Hindu Medical Astrology: Basics, Cases, and Literature... : Journal of Ayurveda (2024)


Medical astrology is a branch of astrology that deals with the study of health-related aspects of an individual. Hindu/Indian/Vedic Medical Astrology (IMA) emerged, developed, and flourished in the Indian subcontinent a few thousand years ago. Although being practiced in India for many centuries, there are sparse data available on clinical findings of IMA. Therefore, it was aimed to understand the basic principles of IMA, to study a few cases, and to conduct literature review of recent articles.

Basic Principles

Basic principles/concepts in IMA and their significance are as follows:

Rashis (Zodiac Signs)

There are 12 Rashis, as given in Table 1.[1,2]

If the person does not know his/her Rashi, then it can be determined by using three things, namely birth time, birth date, and birthplace by using any Indian astrology website or a mobile application.

Kundli (Horoscope/Birth chart)

It is the astrological diagram used for predictions [Figure 1].

Bhavas/Sthanas (Houses)

A Kundli has 12 houses, as given in Figure 1. These houses are counted anticlockwise and they are fixed. The predictions will be based on the different planets present in these houses.[1,2]

Lagna Kundli (Ascendant Chart)

It is the condition of different planets when the person was born. The sign in the first house of the Kundli is the sign that was rising in the east when the person was born. This Kundli does not change; it is the one for lifetime. This Kundli represents his/her overall personality.[1–5]

Gochar Kundli (Transit Chart)

It refers to the ongoing movement of planets in a chart in contrast to the position of the planets at the time of birth. It changes regularly.[1–5]

Kaalpurush Kundli

It involves imagining a supernatural human form which is spread over the whole zodiac. It is very important for predicting health-related issues. According to this, 12 houses represent the body parts from head to feet.[1–5] The houses and the body parts represented are given in Figure 2.

Houses and Body Parts

There are 12 houses in a Kundli and they represent different body parts,[1–7] as given in Table 2.

Grahas (Planets)

Apart from their astronomical definitions, a planet is a body that has considerable influence on living beings. There are 9 planets as per IMA accountable for different diseases [Table 3].[1-7]

Drishti (Aspect on the House or Planets)

Drishti means “to see.” Even though a planet is located in a particular house, it “sees” planets in other houses. The nine planets and their Drishtis are given in Table 3. Suppose Sun is present in the 2nd house of the horoscope and then it will “see” the 8th house (7th from Sun). The malefic planet will have a bad effect/Drishti and vice versa.[1-5]

Malefic and Benefic Planets

The planets may cause a good or bad impact on health, as shown in Table 4.[1,2]

Affliction of the Planets

A planet is called to be afflicted when it is in union with a malefic planet or by Drishti of a malefic planet, as given in Table 3. A planet or house when aspected by lords of the 6th/8th/12th house will cause affliction to them. A benefic planet is supposed to be afflicted when it is in the 6th/8th/12th house.[1-4]

Weak/Strong Planet

A planet is considered to be weak/strong based on the angles. If the degree of angle is between 12° and 18°, then the planet shows maximum effect. Mercury and Moon are exceptions for this which show the highest results from 0° to 12°.[1-7]

Planetary Lordship

Different planets are lords for different Rashis, as given in Table 5.[1-4]

Planets Showing Worst Effects

If the planets are located in the houses, then it is considered that they show the maximum negative effects [Figure 3].[1-4]


This is nothing but a period of a planet good/bad. However here, we are considering the negative effects only, e.g., Sade Sati (7.5 years of Saturn).

Health Prediction Rules

  • Long-term diseases – Saturn, Rahu, and Jupiter are responsible for long-term diseases while mercury, moon, and mars are responsible for short-term diseases[1-7]
  • The 6th (house of diseases), 8th (house of longevity), and 12th houses (house of loss/hospitalization) are important in health predictions[1-4]
  • Health predictions can be made by using either Lagna Kundli or Gochar Kundli.

