How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (2024)

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Send a thank you note


Follow up on the next steps


Keep applying and networking


Showcase your value


Prepare for the next round


Here’s what else to consider

You aced the interview and you are confident that you made a good impression on the hiring manager. But how can you increase your chances of getting hired after the interview? Here are some tips to follow up effectively and stand out from the competition.

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  • Bolutife Ademokoya Career Coach | 3X your income and secure global opportunities | I train jobseekers, freelancers, employees and…

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  • Jane Jackson Career Coach supporting mid-career changers land the job they'll love | LinkedIn Top Voice | Author of Navigating…

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  • Sarla Sharma💎 Talent is Not An Online Commodity! PMCPL - 25Years of Impeccable Record in the Recruitment Domain ...Handling…

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How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (9) How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (10) How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (11)

1 Send a thank you note

As soon as possible after the interview, send a thank you note to the interviewer and anyone else who was involved in the process. Express your appreciation for their time and interest, restate your enthusiasm for the role and the company, and highlight your main qualifications and fit. A thank you note can be a simple email or a handwritten card, depending on the company culture and your personal preference. The important thing is to be polite, professional, and timely.

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  • Sarla Sharma💎 Talent is Not An Online Commodity! PMCPL - 25Years of Impeccable Record in the Recruitment Domain ...Handling Executive Search | Contract Staffing | Diversity Hiring
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    Success after the interview isn't just about what you say during it; it's also about your strategic approach before and after. The first impression you make has lasting effects, shaping perceptions and setting the tone. Crafting a compelling credential format reflecting your unique contributions is key. Emphasize added value beyond key deliverables to leave a lasting impact. Thorough pre-interview research into company culture is essential. Post-interview follow-up, expressing gratitude, and maintaining a positive attitude are crucial. Enthusiasm and readiness to contribute significantly enhance your chances of securing the position.


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  • Jane Jackson Career Coach supporting mid-career changers land the job they'll love | LinkedIn Top Voice | Author of Navigating Career Crossroads | Host of YOUR CAREER Podcast | Resumé Writing | LinkedIn Trainer | Job Interview Coach
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    Many of my career coaching clients ask me if they should send a thank you note or not. They worry that it may seem 'desperate' to make contact after the job interview and if it would be better for them to just wait. Remember that most people will just wait. If you want to stand out, then make that extra effort to show that you are keen on the role. The note may, or may not, be read but if it IS read then you will have shown that you care, you practice business etiquette and your are polite and respectful as you go through the interview process. How would you like to be viewed? As one of the herd or someone who will make the extra effort?


    How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (29) How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (30) 4

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    The note is NOT just about gratitude although that is a great start. Your Thank You Note should double as a written summary of why they should hire you! Not everyone has a great memory, you summarizing why you're a great fit may help them remember the most important parts of the interview or even cover things you may have forgotten to mention!


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  • Muhammed Zuhair Nalalakth Results-Driven Accounts Receivables Accountant | 6+ Years Expertise in Credit Control, Bank Reconciliation, and Collections | MBA-Finance | UAE LMV License | Open to New Opportunities
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    Send a Thank You Note and a Follow Up Email this would go a long way to getting the hiring chances higher for job seekers and will make a good lasting memory for interviewers


    How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (48) 1

  • Ashwin Manjunath
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    While there's no guarantee these steps will secure the job, they do indicate your potential as a good cultural fit for the company:1.Send a thank-you note: Express gratitude for the opportunity and reaffirm your interest in the role.2.Address bias: Showcase relevant skills and experiences to counteract any potential bias.3. Avoid over-impressing:Share your strengths authentically without embellishing.4.Be yourself: Demonstrate your alignment with the company culture by being genuine.By following these steps, you'll leave a positive impression and demonstrate your suitability for the role and the company.


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2 Follow up on the next steps

At the end of the interview, you should have asked about the next steps and the timeline for the hiring decision. If you did not, you can include this question in your thank you note. Once you have this information, follow up accordingly and respectfully. For example, if the interviewer said they would get back to you in a week, you can send a brief email after a week to reiterate your interest and ask for an update. Do not be pushy or impatient, but show that you are eager and proactive.

