Help (2024)

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Money Movement
Transferring Money or Shares
Using Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer
Contributing to Your IRA
Withdrawing from Your IRA
Limitations and Maximums
Related Help Topics
You can easily transfer money between your Fidelity and bank accounts as well as contribute to or withdraw from your IRA.
Transferring Money or Shares
How do I set up my account so that I can transfer cash between my Fidelity account and my bank account?
How can I deposit cash or transfer securities that I hold in my Fidelity account?
Why do all of my accounts not display on the Transfer Money/Shares screen?
How can I check the status of a request to Transfer Money or Transfer Shares?
How can I cancel a request to Transfer Money or Transfer Shares?
How do I identify my Portfolio Advisory Service accounts?
Using Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer
How long do I have to wait to use the Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer Service after adding it to my account?
How long does it take for a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer request to be completed?
Why can't I select one of the banks listed on the Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer transfer screen?
How can I check the status of a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer request?
Why did I receive an error about the dollar amount I entered as part of a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer request to transfer from a bank account to a Fidelity account?
Why did I receive an error about the dollar amount I entered as part of a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer request to transfer from a Fidelity account to a bank account?
How can I cancel a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer request?
Contributing to Your IRA
Why don't I see an option for a prior year contribution?
Why did I receive an error about the dollar amount I entered as part of a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer request to transfer money to a Fidelity IRA?
Why did I receive an error about the dollar amount I entered as part of a request to transfer to a Fidelity IRA?
Withdrawing From Your IRA
What types of IRAs are eligible for online withdrawals?
What types of IRA withdrawals are eligible online?
What is an Early Distribution?
Why can't I make online withdrawals from SIMPLE IRAs and Keogh plans?
How is my IRA withdrawal reported to the IRS?
If I place a request for an IRA withdrawal after December 15, will my withdrawal be processed for the current or next year? For what year will this withdrawal be reportable?
I placed a withdrawal request via Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer. Why can't I place another request?
What is my withholding percentage?
Why is the federal tax withholding percentage online different from the percentage I previously elected?
What penalties/taxes will I have to pay on my IRA withdrawal?
If I change the address on my account, how long must I wait to make a withdrawal by check?
Why can't I withdraw funds from an IRA and direct them to another retirement account?
Limitations and Maximums
What limitations and maximums apply to my account?
How do I set up my account so that I can transfer cash between my Fidelity account and my bank account?
You can electronically transfer money between your bank and your Fidelity account using Fidelity's Electronic Funds Transfer.
To add Electronic Funds Transfer online, select Transfer Money/Shares from the Action Selector next to your account on the Portfolio screen. You can add the Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer service to your Fidelity mutual fund, brokerage, Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM accounts, or College Savings Plan account.
-For brokerage accounts, Electronic Funds Transfer allows you to transfer cash between your bank and Fidelity Brokerage® account's Core account.
-For mutual fund accounts, Electronic Funds Transfer allows you to transfer cash from your bank account to buy additional shares of an existing mutual fund or to transfer the proceeds from selling shares to your bank account.
-For mutual fund and brokerage IRAs, Electronic Funds Transfer allows you to transfer cash from your bank account to make an annual contribution to your Traditional, Roth, or Rollover IRA.
-For Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM accounts, Electronic Funds Transfer allows you to transfer cash between your bank and Fidelity Brokerage® account's Core account. If sufficient funds are not available in the core account for a specified Electronic Funds Transfer redemption, appropriate funds will be liquidated.
-Effective January 1, 2002, annual IRA contribution limits have increased for the 2002 tax year and beyond. For specific information, be sure to review IRA Information. Also, you can use the IRA EvaluatorSM which can be accessed by selecting Products >> Retirement option.
-For mutual fund and brokerage IRAs, Electronic Funds Transfer allows you to take distributions from your IRA online.
-For College Savings Plan accounts, Electronic Funds Transfer allows you to transfer cash from your bank account to an existing College Savings Plan account.
Any deposit will be used to purchase additional units of a portfolio, provided you have not exceeded the contribution cap for the plan. Amounts exceeding the cap may be returned to you.
How can I deposit cash or transfer securities that I hold in my Fidelity account?
