Houses That Do Not Qualify For Homeowners Insurance (2024)

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Who doesn’t enjoy watching TV shows about fun and quirky houses? Those shows may be entertaining, but they don’t pull back the curtain to reveal the possible downsides of owning an odd home, such as how to get insurance for homes that are out of the ordinary or just problematic.

Homeowners insurance companies are particular about the houses they insure—details matter—from where it’s located and what it’s made of to who and what lives in the house.

Your house is typically the most expensive asset you possess. To protect it, you need the best homeowners insurancepolicy. Look out for the following reasons that could make obtaining a policy hard, if not impossible, with many home insurance companies.

What Makes a House Hard to Insure?

There are a variety of reasons a home may be found unacceptable to insure. It doesn’t have to be that your home is super unique, like a dome home. It could be the location, special features, how it’s used, or even someone or something you bring into the house that could make an insurance company slam the door on coverage.

Each company has a list of items and issues that are used to decide if a home is worth insuring.

Common reasons a house is considered ineligible for a standard homeowners policy are associated with risks surrounding:

  • Occupancy
  • Use of home
  • Location of home
  • Structure of home
  • Past claims
  • Miscellaneous conditions, hazards or risks

Why Is My Home Ineligible for Home Insurance?

Home insurance companies care about the risk you and your home pose and the likelihood of a claim being made. The more risk they see, the higher the possibility you won’t be offered a homeowners policy.

How a home is built, maintained, and used all matters to insurance providers, as do location, previous losses (claims) and certain hazards that may emerge from something you do.

Let’s look more at the specific risks that make a home ineligible for a standard homeowners insurance policy.

Occupancy issues

Vacant or unoccupied home. Typically, you must be living in your home within 15 to 30 days from your policy’s start date, though time limits vary by company. And, if at any time you’re absent from the house for over 60 days, it becomes an issue.

Why? Insurance companies want the insured property to be owner-occupied, so you’re there to maintain the home and oversee any issue that could arise.

For example, if severe weather causes a tree to fall and break a window, you‘ll be there to take action and mitigate the damage. You can get the tree removed and board up the window to keep your home and possessions from receiving more damage.

If your home is up for sale and vacant, that can also be a problem as it’s a prime target for theft, vandalism or destruction. In this case, let your insurer know so you can see how you can keep the policy in force. It may involve having someone stay in the home or regularly check on it to keep your policy valid.

Related: Vacant home insurance

Not your primary residence. A standard homeowners policy doesn’t cover a seasonal or vacation home unless the policy is written explicitly for a secondary home. In general, insurance companies will require you to insure your primary home’s policy with them in order to also insure your secondary home. An exception is if the second home is in a different state or country than your primary home.

Use of property

Commercial or business use. Some insurance companies allow incidental business on your property. The definition can vary in regard to the type of business permitted and how much you can earn before you’re classified as an incidental business. For instance, you may only earn up to $5,000 or $15,000 from the home-based business to qualify as incidental use, depending on the insurance company. Also, some insurers do not allow foot traffic or limit the number of employees you can have if you want insurance.

If your business doesn’t meet these requirements, you can likely still get home insurance if you add a home-based business insurance endorsem*nt or buy a business owners policy (known as BOP).

Farming or ranching. If your property is designated as a farm or ranch, you may be ineligible for standard home insurance. What is deemed unacceptable can include barns or other structures used for farming, livestock, dairy, or poultry purposes and any orchards.

Under a standard homeowners insurance policy, there may be an allowance if the farm items are mainly used for home consumption and not for profit. For operational farms and ranches, look into a tailored policy for your particular needs and liabilities.

Day care. Insurance companies that permit you to run a day care from your home typically require you to add on an endorsem*nt and have low limits to the number of children allowed. Otherwise, you’ll need home day care business insurance. Also not allowed is hospice care, assisted living and other types of work that involve caring for others at your home as a business opportunity.

Church, private school or nonprofit run out of your home. These types of businesses are ineligible for an average home insurance policy.

College housing. If your house is used for college housing, such as a fraternity or sorority house, that is unacceptable to many home insurance companies.

Renting out your home. Before renting your home out for extra income, check to ensure it doesn’t void your policy. Many standard home insurance policies don’t accept homes used as short-term rentals, and some say specifically that the home cannot be listed on websites such as Airbnb, Home Away, Flip Key, or Vrbo.

Renting out your home for a day, week or weekend or to boarders or roommates may also be a no-no.