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  • Elina 🇺🇦 Rebuel Tretiakova Career Strategy🔹Talent Management 🔹Leadership Development🔹Employer Brand🔹Employer Engagement 🔹Outplacement 🔹Career Education


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    2. Should you include all your questions in your follow-up email if you don't have time to ask them during the interview? People are very busy so I think it is better to avoid asking for anything that will create extra work for your interviewer. 3. A well-written thank you letter sets you apart from the crowd, is authentic, sounds sincere, and employs a few strategic ideas as well. Is it easier said than done? I know, so let's work together to create one.Name,I am very grateful for the opportunity to talk with you today regarding the open marketing manager position. It was very valuable for me to learn more about your path to becoming Marketing Director in [Company] and get a glimpse of company culture and marketing challenges.


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  • Ashwin Manjunath
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    Here are my thoughts on following up after an interview:1. Ask about what comes next during the interview so you know what to expect.2. Once you have the info, follow up politely. For example, if they said they'd decide in a week, you can send a friendly email after that time.3. Show you're excited, but don't rush them. Just a quick note to say you're still interested is perfect.Following up shows you're keen without being pushy.


3 Keep applying and networking

Until you have a written offer in hand, do not stop your job search. Keep applying to other opportunities and networking with relevant contacts in your field. You never know when a new opening might come up or when a referral might give you an edge. Also, having multiple options can help you negotiate better and avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. However, do not burn any bridges or make any false promises. Be honest and respectful with all your potential employers and contacts.

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  • Ashwin Manjunath
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    Here are my simple thoughts:1. Keep applying for jobs until you have a written offer.2. Stay connected with people in your field for potential job leads.3. Be honest and respectful with everyone you interact with in your job search.By staying proactive and maintaining good relationships, you'll maximize your chances of finding the right job opportunity.


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  • Bolutife Ademokoya Career Coach | 3X your income and secure global opportunities | I train jobseekers, freelancers, employees and organizations on career development and life skills | Join 250+ satisfied clients.
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    Don't wait until you've received a response before putting in another application. Batch applications and interviews help you sharpen your skills for the subsequent interview as opposed to having your interviews sparsely apart.


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    Even if you feel the interview went well and you're confident in your chances, continue applying and interviewing for other positions. This ensures you're not putting all your hopes on one opportunity and keeps your job search momentum going.


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4 Showcase your value

One way to stand out from other candidates and increase your chances of getting hired is to showcase your value and potential contribution to the company. You can do this by sending relevant samples of your work, sharing positive feedback from your previous clients or colleagues, or proposing some ideas or solutions that you think can benefit the company. Make sure that whatever you send is relevant, concise, and tailored to the specific role and company. Do not spam the interviewer with too much information or unsolicited advice.

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    How can you demonstrate your value even more than you did during the last interview? There's always a way to add even more value even if you thought the interview was great so continue to ask yourself that questions so it trains your brain to seek ways to be even better.Think the process might be stalled and you're in danger of not getting another interview?Ask yourself, what can I do to add value in between interviews? Can you share something via email?Point out an idea, an article, or make a suggestion regarding something related to the position?Put together a short powerpoint?Not saying you should do this for every job, but for the ones you really want, look for ways to demonstrate you're a superstar!


    How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (110) 2

  • Elina 🇺🇦 Rebuel Tretiakova Career Strategy🔹Talent Management 🔹Leadership Development🔹Employer Brand🔹Employer Engagement 🔹Outplacement 🔹Career Education
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    Your descriptions of [Company] emphasized the importance of caring for its employees and maintaining a warm and welcoming working environment that I find very appealing. Having transformed distribution through omnichannel projects, provided seamless customer experiences, and worked in collaborative environments at places like [Names], I believe I can deliver results from the get-go. The challenges the position entails I found very interesting and I confirm my interest to continue the interview process. Again, thank you for your time, and have a wonderful week.Warmly,ElinaP.S. In light of our conversation about my experience with data analytics, I have attached the articles I wrote on this topic for Marketing Revolution Magazine.


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    If there's something you forgot to mention during the interview that highlights your qualifications or demonstrates how you can add value to the team, briefly include this in your follow-up communication.


