How Canadian credit scoring works (2024)

Managing Money
Credit Score

Your credit score is important. But how does it work?

How Canadian credit scoring works (1)


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By Keph Senett Jul. 25, 2021
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Learn more about regularly monitoring your credit report, things you can do to improve your credit score and what you should do to avoid ruining it.

Your credit score is a number that evaluates the information in your credit report. In Canada, a person’s credit score is determined by two main bureaus: Equifax and TransUnion. These entities collect data on your credit history, analyze your habits, and then give you a score. Along with a more fulsome credit report, they calculate a three-digit number. This is your credit score. Read on to learn about what is a good credit score in Canada, why it matters, and how you can raise your credit score.

Credit score range in Canada

Canada has a credit score range between 300 and 900. The lower your score, the less likely you are to be approved for a credit card or loan. Here’s a closer look at the rating ranges:

Credit Scores in Canada: At a Glance
Excellent 741 - 900 -Few or no latepayments-Regularly pay in full-Low credit utilization
Good 690 – 740 -Most payments on time-Low credit utilization
Fair/Average 660 - 689 -Some late payments-Many lenders-May have defaulted
Below Average 575 - 659 -Many late or incomplete payments-High levels of debt
Poor 300 - 574 -Many defaults-Carry a lot of debt-Use multiple lenders-May have declared bankruptcy

What is a good credit score?

Obviously, the higher the score, the more attractive you are to creditors – it’s a sign of financial responsibility and that you’re less likely to default on your loan repayments. A good credit score indicates that you’ve been responsible with your credit accounts and have paid on time. A bad credit score reveals the opposite: that you haven’t paid your accounts on time or that you’ve had to file bankruptcy to deal with your debt. Here’s how the credit ratings are broken down:

  • Excellent (741 to 900): You’re a credit superstar! The financial doors will be wide open for you: expect rapid approval for credit card and loan applications, the lowest interest rates, high credit and loan limits, and access to premium credit card benefits.
  • Good (690-740):Looking good! Although your score could use a boost, you’ll still enjoy the best financial products and perks, and it’s unlikely that you’ll have trouble obtaining most credit products and loans.
  • Fair/Average (660-689):This is a decent credit score that won’t hold you back too much. The lowest interest rates may not be available to you, but you can improve this credit score.
  • Below Average (575-659):You’ve got some work to do. If you fall into this range, you’ll likely encounter higher interest rates for lines of credit as well as difficulty getting the best rewards credit cards.
  • Poor (300-574):If you’re in this range, start doing damage control on your credit history pronto. It’s going to be quite a challenge to get credit or a loan.

In general, a rating above 690 is considered a good credit score in Canada and is reserved for borrowers who make most of their payments on time and in full and don’t carry high levels of debt. If you’ve got a credit score of 750 or so, you’re in excellent shape.

Why is a good credit score important?

Your credit score is very important! It’s used by lenders to assess the amount of risk they face in extending credit to you. Your credit score can affect:

  • Getting a credit card.The higher your score, the better your lending options become.
  • Renting a home.Believe it or not, landlords are allowed by law to ask for your credit history.
  • Buying a home.Not only will a good credit score entice lenders, but it can also help you get a lower interest rate on your mortgage.
  • Qualifying forthe best personal loan interest rates.The better your credit score, the lower the interest rate you can negotiate.
  • Getting a job.Some jobs in Canada require applicants to pass a credit check.

Lenders place a lot of importance on credit scores during the credit application process because research shows that consumers with the highest scores are the least likely to default on their credit cards and loans. On the other hand, delinquency rates are very high for borrowers with credit scores below 600.

A good credit score puts you in the best position to be approved for many credit cards andpersonal loanswithout having to go through a rigorous application process. Of course, mortgage and auto loan applications will still be a fairly intense process, even with a great credit score. But not only does having a good credit score improve your chances of being approved, but it also lets you negotiate the best terms and interest rates on the loans you’re approved for. You may even have more access to instant approval loans and credit cards.