There are a number of ways that you can deposit cash or transfer securities you hold in your Fidelity account. For complete information, go to Accounts & Trade > Transfer Money/Shares, and click "Compare ways to make deposits and withdrawals."
Why do all of my accounts not display on the Transfer Money/Shares screen?
The entries available for your selection of a From account depend upon which accounts are associated with your Social Security Number. The list of To entities displayed as possible targets for a transfer depend on what type of account is selected as the source or From account.
You can transfer cash from the Core account of your Individual or Joint non-retirement account to your Traditional, Roth, or Rollover IRA or to another Individual or Joint non-retirement account.
If there are multiple accounts in either the From or To drop down lists, you must select one.
If you make an annual IRA contribution to a Rollover IRA, be sure to review Rollover IRA notes in the topic IRA Information.
You cannot make a 60-day direct contribution to a Rollover IRA online. For more information, contact a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666.
How can I check the status of a request to Transfer Money or Transfer Shares?
To check the status of:
-Brokerage account transfers, view the History page, or call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666.
-Mutual fund account orders, view the Orders page or call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666.
-Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM account transfers, view the History page, or call a PAS representative at 800-544-3455. To note, PAS accounts may only initiate transfers via the Transfer Money screen. PAS accounts cannot transfer shares.
Transfer Money/Shares requests are not processed on Saturday, Sunday, or New York Stock Exchange holidays.
NOTE: If you have questions or want to cancel a request to transfer money or shares, please call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666 before 4 p.m. Eastern time.
For Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM accounts,requests to transfer money into a PAS account will generally be invested in your core account first and then allocated to the funds in your model portfolio on the next business day following the transfer into your account. If other trading activity is taking place within the portfolio on the day of a deposit, it will take an additional day for the funds to buyinto your model portfolio. Requests to transfer money out of a PAS account must be received by 12:00 p.m. Eastern time for Blended Portfolios for processing that day. Any transactions entered after 12:00 p.m. Eastern time will be initiated the next business day. If other trading activity is taking place within the portfolio on the day of a withdrawal, it will take an additional day for the funds to be sold from your model portfolio. Requests to transfer money out of a PAS account must be received by 4:00 p.m. Eastern time for Fidelity only portfolios for processing that day. Funds will be transferred to your other account 2 to 3 business days following the transfer request.
How can I cancel a request to Transfer Money or Transfer Shares?
To attempt to cancel a brokerage account transfer, view the History page or call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666.
For Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM accounts, call a PAS representative at 800-544-3455. To attempt to cancel a transfer request, the request must be made on business days between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. Eastern time for Blended Portfolio accounts, and between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern time for Fidelity-only portfolios.
NOTE: Attempts to cancel requests are performed on a best efforts basis. There is no guarantee that a request can be canceled.
How do I identify my Portfolio Advisory Service accounts?
Portfolio Advisory Service accounts begin withprefix Y94 or Y99. Private Portfolio Service Accounts begin with prefix Y97 or Y98.
How long do I have to wait to use the Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer service after adding it to my account?
Eligible customers may use the Electronic Funds Transfer service to immediately transfer money to Fidelity to purchase stocks, bonds and mutual funds in this account, or contribute to an IRA. However, the money is not generally available for withdrawal for 4 to 6 business days. Generally, 7-10 business days after establishing Electronic Funds Transfer on your account, you can begin to withdraw money from, as well as deposit to, your Fidelity account using
For Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM accounts, eligible customers may use the Electronic Funds Transfer service to immediately transfer money to Fidelity. You can add as little as $250 at a time to your portfolio. Deposits will be invested in your core account first and then allocated to the funds in your model portfolio the next business day following the deposit into your account. If other trading activity is taking place within the portfolio on the day of a deposit, it will take an additional day for the funds to buy into your model portfolio. However, the money is not generally available for withdrawal for 4 to 6 business days. Generally, 7 to 10 business days after establishing Electronic Funds Transfer on your account, you can begin to withdraw money from, as well as deposit to, your PAS account using
