How a Buyer or Seller Can Back Out of a Real Estate Contract (2024)

Posted by Trey Van Tuyl on Friday, July 19, 2019 at 4:22 PM By Trey Van Tuyl / July 19, 2019 Comment

How a Buyer or Seller Can Back Out of a Real Estate Contract (1)

You may be wondering how a buyer or seller is able to back out of a real estate transaction. Perhaps you’re under contract and looking for a way out or wondering how the other party could abandon the contract. Regardless, we are going to detail how both a buyer and seller are able to successfully back out of a real estate contract.

Can a buyer back out of a real estate contract?

A buyer can absolutely back out of a real estate contract. According to the REALTORS® Confidence Index, around 5% of real estate purchase contracts are canceled by the buyer for a variety of reasons. The easiest and most convenient way for a buyer to cancel a real estate contract is through contingencies, but other methods are still possible.

Let’s dig into popular methods that buyers can use to back out of a real estate contract:

Method #1: Prior to Binding

A buyer is able to rescind their offer before it is accepted. While the buyer may have signed and delivered their offer, the terms are not binding until all parties sign the contract. Prior to all parties signing the document, the buyer (or seller) is able to give notice that the offer is withdrawn without facing any consequences.

Method #2: Due Diligence Contingency

The due diligence period is by far the most common way that buyers are able to back out of a real estate contract. Most purchase and sale contracts include a due diligence period (also called the option period) where the buyer is able to cancel the contract for almost any reason. This period typically begins immediately after all parties sign the contract and lasts for a defined period of time, usually between 7 to 14 days.

Here are some reasons why buyers cancel during the due diligence period:

  • Something came up during a home inspection that makes the home undesirable.
  • The seller and buyer could not come to an agreement stemming from repairs.
  • The home may be uninsurable due to extensive damage.
  • The HOA rules may be unacceptable by the buyer.
  • An undesirable feature of the neighborhood is discovered. Perhaps the home is underneath a common flight path, nearby a bus stop, or located near sex offenders.
  • A sudden life event which changes the buyers’ financial or emotional health. Could include job loss, unplanned pregnancy, or a sudden death in the family.
  • The buyer may need to extend the due-diligence period and the seller refuses.
  • Another home is put on the market that the buyers prefer.
  • Cold feet. For whatever reason, the buyer regrets signing the contract and wants to back out.

In many states, a buyer can cancel during the due diligence period without even specifying a reason. It’s basically a “no questions asked” way for buyers to back out without any repercussions. Any earnest money put down will be returned and the sellers will be left with no other option but to find another buyer.

Keep in mind though that the contract must include a due diligence period for this to be an option. Due diligence contingencies aren’t usually granted when the home is being sold “as-is”.

Method #3: Loan Contingency

Buyers who are looking to borrow funds in order to finance the purchase of their home include a loan contingency in their purchase contracts. Even with a pre-approval letter, a buyer may be unable to receive final approval for a loan. The loan contingency allows the buyer to cancel the contract in the event they are unable to secure financing for the home. The loan contingency specifics the time period during which a buyer can successfully cancel the contract.

A buyer can only use the loan contingency to back out a purchase and sale agreement if they are denied for a loan. This is different from the due diligence period where a buyer is able to cancel for practically any reason. The buyer may be obligated to provide a “Loan Denial Letter” to the seller, which is an official letter from a lender proving that the buyer was unable to obtain a loan.

The buyer is able to have their earnest money returned and walk away without penalty in the event they exercise the loan contingency. Issues related to obtaining financing are the most common reason why closing is delayed or a real estate contract is canceled.

Method #4: Appraisal Contingency

A buyer may be able to cancel the contract if they have an appraisal contingency and an agreement on price cannot be reached. An appraisal contingency allows the buyer to hire a certified appraiser to provide an appraisal of the property. Most lenders require that a home appraisal takes place.

In the event the appraisal is below the agreed-upon purchase price of the property, the buyer has the option to request that the sale price be lowered to the amount the property appraised at. The seller can deny this request or negotiate some sort of mutually agreeable solution. In the event there isn’t an amicable solution, the buyer has the right to cancel the contract and walk away with their earnest money.

Keep in mind that the buyer has a limited amount of time to back out of the contract under this contingency. There’s a contractually defined period when the buyer is able to conduct an appraisal and request a reduction in price.

The seller is typically incentivized to negotiate when appraisal issues arise because over 75% of buyers finance their homes through a loan. This means that the same issue will very likely arise with a future buyer.

Method #5: Home Sale Contingency

The home sale contingency allows a buyer to back out of a contract in the event that their current home does not sell or lease. Once the contingency period ends, if the buyer’s house is not sold or leased the entire purchase and sale contract is terminated and the buyer receives their earnest money back. This contingency can be waived by the buyer prior to the contingency period ending, having it be no longer applicable to the sale.