Bed and breakfast. In the same vein as renting out your house, a house set up to function as a bed and breakfast is not allowed. There may be exceptions—for instance, if you have less than two rental units—but check your policy and see about an endorsem*nt if you want to establish your home as a B&B.

Location of home that is found unacceptable

Not easily accessible. If your home isn’t readily accessible to local fire, medical or law enforcement services or equipment year-round, it can be harder to find coverage. For example, if you’re on a barrier island that is disconnected from the mainland.

Also, if there are narrow, unpaved, unmaintained or limited roads that could impact the ability of emergency services to respond, your property may be found unacceptable to insure.

Another issue can be if your home is so isolated it’s not visible from the public or a neighbor, making it difficult to find in an emergency. And, how far you are from a responding fire station, such as farther than 15 miles, might be taken into account.

Homes in a brush or forest area. The fire risk may be deemed too high in this situation.

Homes at risk for flood. Typically, homes in a special flood hazard area can buy a home policy only if they have a separate flood policy. Other events that your location is at risk for may preclude you from a standard home insurance policy, including wave wash, a sinkhole, pollution, landslide, mudslide or cave-in.

Homes constructed over water. This may be a boathouse or something built on a pier or dock.

Homes built on a hillside or slope. Houses on steep inclines may be denied coverage.

Homes built on a landfill. Some insurers find that homes built on landfills are too risky to insure.

Located in a commercial neighborhood. High traffic areas like this can lead to a possibility of more claims.

Homes located in a non-owned lot. This would cover mobile home parks, parking lots, or RV and campground areas. These homes also don’t have set foundations or aren’t stationary and therefore pose a risk some insurers won’t accept.

Structure and features of the home

Insurance companies look at how a house is constructed, the materials used and its features. Here are some homes and features that you can’t buy home insurance for.

Homes over 50 years old. This type of home is seen as too risky to insure unless you show it’s been overhauled. The plumbing, electrical wiring, heating and roof typically must be updated to obtain a standard policy.

Pools, trampolines and dangerous outside structures. Pools are typically OK with insurance companies as long as they do not have a diving board or slide and are fenced in. Trampolines may be OK as long as they are netted, but you need to check with your insurer.

Other items insurance companies call “attractive nuisances,” such as skateboard or bike ramps, open pits or wells, hot tubs, jungle gyms, treehouses and zip lines, can also affect your eligibility for coverage. If you have any of these, you might be able to obtain property coverage but not liability insurance.

Homes listed as a historic place, on a historic registry, or had landmark status. This could also include homes where tours are conducted.

Mobile homes, trailers or manufactured homes. This also can include modular homes and prefabricated homes. There are specific policies you can buy just for these types of homes.

Dwellings with an unusual construction. Building a unique home could mean you’ll have to shop for a unique policy that will cover it. Homes that may be considered in this category include:

  • Barndominiums
  • Yurts and others made out of cloth or canvas
  • Earth homes
  • Domes
  • Straw bale homes
  • A-frames
  • Do-it-yourself homes
  • Log homes
  • Flat-pack homes
  • A home with special reconstruction techniques
  • Obsolete, unique or irreplaceable construction or dwelling
  • Relocated home

Tiny homes. Tiny homes are another unusual type of house, so usually aren’t covered by standard policies. Some companies consider houses having less than 800 square feet of living space to be a tiny home. Other insurers say tiny homes aren’t built to accepted standards.

Home built on stilts or pilings. Houses not permanently attached to a solid foundation can be found unsafe or at the very least risky to insure.

Home under renovation or extensive remodeling. Some companies won’t insure houses that are having significant work done.

A home that is homemade or not built by a qualified contractor. If you’re trying your own hand at building your home, but aren’t trained in this area or properly licensed, most insurance companies find this to be too much of a risk to take on.

House under construction. If you’re in the middle of construction on the house, it needs “course of construction” insurance, also known as builder’s risk insurance. This policy covers the home against perils and incidents that may occur while it’s being built.

Wood-burning stoves. Wood-burning or unconventional heating systems as your primary source of heat is unacceptable by many insurance providers. Also unacceptable are coal, pellets, oil or kerosene heaters. There may be exceptions, such as a permanent and professionally installed fireplace or stove.

A home without central heating. Some insurers may turn down homes without a central heating system, but there are possible exceptions if you’re in a warm climate.

Homes with underground oil tanks. Some companies only exclude liability coverage for this item but insure your home otherwise.

