How are React Hooks different from class components in ReactJS? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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How are React Hooks different from class components in ReactJS? - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 15 Feb, 2024


React Hooks are helpful tools that make building websites and apps with React easier. They simplify how users handle things like data and app behavior, making the code cleaner and easier to understand.

Class components in React are like the old-school way of building parts of your website or app. They use JavaScript classes to structure components, allowing them to manage their own internal state and respond to changes.


  • In class components, you define your component using the class keyword, and you have to extend the React.Component class. With React Hooks, you use regular JavaScript functions to define your components.

Class component:

class MyComponent extends Component {
// State and methods go here
render() {
// JSX template

React Hooks in functional component

function MyComponent() {
// State and hooks go here
return (
// JSX template

Exploring Class Components and React Hooks:

  • State Management: In class components, you manage state using the setState() method, which is a bit more verbose. With Hooks, you use the useState() hook to manage state more simply and directly.
  • Lifecycle Methods: Class components have lifecycle methods like componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate(), etc., which you use to perform actions at different stages of a component’s lifecycle. With Hooks, you use the useEffect() hook to achieve similar behavior, but it’s more flexible and concise.
  • Code Reusability: Class components have higher-order components and render props for code reuse. Hooks allow you to create custom hooks, which are easier to reuse and maintain.
  • Complexity: Class components can sometimes become complex, especially when dealing with state, lifecycle methods, and other features. Hooks promote a more functional approach, which often leads to simpler and more concise code.
  • Performance: Class components can have performance overhead due to the way they handle updates and lifecycle methods. Hooks are designed to be more efficient and can lead to better performance in your React applications.

Difference between Class components and React Hooks:

Class ComponentsReact Hooks
Defined with the class keyword and extends React.ComponentDefined with regular JavaScript functions
Use setState() methodUse useState() hook
Have lifecycle methods like componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate(), etc.Use useEffect() hook
Utilize higher-order components and render props for code reuseCreate custom hooks for code reuse
Can become complex due to managing state, lifecycle methods, etc.Promote a more functional approach, leading to simpler code
Can have performance overhead due to lifecycle methodsDesigned to be more efficient and improve performance


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How are React Hooks different from class components in ReactJS? - GeeksforGeeks (2)

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How are React Hooks different from class components in ReactJS? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


How are React Hooks different from class components in ReactJS? - GeeksforGeeks? ›

React Hooks are helpful tools that make building websites and apps with React easier. They simplify how users handle things like data and app behavior, making the code cleaner and easier to understand. Class components in React are like the old-school way of building parts of your website or app.

What is the difference between custom Hook and Class in React? ›

Hooks vs class-based components

state . In contrast, Hooks are used in React functional components and enable you to have components state and other React features in functional components without the need for classes.

What is the difference between React component and custom hooks? ›

Unlike a React component, a custom Hook doesn't need to have a specific signature. We can decide what it takes as arguments, and what, if anything, it should return. In other words, it's just like a normal function.

What is the difference between React and React hooks? ›

What is the difference between React and React Hooks? React is a library that helps us create interactive UIs in the browser. Hooks are a tool within React that provides ways to manage state and react to changes within our application.

How are React hooks different from functional components? ›

Key Differences between React Hooks and Functions

React Hooks are specifically designed to interact with the React component lifecycle and state management. React Hooks can only be used within functional components, whereas JavaScript functions can be used anywhere in your code.

What is the difference between hooks and class components in React? ›

With Hooks, you use the useState() hook to manage state more simply and directly. Lifecycle Methods: Class components have lifecycle methods like componentDidMount() , componentDidUpdate() , etc., which you use to perform actions at different stages of a component's lifecycle.

Why can't hooks be used in class components? ›

Class components do not have this call stack, so you cannot use Hooks directly in them. However, there are a few ways to fix this, depending on your preference. You can decide to use state and setState with class components, convert the component to a functional component, or use a Higher-Order Component (HOC).

What are the 4 hooks in React? ›

What are the different types of hooks in React?
  • State Hooks: 'useState': It is the most commonly used React Hook. ...
  • Effect Hooks: ...
  • Context Hooks: ...
  • Ref Hooks: ...
  • Callback Hooks: ...
  • Layout Hooks: ...
  • Form Hooks: ...
  • Animation Hooks:
Jun 29, 2023

Why are React hooks better? ›

React Hooks offer numerous advantages to developers, including simplified code, improved reusability, easier testing and debugging, and reduced bundle size. By leveraging these benefits, developers can create more efficient, maintainable, and scalable applications.

Is a React hook a component? ›

Hooks were added to React in version 16.8. Hooks allow function components to have access to state and other React features. Because of this, class components are generally no longer needed. Although Hooks generally replace class components, there are no plans to remove classes from React.

What is a Class component in React? ›

React Class components have a built-in state object. You might have noticed that we used state earlier in the component constructor section. The state object is where you store property values that belongs to the component. When the state object changes, the component re-renders.

What is the difference between React component lifecycle and Hooks? ›

What is the difference between React hooks and lifecycle methods? React hooks provide a more concise way to manage state and side effects in functional components. Lifecycle methods are only available in class components and can hook into various stages of a component's lifecycle.

What is the difference between React Hooks and React Redux? ›

If you're thinking about building an application, both can be used. While Redux holds the global state and actions that can be dispatched, the React Hooks features to handle the local component state.

What is the difference between class components and function components in React? ›

Functional components are similar to JavaScript functions that receive properties (props) and return React elements for rendering. Class components are preferred for complex components that demand precise control over state and lifecycle behavior.

What are React Hooks explained simply? ›

React Hooks are like special tools that make it easier to add features to your function components, without the need for complex class components. They help you manage state, deal with component updates, and share logic across your app in a simpler way.

What is the difference between React Hooks and connect? ›

The main benefit of using the Redux Hooks is that they are conceptually simpler than connect . With connect , you are wrapping your component and injecting props into it. This can make it difficult to determine in the component which props come from Redux and which are passed in.

What is the purpose of custom hooks in React? ›

Custom Hooks are a powerful feature of React that allows you to encapsulate common functionality into reusable functions. They are a great way to make your code more organized, reusable, and maintainable.

What is the difference between custom hook and regular function? ›

Custom hooks are designed specifically for React components and leverage React's lifecycle and state management features, while regular functions can be used in any JavaScript context, independent of React.

What is the difference between custom hook and utility function in React? ›

Custom hooks are helpful utilities that help you reuse code logic. The main difference between custom hooks and regular utility functions is that custom hooks usually involve the use of other in-built hooks and follow the rules of hooks, while the latter is a regular function that can be used anywhere.

What are pros and cons of custom React hooks? ›

Advantages of Using Hooks:

Simplicity and Readability: Hooks simplify the syntax and structure of functional components, making them more concise and easier to read. This is especially beneficial for developers who are new to React. Code Reusability: Hooks encourage the creation of reusable logic through custom hooks.

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