It’s technically possible for a buyer to utilize the home sale contingency to their advantage. Imagine a buyer who is in no rush to sell or lease their home and lists it on the market for a price above market value, meaning the home is unlikely to sell quickly. The buyer then has the ability to either waive the contingency and allow the sale to take place or cancel the contract due to their home “not selling” and receive their earnest money back. Cases such as these are rare, but allow a buyer a considerable amount of flexibility on a purchase.

Method #6: Title Clouds

Every purchase and sale agreement in real estate includes some sort of language which states that the seller will deliver the home “free and clear of any encumbrances”. The buyer is able to cancel the contract and receive back their earnest money in the event the seller is unable to deliver the home without a clean title.

Method #7: Defaulting

Buyers can technically cancel the contract whenever they desire, but doing so outside of a contingency or contractually acceptable manner opens them up to legal ramifications. When a buyer cancels a real estate contract outside of a contractually sanctioned method, they are said to be in default.

Buyers open themselves up to a considerable amount of risk when they default on their agreements. The following remedies may be available to the seller in the event that the buyer breaches the contract:

  • Keep the buyers’ earnest money (usually 1-10% of purchase price)
  • Sue the buyer for breach of contract
  • Sue the buyer for specific performance

The seller is only able to pursue one remedy at a time but can pursue other remedies in the event that one fails. In most cases, the seller will simply accept the earnest money as compensation for the time the home was off the market and relist the home. Your contract may have a “liquidated damages” clause which states the earnest money is the maximum amount of funds the seller is entitled to.

It’s in the buyers’ best interest to remain transparent about why they are unable to fulfill their contractual obligations. Whether it be personal matters or a sudden change in their financial situation, most sellers are cooperative and may even be willing to graciously let a buyer default without financial consequence. If you find yourself in this situation, contact a real estate attorney to review your available legal options.

Can a seller back out of a contract?

There are a number of ways in which a seller is able to back out of a home sale. It’s not too common considering that buyers’ remorse is more common of a phenomenon than sellers’ remorse, but it still can happen. Here are some ways that sellers can cancel a real estate contract:

Method #1: Contingency

Sellers can place a contingency within a purchase and sale contract which allows them to back out without any penalty whatsoever. This contingency would be comparable to a buyers’’ “due diligence” period, as the seller can exercise this contingency for any reason whatsoever. Such “escape hatches” are uncommonly for sellers but remains an option for them.

Method #2: Kick-Out Clause

Many home sale contingencies have a special provision called a “kick-out clause”. This clause permits sellers to keep their home on the market and continue showing it despite being under contract with a buyer. The sellers can continue to accept offers and ultimately “kick out” (cancel) the initial contract in the event that they receive a better offer.

The kick-out clause benefits sellers because it allows them to mitigate some of the risks associated with a home sale contingency. As previously detailed, there are some ways that buyers can use the home sale contingency to their advantage. The “kick out” clause helps to mitigate these added risks by allowing the seller to continue their search for a better offer. If a better offer comes along, they request that the buyer remove their contingencies and put down more earnest money. If the buyer refuses to do so, the seller can cancel the contract without any penalty and accept the new offer.

Method #3: Forcing Buyers’ Hand

A seller can effectively cancel a contract in the event that they are unwilling to do something that the buyer requests them to do. By doing so, they can force the buyers’ hand to cancel the contract.

Let’s assume the buyer enters into a contract with a due diligence contingency and finds that the home has an infestation of toxic mold. The buyer receives a remediation estimate and requests a discount on the closing price so that the buyer can fix the mold issue after closing. The seller then refuses this request and tells the buyer that they are unwilling to grant any concessions. A buyer is unlikely to find such a scenario as acceptable and will cancel the contract within the due diligence period.

A seller can also have the same attitude if the buyer requests a price reduction via an appraisal contingency. The seller could simply refuse to lower the price in any circ*mstance, leaving the buyer likely to walk away and cancel the contract.

Method #4: Default

At the end of the day, the seller can simply cancel the contract without proper justification and be in default. However, they are exposing themselves to the same risks that buyers’ face when canceling a contract without cause.

Buyers can sue the sellers for specific performance and force the sale of the home through the courts. Buyers generally have a better case of winning a specific performance lawsuit than do sellers. Buyers can also sue for damages, particularly for the money they spent anticipating the sale of the home. This could be funds spent on temporary housing, furniture storage, or inspections.

However, buyers may walk away without filing suit if they can retain their earnest money. At the end of the day, getting wrapped up in a potentially multi-year lawsuit isn’t appetizing for buyers or sellers. A seller may also be willing to chip in a certain amount of money to help compensate the buyer for their expenses.


The easiest and least expensive way for a buyer or seller to back out of a real estate contract is through contingencies. Any buyer or seller should incorporate adequate contingencies into their offer if they suspect there is any chance that they may need to back out in the future. Defaulting should be a last resort measure reserved for dire circ*mstances.

How a Buyer or Seller Can Back Out of a Real Estate Contract (2024)


How a Buyer or Seller Can Back Out of a Real Estate Contract? ›

The earnest money typically goes towards the buyer's down payment or closing costs. It is refunded to the buyer only upon certain contingencies specified in the contract. If the buyer cancels the contract outside of the contingencies, it is released to the seller.

