Hours Calculator - How many hours between times? (2024)

Use this calculator to easily calculate the hour difference between any given two times within a day, accurate to the minute. It will also show you the result in minutes, if an hour calculation is not convenient for you. If you wonder how many hours you spend on certain activities (e.g. How many hours am I working?), this is the hours calculator for you.

Quick navigation:

  1. How to calculate hours between times?
  • Hours to decimal hours conversion
  • How many hours?
    • Working hours with lunch break excluded
  • Number of hours in different time periods
    • How many hours in a year?
    • How many hours in a month?
    • How many hours in a week?
  • American vs. European time
  • How to calculate hours between times?

    This simple online tool makes it easy to calculate the difference in hours and minutes between two given times. To calculate the hours and minutes contained in a time period you need to know its beginning and end. The hours calculator will use the time format depending on your browser locale settings, e.g. US, UK.

    After you enter the beginning and the end of the time period you are interested in, you simply click the "Calculate difference" button. Below you will get the difference in both full hours and in minutes. If the first hour you enter is later in the day than the second hour you enter, the time difference is calculated as if the first hour is for today and the second is tomorrow. For example, entering a start time of 6PM and end time of 8AM in the calculator, it will calculate the difference in hours, minutes, and seconds from 6PM today to 8AM tomorrow (14 hours).

    This calculator for the number of hours between two times could be used to find out for how long you have worked in order to fill in timesheets. For example, how many hours are there between 9 and 5:30 pm (or 9:00 and 17:30)? You simply need to enter the two times in any order and click on "Calculate". The result will be 8 hours 30 minutes (8:30 hours or 8.5 hours in decimal) or 510 minutes. There are 8 full hours between these times. It also supports the subtraction of lunch breaks and other types of pauses from the total hours in between. For more on that see lunch breaks.

    Hours to decimal hours conversion

    This tool automatically displays decimal hours between times, but if you need to convert digital hours and minutes (hh:ss) into decimal hours, the math is simple: divide the number of minutes by 60 to get the decimal part, then append it to the number of hours. For example, 8:15 is 8.25 in decimal hours since there are eight full hours and 15 minutes divided by 60 equals 0.25. You can also try our digital time converter.

    How many hours?

    Many people working a job with regular hours want to find out the duration of their work day. If you're also wondering "how many hours am I working?" and you are on a 9AM to 5PM job, then the question is how many hours is 9 to 5. The answer is exactly eight hours.

    If you leave your kids early at school and pick them up in the afternoon, you might wonder how much time they spend in school each day. If you leave them at 7AM and pick them up at 3PM then the question is how many hours is 7AM to 3PM and the answer is eight hours (15-7 = 8).

    Here are some more examples of calculating how many hours are between two specified points in time. You can use our hours calculator above to compute the time between any two times specified by hours and minutes.

    How many hours between X and Y
    Start Time - End TimeTime Between
    9AM to 5PM8:00
    7AM to 5PM10:00
    8AM to 4PM8:00
    8AM to 8PM12:00
    8AM to 6PM10:00
    9AM to 5:30PM8:30
    7:30AM to 4:30PM9:00

    Working hours with lunch break excluded

    If you are using our calculator to understand how many hours you are working, then you need to use the functionality which allows the subtraction of a lunch break or other types of shift breaks to get just the number of working hours. For example, a 7:30 to 4:30 work day with a 30 minute lunch break means an 8.5 hour work day (9 hours in between, minus 30 minutes or 0.5 hours equals 8.5). If you are working shifts your break may not be a lunch break, and you may also have multiple breaks allowed. In such a case add up the total amount of time off and enter it in the field (in minutes).

    The ability to specify the total break time is also useful if calculating physical activity with break intervals, e.g. an intensive training for one hour followed by a 15 minute break and then another hour of exercise. For a more detailed timesheet calculation, consider using our advanced work hours calculator.

    Number of hours in different time periods

    While calculating the number of hours between two times within a day is often of interest, sometimes longer time periods may be of interest like weeks, months, and years. All such calculations are based on a day having 24 hours, counting the number of days in the respective period and multiplying it by 24.

    How many hours in a year?

    A calendar year has 8,766 hours, on average. A non-leap year has 8,760 hours (365 days), while a leap year has 8,784 hours (366 days). The calculation is 365 · 24 = 8,760, and 366 · 24 = 8,784, accordingly.

    How many hours in a month?

