Home - Edge (2024)

The most secure way to buy, store
and trade crypto under your control

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Private, Secure & Easy to Use

Cutting edge security, user privacy, and ease of use are at the foundation of everything we build. Edge combines these features into one user friendly platform for beginners and experts alike.

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Multi-Asset Support
Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Dash, Dogecoin & more

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Exchange between assets
Seamlessly trade between digital currencies/assets on the go.

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In-app buy, sell and more
Exchange your fiat money for the financial assets of the future.

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Securing digital assets doesn't have to be difficult

Managing multiple wallets for multiple cryptocurrency assets is hard. Add in complicated backups like sensitive seed phrases and private keys, and you’ve got serious usability challenges. Not at Edge. Hold all of your assets in one place with the Edge app — all you need is a username and password.

Edge vs other guys

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  • One app for all of your assets
  • Backup with just username and password
  • Easy, secure access with PIN or Biometric Login
  • Seamlessly login using multiple devices

Home - Edge (12)

  • Several apps to manage multiple assets
  • Difficult to use backups
  • No auto-sync between devices
  • No forgiveness for user mistakes

One app for all your
cryptocurrency needs

We partner with top blockchain services around the world so users can maximize their assets. In-app buy/sell, mobile top-ups, gift cards, and crypto to crypto exchange, all inside Edge.

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  • Home - Edge (59)

Security is our foundation, not a feature

Many wallet options are compelling, but very few of them have the security track record Edge has. Want to learn more? Download our White Paper here.

  • Client-side Encryption
  • Automatic Backup
  • Powerful Security Tools

Home - Edge (60)

Private By Default

Edge has a zero-knowledge security architecture meaning we don’t need, nor do we want, any of your private information. Respecting your privacy is a core value in everything we engineer.

Your assets. Your keys.

Client-side encryption means all of your data is encrypted on your device before any of your information touches our web servers. No server-side hacks and no malware = safe assets. Only you and you alone have access to control your cryptocurrency assets — the way it should be.

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Redundant peer-to-peer cloud servers

Once your account and everything in it has been encrypted, we automatically back it up. We can’t access your assets or any other information in any usable form but if anything happens to your device, you can just download the Edge app on a new device, enter your username and password and your assets are right where you left them.

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One-Touch 2-Factor Authentication

Easily set up 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) with just a touch of a button. 2FA increases security by only allowing logins from previously logged in devices. Even if a malicious actor gets access to your username and password, they won’t be able to log-in to your 2FA enabled account.

Password Recovery

Many of us forget passwords and this can be unforgiving to holders of digital assets. We have created password recovery with this in mind. Users can set up password recovery for their Edge Wallet with just two recovery questions and an email.

Are you a developer looking for
a key management solution?

Give your users a familiar and secure key management solution with Edge Security API/SDK. All it takes is eight lines of code. For more information, please email us.

").appendTo($el); // set css to element $el.find("." + ticker.wrapCls).css({ position: "relative" }); // wrap list in a wrapper ticker.$list.wrap( "

