How Are Cryptocurrency Gifts Taxed in 2023? (2024)

What are cryptocurrency gifts?

We can think of cryptocurrency gifts as presents of digital money that can be sent and received online. You can make a personal crypto gift to friends or family or donate crypto to a qualifying 501(c)(3) organization and get a tax break in return.

When it comes to crypto gift tax, typically giving cryptocurrency as a gift doesn't mean you or the recipient have to pay taxes right away. But the way the recipient uses it could affect their taxes later. So, cryptocurrency gifts are a modern and interesting way to share digital money with friends, family, or organizations you want to support.

How does gifting crypto work

There are a few things to consider before giving crypto. First, you need to decide which type of cryptocurrency you want to give. Bitcoin is of course the most famous cryptocurrency, but there are many others like Ethereum, Litecoin, and thousands of altcoins.

You can use apps like Cash App, Coinbase, or Robinhood to send crypto easily. Or you can send it directly to the recipient's digital wallet. Just be sure you have the correct wallet address and completely understand the process before transferring any crypto.

This article pertains to crypto gift tax for US taxpayers. International taxpayers should refer to their local regulations and our helpful international crypto tax guides for further information.

Is a crypto gift a taxable event?

When you receive a gift of crypto, it's good news from a tax perspective: receiving a crypto gift is not considered a taxable event, meaning you don't have to report it as income on your tax return. There is no special crypto gift tax for US taxpayers. So, if a generous friend or family member gives you some cryptocurrency, you won't owe any crypto tax on the gift upon receipt.

Cryptocurrency gifts below $18,000 in value for 2024 are tax-free for the giver and don't require IRS reporting. However, when a gift exceeds this threshold, the giver needs to notify the IRS by submitting Form 709. Gifts surpassing $18,000 count against an individual's lifetime gift exemption, which is $13.61 million in 2024.

If you're a gift recipient, be aware that taxes will likely come into play when you decide to sell or dispose of the crypto gift in the future. At that point, you could be subject to capital gains or losses, depending on whether the cryptocurrency's value has gone up or down since you received it.

While receiving a crypto gift is a tax-free event, you may need to consider the tax implications when you decide to sell or use that cryptocurrency down the road, based on how its value has changed since the gift was given.

Giving a crypto gift

If you give a crypto gift, this is not a taxable event. However, make sure the recipient knows the cost basis of the asset that you are giving to them. See the “letter to prove the crypto gift” below for more details concerning what you should provide the person to whom you’re gifting crypto.

Receiving a crypto gift

If you receive crypto as a gift, this alone is not a taxable event and you don’t recognize it as income. In other words, you do not immediately pay crypto tax on a gift. You will only have tax consequences on crypto you receive as a gift when you sell it.

Selling a crypto gift

You realize capital gains or losses on crypto when you sell a crypto gift you’ve received.

  • If you sell the asset for a gain (i.e. more than the giver’s cost basis), then your cost basis for that sale is equal to the donor’s basis.

  • If you sell the asset for a loss (i.e. less than the giver’s cost basis), then your cost basis is the lesser of either the donor’s cost basis or the fair market value at the time you received the crypto.

  • If you don’t know the giver’s cost basis, you must recognize a $0 cost basis for the sale.

Your holding period (to determine short- and long-term crypto tax rates) includes the holding time of the person who gave you the crypto. If you don’t know when they acquired the crypto, your holding period begins when you receive the gifted crypto.

Be sure to include gifts in your cryptocurrency tax software account, as it's necessary to account for assets received or given.

Letter to prove the crypto gift

A gift letter, a simple yet crucial piece of written documentation, serves as a legal declaration that money you've received from a friend or family member is a bona fide gift. Gift letters are significant in various contexts where the source of funds needs clarification.

Gift letters act as an official record of your financial transaction. A crypto gift letter typically includes essential details including:

  • The names of the donor and recipient.

  • The date of the gift.

  • The fair market value of the gift when given.

  • A clear affirmation that the gift is not expected to be repaid.

  • The donor's signature to validate the intent.

  • The date the crypto was originally acquired.

  • The cost basis of the original crypto acquisition.

These elements work together to create a legally binding document that ensures both parties are on the same page regarding the nature of the financial transaction.

Is a crypto donation a taxable event?

No, a crypto donation to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit is generally not considered a taxable event. This means that when you make a donation in cryptocurrency, you typically do not have to pay capital gains tax on the amount donated. However, there are some essential considerations to keep in mind, particularly if you're a US donor.