    A calendar month has 730.5 hours, on average. Since months have different numbers of days, each month has a different number of hours:

    • There are 744 hours in the months of January, March, May, July, August, October, and December
    • There are 720 hours in the months of April, June, September, and November
    • February has 672 hours in a non-leap year and 696 in a leap year

    How many hours in a week?

    A week is defined as having seven days and since a day has twenty four hours, a week has exactly 168 hours. The calculation is 7 · 24 = 168. The number of work hours in a week depends on the number of working days and how long each day is. For example, a five-day work week with each work day being 8 hours long is 40 work hours. With just 7 working hours per day, a five-day work week is just 35 hours.

    American vs. European time

    The way Europeans and Americans tell time is different, both in the way it is said and in the way it is written. Civilians in America use the hours until 12 two times in a day, while Europeans go between 00:00 and 23:59. For this reason in America people would use pm and am to distinguish what half of the day they are talking about. On the other hand, most Europeans would probably say 15:00 o’clock (instead of 3 pm). To make it even more complicated for guests from overseas though, many Europeans would also say 3 in the afternoon.

    If you are new to Europe and need to deal with "military time", all you have to do is use the hours until 12 in the same way and for after 1 pm either add or subtract 12, putting pm after the result. For example, if you are meeting someone at 17:30, that would be 17:30 – 12 = 5:30 pm. If you need to find out what to write to a colleague you want to meet at 2pm, this would be 2 + 12 = 14 pm.

    For the sake of accuracy, it should be noted that, although similar to it, European time telling is not exactly military time. In the military 18:00 (6 pm) would be 1800. In one case it is "eighteen o’clock", in the other it is "eighteen hundred". In the military 7:00 (7 am) would be "zero seven hundred" or "oh seven hundred" (0700), while civilians in Europe would just say "seven". The stricter military way of communicating time is necessitated by the critical conditions in which it is used. Mistaking the hour or minute of an action could result in lost lives...

    As an enthusiast deeply versed in the intricacies of time calculation and management, I can assure you that the article you've presented taps into a wealth of knowledge crucial for those seeking precision in measuring and understanding time. My proficiency in this area is grounded in both theoretical understanding and practical application.

    Let's dissect the core concepts covered in the article:

    1. Calculating Hours Between Times:

      • The article provides a user-friendly online tool for calculating the difference in hours and minutes between two given times within a day.
      • It clarifies that the calculation considers the time format based on the user's browser locale settings, such as US or UK.
    2. Hours to Decimal Hours Conversion:

      • The tool automatically displays decimal hours between times. Additionally, it explains how to convert digital hours and minutes (hh:ss) into decimal hours by dividing the number of minutes by 60.
    3. Determining Duration of Work Day:

      • The article answers common queries like "how many hours am I working?" and provides examples, such as the standard 9 AM to 5 PM job being precisely eight hours.
    4. Working Hours with Breaks Excluded:

      • Users can subtract lunch breaks or other types of pauses to get the net working hours.
    5. Number of Hours in Different Time Periods:

      • The article extends beyond daily calculations, providing insights into hours in weeks, months, and years based on the assumption of a day having 24 hours.
    6. American vs. European Time:

      • A comprehensive explanation is given regarding the differences in the way Americans and Europeans express time, including the use of am/pm in the American system and the 24-hour format in Europe.
    7. Military Time Conversion:

      • There's a brief guide on how to navigate "military time" in Europe, emphasizing the distinction between civilian and military time communication.
    8. Importance of Accuracy in Military Time:

      • The article touches upon the critical nature of military time communication, highlighting the potential consequences of inaccuracies in time reporting.

    In summary, this article serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to precisely calculate time differences, convert time formats, and navigate diverse time expressions across regions. It not only provides practical tools but also educates users on various aspects of time measurement.

    Hours Calculator - How many hours between times? (2024)


    How to calculate how many hours between two times? ›

    Calculate the duration between two times

    First, identify the starting and an ending time. The goal is to subtract the starting time from the ending time under the correct conditions. If the times are not already in 24-hour time, convert them to 24-hour time. AM hours are the same in both 12-hour and 24-hour time.

    How to calculate hours and minutes? ›

    How do you calculate hours and minutes?
    1. Add hours to hours: 4 h + 6 h = 10 h .
    2. Add minutes to minutes: 56 min + 48 min = 104 min .
    3. If the sum of minutes is greater than 59, convert them to hours and minutes: 104 min = 1 h 44 min .
    4. Add the value from the previous step to the sum of hours from step 1:
    Jan 18, 2024

    How many hours is 8:30 to 530? ›

    8:30 to 5:30 is 9 hours. If you take a half hour for lunch, that's still 8.5 hours. If you're working 5 days a week, that's 42.5 hours. If you're working until 6:00 each day, that's 45 hours a week.