" ); // clone items and push to list ticker.$items.clone().addClass(ticker.cloneCls).appendTo(ticker.$list); // add css for list ticker.$list.css({ position: "relative", }); // set true to initialize value ticker.isInitialize = true; // onSliderLoad callback ticker.settings.onCarouselTickerLoad(); // start add functionality _start(); } }; /** * Start the ticker */ var _start = function () { // remove the loading DOM element if ($el.find("." + ticker.loaderCls).length) $el.find("." + ticker.loaderCls).remove(); // start ticker-carousel ticker.intervalPointer = setInterval(function () { _moveTicker(); }, ticker.settings.delay); // initialize eventOver event $el.on("mouseover", _eventOver); // initialize eventOut event $el.on("mouseleave", _eventOut); // initialize drag and drop event _eventDragAndDrop(); }; /** * Move carouselTicker */ var _moveTicker = function () { var mode = ticker.settings.mode === "horizontal" ? "left" : "top", itemsSize = ticker.settings.mode === "horizontal" ? ticker.itemsWidth : ticker.itemsHeight; // step ticker moving ticker.$list.css( mode, "+=" + ticker.directionSwitcher * ticker.settings.speed + "px" ); // depending of direction change offset list for effect Infinity rotate if (ticker.settings.direction === "prev") { if (Math.abs(parseInt(ticker.$list.css(mode))) >= itemsSize) { ticker.$list.css(mode, 0); } } if (ticker.settings.direction === "next") { if (parseInt(ticker.$list.css(mode)) >= 0) { ticker.$list.css(mode, -itemsSize + "px"); } } }; /** * Method calc summ items width */ function _calcItemsWidth() { // set value 0 to default ticker.itemsWidth = 0; // calc sum ticker.$items.each(function () { var $this = $(this), style = this.currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle(this), margin = parseFloat(style.marginLeft) + parseFloat(style.marginRight); // if item clone - calc summ without it if ($this.hasClass(ticker.cloneCls)) return; ticker.itemsWidth += this.getBoundingClientRect().width + margin; }); } /** * Method calc summ items height */ function _calcItemsHeight() { // set value 0 to default ticker.itemsHeight = 0; // calc sum ticker.$items.each(function () { var $this = $(this); // if item clone - calc summ without it if ($this.hasClass(ticker.cloneCls)) return; ticker.itemsHeight += $this.outerHeight(true); }); } /** * Event Methods _eventOver, _eventOut, _eventDragAndDrop */ function _eventOver() { // depending from mode choose condition var condition = ticker.settings.mode === "horizontal" ? ticker.itemsWidth > ticker.$parent.width() : ticker.itemsHeight > ticker.$parent.height(); // if ticker width/height > outer width/height block if (condition) { // make clearInterval clearInterval(ticker.intervalPointer); // make clearInterval ticker.intervalPointer = false; } } function _eventOut() { // depending from mode choose condition var condition = ticker.settings.mode === "horizontal" ? ticker.itemsWidth > ticker.$parent.width() : ticker.itemsHeight > ticker.$parent.height(); // if mouse move if (ticker.isMousemove) { // off event behaviour mousemove ticker.$list.off(ticker.eventTypes.mousemove); // call event mouseup ticker.$list.trigger(ticker.eventTypes.mouseup); } // if ticker width > outer width block if (condition) { // protection from double setInterval if (ticker.intervalPointer) return; // call _moveTicker ticker.intervalPointer = setInterval(function () { _moveTicker(); }, ticker.settings.delay); } } function _eventDragAndDrop() { var flag = false; ticker.$list.on(ticker.eventTypes.mousedown, function (e) { var start = e.clientX || event.touches[0].pageX, startY = e.clientY || event.touches[0].pageY, $this = $(this), posList = parseFloat($(this).css("left")), posListY = parseFloat($(this).css("top")); $(e.target).off("click"); clearInterval(ticker.intervalPointer); ticker.intervalPointer = false; flag = true; $this.on(ticker.eventTypes.mousemove, function (e) { var x = e.clientX || event.touches[0].pageX, y = e.clientY || event.touches[0].pageY, // fix for touch device diff = start - x, diffY = startY - y; if (ticker.touch) { $(document).on("touchmove", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); } if (ticker.settings.mode === "horizontal") { ticker.directionSwitcher = diff >= 0 ? -1 : 1; } else if (ticker.settings.mode === "vertical") { ticker.directionSwitcher = diffY >= 0 ? -1 : 1; } ticker.isMousemove = true; if (flag) { if (ticker.settings.mode === "horizontal") { // if drag more left side if (posList - diff >= 0 && ticker.directionSwitcher === 1) { $this.css("left", "-=" + ticker.itemsWidth); posList = -ticker.itemsWidth; start = e.clientX || event.touches[0].pageX; diff = 0; } // if drag more right side if ( posList - diff <= -ticker.itemsWidth && ticker.directionSwitcher === -1 ) { $this.css("left", 0); posList = 0; diff = 0; start = e.clientX || event.touches[0].pageX; } $this.css("left", posList - diff + "px"); } else if (ticker.settings.mode === "vertical") { // if drag more top side if (posListY - diffY >= 0 && ticker.directionSwitcher === 1) { $this.css("top", "-=" + ticker.itemsHeight); posListY = -ticker.itemsHeight; startY = e.clientY || event.touches[0].pageY; diffY = 0; } // if drag more right side if ( posListY - diffY <= -ticker.itemsHeight && ticker.directionSwitcher === -1 ) { $this.css("top", 0); posListY = 0; diffY = 0; startY = e.clientY || event.touches[0].pageY; } $this.css("top", posListY - diffY + "px"); } } }); }); ticker.$list.on(ticker.eventTypes.mouseup, function (e) { var $target = $(e.target); if ( $target.attr("href") || ($target.parents().attr("href") && ticker.isMousemove) ) { e.preventDefault(); $target.on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); } flag = false; ticker.isMousemove = false; ticker.settings.direction = ticker.directionSwitcher === 1 ? "next" : "prev"; $(this).off(ticker.eventTypes.mousemove); if (ticker.touch) { $(document).off("touchmove"); } if (ticker.intervalPointer) clearInterval(ticker.intervalPointer); if (ticker.touch) ticker.intervalPointer = setInterval(function () { _moveTicker(); }, ticker.settings.delay); }); } /** * Public Methods */ /** * resize carouselTicker * **/ el.resizeTicker = function () { _calcItemsWidth(); if (ticker.itemsWidth > ticker.$parent.width()) { if (!ticker.isInitialize) { _init(); } } else { if (ticker.isInitialize) el.destructor(); } }; /** * Stop rotate carouselTicker */ el.stop = function () { $el.off("mouseover", _eventOver); $el.off("mouseleave", _eventOut); clearInterval(ticker.intervalPointer); ticker.intervalPointer = false; }; /** * Run carouselTicker */ el.run = function () { _start(); }; /** * Destroy the current instance of the ticker (revert everything back to original state) */ el.destructor = function () { var $clones = $el.find("." + ticker.cloneCls); // remove all clone items from dom $clones.remove(); var $tickerWrapper = $el.find("." + ticker.wrapCls); if ($tickerWrapper.length) { var $list = $el.find("." + ticker.listCls); $list.unwrap(); $list.css({ left: "auto", position: "static", width: "auto" }); $el.css({ width: "auto", position: "static" }); } el.stop(); ticker.isInitialize = false; }; /** * Reload the ticker (revert all DOM changes, and re-initialize) */ el.reloadCarouselTicker = function (settings) { if (settings != undefined) options = settings; el.destructor(); _init(); }; /** * Start rotate to next direction */ el.next = function () { el.stop(); ticker.settings.direction = "next"; ticker.directionSwitcher = ticker.settings.direction === "prev" ? -1 : 1; el.run(); }; /** * Start rotate to prev direction */ el.prev = function () { el.stop(); ticker.settings.direction = "prev"; ticker.directionSwitcher = ticker.settings.direction === "prev" ? -1 : 1; el.run(); }; if (document.readyState === "loading") { $(window).on("load", function () { _init(); }); } else { _init(); } // returns the current jQuery object return this; };})(jQuery);$(".carouselTicker").carouselTicker({ // animation speed speed: 2, // animation delay delay: 30, // or 'next' direction: "next", // or 'vertical' mode: "horizontal", // callback onCarouselTickerLoad: function () {},});$(".carouselTicker2").carouselTicker({ // animation speed speed: 2, // animation delay delay: 30, // or 'next' direction: "prev", // or 'vertical' mode: "horizontal", // callback onCarouselTickerLoad: function () {},});

