just like the bachelor picks women to stay. Also, most potential new members are not getting invited to the maximum number of sororities. Most will get invited to 30% to 70% of the maximum invites. For example, if Sam is an average potential new member and could be invited back to 10 sororities, she will be invited to 3 to 7 — depending on her Round 1 score for each sorority.

During Round 2, you will have conversations with the members. At the end of Round 2, you will pick which sororities you want to go back to for Round 3. The members will vote on which potential new members they want to invite back.

The same process will continue until Bid Day.

The million-dollar question is, "How do I stand out during sorority recruitment?"

To better understand how to stand out, let’s look at how most women prepare for sorority recruitment.

Many start by looking at their college’s Panhellenic website. They scroll through the different pages looking for advice and a step-by-step plan. With each page, they learn some requirements and leave with more questions.

  • “It says recommendation letters are optional. Do I need recommendation letters?”

  • “How do I stand out?”

  • “What are members looking for in a new member?”

  • “What questions will the members ask me?”

Next, they turn to YouTube and TikTok to get advice and answers. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but ADVICE WILL NOT GET YOU A BID. Many times, the advice women get is outdated, not relevant, or too general. When you use advice for sorority recruitment, it is like asking a friend, not in your math class, “How do I get an A+ on my test?” Your friend says, “You need to study.” This answer leaves you frustrated, and you think, “What do I need to study? Do I need to go over the practice problems? Should I re-read my notes or focus on the study guide?”

If you asked your teacher, “How do I get an A+ on my test?” She would give you a step-by-step plan.

#1. Come to class and listen.

#2. Ask questions when we are doing practice problems.

#3. Each night spend 5 minutes reviewing the practice problems.

#4. Fill out the study guide. It will be very similar to the test.

To get an A+, you needed to talk to the right person. You need to know the right information and have a plan. To get a bid to a sorority you love, you have to communicate you are the right fit for the sorority before and during sorority recruitment. A step-by-step plan tells you how and when to communicate. Then, you need to implement your plan and practice small talk.

Let’s create your step-by-step plan!

Why is creating a plan for sorority recruitment important?

At Round 1, you meet all of the sororities on your campus. Then, you vote on the sororities. You select the sororities you want to go to for Round 2, and the sororities you do not want to visit. For example, let’s look at Indiana University. You will select 16 sororities you would like to visit for Round 2 and 6 sororities you would rather not visit.

Most assume they will be invited back to the maximum number of sororities [for this example, 16]. Most are NOT invited back to 16 sororities. Most are invited back to 5 to 12 sororities. To be invited back to a sorority, the sorority INVITES you back.

Why are so many women not invited back to 16 sororities or the 16 sororities they want?

Many potential new members spend weeks focusing ONLY on the material aspects of sorority recruitment – what to wear, makeup, hair, the color of their social resume, etc. It seems like the material things help you stand out and get a great score. However, the color of your social resume, a recruitment packet, a Cartier LOVE bracelet, and Golden Goose sneakers will not get a bid. To get a bid to a sorority you love, you have to communicate you are the right fit. You have to communicate BEFORE and DURING sorority recruitment. To know how and when to communicate, you want to use the CRUSH Method to gain Rush Crush Status.







If you want to use the CRUSH Method to get your bid, check outThe Ultimate Guide to Sorority Recruitment. In this book, you use a five step process to receive your bid.

Click here to get the ebook version

Click here to get your copy on Amazon

How sororities invite back potential new members

During sorority recruitment, each sorority has to use Release Figure Methodology [RFM]. It is a mathematical model to determine the number of invitations a sorority can extend to in a round.

Here is how RFM works

If most potential new members vote to keep a sorority, Panhellenic requires them to drop more potential new members. This percentage can be as high as 70%. If we look at Indiana University, around 1,800 women participate in sorority recruitment each year. The most competitive and popular sororities drop around 70% after Round 1. They invite back around 540 potential new members to Round 2. RFM is similar to a popularity contest. If a sorority is very liked on campus, it will drop at a high rate after Round 1. If a sorority is not liked on campus, it will drop at a low rate after Round 1.

