How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (2024)

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Growth Chart
How Big Do Outdoor Goldfish Grow?
How to Avoid Stunting Your Goldfish
How to Make Your Goldfish Grow Faster
How Fast Do Baby Goldfish Grow?

Growth in goldfish depends on their nutrition and living conditions. The single best thing that you can do is to pay attention to both. The former supplies the raw materials that your fish needs to grow and develop. The latter determines whether it will conserve or redirect its resources to support survival or growth. In this article, we take a closer look at how big goldfish get, along with the factors that affect their growth.

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (1)

How Big Do Goldfish Grow?

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (2)

Goldfish can get anywhere from 2 inches to well over 10 inches in a pond. They can even grow larger in the wild due to the abundance of resources and space. They grow rapidly from fry to bigger fish in the first few months. The driving force is survival. It’s easier to evade predators—or get food—at this size. However, there are a lot of variables.

Goldfish need about 29% protein and 12% fat in their diet for optimal growth.1 Ideally, the energy-protein ratio is 9.7 grams to 1 gram. Remember that goldfish are opportunistic omnivores. They will eat a wide selection of foods, from vegetation to insects to invertebrates. The other thing to take into account is the fish’s variety.

Fancy goldfish, such as fantails and veiltails, might not get as big as your average everyday fish. The reason is the former dedicates some of its nutrition to fin development or other body structures. Fins are a hindrance to them in the wild. However, the chances are that they are kept in aquariums instead of other water bodies. Therefore, your experience may differ from this chart.

Goldfish Growth Chart

AgeSlim-Bodied GoldfishFancy Goldfish
1 month0.9 inches0.9 inches
6 months2 inches1.5 inches
12 months3.25 inches2.75 inches
18 months4.5 inches3.5 inches
2 years5.25 inches4 inches
2.5 years6 inches4.5 inches
3 years6.5 inches5 inches
3.5 years7 inches5.5 inches
4 years7.75 inches6 inches
4.5 years8.5 inches6.5 inches
5 years9.25 inches7 inches
5.5 years10 inches7.25 inches
6 years10.75 inches7.5 inches
6.5 years11.5 inches7.75 inches
7 years12 inches8 inches


How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (3)

How Big Do Outdoor Goldfish Grow?

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (4)

Outdoor goldfish in ponds can get substantially larger simply because they have room to grow. The record for the largest pet goldfish is 15 inches. However, the right conditions still matter, even if you keep them in a larger setup in your backyard. The other thing to remember is that they’ll need someplace to go during the winter. That means getting another aquarium in the house to keep them in until spring.

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (5)

How to Avoid Stunting Your Goldfish

One concern you may hear about is the risk of stunted growth. Bear in mind that genetics have a lot to do with your goldfish’s potential size. No matter what you do, its DNA determines its length. While the fish may look stunted, it might just be what Mother Nature intended.

Other factors also play a role, which you can control. A lot of it is common sense. It’s worth noting that goldfish are vulnerable during the first months of life. Even though they are tolerant as adults, that’s not necessarily the case with juveniles. Let’s discuss which elements matter most to support your goldfish’s healthy growth.

Tank Size

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (6)

A goldfish bowl, especially one less than 1 gallon, is not a healthy living environment for your fish. Some jurisdictions and countries have gone so far as to call them cruel. Let’s consider it from a logical perspective.

Goldfish are messy animals. There’s no getting around that fact. Their bodies support rapid metabolism and, thus, waste. A small tank means that you’ll have to clean it more often. Every time you change the water, it stresses the fish and leaves them vulnerable to disease.

We recommend at least a 20-gallon tank for several reasons. First, the large amount of water will help ensure that the conditions stay stable, which is ideal for any fish. Second, it’ll cut down on your maintenance significantly. Finally, you need to consider the goldfish’s adult size. A fish that can potentially get 12 inches long has to have space to swim.

Housing a goldfish isn't as simple as buying a bowl. If you're a new or experienced goldfish keeper who wants to get the setup right for your goldfish family, check out the best-selling book, The Truth About Goldfish, on Amazon.

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (7)

It covers all you need to know about the ideal tank setup, tank size, substrate, ornaments, plants, and so much more!