    How to figure out time? ›

    The formula for time is given as [Time = Distance ÷ Speed].

    How do you convert between times? ›

    They include hours, minutes and seconds. There are 60 seconds in one minute and 60 minutes in one hour. To convert from hours to minutes and minutes to seconds, you multiply by 60. To convert from seconds to minutes and minutes to hours, you divide by 60.

    How to calculate the hours between two times in Excel? ›

    In cell D2, subtract the end time from the start time by entering the formula =C2-B2, and then press Enter. In the Format Cells box, select Custom in the Category list. In the Type list, select h:mm (for hours and minutes), and then select OK.

    What is the easiest way to calculate hours? ›

    So here's a step-by-step run-through of how to count hours, along with an example.
    1. Step 1: Determine start and end time. ...
    2. Step 2: Convert time to military time. ...
    3. Step 3: Subtract start time from end time. ...
    4. Step 4: Subtract unpaid breaks. ...
    5. Step 5: Convert to decimal format. ...
    6. Step 6: Add up total hours for pay period.
    Sep 23, 2021

    What is the formula to calculate hour? ›

    An hour is most commonly defined as a period of time equal to 60 minutes, where a minute is equal to 60 seconds, and a second has a rigorous scientific definition. There are also 24 hours in a day.

    How do you calculate hours into time? ›

    How to convert Hour to Minute? As an hour consists of 60 minutes, we can convert hour into minutes by multiplying hour with 60. So, for example, if one wants to convert 3 hours into minutes, one can do it by multiplying 3 with sixty which will give 3 x 60 = 180 minutes.

    How many hours are there between 7:30 to 4:30? ›

    7 30 am to 4 30 pm is 9 hours - calculate time between any two hours while you type. 7:30 am to 4:30pm is how many hours? Typically, you need to find a calculator, calculate the hours worked and then copy it over. This process takes time and you can easily make mistakes.

    How many hours are there between 8:00 and 4:30? ›

    8 a to 4:30 p is 8 1/2 hours.

    How many hours are there between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm? ›

    How many hours?
    Start Time - End TimeTime Between
    7AM to 5PM10:00
    8AM to 4PM8:00
    8AM to 8PM12:00
    8AM to 6PM10:00
    3 more rows

    How to calculate between two times? ›

    Subtract the start hours from the end hours to calculate the time difference (e.g., 1400 - 900 = 500). Then, do the same with minutes (e.g., 15 - 30 = -15).

    How to calculate time without a calculator? ›

    To solve for time, divide the distance traveled by the rate. For example, if Cole drives his car 45 km per hour and travels a total of 225 km, then he traveled for 225/45 = 5 hours.

    How many hours is 8:30 till 3:30? ›

    8.30am to 3.30pm(same day). 8.30am to 3.30pm on the same day is actually 7 hours in length.

    How do you calculate working hours between two dates? ›

    The calculated number of days is multiplied by 8 (assuming 8 working hours per day). 5. The hours worked on the start and end dates are then added. If the end date is after 5 PM (17:00), 8 hours are added.

    How do I count between two hours in Excel? ›

    Example Table 2 — Present the result based on a single time unit
    3FormulaDescription (Result)
    4=INT((B2-A2)*24)Total hours between two times (4)
    5=(B2-A2)*1440Total minutes between two times (295)
    6=(B2-A2)*86400Total seconds between two times (17700)
    5 more rows

    How do you calculate hours between two times in sheets? ›

    Example 4. Functions to get the time difference in a Google spreadsheet
    1. =HOUR(B2-A2) - to return hours only (without minutes and seconds)
    2. =MINUTE(B2-A2) - to return minutes only (without hours and seconds)
    3. =SECOND(B2-A2) - to return seconds only (without hours and minutes)
    Apr 3, 2024

    How do you calculate double timing? ›

    Basically, you can find the doubling time (in years) by dividing 70 by the annual growth rate. Imagine that we have a population growing at a rate of 4% per year, which is a pretty high rate of growth. By the Rule of 70, we know that the doubling time (dt) is equal to 70 divided by the growth rate (r).

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    Author: Nathanial Hackett

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    Author information

    Name: Nathanial Hackett

    Birthday: 1997-10-09

    Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

    Phone: +9752624861224

    Job: Forward Technology Assistant

    Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

    Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.