Health Predictions by Lagna Kundli

It is used for lifetime health predictions. It can forecast who is more prone to get what disease. The general rules are as follows:[1-7]

  1. Before speculating about health problems, one must properly obtain Lagna Kundli and Rashi of an individual by using his birth date, birth time, and birthplace
  2. A particular Rashi people are prone to get diseases of respective organs, as shown in Table 2. (Count Rashi no. 1 as Mesha, Rashi no. 2 as Vrishabha, and so on), e.g., Dhanu rashi people can have problems related to thigh
  3. Location of malefic planets such as Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu in a particular house may lead to disease conditions of that house, as given in Table 2, e.g., Saturn in the 1st house may cause head-related problems. Sun may also show more or less health problems
  4. Check if any planet is in a house having the worst effect, as shown in Figure 3
  5. Presence of a malefic planet in Lagna like Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu represents bad health of the individual
  6. Presence of a malefic planet in the 6th house is a sign of good health, since the 6th adobe destroys the results of a planet and vice versa
  7. Presence of the lord of the first house in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house represents bad health
  8. Check whether the house is afflicted by Drishti of a malefic planet, as shown in Table 3.

Health Predictions by Gochar Kundli

It is used for current health predictions. It can forecast timings/duration of illnesses or bad health outcomes. The general rules are as follows:[1-7]

  1. Obtain Gochar Kundli as per the date
  2. 6th, 8th, and 12th houses in the horoscope are representatives of diseases, longevity, and hospitalization/health losses
  3. One gets the disease during Dasha of malefic planets in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, during Dasha where the planet is afflicted, or during Dasha of 6th, 8th, or 12th lord. Check Dashas/transit time of the malefic planets, e.g., Saturn [the transit timings of the planets are given in Table 3].

Case 1: Urolithiasis and Leukoderma

Here is a Kundli of a male born on February 3, 1975 (Monday). Rashi: Tula, Lagna: Dhanu. He was diagnosed with kidney stone problem during his Sade sati in 2011. As per Rashi, Tula Rashi people are prone to have urine-related problems. Afflicted 7th house may cause problems in urinary system. Both these conditions are applicable here in this patient. For leukoderma, Mercury and Venus are majorly responsible. However, Saturn, Ketu, and Moon can also play a role. In this birthchart, Mercury (in combustion), Saturn, and Ketu are retrograde. Saturn is aspected by Mars. Moon is aspected by Saturn (lord of 11th house) [Figure 4].

Case 2: Schizophrenia and Hypothyroidism

Here is a Kundli of a schizophrenic lady born on October 13, 1988 (Thursday). Rashi: Tula, Lagna: Makar. Moon represents mind and Mars has 3 Drishtis, i.e., on the 7th, 4th, and 8th house. In her Kundli, Moon is aspected by Mars as per Drishti on the 8th house. Mercury is the significator of nervous system, which is afflicted here by Drishti of Saturn on the 10th house and Drishti of Mars on the 7th house. These conditions can be seen in her Kundli. She was diagnosed with the disease during her Sade Sati in 2016. Furthermore, Rahu is located in 2nd house representing thyroid problems [Figure 5].

Literature Review

Kandeepan and Tharshanodayan (2019)

A study[8] was conducted to assess the attitude of 170 Siddha postgraduate students. They found that family background/type, awareness, knowledge, and motivation lead to a positive attitude toward MA. According to the study, 82.9% of students feel proud to use MA for diagnosis, 72.3% of students stated that knowledge of MA increases the confidence to diagnose patients, 73% believed that the knowledge gave them a respectable social identity, while 66.4% showed a positive attitude toward MA. They also recommended to start astrological outpatient department for patients.

Kala and Sodhi (2020)

In this review article,[9] the authors have depicted the importance of union therapy (supernatural medicine + modern medicine) for COVID and future threats. They have stated astrology as the link between scientific and supernatural medicine. Database formulation, data filtration, and generation of clinical evidence related to MA have been recommended by the investigators.

