How Digital Nomads Earn On the Go: The 7 Most Common Ways (2024)

What does your perfect day look like? Is it waking up to the gentle rustle of palm trees, sipping freshly brewed coffee as you watch the sunrise over a tropical paradise?

Or perhaps it’s strolling through cobblestone streets, exploring hidden alleys in a charming European city, knowing that your work is as flexible as your surroundings.

Imagine spending your days however you choose, free from the constraints of a traditional 9-to-5 routine. Your office isn’t a cubicle, it’s wherever your heart desires.

And the best part? You can shape your income on your terms. This is the life of a digital nomad.

Sounds amazing, right? But I can already hear you asking the all-important question – how do digital nomads make money? We’re going to answer that by showing you the 7 most common ways to make money as a digital nomad.

If you’re eager to fast-track your journey to digital nomadism and gain in-depth insights into each of these income streams, be sure to stick around until the end. We’ve designed The Digital Nomad Income Blueprint to be your ultimate guide and there are more details about it at the bottom of the post.

But first, we’ll dive into each income avenue, offering a sneak peek into the valuable knowledge our course provides to help you achieve your dream lifestyle.

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Teaching English Online

The Growing Demand for Online English Teachers

In today’s globalized world, English has emerged as the lingua franca. As a result, there’s an ever-increasing demand for English language teachers online.

Whether it’s business professionals looking to enhance their communication skills or young learners eager to grasp the language, the barrier to entry for independent online English teachers has never been lower.

Flexibility and Income Potential

One of the most attractive aspects of teaching English online is the flexibility. You can create a schedule that suits your lifestyle and travels. Imagine waking up in a beachfront bungalow in Costa Rica, conducting lessons in the morning, and spending your afternoons exploring.

There are 3 ways to teach English online:

  • Freelance for an online language school (such as Twenix)
  • Online teacher Marketplaces (such as Langu)
  • As a Teacherpreneur, starting your own business

When it comes to income potential, it varies depending on your qualifications, experience, and the platform you choose. Entry-level teachers in the first two categories can earn around $10 to $20 per hour, while experienced Teacherpreneurs with specialized skills running their own business can command higher rates.

Personal Experience

Teaching English online is how Sasha and I became digital nomads. This is still my main source of income while Sasha has moved on to other things (more on this later in the post).

Here’s my journey in a nutshell: I kicked off my digital nomad adventure by joining VIPKid, an online language school. It was a fantastic starting point that allowed me to dip my toes into the world of online teaching. But I didn’t stop there!


A few years after joining VIPKid, I decided to explore an online teacher marketplace, which turned out to be an eye-opener. It helped me sharpen my teaching skills and learn some nifty marketing and sales tricks along the way. It was like a crash course in the business side of teaching English online.

Then times changed and I found myself adjusting to new circ*mstances.

The Chinese government tightened regulations, essentially halting online tutoring for kids, which meant parting ways with my gig at VIPKid. But they say every cloud has a silver lining, and this change paved the way for an exciting direction in my journey.

Feeling inspired, I took the plunge and became a Teacherpreneur. Yep, that’s a real thing! I started my own business, and now I’ve got the freedom to teach in my own unique way.

Today, I’ve got the best of all worlds.

I balance my time between teaching for a different online language school called Twenix, rocking it on Langu (the teacher marketplace), and running my own show. It’s a juggling act, but it allows me to have the flexibility I’ve always dreamed of.

Here’s the exciting part – I’m not just living the digital nomad dream, I’m also helping others do the same! As the Instructor and Coach at the Bridge Teacherpreneur Academy, I get to guide aspiring Independent Teacherpreneurs on their own incredible journey.

Read more: Work-Life Balance for Digital Nomads

Virtual Assistance

What Exactly is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?

Let’s break it down. A virtual assistant, or VA for short, is like a wizard behind the digital curtain. They’re the folks who make things happen, often from their cozy home office or a tropical beach (yes, really).

In simple terms, VAs handle tasks and projects remotely, giving businesses and entrepreneurs the superpower of getting more done while staying flexible.

What Tasks Do VAs Do?

You’re probably wondering, “What exactly can I do as a VA?” Well, VAs wear many hats and tackle a variety of tasks all while enjoying the flexibility of remote work.

As a VA, your job is to make life easier for businesses and entrepreneurs. Here are a few of the tasks that VAs do:

  • Manage emails and calendars
  • Social media management
  • Data entry and research
  • Customer support
  • Content creation

These are just a few examples and this list barely scratches the surface. The beauty of it is that you get to pick and choose what suits your skills and interests.

Earning Potential

Let’s talk about your earning potential as a virtual assistant (VA). The good news is that it can be quite rewarding and it can vary depending on several factors such as your experience, skill level, and niche specialization.

While it’s challenging to pinpoint an exact figure for VA earnings, many experienced VAs report earning anywhere from $15 to $50 or more per hour. Some even manage to build six-figure businesses by offering specialized services to a niche market.