If you chose to transfer money later when setting up the Electronic Funds Transfer service online, you generally can begin to use Electronic Funds Transfer in 7 to 10 business days. If you completed and returned a form, you generally can begin to use Electronic Funds Transfer service 7 to 10 business days after our receipt of your form.
For information about, or assistance with, setting up or using Electronic Funds Transfer, call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666.
For information about, or assistance with your Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM accounts, call a PAS representative at 800-544-3455.
How long does it take for a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer request to be completed?
The funds from a Electronic Funds Transfer transfer for both retirement and non-retirement accounts will generally be in your Fidelity Core account or bank account 1 to 3 business days after you place the request. However, you can immediately use the money you are in the process of transferring to buy stocks, bonds, and Fidelity mutual funds. Please note that:
-For Brokerage and College Savings Plan accounts, Electronic Funds Transfer requests must be received by Fidelity before 3:30 p.m. Eastern time to be credited to your PAS or bank account on the next business day. If you have questions or want to attempt to cancel a request, please call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666 before 4 p.m. Eastern time.
-For mutual fund accounts, Electronic Funds Transfer requests must be received by Fidelity before the fund's closing price is issued, to be credited to your Fidelity or bank account on the next business day. If you have questions or want to attempt to cancel a request, please call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666 before 4 p.m. Eastern time.
-For Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM accounts, Electronic Funds Transfer requests from your bank account into your PAS account must be received by Fidelity before 3:30 p.m. Eastern time to be credited to your PAS account the next business day. Deposits will be invested in your core account first and then allocated to the funds in your model portfolio the next business day following the deposit into your account. If other trading activity is taking place within the portfolio on the day of a deposit, it will take an additional day for the funds to buy into your model portfolio. Electronic Funds Transfer requests from your PAS account to your bank account must be received by 12:00 p.m. Eastern time for Blended Portfolios for processing that day. Any transactions entered after 12 p.m. Eastern time will be initiated the next business day. If other trading activity is taking place within the portfolio on the day of a withdrawal, it will take an additional day for the funds to be sold from your model portfolio.Requests to transfer money out of a PAS account must be received by 4:00 p.m. Eastern time for Fidelity only portfolios for processing that day. Funds will be transferred to your bank account 3 to 4 days after the Electronic Funds Transfer transaction is initiated. If you have questions or want to attempt to cancel a request for your PAS account, please call a PAS representative at 800-544-3455 before 4 p.m. Eastern time.
Electronic Funds Transfer requests are not processed on Saturday, Sunday, or New York Stock Exchange and bank holidays.
Why can't I select one of the banks listed on the Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer Transfer screen?
Your listed banks cannot be selected if the status is:
-Pending Bank Verification: this status indicates Fidelity has received your Electronic Funds Transfer form and are in the process of establishing and verifying Electronic Funds Transfer for your account. If the verification completes successfully, the bank account will have the status Active - Deposit/Withdrawal and can be used for Electronic Funds Transfer transfers.
-Inactive - Unavailable for Electronic Funds Transfer, the bank information cannot be verified and you should call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666 for assistance.
-Active - Deposit to Fidelity Account Only, you have just completed the online setup process. Currently, you can only transfer from the bank to make a deposit to your Fidelity Account. Generally, after 7 to 10 business days you will be able to use Electronic Funds Transfer to withdraw from as well as deposit to your Fidelity non-retirement account via
How can I check the status of a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer request?
To check the status of:
-Mutual fund account orders, view the Orders page or call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666.
-Brokerage account requests, view the History page or call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666.
-College Savings Plan account requests, view the History page, or call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-1914.
-Funds from a Electronic Funds Transfer transfer will generally be in your Fidelity or bank account 1-3 business days after you place the request.
-Electronic Funds Transfer requests are displayed in history two business days after you placed the request. You can see up to 90 days of Electronic Funds Transfer requests in history.
-For brokerage and College Savings Plan accounts, Electronic Funds Transfer requests must be received by Fidelity before 3:30 p.m. Eastern time to be credited to your Fidelity or bank account on the next business day. If you have questions or want to cancel a request, please call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666 before 4 p.m. Eastern time.