Kalra et al., (2012)

In this editorial,[10] the editors have scientifically discussed the correlation between sun, moon, melatonin, Vitamin D, and renal endocrinology. With this, they believed that robust biological explanations would be available in future related to these planets and renal-endocrinal pathophysiology.

Sethi and Shastri (2022)

The authors[11] aimed to compare the WHO (World Health Organization) data on COVID-19 with retrograde planetary positions that occurred in 2020 using Rashtriya Panchang 2020. The study was focused on the health of the Indian population with specific houses in Vedic Astrology. The 6th, 8th, and Badhaka houses as per multiple combinations of Lagna (12 [zodiac] X 12 [Lagna] = 144 combinations) were analyzed. The data collected from the WHO, India, were compared in terms of increase or decrease with cumulative numbers on everyday COVID-19 cases in relationship with Retrogression of Planetary Positions published by the Ministry of Earth Science – Positional Astronomy Center, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Overall, the authors found an interrelation between astrology and COVID pandemic.

Sharma and Swamy (2021)

In this article,[12] the investigators conducted a statistical analysis of diabetes in medical astrology based on Sagittarius Lagna. They aimed to establish and confirm the theories concerning diabetes, the impact of the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses that cause diabetes, and the effect of the planets such as Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon. The authors have also discussed a few horoscopes of diabetics in the study. They have also conducted another study on Scorpio, Pisces, Leo, and Libra Lagna in a similar way.[13-16]

Kakunje (2020)

The moon represents the mind in IMA. In this extensive review article,[17] the author has discussed the lunar/Transylvania effect, i.e., the connection between moon and mind. He has concluded that mental health workers should be aware of beliefs related to the moon and mind. They should ensure that they are aware of the scientific evidence for and against such beliefs.

Mittal et al. (2021)

On the similar background of moon and mind correlation, the scientists evaluated the relationship between lunar cycle phase and admission rates plus occurrence of sentinel events in the psychiatric ward of a tertiary care general hospital in India.[18] All admissions and transfer-ins (N = 780) in the last 1 year were evaluated from hospital records to obtain sentinel events, like requirement of physical restraint (PR) and chemical restraint (CR), occurring on full moon days (FM), new moon days (NM), and control days (CD). Significant positive differences were found when CR was applied exclusively (P = 0.0008) on FM and NM days and its frequency (P < 0.0001) in comparison to CD. Frequencies of parenteral (P = 0.0001) and per oral (P = 0.0064) modes of CR applied on FM and NM days showed significant positive results when compared with CD. The use of all restraints (PR plus CR) (P = 0.0017) and their frequencies (P < 0.0001) on FM and NM days were also positively significant. Conclusively, sentinel events especially, CRs were significantly more common during FM and NM phases.

Sadangi and Shastri (2022)

The researchers conducted a study[19] to know the effect of planets on diabetics on the 6th house. In this study on eye, heart, and urine-related patients were considered. In this survey, it was hypothesized that the planetary combinations mentioned in ancient time are relevant in modern-day society. Here, they made some rules based on the combination of the planets and checked the horoscopes for respective diseases. A total of 630 horoscopes were analyzed. It was found that the planetary combinations in ancient times were relevant in modern days. The predictions related to heart, kidney, eyes, and diabetes were found to be relevant. Mahadasha and Antardasha lord combinations were found more applicable for diabetics.

Pavithra and Kumar (2022)

The scientists conducted a review[20] to understand the importance of Ayurveda and astrology with respect to Chikitsa. They have concluded that a diagnostic tool can be developed by using the knowledge of these two sciences to understand the severity of the disease.

Nagarazan (2022)

The author[21] has analyzed COVID pandemic situation according to planetary. Rahu north node, mars, and COVID instances have been discussed extensively in this article.