The beauty of being a VA is that you have control over your earning potential. With dedication, skill-building, and a strategic approach to your work, you can steadily increase your income as you gain experience.

My friend and VA trainer Hannah Dixon has just the thing to help you get started. Her free 5 Day VA Challenge has helped thousands of people get on the path of freedom and location independence. It could be just the thing you need.



What is Freelancing?

At its core, freelancing is like being the captain of your own ship. You’re an independent professional, offering your skills and services to clients on a project-by-project basis. No office cubicle, no fixed hours—just you, your expertise, and the freedom to choose your gigs.

Finding Clients as a Freelancer

There are two ways to find clients as a freelancer.

The first way is by offering your services through a freelancing platform. These online marketplaces connect freelancers with clients seeking specific services. It’s like a matchmaking service for the digital age. We go into detail about these platforms inside the Digital Nomad Income Blueprint.

While freelance platforms are fantastic for kickstarting your journey, there’s another path you can try – finding your own clients. It’s like being an entrepreneur in the freelancing world.

Here’s how it works: you actively seek out businesses and individuals who need your services. It might involve networking, creating a personal brand, or building a portfolio website to showcase your work.

The advantage? You have more control over your rates, the types of projects you take on, and your client relationships.

Many successful freelancers combine both approaches, using freelance platforms for a steady stream of projects and seeking out their own clients for those dream gigs. It’s all about finding the balance that suits your style.

Freelancing Niches and Personal Experience

Freelancing isn’t a one-size-fits-all gig. Some examples of freelancing niches are writing, graphic design, web development, digital marketing, and video editing.

These are just a few slices of the freelancing pie. The beauty of freelancing is that you can explore your passions and skills, offering your unique talents to clients who need them.

One of Sasha’s first digital nomad jobs was writing posts for other blogs as a freelance writer and it’s still one of his income streams today. I’ve also done some freelance writing myself and it helped me learn the skills I need to grow and monetize this blog.



The Demand for Coaching and Consulting Services

Let’s talk about coaching and consulting, a niche that’s on the rise. More and more individuals and businesses are seeking guidance from experts. Whether it’s personal development, business strategy, or a specific skill, there’s a growing demand for coaches and consultants who can make a difference.

When you’re an expert in a particular field or skill, coaching and consulting allow you to pass on your knowledge and experience to those who need it most.

Who Can Become a Coach or Consultant?

You might be wondering, “Is coaching or consulting for me?” Well, here’s the scoop – almost anyone with expertise, passion, and a desire to help others can step into the world of coaching or consulting.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional in your field or have developed a unique skill, there’s an audience out there eager to learn from you. It’s not just for corporate gurus or industry veterans. Digital nomads, freelancers, and individuals from various backgrounds can make excellent coaches and consultants.


The beauty of coaching and consulting is that it’s about sharing what you know, guiding others on their path, and making a positive impact. So, if you’ve got knowledge to share and a passion for helping others succeed, coaching or consulting might just be your calling.

Personal Experience

I have offered coaching through this blog and now inside the Teacherpreneur Academy.

As a digital nomad, the journey to coaching and sharing my expertise has been both exciting and fulfilling. It’s incredibly gratifying to know that something I’ve shared or taught has inspired others to take action, embark on new experiences, or make transformative changes in their lives.

One of the aspects we talk about in the Digital Nomad Income Blueprint is the distinction between coaching and consulting. Understanding these differences is vital for anyone venturing into these worlds, and I share practical insights on how to get started and thrive in these fields.

Sound like just the thing you need? Click the button and enter your information for instant access! It doesn’t cost you anything.

Creating Online Courses and Digital Products

The Online Education Boom

The demand for online courses and digital products has skyrocketed in recent years. Whether it’s picking up a new skill, advancing in a career, or simply exploring a hobby, people are turning to online courses as their go-to learning resource.

Potential for Earning Passive Income

Here’s the kicker: online courses and e-learning products have the potential to generate passive income.

What’s passive income, you ask?

It’s income that doesn’t require you to be actively working all the time. You create your courses and digital products once, and they can continue to generate revenue while you sip coconut water on a beach in Bali or explore the streets of Prague.

Imagine waking up to notifications of course enrollments and payments while you’re off on a new adventure. It’s like having a money-making machine that runs even when you’re not in front of your computer.

“But how do I get started?” you might wonder.

It’s easier than you think. There are various tools and platforms that make course creation more accessible. Platforms like Teachable, Udemy, and Thinkific provide user-friendly interfaces to upload your course content, including videos, presentations, and quizzes.

You can create courses on a wide range of topics, from business skills to photography, coding, or even yoga. With the right approach and marketing strategy, your course can reach a global audience eager to learn from your expertise.

Personal Experience

I’ve had the privilege of creating and selling digital courses through my blog as well as promoting other courses as an affiliate. There’s something truly magical about waking up, opening my laptop, and discovering new course enrollments and payments, essentially making money while I sleep.