What does all of this mean?

Everyone is not placed on an equal playing field for Round 1. The sororities are pre-screening potential new members — looking at GPA, Instagram, etc.

How do you get your name out there?

You cannot rely on a 4.0 GPA to get a bid. GPAs are important, but many times a 3.5 is just as good as a 4.0 during sorority recruitment.

You cannot rely on legacy status. For many sororities, you are not guaranteed a bid as a legacy.

When you use a strategy, the members know your name and are excited to meet you. That is what you want, right?


Since the sororities study potential new members before sorority recruitment starts, you need to get on each sorority’s radar. (You have to get your name out there.) Your prepping strategy should answer, “What actions do I need to take for members to know my name?”

Here is part of the checklist we use in CRUSH [sorority recruitment coaching].


#1. Register for sorority recruitment

When you register, the sororities have your name. You want to register at least one month before sorority recruitment starts. With registering early, each sorority has time to learn about you and see if you would be a good member.

Do not rush your registration! You want to make sure you are including information that you want to talk about during sorority recruitment — involvement, club, volunteer work, etc. Many times the members will use this information to pair you to talk to similar members during recruitment. They also use this information to see if you are a good fit for the sorority.

#2. Meet members

If you become friends with members, they can hype you up behind the scenes. Now, more members know who you are and root for you. It may help you get invited back to Round 2.

#3. GO PUBLIC on Instagram

Why do to go public on Instagram?

I will let you in on a secret. Most sororities look at potential new members’ Instagrams to learn about them. If your Instagram is private, they learn NOTHING about you. It does not help you get your name out there. Now, if your Instagram is PUBLIC, they can learn about who you are, what you like to do, etc. It is like an interactive social resume. Your Instagram could lead to you getting paired to talk to a member who is very similar to you. She may fall in love with you and give you the great score you deserve. This score helps you get invited back to the next round.

Here is a post all about red flags and what sorority members are looking for in your social media.

#4. Get recommendation letters if your college encourages you to get them

What is a recommendation letter? How does the recruitment team use recommendation letters?

A recommendation letter is similar to a job application form. It is a form that an alumna [some sororities allow members] fills out about you. This form asks for specific information about your GPA, involvement, volunteer work, hobbies & interests, legacy information, etc. It is similar to the form you fill out at registration.

The recruitment team for each sorority uses your recommendation letter to collect information on you and as a way to learn more about you. Then, they use this information to see if you are a good fit for the sorority and to pick who you should talk to during sorority recruitment.

Does everyone need recommendation letters?

Not all colleges encourage recommendation letters. All colleges and sororities accept recommendation letters. You will NOT be penalized for having one.

How do you know if you need them?

You need to be a detective. Go to your Panhellenic website and look through all of the pages. If you see a list of addresses or how to send in recommendation letters, you need these. These addresses might be located in the sorority recruitment booklet or in the FAQ section.

To find your Panhellenic website, Google “sorority recruitment at [insert college name].

Example: “sorority recruitment at Florida State University”

How to send recommendation letters

STEP #1. Create a social resume and find a headshot you want to use

STEP #2. Create cover letters

STEP #3. Decide how you want your recommendation letters sent in -- by mail or online.

How to decide how to send in each recommendation letter

Step A. See if your Panhellenic website has information (email, online through the National sorority’s website, or through the mail)
Step B. If no information was given, the woman writing your recommendation letters uses her sorority’s national website to submit a recommendation letter

STEP #4. Find women to write your recommendation letters

STEP #5. Send each woman your information -- social resume, headshot, and packet (if necessary)

STEP #6. Send thank you card or email

You want to start this process sooner rather than later. It can be difficult to find recommendation letters for some sororities.

Click here to learn all about recommendation letters.


Imagine you interview two women to be your roommate. You prepared three questions to ask each woman. Based on their answers, you will pick which woman is the better fit. First, you interview Sam.

