How can you make your encryption more resistant to brute force attacks? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 3, 2024

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Choose a strong encryption algorithm


Use a long and random encryption key


Add salt and pepper to your encryption


Implement key rotation and expiration


Use multiple layers of encryption


Monitor and audit your encryption

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Encryption is a vital technique for protecting your data and privacy from unauthorized access. However, encryption is not foolproof, and attackers can use brute force methods to try and crack your encryption keys. Brute force attacks involve trying every possible combination of characters until the correct key is found. This can take a long time, but it is not impossible, especially with the increasing power of computers and cloud services. How can you make your encryption more resistant to brute force attacks? Here are some tips to strengthen your encryption and make it harder for attackers to break.

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1 Choose a strong encryption algorithm

Not all encryption algorithms are created equal. Some are more secure and robust than others, and some are outdated and vulnerable to attacks. You should choose an encryption algorithm that is widely accepted, tested, and updated by the cybersecurity community, such as AES, RSA, or ECC. These algorithms use complex mathematical functions and large key sizes to encrypt and decrypt data, making it very difficult for brute force attacks to succeed. Avoid using weak or obsolete algorithms, such as DES, MD5, or SHA-1, which have been proven to have flaws and weaknesses.

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    To bolster encryption against brute force attacks, opt for secure, widely accepted algorithms like AES, RSA, or ECC, known for their complexity and large key sizes, making decryption via brute force extremely challenging. Ensure to use adequate key lengths; for instance, AES with a 256-bit key offers robust protection. Regularly update your encryption methods to incorporate the latest security advancements and address any newly discovered vulnerabilities. Avoid outdated or compromised algorithms like DES, MD5, or SHA-1, as their flaws can significantly weaken your encryption's resilience. Implementing additional security layers, such as multi-factor authentication and rate limiting, can further protect against brute force attempts.


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  • KUIS GROUP Kurnia Inti Solusindo - SALING MEMBANTU
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    Here are some key considerations for resisting brute force attacks:Complexity of Keys: Increase the complexity of encryption keys by using a wide range of characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols. Key Generation: Ensure that encryption keys are generated using secure and cryptographically strong random number generators (RNGs). Algorithm Strength: Choose encryption algorithms that are known to be resistant to brute force attacks and have undergone thorough cryptanalysis by the cybersecurity community. Algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) are widely accepted and considered secure when implemented correctly.


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  • Joel O. Information Security Engineer| Risk management| Vulnerability and Configuration Management| Azure Cloud Operations Engineer| Technical Writer
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    AES, RSA, ECC; These are widely accepted, rigorously tested, and employ complex mathematical functions with large key sizes. This makes them highly resistant to brute-force attacks, where attackers systematically try every possible decryption key.


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  • Kamal Jeet Singh Security Engineer
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    Teach it to respond with 'Incorrect Password' after three attempts, then watch hackers get locked out of patience instead of the system.To enhance the resilience of your encryption against brute force attacks, I recommend employing longer and more complex encryption keys, incorporating a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.


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  • Arthur Van Der Merwe Senior Specialist, ASIC
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    Choosing a strong encryption algorithm depends on the usage, however there are some general considerations for 'strong' algorithms. (1) a large key space and block size (birthday bound, brute force), (2) algorithms with randomisation (indistinguishability) and (3) an algorithm that is based on strong atomic primitives or hardness problems. 'strong' algorithms used incorrectly can be insecure, the underlying implementation of algorithms are often 'weak' by composing secure algorithms with insecure methods, for example CBC MAC and CBC encryption with a zero IV is not IND-CPA, NM-CPA secure and it is possible for forge new messages for a given MAC in the case of CBC MAC.


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2 Use a long and random encryption key

The encryption key is the secret code that you use to encrypt and decrypt your data. The longer and more random your key is, the more secure your encryption is. A longer key means more possible combinations for the attacker to try, and a random key means less predictability and patterns for the attacker to exploit. You should use a key that is at least 128 bits long, and preferably 256 bits or more. You should also use a key generator or a password manager to create and store your key, rather than choosing something easy to remember or guess, such as your name, birthday, or favorite movie.

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  • Joel O. Information Security Engineer| Risk management| Vulnerability and Configuration Management| Azure Cloud Operations Engineer| Technical Writer
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    Encryption algorithms typically employ mathematical operations that become exponentially more complex to crack with a longer key. Doubling the key length significantly increases the time and resources required for a brute-force attack to succeed.


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  • KUIS GROUP Kurnia Inti Solusindo - SALING MEMBANTU
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    Use encryption algorithms with longer key lengths. Longer keys exponentially increase the number of possible combinations, making it significantly more challenging for attackers to guess the correct key through brute force methods.Complexity of Keys: Increase the complexity of encryption keys by using a wide range of characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols.