Older wiring and electrical panels. If you have knob and tube wiring or aluminum wiring, this is a potentially hazardous condition. Fuses, instead of circuit breakers, are also considered dangerous.
Old plumbing. If your pipes are made of polybutylene, lead or are galvanized, you may find it hard to get a policy.

A damaged roof, old roof or roof made of unacceptable materials. Your roof gives your home and your belongings a lot of protection, so it’s important to insurance companies that it’s well-maintained and made of appropriate materials.

You may have issues finding a policy if your roof is more than 20 to 30 years old, but the acceptable life expectancy of a roof varies by insurance company, so check. You may also find it challenging to insure your home if the roof is flat or made of wood shingles, clay or slate tile, tin, metal (other than copper or other acceptable choices), tar and gravel or composition shingles. An insurance company may give you time to update or fix your roof before canceling or denying you a policy.

Miscellaneous conditions, hazards or risks

Sometimes it’s not the location or how the home is built but some feature of the house that makes it ineligible for a standard homeowners insurance policy.

Homes that don’t show “pride of ownership.” Basically, this means your property doesn’t appear to be adequately maintained. You don’t have to be a hoarder to fall under this category, but a hoarder’s property definitely would. Examples include overgrown lawn and landscaping, debris and clutter, unsafe conditions, inoperable cars, broken windows, disrepair or existing damage showing.

The neighborhood can also be taken into consideration. For instance, if there are condemned homes or multiple vacant homes.

Dogs that are deemed vicious or have a previous bite history. Insurance companies may have a blanket statement about dogs with a propensity of viciousness or a banned list of dog breeds they find unacceptable. And some will cover your home but just not your dog for any potential liability claim.
Banned dog lists typically include pit bulls, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, Chows, Akitas, wolves or wolf hybrids. Insurance companies may also include any dog trained as an attack dog or used for fighting.

Exotic, wild animals or venomous animals. Animals that are not customarily kept as domestic animals, are unlawful to own or are dangerous would fall under this. For example, wild cats (tigers, cougars, etc.), wild dogs and serpents/snakes like boa constrictors are not acceptable.

People problems

Sometimes it’s the people living in the home that makes it uninsurable—you or someone in your household may be the issue.

Material misrepresentation or fraud. Your actions in the past can affect your ability to get homeowners insurance. If you purposely gave incorrect information on an insurance application in the past or committed insurance fraud, it can prevent you from getting a new homeowners policy.

Having a foreclosure in your past or a home that is in foreclosure. Some insurance companies won’t accept an application for coverage if you have a history or pending foreclosure.

Convictions of arson, burglary or other malicious behavior. Insurance companies find certain people’s actions unacceptable—for instance, being convicted of arson, burglary with explosives, using a device designed to explode, malicious destruction of personal property or a house, or building. The fear is that the person may damage their own home.

Also, don’t use your home for illegal or hazardous purposes, or you may find yourself not only in trouble with the law but with your insurance company.

How to Get Home Insurance for an Unacceptable Home

How do you find home insurance for a historic home? The one under construction? Or the home business? There are indeed ways in which to get insured. Usually, it means comparing home insurance companies to find one that will take on your particular risk through a standard policy, add-on endorsem*nt or specialty policy.

It’s wise to discuss the different types of coverages, policies and limits with an insurance agent to determine which is best for your needs.

If your issue is that your home needs an updated roof, wiring or pipes, then making repairs or updating the items is going to be the best bet to get the policy you need.

If you have an animal that isn’t allowed, shop around to find a company that will permit the pet, even if it limits part of your policy. For example, you may need to exclude any damage or injuries caused by that animal from your liability coverage.

If your home’s location or unique construction is the problem and there is no way to fix these issues, shop around to find an insurance company that will take on your special risk. There are specialty companies and policies to look for.

To put together your list of what insurance companies may work for your particular needs, try talking to a realtor. If there is one you used to buy the home, that’s a great place to start. Next, ask neighbors that possibly ran into the same issues as you have.

Neighbors can likely tell you who did and didn’t offer them policies or even a rate quote. If you hit a dead end with these options, there is the consumer division of your state’s department of insurance (DOI).

This state office not only governs insurance companies but is there to help consumers. The DOI wants homeowners to be properly covered for events that may harm their most significant asset, their home. The DOI should be able to point you in the right direction of insurance companies that will offer you coverage.

Houses That Do Not Qualify For Homeowners Insurance (2024)


Houses That Do Not Qualify For Homeowners Insurance? ›

In the housing market, an uninsurable property is one that the FHA refuses to insure. Most often, this is due to the home being in unlivable condition and/or needing extensive repairs.