How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (8)

The essential thing for goldfish is a consistent temperature in the tank. Remember that in the wild, things would stay status quo in large bodies of water. Your job is to replicate those conditions with your aquarium. The size heater depends on the tank capacity and the ambient temperature of the room in which you keep it.

Let’s use our 20-gallon aquarium as an example. Suppose that you keep the room at about 68℉. You want to warm the water to about 72℉ for goldfish. That means heating it 4℉. Taking into account these figures, you’d need about a 50-watt heater to do the job. That will give you some wiggle room, too, in case you want it cooler at night.


How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (9)

Goldfish are like many other species that prefer company in their tank. That’s another factor to remember when choosing the aquarium size. We suggest doing the math and planning first. A filled 20-gallon tank with water, gravel, and décor is going to weigh 225 pounds or more. Once you’ve set it up, it’s likely to become a permanent feature in that room.

If you want a tank full of fish, you’re going to need a bigger aquarium. Remember that we said earlier that goldfish are messy. More fish equals more maintenance.

Water Quality

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (10)

Water quality can have a significant influence on the health of your goldfish. It’s the reason you’re doing the monthly water changes to get rid of the built-up waste. A power filter is a worthwhile investment to keep the conditions stable and clean. The other thing you have to consider is the water chemistry.

We recommend testing your tank for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and pH at least every 2 weeks. The breakdown of waste releases some of these chemical compounds that are toxic to fish and plants. Replacing 25% of your water every 2 weeks will help prevent them from getting to dangerous levels.

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (11)

How to Make Your Goldfish Grow Faster

Doing everything that we suggested will put you on the path to larger goldfish. Adequate nutrition that includes the recommended amount of protein and fat will support fast growth. Providing juveniles with a variety of meat-based foods will go a long way toward this goal. However, that doesn’t mean you should overfeed them.

Uneaten food will decay and convert into the same toxins that affect water quality. You should only feed your goldfish the amount you see them consume in a few minutes. The chances are that they won’t find the pellets that end up in the gravel. Also, remember that genetics also has a say in how quickly things happen.

How Fast Do Baby Goldfish Grow?

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (12)

Surprisingly, goldfish can’t eat right after hatching. Instead, they will hide in vegetation or other safe places until their mouths develop. After they start swimming, growth proceeds quickly, with significant gains during the first weeks of life. Again, it’s all about survival and avoiding predators.

Week 1

On day one, a goldfish fry will measure about 0.2 inches or about the size of a grain of rice. By the end of the week, it will almost have doubled in size to about 0.4 inches.

Week 2

The growth spurt continues into Week 2. Again, the fry will nearly double to about 0.6 inches. It’ll also start to look more like a fish, with fin development underway.

Week 3

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (13)

Things are still moving quickly during Week 3. The goldfish are approaching 0.8 inches long at this point. Fin development is evident, which helps them get around and feed.

Week 4

You may notice that the growth rate has slowed slightly as the goldfish get closer to maturity. They may measure about 0.9 inches, depending on what you’ve been feeding them.

Week 5

The goldfish will have a full set of fins now. Growth is still slowing down, with no substantial differences in size.

Week 6

Your goldfish should be around 1 inch long now. While they aren’t gaining a lot in size, much is going on within them to complete their development.

Week 7

The growth rate is proceeding at about 10%–15% per week to about 1.1 inches. They are still juveniles with another growth spurt on the way.

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (14)

Week 8

The goldfish are just over 60% of their first-year size, measuring about 1.25 inches. During these first weeks, they were growing almost 30% on average per week.

Week 9

You’ll see a slight increase in size and form as your goldfish mature. Providing adequate protein is imperative. Animal sources, such as shrimp, are excellent additions to their diet.

After Week 9

Your goldfish will reach about 2 inches in 6 months. As long as it has adequate nutritional support, it’ll reach over 3 inches by the end of its first year.