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    To enhance protection against brute force attacks, it is advisable to use encryption keys that are lengthy and generated randomly. Longer keys significantly enhance the potential combinations, making it extremely difficult for attackers to guess or break through exhaustive trial-and-error methods. It is important to use key lengths that adhere to cryptographic standards, such as 128-bit or 256-bit for symmetric encryption algorithms like AES. Make sure to generate keys using secure random number generators to avoid any predictability. It is important to regularly update and rotate keys in order to ensure maximum security.


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3 Add salt and pepper to your encryption

Salt and pepper are additional data that you can add to your encryption to increase its complexity and randomness. Salt is a random string that you append or prepend to your data before encrypting it. Pepper is a secret value that you add to your data or your key before encrypting it. Both salt and pepper make your encryption more unique and unpredictable, and make it harder for attackers to use precomputed tables or dictionary attacks to crack your encryption. You should use a different salt for each data item, and keep your pepper secret and secure.

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    Let's spice up encryption like a secret recipe! To protect against brute force attempts, use at least AES-256 with extended keys, integrate salting (individual random values for data) and peppering (secret, constant value), and uphold rigorous key management. This comprehensive strategy widens the search parameters and thwarts precalculated assaults, enhancing overall security.


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  • Joel O. Information Security Engineer| Risk management| Vulnerability and Configuration Management| Azure Cloud Operations Engineer| Technical Writer
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    Salt: A random string of data appended or prepended to your data before encryption. This ensures that even identical plaintexts (unencrypted data) will result in different ciphertexts (encrypted data) after encryption. This thwarts attackers from using precomputed tables (rainbow tables) to crack your encryption. Each data item should have a unique salt.Pepper (sometimes referred to as a key derivation function): A secret value combined with your encryption key using a one-way function before it's used for encryption. This adds an extra layer of obscurity and makes it significantly harder for attackers to guess the actual key even if they manage to steal the encrypted data. Pepper is a single, shared secret value.


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  • KUIS GROUP Kurnia Inti Solusindo - SALING MEMBANTU
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    Salt: In cryptography, a salt is a random string that is added to the input data before hashing it. Salting is commonly used in password hashing to mitigate against rainbow table attacks. Pepper: Unlike salt, which is typically stored alongside the hashed data, pepper is a secret value that is kept separate from the hashed data. It is added to the data or encryption key before hashing or encrypting it. In summary:Salt is a random string added to input data before hashing, primarily used in password hashing to prevent precomputed table attacks.Pepper is a secret value added to data or encryption keys before hashing or encryption, providing an additional layer of security beyond the hashing or encryption algorithm itself.


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    By including the elements of "salt" and "pepper" into your encryption, you may greatly strengthen its ability to withstand brute force attacks. Salt is the process of introducing random data to each plaintext before encryption, guaranteeing that even if the plaintexts are identical, the resulting ciphertexts will be different. Pepper, however, entails incorporating a confidential key into the encryption process, distinct from the encryption key, hence increasing the difficulty for attackers to decrypt the ciphertext. When combined, salt and pepper enhance the intricacy of encryption, resulting in brute force attacks being more laborious and demanding for attackers in terms of time and resources.

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    To bolster encryption against brute force attacks, incorporate salt and pepper techniques. Salt involves adding random data to each plaintext before encryption, preventing identical inputs from generating the same ciphertext. Pepper involves adding a secret key known only to the encryption process, enhancing security by introducing an additional layer of complexity. Utilize cryptographic hash functions like bcrypt or PBKDF2 to incorporate salt and pepper securely into the encryption process. Implementing salt and pepper techniques enhances the resilience of encryption, thwarting brute force attacks even if attackers gain access to encrypted data and brute force decryption algorithms.


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4 Implement key rotation and expiration

Key rotation and expiration are practices that involve changing your encryption key periodically or after a certain event. This reduces the risk of your key being compromised, stolen, or reused by attackers. Key rotation means replacing your old key with a new one at regular intervals, such as every week, month, or year. Key expiration means setting a time limit or a usage limit for your key, after which it becomes invalid and unusable. You should implement key rotation and expiration policies that suit your data sensitivity and security needs, and make sure you have a backup plan in case you lose or forget your key.

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  • KUIS GROUP Kurnia Inti Solusindo - SALING MEMBANTU
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    Implement a key management strategy that includes regular key rotation. Changing encryption keys periodically mitigates the risk of long-term exposure to brute force attacks and other cryptographic attacks.Keep encryption algorithms, protocols, and systems up to date with the latest security patches and updates. Vulnerabilities in encryption implementations can be exploited by attackers to weaken encryption defenses and facilitate brute force attacks.


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  • Matko Antun Bekavac Cybersecurity and eCommerce
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    Keep in mind that the Enigma was cracked because key rotation failed. People became lazy and ignored SOPs. You should put effort in auditing the key rotation in your organization.