The feeling of knowing that my knowledge and expertise are not only helping others but also providing me with a steady income stream is nothing short of exhilarating.

Through my own experiences, I’ve learned the ins and outs of course creation, from structuring content to marketing strategies. This knowledge has been invaluable, and I’m thrilled to share it with you in The Digital Nomad Income Blueprint.

It’s your roadmap to creating and selling your own digital courses, unlocking the potential for passive income and the freedom to live life on your terms.

Content Creation

The Role of Content Creators

If you’ve got a passion for sharing ideas, stories, or knowledge, then consider yourself a content creator. In the digital world, content creators are the driving force behind captivating narratives and engaging experiences that reach audiences worldwide.

Think about it. The blogs you read, the YouTube channels you follow, and the podcasts that keep you company during commutes are all the work of content creators. They shape the online landscape, educate, entertain, and inspire. And you can be one of them.

When it comes to content creation, you’ve got options:

  • Blogging
  • Vlogging
  • Podcasting
  • Social Media Content

It’s all about expressing yourself in the way that suits you best. Whether you’re a wordsmith, a visual storyteller, or a captivating speaker, there’s a content format that’s perfect for your unique style.


Utilizing Content Creation to Market Your Business

Content creation can also be a powerful marketing tool for your business.

If you run a virtual assistance service, offer online courses, or provide coaching services, creating content related to your niche establishes you as an authority and attracts potential clients and customers.

You could write informative blog posts related to your niche that showcase your expertise and attract your target audience. Creating video content can add a personal touch to your brand by sharing insights or tutorials that resonate with potential clients.

Speaking directly to your niche through a podcast can build credibility by telling stories and giving advice. Sharing content on social media is yet another way to offer glimpses of your expertise and the human side of your business.

Consistently producing valuable content will help you market your business and foster trust and loyalty among your audience, ultimately helping your brand grow.

Personal Experience

Both this blog and our YouTube channel have served as powerful marketing channels and sources of income.

Through the blog, I’ve been able to share in-depth insights, expert advice, and personal stories related to the digital nomad lifestyle. It’s a way to connect with like-minded individuals, attract clients, and establish myself as a trusted authority in my niche.

Our YouTube channel has been an extension of this journey. It’s a space where we can visually share our experiences, travel adventures, and valuable tips. In the process, it’s also become a source of income through ad revenue, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.

As you can see, content creation isn’t only a form of self-expression but also a strategic tool to market your business and create a sustainable income stream.

Remote Jobs

The Freedom of Remote Jobs

Let’s talk about an alternative path for digital nomads—remote jobs. These offer a unique way to balance work and travel while enjoying the stability of a regular income.

You have control over your workspace, hours, and even your location. It’s a life that blends the comforts of your daily routine with the excitement of exploring new destinations.

Industries That Embrace Remote Positions

You might be wondering, “What types of positions can be done remotely?” Here are a few examples:

  • Marketing
  • Design
  • Customer Support
  • Project Management

Inside The Digital Nomad Income Blueprint, we provide a treasure trove of resources to help you find remote job listings and offer insights on balancing remote work and travel. It’s your go-to guide for navigating the world of remote employment while living life to the fullest.

Personal Experience

Remember when I mentioned that Sasha had moved on from teaching English online? He’s a real-life success story that exemplifies the power of starting your own ventures as a digital nomad.

He started his digital nomad journey as a freelance writer. Then he created this blog and our YouTube channel. After that, he started teaching English online.

And then, it happened. Sasha landed his dream job in the music industry—an opportunity he wouldn’t have imagined possible when he first started his online ventures.

His journey is a testament to the notion that by starting your own ventures, you gain an invaluable skill set that can lead to bigger and better things, including your dream job.

So remember, as you explore various income avenues as a digital nomad, every skill you acquire is a stepping stone to new and exciting opportunities. Whether it’s freelancing, content creation, or teaching online, each venture brings you closer to your aspirations.


Conclusion: Your Digital Nomad Journey Awaits

And there you have it – seven incredible ways to make money as a digital nomad.

From teaching English to coaching, freelancing, content creation, and remote jobs, the possibilities are endless. The digital nomad lifestyle offers not just freedom but a world of opportunities to shape your income on your terms.

If you’re eager to fast-track your journey to digital nomadism and gain in-depth insights into each of these income streams, we’ve designed the Digital Nomad Income Blueprint to be your ultimate guide, with resources, tips, and tricks to help you achieve your dream lifestyle.

This course is more than just a collection of strategies. It’s a roadmap to help you carve your own path toward location independence. And it’s totally free.

Take that first step and sign up for The Digital Nomad Income Blueprint today. Let’s transform your dream into reality, one step at a time.

Happy nomading,
Rachel (& Sasha)

How Digital Nomads Earn On the Go: The 7 Most Common Ways (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.