You: Where are you from?

Sam: Atlanta.

You: What do you like to do in your free time?

Sam: Hang out with my friends.

You: What are your passions?

Sam: Yoga.

Next, you interview Brooke.

You: Where are you from?

Brooke: I am from Atlanta. I love living in the city so much. For college, I wanted a different experience. I wanted to be in a small college town that loved football and had an incredible community. When I toured the University of Alabama, I fell in love with all the opportunities. I have not been to a football game yet. I am so excited about the first game!

You: Me too! I went to the Auburn game last year, and it was so much fun! I have already planned out all of my game-day outfits.

Brooke: No way! Me too! I think that is the most fun part about the games! Which football games did you buy?

You: I bought the package with the Auburn game. My dad went to Auburn, so it is a big deal in our family.

Brooke: That is the package I bought too!! We have to go to the game together!

Before you know it, time is up. You asked Brooke one of the scripted questions. Throughout your conversation, you got off-topic and talked about the football games, your goals for college, the things you hope to accomplish, and the memories you hope to make.

Which woman will you pick to be your roommate? Sam or Brooke?
Most likely, you picked Brooke.

Why did you pick Brooke?

You could see her as a friend. You could see yourself hanging out with her on the weekends and going to the games together. You were able to have a conversation with her and connect with her. You want to do the exact same thing during sorority recruitment.

During sorority recruitment, most of your score derives from your conversation. To get a good score and be invited back to the sorority, you need to connect to the members and allow them to see you as a friend.


The members spend weeks practicing for sorority recruitment. During this time, they learn how sorority recruitment works, practice door chants, practice conversations, and more. Since the members practice conversations, they have created a script of questions to ask each potential new member. They will not break from the script unless you force them to break it.

Why will the members not break from the script?

#1. Having conversations with strangers can be difficult.

It is easy to ask the same ten questions to each potential new member. It is easy to be on autopilot mode.

#2. The recruitment team puts a lot of pressure on each member.

They want every potential new member to feel welcomed and have great conversations. When many have great conversations, it helps the sorority drop a higher percentage of potential new members. If a sorority invites back a small percentage of potential new members, it is easier to find the best fits for their sorority.

Why do most potential new members not break from the script?

Here is an example of the average potential new member’s conversation during sorority recruitment.

Member: Hi! Welcome to ABC! We are so excited you are here! My name is Kate! What is your name?

Potential new member: Hi! My name is Sam!

Member: Where are you from?

PNM: Atlanta

Member: What did you do this summer?

PNM: I worked and hung out with my friends.

Member: Where did you work?

PNM: At a restaurant

Now, give Sam a score of 1 to 10 [1 = I would never be friends with this woman, and 10 = I found my new best friend].

What score did you give her?

Most likely a 3 to 5.

Why did you give her this score?

You only learned FACTS about her. These facts did not help you see her as a friend.

During sorority recruitment, when Sam answers questions with facts, the member has a hard time asking random follow-up questions. If the member cannot think of a follow-up question, she asks Sam another scripted question. When Sam is stuck in the script, it is hard to get a great score. If she does not get a great score, the likelihood of her being invited back to the sorority is LOW.

How do you get an above-average score?

Let’s look closer at Sam’s first answer. She said, “Atlanta”. That is a fact. When you answer questions with facts, it makes it hard to keep a conversation going.

This type of answer leads to a potential new member study in the Average Conversation Cycle. If you stay in this cycle, the member goes on autopilot. When a member is on autopilot, you are asked 10 scripted questions.

The main takeaway is that the member will not break the cycle. You have to force them to break it. If the member does not break the cycle, you will most likely get an average score. Your average score may get you dropped from some sororities.

How do you force them to break it?

That is where your small talk strategy comes into play.

The 4 parts of your small talk strategy are:

#1. Mindset

#2. Excitement

#3. Signature stories

#4. Connecting with the members

When you use this strategy, the members see you as a friend. If they see you as a friend, they see you in the sorority and give you an above-average score.