-Electronic Funds Transfer requests are not processed on Saturday, Sunday, or New York Stock Exchange and bank holidays.
Why did I receive an error about the dollar amount I entered as part of a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transferrequest to transfer from a bank account to a Fidelity account?
The amount or format used could be invalid. When you enter an amount:
-The minimum amount for a brokerage account transfer is $10. The maximum transfer into your Fidelity brokerage account is $100,000.
-The minimum amount for a mutual fund account transfer is $250, or the mutual fund's minimum, whichever is greater. The maximum transfer into your Fidelity mutual fund account is $250,000.
-The minimum amount for a Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM account is $250.
-The amount must be a whole number (e.g., 1000 not 1000.50).
Why did I receive an error about the dollar amount I entered as part of a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer request to transfer from a Fidelity account to a bank account?
The amount or format used could be invalid. When you enter an amount:
-The amount that can be transferred for a brokerage account should be between $10.00 and $100,000.00.
-The minimum amount for a mutual fund account transfer is $250. The maximum transfer out of your Fidelity mutual fund account is $100,000.
-The amount must be a whole number (e.g., 1000 not 1000.50).
-The transfer amount out of a Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM account cannot be more than 25% of the account's net worth. The transfer amount should be between $10.00 and $100,000.00, per day, and there cannot be any other pending orders for the account.
How can I cancel a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer request?
For Electronic Funds Transfer requests for eligible mutual fund accounts, you can select Attempt to Cancel from the Orders screen. For other mutual fund account Electronic Funds Transfer requests, call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666 to attempt to cancel the request. For brokerage account Electronic Funds Transfer requests, call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666 between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern time on business days to attempt to cancel a Electronic Funds Transfer transfer. For a College Savings Plan account Electronic Funds Transfer request, call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-1914 between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern time on business days to attempt to cancel a Electronic Funds Transfer transfer. Attempts to cancel Electronic Funds Transfer requests are performed on a best efforts basis. There is no guarantee that a transfer can be canceled.
For Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM accounts, call a PAS representative at 800-544-3455. To attempt to cancel a transfer request, the request must be made on business days between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. Eastern time for Blended Portfolio accounts, and between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern time for Fidelity-only portfolios.
Why don't I see an option for a prior year contribution?
You can only make a contribution to an IRA for the prior tax year from January 1 to April 15 (generally). As a result, the Fidelity Electronic Funds Transferentry screens for IRAs will only display current year contribution after April 15.
Why did I receive an error about the dollar amount I entered as part of a Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer request to transfer to a Fidelity IRA?
The amount or format used could be invalid. When you enter an amount:
-The minimum amount for a brokerage account transfer is $10.
-The minimum amount for a mutual fund account transfer is $250.
-The minimum amount for a Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM account is $250.
-The amount must be a whole number (e.g., 1000 not 1000.50)
-The amount you entered may result in over contributing to your IRA for the specified tax year. Refer to your IRA statements to determine the amount you have contributed for the specified tax year and use the IRA EvaluatorSM for help in determining contribution eligibility and annual contribution limits. Access the IRA Evaluator by selecting Products >> Retirement option.
Effective January 1, 2002, annual IRA contribution limits have increased for the 2002 tax year and beyond. For specific information, be sure to review IRA Information and Retirement notes.
Please note that the annual contribution limits are aggregated across all IRAs held at Fidelity and other institutions. It is your responsibility to ensure you are not exceeding the contribution limits.
Why did I receive an error about the dollar amount I entered as part of a request to transfer to a Fidelity IRA?
The amount or format used could be invalid. When you enter an amount:
-The minimum amount for a brokerage account transfer is $10.
-The minimum amount for a mutual fund account transfer is $250.
-The minimum amount for a Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM account is $250.
-The amount must be a whole number (e.g., 1000 not 1000.50)
-The amount you entered may result in over contributing to your IRA for the specified tax year. Refer to your IRA statements to determine the amount you have contributed for the specified tax year and use the IRA EvaluatorSM for help in determining contribution eligibility and annual contribution limits. Access the IRA Evaluator by selecting Products >> Retirement option.