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5 Prepare for the next round

If you are invited for a second or third interview, congratulations! You are one step closer to getting hired. However, do not get complacent or overconfident. You still need to prepare for the next round and impress the interviewer again. Review your notes from the previous interview, research the company and the role more deeply, practice your answers to common and behavioral questions, and prepare some insightful questions of your own. Also, be ready to discuss your salary expectations, your availability, and your references.

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  • Bolutife Ademokoya Career Coach | 3X your income and secure global opportunities | I train jobseekers, freelancers, employees and organizations on career development and life skills | Join 250+ satisfied clients.
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    Here's what to note and prepare for in each interview phase:Stage 1: Informal chat, Assessment or a formal interview to determine technical fit for the role. Your affect and social skills will be assessed but not as deeply.Stage 2: Industry-specific solutions tailored to the unique challenges of the company. Use case studies and technical jargon here. This phase might involve a presentation, case studies etc.Stage 3: At this point, technical know-how and ability to contribute solutions to the company has been established. What companies want to know is how well you fit into the company culture. Your looks, leadership style, affect, salary expectations etc.This is a rough guideline and it can vary form company to company.


    How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (137) How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (138) 9

  • Elena Giorgetti, PCC Founder of Make an Impact Career Coaching | Top Career Coach in Vancouver | Certified Facilitator of the LEGO® Serious Play® Method
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    Getting ready for the second interview is super important to show you're the right fit for the job. Think about what each interviewer might ask you. Look at the job description again to see if there are any skills they haven't asked about yet and prepare for some questions that might want to assess those skills. For the second round, they might want you to do a presentation or a business case. Do extra research, and if you can, talk to someone at the company for advice on how to do your presentation. Finally, practice answering questions with someone who can give you helpful feedback on how you're doing.


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  • Ashwin Manjunath
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    1. Stay on track: Another interview means you're doing well, but keep up the good work.2. Refresh your memory: Take a look at your notes from last time to remind yourself what was discussed.3. Dive deeper: Learn more about the company and the job to show you're really interested.4. Practice up: Practice your answers to common questions so you'll feel more confident.5. Ask questions: Think of some questions to ask them—it shows you're engaged.6. Think ahead: Consider what salary you're aiming for and who you can use as references.By doing these things, you'll be ready for whatever comes next in the interview process!


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Jane Jackson Career Coach supporting mid-career changers land the job they'll love | LinkedIn Top Voice | Author of Navigating Career Crossroads | Host of YOUR CAREER Podcast | Resumé Writing | LinkedIn Trainer | Job Interview Coach
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    Preparation is the key to success in job interviews. Make sure you know what do to BEFORE the interview, DURING the interview and AFTER the interview to increase your chances of success. Conduct your research beforehand - find out all you can about the company, the hiring manager, the team, the industry and why the role is open. During the interview have your examples with tangible results fresh in your mind to show the VALUE you bring to the role. After the interview maintain contact politely and give your follow up emails or calls time in between. Remember the interview process takes time so patience is a virtue (but DO follow up if you have given it a decent amount of time and still not heard back).


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  • Vineet Joglekar Engineering Manager | Career Coach
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    After a behavioral interview, if you believe you didn't fully address a question, consider reaching out to the recruiter to offer additional context via email.This allows you to showcase your skills and commitment in a professional manner. Do it without placing blame on the interviewer.Not every recruiter will be open to it, but it is worth a try.


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  • Sultan AlHassni


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    لتعزيز فرص حصولك على الوظيفة بعد المقابلة، اتبع هذه الخطوات:رسالة شكر: أرسل رسالة بريد إلكتروني موجزة تشكرهم على وقتهم، وأعد تأكيد اهتمامك بالوظيفة.متابعة: إن لم تتلق ردًا بجدول زمني محدد، تابع الحالة مع جهة الاتصال بعد أسبوع تقريبًا.تقييم أدائك: قيّم أداءك في المقابلة وحدد نقاط القوة والضعف. استفد من هذه الأفكار للتحسن في المقابلات المستقبلية.استمر بالبحث: لا تضع كل آمالك على وظيفة واحدة. استمر في البحث والتقدم لوظائف أخرى.



Job Search Strategies How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (183)

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How can you increase your chances of getting hired after an interview? (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.