Sankaran (2021)

Here, the author[22] has discussed astrological rules for eye diseases with a horoscope (natal chart, Decanate, and Navamsa). Conclusively, the rules were observed to be accurate, but all rules need to be validated.

Saraswathi et al., (2020)

The researchers[23] conducted a review of Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya, Prashnamarga, and Jataka Phalasaroddhara in regard to diagnosing Manoroga (disease caused due to Karma as well as Dosha vitiation). They have discussed types of diseases in astrology, relation of Graha and human body, typical diseases of Navagrahas, and criteria to assess Manoroga.

Gupta (2020)

The author[24] has discussed the assumptions and astrological principles about pandemics such as SARS, swine flu, and COVID-19. He has found how pandemics happen astrologically. The study provides a clue about the likelihood of conversion of an epidemic/endemic into a pandemic with an accuracy of more than 80-85%.

Rajkumar (2021)

In this review article,[25] the author has discussed the significance of the sun in horoscope with assumptions and chart analysis.

Subedi et al. (2019) for cancer

In this series of 11 cases,[26] the analysts have randomly included cancer patients visiting the hospital and assessed their horoscopes in regard to cancer. Lagna and Navamsa Kundlis were mainly used. They have concluded that the Lagnesh being in the Trik Bhava where the sinful planets observing Saturn and Jupiter in the same Zodiac signs and Saturn and Jupiter having the reciprocal sight might cause the affected part susceptible to cancer.

Subedi et al. (2019) for hemorrhoids

This is yet another series of 30 piles cases.[27] It correlated piles (hemorrhoids) and medical astrology. Even the good result-oriented planets are tortured by sinful planets, they too provide negative fruits. The following conditions may likely cause piles in private parts of the person-Position of sinful planets in the 8th house along with Drishti of lord, Lagna alone with Lagnesh being weak with scorpio, and, 8th house and Ashtamesh being weak.

Shajan and Gladston (2016)

Here, the analysts have worked on health predictions in astrology by using data mining techniques.[28] Horoscopes of 100 individuals were obtained and the data were loaded into the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis tool. Different algorithms such as J48, J48 graft, Naïve Bayes tree, and random forest were applied and different models built up from the input were taken. All algorithms showed an accuracy of >81.25% in the study. They have concluded that one can correctly classify and predict health by analyzing the sample and applying data mining algorithms. With this, they have predicted that data mining can tremendously improve the credibility of medical astrology.

Chauhan (2014, 2015, and 2018)

In his several articles,[29-32] the author has described predicting psychological disorders, evaluation of depression and its causes, correlating the sexual behavior and abnormal sexual orientation (psychological disorder) by astrology. He has also explained alternate remedies for depression based on the principles of red book astrology in an editorial.

Bhandary et al. (2018)

The investigators[33] tested the predictive ability of IMA in identifying mental illness on 150 subjects (75 having mental illness and 75 without). Astrologers (n = 4) blind to the subjects interpreted the birth charts. Kappa coefficients suggested good inter-astrologer agreement for lifetime mental illness. Astrology showed a good sensitivity and specificity for identifying mental illness of >75% for lifetime mental illness and >80% for the current mental illness. Overall, IMA modestly predicted the presence of mental illness.


The article discusses medical astrology in a broader way and not in detail. For example, Navamsa Kundli, Decanate, Dashas (Mahadasha, Antardasha, or Vimshottari dasha), Nakshatras, different combinations of planets, Drishtis, friendship of the planets influencing health are not covered in this article. Houses representing organs or their lords may be little different in different references. No robust criteria was used for article selection in literature review.


HMA/IMA is an interesting but unexplored area in health care. It does have the potential to forecast the health problems of an individual. There is a scarcity of literature related to this area. Therefore, more research is required to further assess the area.

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.


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Health; India; medical astrology

Copyright: © 2023 Journal of Ayurveda
Hindu Medical Astrology: Basics, Cases, and Literature... : Journal of Ayurveda (2024)
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