Let’s look at an example of how you force the member to break the script.

Member: Where are you from?

Potential new member: I am from Atlanta. I love it there, but I am so so excited to be here. When I was touring the campus, the tour guide mentioned all of the incredible opportunities at [college name].

Will the member as another scripted question? Will you get stuck in the Average Conversation Cycle?

She asks you about the opportunities and how you want to get involved. This conversation leads to her getting to know you and connecting with you. When she goes to vote, she sees you in the sorority. AKA. You are getting an above-average score and increasing your chances of getting invited back.


When you picked your roommate,

  • Did you care what her favorite color was?

  • Did you care how many boxes she was going to bring when moving in?

Probably not. Most likely, you picked someone who wanted a similar experience for college and lived a similar life to you.

The same idea applies to sorority recruitment. The members look for women who are similar to the current members. They want you to join and be able to find immediate friends. To receive a bid, you have to communicate that you are similar to them. You have to allow the members to connect with you.

To learn more about the small talk strategy, check out The Ultimate Guide to Sorority Recruitment. In this book, you learn:

  • What questions the members will ask you

  • How to answer the questions [and examples]

  • Conversation mistakes potential new members make

  • How to prepare correctly for your college

Click here to get the ebook version

Click here to get your copy on Amazon


Examples of questions you might be asked.

  • Where are you from?

  • How do you want to get involved on campus?

  • What are some of your passions?

  • What are you looking for in a sorority?

When creating your answers to the scripted questions, it can seem overwhelming. It may feel like you have to say the “right” things. To be completely honest with you, the members do not care what your answers are. They will not pick 5 business majors, 5 psychology majors, 5 teaching majors, etc. The members look for connections with the women they are talking to. When you connect to a member, she can see you in herself and the sorority. This connection will help you get invited back.

Do you have to accept the bid?

No. You have the ability to refuse your bid. If you decide to refuse your bid, you need to go talk to your recruitment counselor.

Just an FYI. If you refuse your bid, you will not be eligible to go through sorority recruitment for an entire year. You will not be able to participate in COBs or informal recruitment.

I always recommend going to Bid Day. You never know. Maybe you meet members who you clicked with. Maybe you have an idea of what the sorority is, but it really something way different.

Give the sorority a chance. There is a reason you received a bid.

What happens after you receive a bid?

After you receive a bid, you are labeled as a new member. You will go to meetings to learn about the sorority, get a Big, meet members, go to events, etc.

This phase typically last 4 to 8 weeks depending on the sorority. After, the new member period you will be initiated into the sorority.


When you depend on Youtube and TikTok for advice, you prepare like everyone else. When you look like everyone else, you do not stand out. If a sorority can only invite back 30% of all PNMs, how will you show them that you deserve to be in the top 30%?

Instead of using advice and being the Overlooked Potential New Member, you want to use a step-by-step plan to gain Rush Crush status -- stand out, have options, and run home to a sorority you love. Click the video below to see how CRUSH [sorority recruitment coaching] can help you create and implement your plan.

You have a math test in two weeks that is worth 90% of your grade for the class. You want to get an A. You are looking for guidance on how to get your A.

First, you ask a friend, not in your math class, “How do I get an A+ on my test?” She says, “You need to study.” This answer leaves you frustrated.

Then, you ask your teacher, “How do I get an A+ on my test?” She gives you a step-by-step plan.

Who was more helpful?

Your teacher, right?

To get an A, you need to know the right information and have a step-by-step plan.

To get a bid to a sorority you love, you have to communicate you are the right fit for the sorority before and during sorority recruitment. A step-by-step plan tells you how and when to communicate.

BUT… why do so many women going through sorority recruitment ONLY use the advice they find on Youtube and TikTok? Does it help them stand out and get a bid?

Click the video below to see how The Ultimate Guide to Sorority Recruitment can help you create and implement your plan.

Click here to get your copy as an ebook

Click here to get your copy on Amazon

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.