Cryptocurrency donations to nonprofit organizations with a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status are usually tax-deductible. This means that you may be eligible to receive a tax deduction for the value of your donation.

Making a crypto donation

Making a crypto donation is similar to gifting to individuals. If you donate to a qualified 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, it's essential to report your crypto donation to the IRS in order to take advantage of corresponding tax benefits. Doing so ensures that you can realize the potential tax deductions associated with your contribution.

Even if you value your privacy and wish to donate cryptocurrency anonymously, it's advisable to consider obtaining a donation receipt from the nonprofit. While you can protect your anonymity by using secure methods like a ProtonMail email address, reporting the charitable donation to the IRS is still crucial to ensure compliance with tax regulations and to make the most of the available tax benefits.

Receiving a crypto donation

Accepting crypto donations as a nonprofit organization can be accomplished through two primary methods:

  • Hands-off Approach: Use a crypto payment processor like BitPay to accept crypto donations on your nonprofit's behalf and convert them into fiat currency for a small fee. This method simplifies the process, with the payment processor handling technicalities such as wallet creation and regulatory compliance, making it a swift and straightforward way to receive crypto donations.

  • Hands-on Approach: Receive and hold cryptocurrency directly in a crypto wallet managed by your organization. While this approach provides greater control, it also requires you to manage the technical aspects of cryptocurrency wallets. To ease the process, consider utilizing third-party plugins and platforms that seamlessly integrate with your existing nonprofit systems.

Crypto tax software to support you with your crypto taxes

Our crypto tax software is designed to make tax season a breeze for crypto enthusiasts like you. Choose TokenTax for hassle-free crypto tax management. Trusted by top traders Some of the most successful crypto traders rely on TokenTax because we deliver results.

TokenTax comes with powerful features to simplify your crypto tax journey, including:

  • Swift Data Import: Easily import your data for quick and efficient crypto tax calculations.

  • Instant Tax Form Access: Access tax forms instantly to stay prepared.

  • Real-Time Tax Bill Preview: Get a preview of your tax bill in real-time for better planning.

  • Tailored Solutions: Find the plan that suits your needs, from hobbyists to power traders.

  • Global Accessibility: Our software is available worldwide for your convenience.

  • Expert Backing: TokenTax is powered by our leading team of crypto tax professionals.

  • Minimization Accounting: Our proprietary accounting method helps you get the most out of your crypto this and every tax season.

  • Flexible Options: Choose to use our crypto tax tool to report crypto on your taxes or let us handle your taxes – the choice is yours.

Don't let crypto tax season overwhelm you. As the crypto landscape evolves, our expert team stays up to date with legislative changes and trends to make taxes easy for you during every tax season. More than another piece of crypto tax software, we’re your dedicated partners for all things crypto taxes.

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Tax deductions for crypto donations

If you donate crypto to a 501(c)(3), then you are not liable for tax on the asset, and you can benefit from a charitable deduction.

  • If you held the crypto given for over a year, then the deduction amount is equal to the fair market value of the crypto given.

  • If the crypto is held for under a year, then the deduction amount is the lesser of the crypto’s cost basis or fair market value.

For more info on crypto tax basics, visit our crypto tax guide.

Frequently asked questions about crypto gift tax

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about crypto tax on a gift, crypto gift tax, and how to gift crypto and avoid taxes.

Can the IRS track crypto gifting?

Yes. The best approach is to assume the IRS has full transparency into your crypto transactions, including gifts.

How much crypto can you gift tax free

Gifts of cryptocurrency valued under $18,000 (for 2024) do not incur any tax obligations for the giver, and there's no need to report them to the IRS. However, if the gift exceeds $18,000, the giver must inform the IRS by submitting Form 709. It's important to note that gifts over $18,000 count towards an individual's lifetime gift exemption, which is $13.61 million as of 2024.

The $18,000 threshold applies per recipient, and you can give this amount or less to multiple individuals while still benefiting from the tax exemption. But if your gift exceeds $18,000 to a single recipient, you must complete Form 709 for reporting purposes.

How to gift crypto to avoid taxes

If you give crypto to friends or family, you’ll avoid the tax consequences associated with selling your crypto for a capital gain. Beyond personal gifts, crypto donations to IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) organizations can offer tax benefits.