Not only that, but a good credit score can mean paying much lower interest rates on your existing debt. For instance, if you have a car loan or take out a small line of credit to do home renovations, you will pay much less going forward if you have an excellent credit score.

That being said, it’s not impossible to get a personal loan with bad credit. You can apply with a bad credit lender — private lenders for personal loans, and there are several in Canada. For the best of the bunch, check out our article onthe best bad credit loans in Canada. If you don’t need a loan just yet and want to work on improving your credit score now,there are apps that can help with that as well.

The bottom line: few people realize just how important your credit number is. With all these benefits plus the promise of better credit options at lower rates, having a healthy credit score is a worthy goal. It could potentially affect your wallet big time.

How can I get my credit score?

Since there’s so much mystery surrounding credit scores, you might be wondering how to find yours. Luckily, you can get a free credit score check with the Canadian financial technology company Borrowell, and looking it up won’t affect your credit score.

You can also order your credit report from either (or both) of the two credit bureau websites: and

It’s worthwhile to review your credit report for errors, which can ultimately impact your score. If you do find any errors, contact the credit reporting agency and ask them to investigate.

What affects your credit score?

There are many different factors that affect your credit score in Canada. Your credit score reflects your credit history, so obviously paying your credit cards each month —in full, if possible, but failing that, a minimum payment — is crucial. But your credit history is affected by far more than your credit cards. Consider the following list of things that can affect your credit score:

  • The number of credit accounts in your name
  • Carrying high balances on cards or loans (Any credit card balance that’s above 35% of the credit limit is too high)
  • Numerous applications for credit
  • Late or missed payments
  • Applying for too many credit cards or loans within the past 12 months.
  • Having a short credit history.

Equifax and TransUnion both have different ways of calculating credit ratings, but there are some overlapping factors that matter. Let’s look at a few factors in-depth.

Payment history

The most important factor influencing your credit score is payment history. It’s kind of like a report card that grades your spending and loan/credit repayment. Your payment history details all of your consumer debt (excluding mortgages) including whether you’ve paid off, deferred, or defaulted on your debts; made late payments; whether you’ve still got debt outstanding; and whether you’ve ever filed for bankruptcy. Another factor is repayment history: the longer it takes to pay off your loans, including those from cash advance sources, the more your credit score is affected. Since creditors aren’t psychic, payment history offers one way to reasonably predict how likely you are to repay a loan, and ultimately influences their decision whether to lend you money.

Credit utilization

“Credit utilization” refers to the amount of credit that you are using compared to the amount that is granted to you. So if you have a credit card with a $1000 credit limit, and your balance is $200 on that card, it translates to a 20% credit utilization. In general, it’s a wise idea to keep yourtotalcredit utilization (meaning across all credit products) to under 30%.

Length of credit history

Lenders love customers with long-term credit histories showing that they’ve used credit consistently over many years. Meanwhile, a short credit history or not using an allotted credit may be red-flagged, perceived by creditors as being a risk factor for defaulting on balances.


Continuing with the above discussion and of particular interest to millennials, there is also a correlation between credit score and age. In general, the younger a person is, the lower their score. This is not entirely attributable to financial responsibility or lack thereof. Along with payment history and debt owed, credit score takes into account the length of your credit history, the number of applications for new credit, and the variety of credit products you’re using. These last three factors are typically tied to age.

Soft and hard credit checks

Whether you’re applying for a bank loan, apartment rental, or credit card, someone is bound to ask you for a credit check at some point in your life. There are two types of checks in Canada, with the first being a “soft check.” This is when you or another person checks your credit score for non-lending purposes. Despite what you may have heard, the good news is that it doesn’t negatively impact your credit score.

However, a “hard check” can cause your credit rating to drop. It occurs every time you apply for a credit card or loan, and having too many hard checks in your credit history during a condensed time period can knock off 7-10 points. Knowing this, just be careful about applying for too many credit products at once.