Home - Edge (2024)


Home - Edge? ›

The Edge Smart Chain project aims to explore and realize the combination of edge computing and blockchain technology to solve some challenges and limitations in the traditional cloud computing environment.

How to set homepage on Edge? ›

Microsoft Edge
  1. Open Microsoft Edge, select Settings and more > Settings .
  2. Select Appearance.
  3. Turn on Show home button.
  4. You can either choose New tab page or select Enter URL for a page that you want to use as your home page.

What is an edge smart chain? ›

The Edge Smart Chain project aims to explore and realize the combination of edge computing and blockchain technology to solve some challenges and limitations in the traditional cloud computing environment.

How do I set a home page? ›

You can control what page appears when you select Home .
  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, select More. Settings.
  3. Under "Appearance," turn on Show Home button.
  4. Under "Show Home button," choose to use the New Tab page or a custom page.

Does Microsoft Edge have a home page? ›

From the same Settings menu, you can also customize what you see on your homepage and your startup page. The homepage is the page that opens when you select the Home button, whereas the startup page is the page that opens when you launch Microsoft Edge.

Is the Edge app safe? ›

Edge Security

With that in mind, the Edge is secure for a mobile Android/iOS wallet. Your private keys are stored on your own device and they use a hash of your username and password. The private keys, username and passwords are never shared with or stored on the Edge servers in any way.

What is the Edge app? ›

About this app

Microsoft Edge is a smarter way to browse, find, create and shop on the go. Enhance your browsing experience with extensions.

What is a smart edge? ›

Intel® Smart Edge is a Kubernetes-based, edge computing platform for deploying edge networks and delivering multi-access edge computing (MEC) for applications, containers, and virtual machines. It's wrapped in a user-friendly platform designed to give nontechnical users the keys to their own edge computing platform.

How do I pin a website to my home screen in Microsoft Edge? ›

To pin tabs on your device, simply follow these steps:
  1. Open your Microsoft Edge browser.
  2. Visit the website you'd like to pin to your browser.
  3. Right click on the tab that you'd like to pin; a menu will pop up.
  4. Select Pin at the bottom of the menu. ...
  5. To unpin a tab, right click on a pinned tab and select Unpin.
Aug 15, 2023

How do I set the page on startup in edge? ›

Click on the three-dot icon at the top-right corner of the browser window. From the drop-down menu, select “Settings.” Go to the “On startup” section and choose “Open Microsoft Edge with.” Select “A specific page or pages” and enter the URL of the webpage you'd like as your homepage. Click “Save” to apply changes.

How do I set up page setup in edge? ›

Changing Page Setup Options
  1. Open a Microsoft Edge browser window.
  2. Select Print > Page Setup from the main menu.
  3. In the Header fields, select Title and Page number options in the drop-down boxes.
  4. In the Footer field, select URL and Date in short format options in the drop-down boxes.

How do I add a shortcut to my edge homepage? ›

In the menu, scroll until you find 'More tools,' then select 'Pin to taskbar' or 'Pin to Start'. After selecting “More tools” and then “Pin to taskbar,” a window will pop up prompting you to name your shortcut. Here we've chosen a descriptive name, “Wikipedia,” because it is the webpage used in this example.

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Article information

Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Last Updated:

Views: 5626

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.