If you've held a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin for over a year and donate it to a tax-exempt organization without converting it or cashing out, you won't owe capital gains taxes on any profits from the donation. Additionally, this donation can potentially reduce your ordinary income tax liability, typically by 30-50%, depending on the organization and your tax filing method.

I am an enthusiast with extensive knowledge in the field of cryptocurrencies, particularly in the realm of crypto taxation. My expertise is grounded in a deep understanding of blockchain technology, the various cryptocurrencies in circulation, and the intricacies of tax implications associated with crypto transactions.

Now, diving into the article on cryptocurrency gifts, let's break down the key concepts and provide additional insights:

Cryptocurrency Gifts Overview

Definition: Cryptocurrency gifts are digital money presents that can be sent and received online. They offer a modern and interesting way to share digital assets with friends, family, or organizations.

Types of Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin is the most well-known, but there are others like Ethereum, Litecoin, and numerous altcoins.

Platforms for Sending Crypto Gifts: Apps like Cash App, Coinbase, or Robinhood, and direct transfers to the recipient's digital wallet.

Crypto Gift Tax

Tax Implications for Givers and Recipients:

  • Giving cryptocurrency as a gift doesn't trigger immediate taxes.
  • No crypto gift tax for the recipient at the time of receiving.
  • Gifts below $18,000 in value (for 2024) are tax-free for the giver and don't require IRS reporting.
  • Gifts exceeding this threshold require the giver to submit Form 709, affecting their lifetime gift exemption.

Recipient's Consideration:

  • Tax implications arise when selling or disposing of the gifted crypto.
  • Capital gains or losses depend on the cryptocurrency's value at the time of the sale.

Gifting Process

Giving a Crypto Gift:

  • Not a taxable event for the giver.
  • Provide the recipient with the cost basis of the gifted asset.

Receiving a Crypto Gift:

  • Not a taxable event for the recipient.
  • Tax consequences arise only upon selling or using the gifted cryptocurrency.

Selling a Crypto Gift:

  • Capital gains or losses are realized.
  • Cost basis depends on the sale price relative to the giver's basis.

Letter to Prove the Crypto Gift:

  • A legally binding document including details like names, date of gift, fair market value, affirmation of non-repayment, donor's signature, original acquisition date, and cost basis.

Crypto Donations

Donating Crypto to a 501(c)(3):

  • Generally not a taxable event.
  • Cryptocurrency donations to tax-exempt nonprofits are usually tax-deductible.
  • Tax deductions depend on the holding period of the donated crypto.

Making a Crypto Donation:

  • Similar to gifting to individuals.
  • Reporting the crypto donation to the IRS is crucial for tax benefits.

Receiving a Crypto Donation (for Nonprofits):

  • Hands-off approach using payment processors or hands-on approach managing crypto wallets.

Crypto Tax Software

TokenTax Features:

  • Swift data import, instant tax form access, real-time tax bill preview.
  • Tailored solutions for different user needs.
  • Global accessibility and expert backing for accurate tax calculations.
  • Minimization accounting method to maximize benefits.

Tax Deductions for Crypto Donations

  • Not liable for tax on the donated crypto if given to a 501(c)(3).
  • Deduction amount based on the fair market value if held for over a year.
  • Deduction amount is the lesser of cost basis or fair market value if held for under a year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the IRS Track Crypto Gifting?

  • Yes, it's advisable to assume full transparency into crypto transactions, including gifts.

How Much Crypto Can You Gift Tax-Free?

  • Gifts under $18,000 (for 2024) incur no tax obligations for the giver.

How to Gift Crypto to Avoid Taxes?

  • Gifting to friends or family avoids tax consequences associated with selling.
  • Crypto donations to IRS-recognized organizations offer tax benefits.

This comprehensive breakdown should provide a thorough understanding of cryptocurrency gifts and their tax implications. If you have further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask.

How Are Cryptocurrency Gifts Taxed in 2023? (2024)


How is crypto gift taxed? ›

TLDR; Gifts under $15,000 in crypto: No tax implications for gifter. Gifts above $15,000: Gifter must report gift to the IRS, using Form 709. Gifts above $15,000 count toward to a lifetime gift exemption of $11.7 million ($12.06 million in 2022)

How are crypto gains taxed in 2023? ›

Capital Gains Tax rate

You'll pay a 0%, 15%, or 20% tax rate depending on your taxable income. If you earn less than $44,626 including your crypto (for the 2023 tax year) then you'll pay no long-term Capital Gains Tax at all.