Diversity of credit

Just likesmart investorsdiversify their investment portfolios, you should do the same in the credit world. Lenders like it when your credit history shows a variety of credit types, and when you demonstrate financial responsibility with each of them.

Having no credit history

If you’ve never borrowed money or had a credit card, you may have a blank credit report. No credit history doesn’t give the best impression to lenders, and there’s nothing proving that you’ll repay a loan on time (or at all!). It can actually be just as bad or even worse than a bad credit history and jeopardize your chances of receiving a loan when you need it.

How to raise your credit score

Once you have your number, you can see where you fall on the scale and what options might be available to you. Unless you’re in the top 20% or so of Canadian borrowers, you likely have some room to improve. Here are some tips on how to improve your credit score in Canada:

Repay your debt

Paying your debt in full and on time is the best way to build or rebuild your score, but bear in mind that this is not limited to your credit cards. Demonstrating responsibility with your cell phone or utility bills will also have a positive effect.

Paying balances quickly will also help since high loan and credit card balances negatively affect your credit score. If you’re in the red, think about getting abalance transfer credit cardwith a lower interest rate. It’s one of the best ways topay off credit card debt fast.

Minimize your credit utilization

Don’t apply for more credit than you need, and keep your debt load low in comparison to the amount of credit extended (resist the urge to max out your cards).

Keep your (healthy) credit history going

Maintaining a long credit history helps, as does the responsible use of different types of credit. Your history with a car or RRSP loan affects your score just as much as your credit card use.

Avoid unnecessary credit checks

Keep hard credit checks to a minimum. If you’re prone to “credit churning” (whereby you apply for credit cards with sign-up bonuses and then cancel your membership after collecting the rewards), remember that this will likely ding your credit score. If you’re trying to improve your credit score, keep new credit applications to a minimum.

Correct outdated or wrong information

Look at your credit history for any errors or omissions, any open credit lines, or negative info that’s older than seven years. If you see anything wonky, get it fixed ASAP. According to Borrowell, there’s a statistical correlation between regularly monitoring your credit report and improving your score.

Use apps to improve your score

There arereputable personal finance appsthat promise to improve your credit score within six months for a low monthly fee. These apps and tools work by using deposited cash to issue you a small loan, and then they report monthly repayments on these loans to major credit bureaus. These regular, on-time payments will improve your credit score. There is usually a monthly fee for this service.

Keep your plastic

After paying off a credit card in full, don’t immediately cut up the card. It’s in your interest to carry your paid-off credit cards in your wallet for a while longer, just to build up a low credit utilization. If you’ve got a bad credit score, think about applying for one of thebest credit cards for bad credit in Canada. It will help you get on the road to repairing your credit score.

Get automated advice

We know—it’s a lot to manage. Luckily, in Canada, there are tools that can help. For analyzing and taking action on a low credit score, considerMyMarble. This tool is designed with boosting your numbers in mind. When you sign up, you’ll connect your bank accounts and see a detailed overview of your financial health, along with your credit score. You’ll have access to Maestro, which offers over 25 modules of learning material about budgeting, credit, debt, and other paid tools that can help boost your credit score.

The bottom line

For those aspiring to obtain a good credit score in Canada, you’ve got to aim for 690 or higher. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to improve your credit score and get in the good books with creditors. With lenders reserving the best products and rates for those with the highest credit scores, it makes money sense to put a little effort into yours and build your best profile. Good luck!

About the Author

Keph Senett


Keph Senett is a Canadian freelance writer whose areas of expertise include personal finance, travel and sports. When not writing, she spends her free time trying to figure out how to qualify for a soccer squad in Asia, Australia, or Antarctica.

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How Canadian credit scoring works (2024)


How is Canadian credit score calculated? ›

The main factors involved in calculating a credit score are:

The length of your credit history. Public records. Number of inquiries into your credit file.