Who gets earnest money when buyers back out? ›

The earnest money typically goes towards the buyer's down payment or closing costs. It is refunded to the buyer only upon certain contingencies specified in the contract. If the buyer cancels the contract outside of the contingencies, it is released to the seller.

Can a seller cancel a real estate contract in Arizona? ›

In Arizona, a seller can get out of a real estate contract if the buyer's contingencies are not met—these include financial, appraisal, inspection, insurance, or home sale contingencies agreed to in the contract.

How do you withdraw an offer on a house in WA? ›

Typically, offers are made on a Contract for Sale by Offer and Acceptance here in WA. Once acceptance of an offer is communicated, both parties are in a legally binding contract. Before then, buyers or sellers can withdraw an offer, or counter offer, at any time.

What happens after all contingencies are removed? ›

Once all contingencies are removed, you are in effect saying you understand and accept the property in its current condition (subject to any agreed repairs by the seller) and are going to close escrow.

Do you lose earnest money if you back out? ›

Yes — if you back out of a signed contract for a reason not explicitly stipulated as a contingency, not only do you risk losing your earnest money, but the seller could possibly seek further legal action. It's easier to back out of buying a house before the purchase agreement is signed.

Can a buyer cancel an offer to purchase? ›

Can A Buyer Back Out Of An Accepted Offer? As a home buyer, you can back out of a home purchase agreement. However, with no contingencies written in the contract, you may face costly consequences such as losing your earnest money deposit. As a buyer, the ability to back out of an accepted house offer is good news.

What is the right to cancel a real estate contract in Arizona? ›

The purchaser or lessee has the legal right to rescind (cancel) this agreement without cause or reason of any kind by sending or delivering a written notice of rescission to the seller or lessor by midnight of the seventh calendar day following the day the purchaser or lessee executed the agreement.

What is the right to cancel a contract in Arizona? ›

The purchaser may cancel the purchase agreement without a penalty or obligation within seven calendar days after the purchaser signs the purchase agreement. 2. If the purchaser decides to cancel the purchase agreement, the purchaser shall notify the seller in writing of the purchaser's intent to cancel.

Is there a buyers remorse law in Arizona? ›

I have buyer's remorse; can I cancel my motor vehicle contract within three days? Unless there is a three-day right of rescission written expressly into the contract, there is no three-day right of rescission or “cooling-off” period under Arizona law.

How do I withdraw an offer after accepting? ›

Thank you very much for the offer to join [company] as a [position name]. This is an incredible opportunity and I was very excited to accept the offer. Unfortunately, I have to withdraw my acceptance of this offer. After further consideration, this position does not fit the career goals that I have moving forward.

Can you withdraw an offer after accepting it? ›

Key Takeaways

In most cases, you can decline a job offer after you have accepted it. If you've signed an employment agreement, check the legal implications before you withdraw your acceptance. If you can, it's better to have a conversation in person or on the phone to explain why you have decided not to take the job.

What reason can you withdraw an offer? ›

Common reasons why employers rescind job offers

A background check returned unsatisfactory results. The candidate failed a drug test. Reference-check questions revealed negative information. The candidate falsified application materials.

What are the three types of contingencies? ›

There are three types of group contingencies – dependent, independent, and interdependent. A dependent group contingency offers a reward to an entire group based upon the behavior or performance of one or more of its members.

What is buyer contingency removal? ›

The contingency removal date is the date defined in the purchase offer specifying when the buyer will remove contingencies and commit to closing. If the buyer backs out of a deal after contingencies are removed, they can lose their deposit. In extreme cases, the seller might sue for additional damages.

What is meant by passive removal? ›

Passive contingency removal means that when the deadline passes and the party in question has not cancelled the agreement, by default they have removed their contingency. That is why it is called “passive.” If you do nothing, you are deemed to have removed your contingency.

Which party holds the escrow money when a dispute occurs? ›

Escrow holders will continue to hold earnest money until the dispute settles. If a dispute arises over whether or not the seller should receive the earnest money. For example, if the seller argues that the buyer did not notify them promptly of their intent to back out of the Contract.

Why would a seller ask for more earnest money? ›

If the housing market is intensely competitive, sellers might ask buyers to provide above-market earnest money. If buyers want to get an edge on other bidders, they could provide more earnest money than expected to show how serious and financially stable they are.

What is the difference between down payment and earnest money? ›

Earnest money is a good faith deposit you make into an escrow account after your offer is accepted to show the seller your commitment to buy. A down payment is a portion of the total purchase price you pay at closing when you're using a mortgage loan to finance the home purchase.

What is a demand to close escrow 3 days? ›

A Demand to Close Escrow California can give the buyer a minimum of 3 days to get their ducks in a row and close the deal if your buyer is delaying the closing. If this does not happen, you may have the right to sue the buyer for specific performance, effectively forcing them to buy the house.

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