-You cannot make a 60-day contribution to a RolloverIRA online. For more information, contact a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666.
If this transfer request is entered betweenJanuary 1 and your tax filing due date, not including extensions (generally April 15), select the tax year to which you want to apply the contribution. After your tax filing due date, generally April 15, you can onlymake a current year contribution.
If your tax filing due date, not includingextensions (generally April 15) falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, call a Fidelity representativeat 800-544-6666 for assistance.
Effective January 1, 2002, annual IRA contribution limits have increased for the 2002 tax year and beyond. For specific information, be sure to review IRA Information and Retirement notes.
Please note that the annual contribution limits are aggregated across all IRAs held at Fidelity and other institutions. It is your responsibility to ensure you are not exceeding the contribution limits.
What types of IRAs are eligible for online withdrawals?
There are several types of brokerage and eligible mutual fund IRAs eligible for online withdrawals:
-Traditional IRA
-Roth IRA
-Rollover IRA
-Beneficiary Distribution Accounts
For information on the different account types, access the Retirement option in the Products tab.
What types of IRA withdrawals are eligible online?
Based on IRS regulations, a withdrawal is considered either early or normal, depending upon your specific situation:
-If you are age 59 ½ or over, then your withdrawal type indicates Normal.
-If you are under age 59 ½ , your withdrawal type is considered early. You must designate whether it is early or early due to a disability. If you choose the latter, you must satisfy the IRS definition of disabled. Refer to Early Distribution to learn more.
-If you are the beneficiary on an IRA and following the death of the original IRA owner you withdraw from your Beneficiary Distribution Account (BDA), the type is distribution due to death regardless of whether you are over 59 ½.
Distributions due to death are not subject to the 10% premature distribution penalty even if you are under age 59 ½ and request this type of distribution.
For all other withdrawal reasons, contact a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666.
What is an Early Distribution?
Generally, an early withdrawal from an IRA is subject to a 10% excise tax penalty unless the distribution is then rolled over or converted to another IRA within 60 days. When the early withdrawal is due to disability or, if you are the beneficiary on a deceased individual's IRA, distribution by death, the penalty may be waived. For more information, access Fidelity's online Retirement Investing Center and consult a tax advisor about your particular situation.
Other exceptions for early distributions exist as well. These exceptions include early withdrawals due to:
-A series of substantially equal periodic payments based on the owner's life expectancy
- Deductible medical expenses in excess of 7.5% of adjusted gross income
-Qualified first-time home buyer expenses (up to $10,000 limit)
-Qualified higher education expenses
-An IRS levy against the account
Please call a Retirement Specialist at 800-544-6666 for more information.
According to IRC Section 72(m)(7), an individual shall be considered to be disabled if he is unable to engage in any substantially gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or to be of long-continued and indefinite duration. An individual shall not be considered disabled unless he furnishes proof of the existence thereof in such form to the IRS.
Why can't I make online withdrawals from SIMPLE IRAs and Keogh plans?
SIMPLE IRAs and Keoghs are not eligible for the online withdrawal option because of the tax reporting requirements. For withdrawal options on these types of accounts, contact a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666.
How is my IRA withdrawal reported to the IRS?
Your IRA withdrawal, which is known as an IRA distribution in IRS terms, is reported to the IRS by Fidelity on Form 1099R.
If I place a request for an IRA withdrawal after December 15, will my withdrawal be processed for the current or next year? For what year will this withdrawal be reportable?
The IRS refers to the date the withdrawal (or distribution) is processed to determine the year to which it is applicable. The amount of time it takes for an IRA withdrawal request to be processed varies by the withdrawal method selected (e.g., Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer, check, transfer to a non-retirement account).
If your IRA withdrawal affects your taxes or is intended to satisfy your minimum required distribution (MRD) for the current year, you should be sure:
-To allow adequate processing time, submit your online request by December 15th of the current year (March 15th for initial MRD)
-That your brokerage IRA Core account has sufficient funds to cover the withdrawal
-That you are not trying to request a second brokerage IRA withdrawal on the same day or while an earlier request is still pending
-That you are not requesting a second IRA withdrawal from the same mutual fund in a mutual fund IRA and there is another request pending for the same mutual fund
If you're requesting a distribution after December 15, please call a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666 to determine the best way to process your IRA distribution to satisfy any applicable deadlines.