Is a 900 credit score possible in Canada? ›

In Canada, according to Equifax, a good credit score is usually between 660 to 724. If your credit score is between 725 to 759 it's likely to be considered very good. A credit score of 760 and above is generally considered to be an excellent credit score. The credit score range is anywhere between 300 to 900.

What is a perfect credit score in Canada? ›

In Canada, your credit score ranges from 300 to 900, 900 being a perfect score. If you have a score between 780 and 900, that's excellent. If your score is between 700 and 780, that's considered a strong score and you shouldn't have too much trouble getting approved with a great rate.

What is the credit score in Canada compared to the US? ›

For example, Canadian credit scores range from 300-900 while US credit scores range from 300-850. While both share FICO's common credit score model, the average credit score in Canada is 650, while the US's average score is 704.

What is the most common credit score in Canada? ›

While credit scores in Canada range from 300 - 900, the average is around 650, according to TransUnion, though it varies from province to province. Once you've reached a credit score of 650 or higher, you'll be able to qualify for more financial products.

How does credit work in Canada? ›

The idea is, that when you apply for credit, the lending institution looks to your history with credit. How you have handled your payments and credit in the past determines whether a new lender will lend to you, for how much, the interest rate, terms and just how flexible they will be with their lending guidelines.

How many Canadians have 800 credit score? ›

In fact, membership to the 800 Credit Score Club is so exclusive that roughly less than 1 in 6 people have scores high enough to qualify. At the time of writing, that means 5.268 million Canadians over age 18 might qualify.

What is a bad credit score in Canada? ›

A score below 560 is generally considered to be a bad credit score in Canada, according to credit bureau Equifax. A score between 560 and 659 is often considered fair, while scores between 660 and 724 are considered to be an acceptable or good credit score.

Has anyone gotten an 850 credit score? ›

Although a lot of people might like the idea of a perfect credit score, they'd likely have a hard time actually achieving it. In the U.S., only about 1.7 percent of the scorable population had a perfect 850 FICO credit score in April 2023, according to FICO data.

What is a good credit score to buy a house in Canada? ›

While it will vary by lender and type of mortgage, in general, the minimum credit score to be approved for a traditional mortgage is around 680. Some lenders may go a little lower, but again, higher is better. A credit score above 700 is considered optimal when applying for a mortgage.

What is a good credit score to buy a house? ›

Some types of mortgages have specific minimum credit score requirements. A conventional loan requires a credit score of at least 620, but it's ideal to have a score of 740 or above, which could allow you to make a lower down payment, get a more attractive interest rate and save on private mortgage insurance.

What is a good credit score to buy a car? ›

Your credit score is a major factor in whether you'll be approved for a car loan. Some lenders use specialized credit scores, such as a FICO Auto Score. In general, you'll need at least prime credit, meaning a credit score of 661 or up, to get a loan at a good interest rate.

Do US and Canada share credit score? ›

Each country has its own unique credit reporting system with different laws regulating them, so the information isn't shared across borders. After you move, you will need to build a credit history in Canada with creditors who report to Canadian credit reporting companies.

Does the US recognize Canadian credit scores? ›

Can Canadian Credit History Be Used In The United States? You cannot use Canadian credit history in the United States. Each country handles credit reporting differently, making it difficult or impossible for credit histories to be transferred between countries.

Does Canadian debt follow you to the US? ›

Your credit report and credit score don't follow you when you move to another country. But it is important to know that some debts you owe will remain active. Lenders may find it harder to pursue legal action against you when you are in a different country.

Is 630 a good credit score in Canada? ›

A score of 630 is considered decent enough score that is fairly average for most Canadians. It is a score that many people shoot for when trying to improve their credit. And even at this high score level, there are still things you can do to improve your score and to help keep it at that high level.

What is 620 credit score in Canada? ›

According to Equifax Canada, one of the country's two major credit bureaus (organizations that issue credit scores), a 620 credit score falls within the “fair” range.

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