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    To enhance encryption security against brute force attacks, it is advisable to incorporate key rotation and expiration strategies. It is important to regularly rotate encryption keys at predefined intervals, such as monthly or quarterly, in order to minimize the risk associated with any single key. Furthermore, it is important to establish expiration dates for keys to prevent the use of outdated or compromised keys for encryption. Streamline key management processes by automating rotation and expiration, ensuring compliance with security policies. By regularly updating keys and phasing out old ones, you can significantly reduce the chances of attackers launching brute force attacks and improve the overall security of your encrypted data.


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5 Use multiple layers of encryption

Another way to make your encryption more resistant to brute force attacks is to use multiple layers of encryption, or nested encryption. This means encrypting your data with one key and algorithm, and then encrypting the result with another key and algorithm, and so on. This creates a more complex and secure encryption scheme, and makes it harder for attackers to decrypt your data. However, you should also be aware of the trade-offs and challenges of using multiple layers of encryption, such as performance, compatibility, and management issues.

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  • KUIS GROUP Kurnia Inti Solusindo - SALING MEMBANTU
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    Generate unique encryption keys for each layer of encryption. Avoid using the same key for multiple layers, as this would undermine the security benefits of encryption cascading. Strong, randomly generated keys should be used for each encryption layer to maximize security.Encrypt the data sequentially, with each layer of encryption applied one after the other. The output of one encryption layer serves as the input for the next layer. Ensure that the encryption process is reversible and that the original data can be decrypted successfully by reversing the encryption process in the correct order.


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    Utilizing multiple layers of encryption can greatly bolster protection against brute force attacks. Implement a mix of symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms, each with their own distinct keys and parameters. Symmetric encryption is great for efficiency and speed, while asymmetric encryption offers enhanced security for key exchange. Furthermore, it would be beneficial to include hashing algorithms or cryptographic checksums as additional measures to enhance the integrity of the data. Make sure that every layer uses unique keys and algorithms, making it more difficult for attackers trying to decrypt through brute force. This, in turn, enhances the overall security of your encrypted data.


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  • PRECIOUS CHIBUZO Cybersecurity Specialist | Cyber Threat Intelligence | Cloud and Wireless Security | Microsoft Azure | IT Support Analyst | Digital Forensics | Technical Support Engineer
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    Use multi-factor authentication to add an additional layer of security beyond password-based encryption. MFA requires users to provide multiple forms of authentication, such as passwords, biometrics, or tokens, making it more difficult for attackers to bypass encryption through brute force attacks alone.


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6 Monitor and audit your encryption

Finally, you should monitor and audit your encryption regularly to check its effectiveness and security. You should keep track of your encryption keys, algorithms, and policies, and make sure they are up to date and compliant with the best practices and standards. You should also monitor your encryption logs, alerts, and reports, and look for any signs of suspicious or anomalous activity, such as unauthorized access, key compromise, or data breach. You should also audit your encryption periodically, and test its strength and resilience against potential attacks.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    Here we can look at the probability of Key Derivation Functions. Encryption systems rely on KDFs to enhance security. You can introduce a layer of defense against brute force attacks when PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) or bcrypt are integrated. By deliberately slowing down the key generation process, attackers have to use more computational power to guess passwords or keys. It's like throwing a wrench into the gears of brute force attacks, significantly increasing the time and resources required to crack the encryption. So, by incorporating these KDFs, you're essentially giving potential hackers a marathon to run instead of a sprint, making your system more resilient while still keeping things cool and casual.


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  • Michael Lopez 🛡️ CISSP, CEH, GIAC, Sec+
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    You should seriously consider implementing Quantum Resistant encryption. Quantum computers are continuously growing in capability and proliferation, and in order to properly protect and future proof it is important to consider implementing quantum resistant encryption wherever possible.


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  • KUIS GROUP Kurnia Inti Solusindo - SALING MEMBANTU
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    Keep in mind that each layer of encryption adds computational overhead and may impact performance. Evaluate the trade-offs between security and performance based on your specific requirements. Performance optimizations, such as using hardware-accelerated encryption or streamlining the encryption process, may be necessary to maintain acceptable performance levels.


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  • Jean-Michel GOUZON CEO Webcyber : Pour vous protéger des cyberattaques (phishing, malware, rançongiciel) commencez par l’humain ! Faites le diagnostic des risques cyber. Formez les structures RH. Adoptez une démarche managériale proactive.
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    Ne jamais perdre de vue que c'est la défaillance humaine qui est notre premier ennemi quelques soient les mesures techniques que nous prenons.



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  • PRECIOUS CHIBUZO Cybersecurity Specialist | Cyber Threat Intelligence | Cloud and Wireless Security | Microsoft Azure | IT Support Analyst | Digital Forensics | Technical Support Engineer
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    Regularly conduct security audits and penetration testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in encryption implementations. Test the resilience of encryption schemes against brute force attacks and other security threats to ensure robust protection of sensitive data.Implement mechanisms to monitor and limit the number of login attempts to protect against brute force attacks on authentication systems. Lockout accounts or introduce delays after a certain number of failed login attempts to deter attackers.


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How can you make your encryption more resistant to brute force attacks? (2024)
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