I placed a withdrawal request via Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer. Why can't I place another request?
This may be because:
-Your brokerage IRA Core account does not have sufficient funds to cover the withdrawal. You can sell securities held in your IRA to fund the Core account.
-You are trying to request a second brokerage IRA withdrawal on the same day. You can only make one brokerage IRA withdrawal request per day per account.
-You are trying to request a brokerage IRA withdrawal and a request you made on a previous day is still pending.
-Withdrawals by check generally require 5 to 7 business days, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer generally require 1 to 3 business days, and withdrawals that are directed to a Fidelity non-retirement account generally require 1 to 2 business days for processing.
-You are requesting a second withdrawal from the same mutual fund in a mutual fund IRA and there is another withdrawal request pending for the same mutual fund.
You can request a withdrawal from a different mutual fund in your mutual fund IRA. For eligible mutual fund IRAs, you may have more than one withdrawal request processed at a time provided the withdrawals are from different mutual funds.
For Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM accounts, additional Electronic Funds Transfer or transfer requests cannot be entered via the web if there is already a pending transaction on the account. Additionally, the transfer or Electronic Funds Transfer amount out of a Portfolio Advisory Services (PAS) SM account cannot be more than 25% of the account's net worth. The transfer amount should be between $10.00 and $100,000.00, per day. Please contact a PAS representative at 800-544-3455 for further assistance.
What is my withholding percentage?
IRS regulations require Fidelity to withhold federal income tax at the rate of 10% from your total withdrawal unless your withdrawal is from a Roth IRA, or unless you elect otherwise. You can change your tax withholding percentage by entering any whole number between 10 and 99 or by electing not to have federal tax withheld.
For IRAs other than Roth, your state of residence, based on your legal address on file with Fidelity, and whether or not Federal income tax is withheld will determine your state income tax withholding requirements. When you request an IRA distribution using, the appropriate state tax information and withholding options display. For more information, refer to State Tax Withholding Elections, the state tax withholding information that displays when you request an IRA distribution. If you need specific information, please consult a tax advisor.
Regardless of whether you elect a withholding percentage for your IRA withdrawal, you are responsible for all federal, state and local taxes, as well as estimated tax payments and penalties, if any.
Why is the federal tax withholding percentage online different from the percentage I previously elected?
If you elected a federal tax withholding percentage for a previous withdrawal request you entered online, that percentage only applied to that particular withdrawal. This is because online withdrawal requests are considered one-time, unique requests. If you elected a federal tax withholding percentage as part of setting up regularly-scheduled withdrawals using Fidelity's Personal Withdrawal Service (PWS), the withholding percentage is only applicable for the PWS withdrawals. It does not apply to one-time withdrawals you request online.
What penalties/taxes will I have to pay on my IRA withdrawal?
Regardless of whether you elect a withholding percentage for your IRA withdrawal, you are responsible for all federal, state and local taxes, as well as estimated tax payments and penalties, if any. Withdrawals before age 59½ may be subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty. For more information, access the Retirement Investing Center in the Planning & Retirement tab and consult a tax advisor about your particular situation.
If I change the address on my account, how long must I wait to make a withdrawal by check?
If you have changed your mailing address within the last 15 days, then the maximum online IRA withdrawal by check amount allowed is $10,000. Fidelity has established this policy to protect our customers from fraud. You can withdraw up to $100,000 from your IRA without any wait if you deposit your withdrawal into an eligible Fidelity non-retirement account. Or, use Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer (if established for your IRA) to transfer the money to your bank account.
Why can't I withdraw funds from an IRA and direct them to another retirement account?
Actually, you can withdraw funds from an IRA and direct them to another retirement account, but this functionality is not available online. When you withdraw money from one IRA and contribute it to another, the transaction is called a 60-day rollover; a rollover typically occurs when moving an IRA from one institution to another. For more information about account options, access the Retirement option under the Products tab.
What limitations and maximums apply to my account?
The maximum withdrawal amount using Fidelity.comor telephone is $100,000 per account. For withdrawals greater than $100,000, requests must be made via acompleted paper form. To get a copy of the form, contact a Fidelity representative at 800-544-6666.
For brokerage IRAs, only one withdrawal per daymay be processed.
For eligible mutual fund IRAs, you may have more than one withdrawal request processed at a time, provided the withdrawals are from different mutual funds.
If you have updated your mailing address within the past 15 business days, a withdrawal sent by check must be less than $10,000. However, a withdrawal of up to $100,000 may be directed to:
- an eligible bank account if you are currently signed up for the Fidelity Electronic Funds Transfer service on your IRA
-a Fidelity non-retirement account having the same SocialSecurity Number (SSN) as the originating IRA
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Help (2024)