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (15)


A goldfish is an excellent choice for a first pet for your kids or an experienced hobbyist. Keeping the tank conditions stable with the water chemistry at safe levels is the best way to ensure that your fish will live its full 10–20-year lifespan. Fortunately, they are hardy animals that can handle stress well with the right nutritional support.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: hineck_Pixabay

How Big Does a Goldfish Get? Average Weight & Growth Chart | PangoVet (2024)


How long does it take for goldfish to grow to full size? ›

In my experience, a common goldfish can reach about 8 inches in it's first year or so, and reach close to as big as they'll get in 3. Usually this is around 12-14". They keep growing more slowly afterwards. This can reach as much as 18″.

What is the average weight of a goldfish? ›

The typical length of a goldfish is between 15-20 cm, although can reach up to 59 cm in different aquatic habitats. Weight varies between 100g- 300g with a maximum of 3.0 kg (USGS). Lifespan is typically 6-7 years.

How old is a 3 inch goldfish? ›

"For optimal growth, your goldfish needs around 29 percent protein and 12 percent fat in their diet. Provided you follow this, your goldfish should grow to 2 inches over a course of six months and to 3 inches by the end of its first year."

What is the full size of a goldfish? ›

Wild goldfish typically grow to between 4.7 inches (12 cm) and 8.7 inches (22 cm) but can reach 16 inches (41 cm). The size of pet goldfish depends upon its breed. As of April 2008, the largest goldfish in the world was believed by the BBC to measure 19 inches (48 cm), in the Netherlands.

What is the lifespan of a goldfish? ›

The average lifespan of a goldfish is ten to fifteen years. The longest-lived goldfish on record lived to age 43. The oldest living goldfish was Tish, won by a UK family at a funfair. Tish was recognized into the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest living goldfish.

How can I make my goldfish grow bigger fast? ›

If the water is well balanced, with a good pH, no ammonia and the food is pleantiful and a good mixture you will soon have a very large goldfish IF it is in a proper size aquarium or even better, pond. Goldfish need a lot of room to grow to their full potential size.

How do I tell how old my goldfish is? ›

Young goldfish tend to be bronze in colour, but will change to a more orange/gold colour within the first few months of life. Old fish will usually lose all of their gold colouration and be a creamy white colour.

Do and don'ts for goldfish? ›

Goldfish should never be kept in bowls, small aquariums or any unfiltered container! In addition to having relatively high oxygen demands, they grow to be quite large and generate a significant amount of waste, which can be harmful if allowed to accumulate.

How many times should you feed goldfish? ›

Uneaten food also breaks down and contaminates your aquarium. Feed your goldfish once a day and only what can be eaten in under two minutes. If you have more than one fish, feed in two or more separate areas to make sure all fish eat the food.

Do goldfish like being touched? ›

They need space to perform well. Goldfish also don't like being touched on their bodies, bright lights, or loud noises. Do not tap on the tank to get your goldfish's attention.

How do you know when your goldfish is happy? ›

Happy fish are healthy fish that actively explore their surroundings, enjoy mealtime, have plenty of space for swimming, don't have any obvious signs of illness, and get along with their tank buddies.

Do goldfish need a bubbler? ›

Air pumps are a great addition. They increase the oxygen which helps your goldfish breathe easier. You can hook the air pump to a bubbling ornament or air stone.

How long do goldfish live in ponds? ›

In a pond, goldfish can live anywhere from 5 to 25 years. For fancy goldfish, their pond lifespan is usually 5 to 10 years. Common goldfish can live in a pond for 10 to 25 years. It depends on the type of goldfish, the quality of the pond, and their care.

What is the easiest fish to take care of? ›

Fish that are great for beginners and easy to learn to take care of include some types of Tetras, Rasboras, Danios, White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Swordtails, Plaites, Mollies, Cory Catfish and Betta Fish.

Will goldfish stay small in a small tank? ›

Myth 2 - Goldfish Only Grow to the Size of their Enclosure

But what really stunts their growth is poor water quality associated with a small tank, rather than the tank size itself. When properly cared for, goldfish never stop growing. The 'common goldfish' are the largest kind of goldfish and can grow up to 45cm long.

How do I know if my goldfish needs a bigger tank? ›

Goldfish tank size calculations

The 'six times the length' rule is a good one for goldfish as it provides them with adequate swimming room and water volume. It's the maximum potential adult size of the fish that should be multiplied by six, not the baby size at which you buy it.

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