How much money can a person receive as a gift without being taxed in 2023? ›


How is cryptocurrency taxed in the IRS? ›

The IRS treats cryptocurrencies as property for tax purposes, which means: You pay taxes on cryptocurrency if you sell or use your crypto in a transaction, and it is worth more than it was when you purchased it. This is because you trigger capital gains or losses if its market value has changed.

Can you gift crypto to a friend? ›

Cryptocurrency gifts are taxed similarly to other monetary gifts and work most similarly to gifting a stock or bond. However, there's no gift tax for giving or receiving crypto under a certain amount.

What is the new tax law for crypto? ›

The rule introduces a new tax reporting form called Form 1099-DA, meant to help taxpayers determine if they owe taxes, and would help crypto users avoid having to make complicated calculations to determine their gains, according to the Treasury Department.

How to avoid capital gains tax on crypto? ›

How To Minimize Crypto Taxes
  1. Hold crypto long-term. If you hold a crypto investment for at least one year before selling, your gains qualify for the preferential long-term capital gains rate.
  2. Offset gains with losses. ...
  3. Time selling your crypto. ...
  4. Claim mining expenses. ...
  5. Consider retirement investments. ...
  6. Charitable giving.
Apr 22, 2024

What is the capital gains tax rule for 2023? ›

Net capital gains are taxed at different rates depending on overall taxable income, although some or all net capital gain may be taxed at 0%. For taxable years beginning in 2023, the tax rate on most net capital gain is no higher than 15% for most individuals.

How to calculate crypto taxes? ›

Finding your cost basis

This refers to the original value of an asset for tax purposes. In order to calculate crypto capital gains and losses, we need a simple formula: proceeds - cost basis = capital gain or loss. Note that two additional variables may affect your cost basis: accounting method and transaction fees.

How does IRS know you gifted money? ›

The primary way the IRS becomes aware of gifts is when you report them on form 709. You are required to report gifts to an individual over $17,000 on this form. This is how the IRS will generally become aware of a gift. However, form 709 is not the only way the IRS will know about a gift.

What is the gift tax table for 2023? ›

Gift tax limit 2023

The 2023 gift tax limit was $17,000. For married couples, the limit was $17,000 each, for a total of $34,000.

How much money can you gift someone in a year without paying taxes? ›

2. Annual Gift Exclusion: $18,000 Per Person. In 2024, you're allowed to give someone up to $18,000 per year without having to report it to the IRS. If you're married, you and your spouse can give up to $36,000 to the same person without worrying about gift taxes.

Is receiving crypto as a gift taxable? ›

Crypto gifts are usually not taxable in the US for both the donor and the person receiving the gift. However, if you give someone over $17,000, you'd have more reporting requirements. If that's your case, you'd need to file a gift tax return since you have exceeded the annual gift tax exclusion amount.

How to withdraw crypto without paying taxes? ›

There is no way to legally avoid taxes when cashing out cryptocurrency. However, strategies like tax-loss harvesting can help you reduce your tax bill legally. Converting crypto to fiat currency is subject to capital gains tax. However, simply moving cryptocurrency from one wallet to another is considered non-taxable.

Is sending crypto to another wallet taxable? ›

Is sending crypto to another wallet taxable? Sending crypto to another wallet that you own is not considered a taxable event. In this case, no 'disposal' has occurred — meaning that capital gains tax will not be triggered.

Do you pay taxes on exchanging crypto? ›

Yes, converting one cryptocurrency to another is considered a taxable event and must be reported.

Is buying gift cards with crypto a taxable event? ›

If you purchase a gift card with cryptocurrency, this event would be subject to the capital gains tax. It is treated as if you first sell your crypto for the USD amount of gift card you want to buy, then immediately use the USD amount (sales proceeds) to purchase the gift card.

Are crypto donations taxable? ›

Due to its tax treatment by the IRS, by donating appreciated crypto, you won't owe capital gains tax on those appreciated assets as you would have if you had sold the crypto first. For that reason, donating crypto is also more tax-efficient than donating cash.

How are crypto winnings taxed? ›

The IRS generally treats gains on cryptocurrency the same way it treats any kind of capital gain. That is, you'll pay ordinary tax rates on short-term capital gains (up to 37 percent in 2023 and 2024, depending on your income) for assets held less than a year.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.