What to reply to "I need your help"? ›

If you want to help them, say “Sure! What do you need help with?” and if you don't want to help someone, say “Sorry, I can't help you right now.”

How do you respond when asked for help? ›

Here are a few ideas:
  1. Say thank you: Always say thank you for asking: It doesn't matter how you choose to respond; I believe it's essential to acknowledge their concern. ...
  2. Ask for support: If you feel open and comfortable seeking help from the person asking, you can let them know what you need.
Sep 5, 2023

How do you respond to a help request? ›

What are the best practices for responding to a team member's request for help?
  1. Assess the urgency. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  2. Listen and empathize. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  3. Provide clear and constructive help. ...
  4. Follow up and follow through. ...
  5. Here's what else to consider.
Sep 25, 2023

How do I reply to help me out? ›

For the times when you receive a great opportunity at work, extra help, an award or a bonus, consider sending this message:
  1. I wanted to thank you for helping me today.
  2. Thank you so much for your assistance.
  3. I sincerely appreciate your help with the project today.
  4. Thanks for helping me accomplish my goal.

How do you reply to can you help? ›

"Sure, what's your question?" you can say. or "Ask away, I'm happy to assist." "Sure, what's your question?" you can say, or "Ask away, I'm here to help." If you want to help with an answer: You would say, “Sure, I can help you with your doubts or questions.”

What is another way to say "I need help"? ›

Instead of directly stating “I need your help with,” consider using phrases like “Could you please assist me with,” or “I would greatly appreciate your support with.” These alternatives convey the same message while maintaining a respectful tone.

How to reply OK in polite way? ›

Here's how you can do it:
  1. "Ok, thanks for letting me know!"
  2. "Ok, I understand. Appreciate the update!"
  3. "Ok, got it. If you need anything else, please feel free to reach out."
  4. "Ok, no problem. We'll proceed accordingly."
  5. "Ok, that works for me. Have a great day!"
Aug 21, 2016

How do you politely reply to a request? ›

I wanted to follow up on the email I sent on [date]. I understand everyone is busy, and I just wanted to make sure my email didn't get lost in the shuffle. I appreciate your time and attention to this matter. Looking forward to your response.

How do you respond smartly? ›

When someone asks you a question, consider asking them what they mean in their own words. This is especially helpful to clarify ambiguous or controversial terms and avoid misunderstandings. You want to know exactly what the other person is thinking before so that your response can be relevant and appropriate.

How to do a good reply? ›

After you've considered what was said to you and you've thought about what you want to say, speak clearly and confidently. Don't use vague or contradictory language to try to sound smarter or clever. People appreciate sincerity, so give them a genuine response that shows them that you care and that you understand them.

What to do when someone says they need help? ›

For example:
  1. Listen. Simply giving someone space to talk, and listening to how they're feeling, can be really helpful in itself. ...
  2. Offer reassurance. Seeking help can feel lonely, and sometimes scary. ...
  3. Stay calm. ...
  4. Be patient. ...
  5. Try not to make assumptions. ...
  6. Keep social contact.

How do you reply to let me know if you need help? ›

You can respond with something like:
  • "Thank you, I appreciate that! I'll definitely let you know if I need anything."
  • "That's very kind of you, thank you! I'll keep that in mind."
  • "I really appreciate the offer. I'll let you know if something comes up."
  • "Thanks, I will! It's good to know I can reach out if I need to."
May 27, 2024

How do I reply to "I need a favour"? ›

If someone is willing to do you the favor, they can say one of these:
  1. Sure!
  2. No problem.
  3. Absolutely!
  4. I'd be happy to!
  5. Yeah, definitely.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.