Why would a house be uninsurable? ›

In the housing market, an uninsurable property is one that the FHA refuses to insure. Most often, this is due to the home being in unlivable condition and/or needing extensive repairs.

Why would a house not be insured? ›

High-Risk Location

It could be that your home is located in a neighborhood that experiences a lot of crime. If so, an insurance company will be wary of the fact that you may incur property damage from vandalism or theft. If you live too far away from a fire station or fire hydrant, that could also disqualify you.

Who is not eligible for a homeowners policy? ›

Low insurance score

Similar to your FICO credit score, your insurance score is based on your payment history, credit mix, the length of your credit history and other financial factors. A score of 500 or less is considered poor and may result in your being turned down.

What do you do if you can't get home insurance? ›

The FAIR Plan serves as the state's “insurer of last resort” and exists to provide insurance to property owners who are unable to obtain coverage in the voluntary or surplus lines markets.

What makes an old house uninsurable? ›

If your home still has its original wiring, there may be a higher risk of fire or other issues. Depending on the age and type of electrical system, your property may not be eligible for coverage. Older electrical systems may need to be professionally decommissioned and a new system installed.

Can you get a mortgage on an uninsurable house? ›

Your mortgage lender will require homeowners insurance

Home buyers looking to finance their purchase will quickly learn what those who have a mortgage already know—your bank or mortgage company will most likely require you to get homeowners insurance coverage. That's because lenders need to protect their investment.

Is it hard to get homeowners insurance after being dropped? ›

It can be difficult to find homeowners insurance on the standard market if you've been dropped, since many insurers view you as being at greater risk of filing a claim. However, there are specialty insurance companies willing to work with high-risk homeowners, including Foremost, Stillwater, and Travelers.

Why are barndominiums hard to insure? ›

While a barndominium is very similar to a traditionally built home, insuring them can be much more difficult. There can be several reasons why insurance companies are hesitant to insure these structures. The primary reason is that these homes are non-standard construction, which means they lack historical data.

What is coverage C on a homeowners policy? ›

Coverage C is for personal property, also known as contents. Personal property refers to real, moveable stuff that you own. Furniture, appliances, clothing, electronics, and jewellery are all examples of personal property. Though many policies refer to this coverage as Coverage C, the name isn't universal.

Why would an insurance company not insure you? ›

An insurer might deny coverage to a driver who it believes poses a higher risk and is more likely to file a claim. Also, drivers under 18 typically don't qualify for their own car insurance policy and instead must be listed on their parents' or other family member's policy.

Is it smart not to have homeowners insurance? ›

Possibly Losing Your Home

If your mortgage lender requires it and discovers your home isn't insured, it could initiate foreclosure, resulting in the loss of your home. Or the lender might simply force you to get homeowners insurance by getting new coverage for you and adding it to your monthly mortgage payments.

Which of the following risk would not be eligible for coverage under a homeowners policy? ›

Please note, homeowners insurance policies do not provide protection against losses from floods, earthquakes, mudslides, mudflows or landslides. You can learn more about what homeowners policies cover in this guide. If you do not own a home, you may want to consider renter's insurance.

Does home insurance cover everyone? ›

The insurance covers your own possessions and those of close family members living with you. It may not cover the possessions of anyone staying with you temporarily.

What is the best homeowners insurance? ›

The best home insurance companies in April 2024
Insurance CompanyBest forBankrate Score
USAABest overall4.7 Rating: 4.7 stars out of 5
AllstateBest overall4.2 Rating: 4.2 stars out of 5
LemonadeBest for digital experience3.8 Rating: 3.8 stars out of 5
ChubbBest for high-value home coverage4.3 Rating: 4.3 stars out of 5
6 more rows

What happens to my mortgage if my homeowners insurance is cancelled? ›

Mortgage contracts usually come with the stipulation that you are required to have homeowners insurance, which means that the cancellation of your policy could cause you to default on your loan and put you at risk of losing your home.

What makes something an uninsurable risk? ›

Uninsurable risk is a condition that poses an unknowable or unacceptable risk of loss for an insurance company to cover. An uninsurable risk could include a situation in which insurance is against the law, such as coverage for criminal penalties.

What makes a title uninsurable? ›

Common defects found in insurable titles include uncanceled prior owner mortgages, questionable easem*nts for access, and unresolved judgment liens against prior owners. Knowing the difference between marketable and insurable title will help buyers understand what they are purchasing.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.