Helium Hotspot Review 2023: How I Easily Mine Crypto (2024)

  • Helium Hotspot Review 2023: How I Easily Mine Crypto (1)

    Helium Hotspot

    • Basics: Helium is a company that has built a decentralized peer-to-peer wireless network that connects enabled devices through a series of hotspots, and hotspot hosts can earn the Helium cryptocurrency for being part of the network.
    • Pros: The Helium network is growing, and the price of its cryptocurrency is on a general upward trend. Because it’s a peer-to-peer network, anyone who gets a Helium hotspot has a potential to earn Helium crypto.
    • Cons: Because the Helium network is so popular and production of Helium hotspots has slowed, it can take months to receive a hotspot after purchasing it. Also, if there are not a lot of hotspots in your area, earnings will not be as high.


    Potential Earnings6/10

    Time Required10/10


    Ease of Use9/10


Our Review Methodology

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I did a thing: I’m mining Helium cryptocurrency, known as HNT, using a hotspot that has become part of The People’s Network. In this Helium hotspot review, we are going to cover a wide range of topics, including what is Helium, how mining HNT works, and what everyone wants to know: Is mining Helium crypto worth it?

I also had the opportunity to interview Mark Phillips, the vice president of Business Development at Helium Systems, so I will share my firsthand experience with a Helium hotspot and some fascinating insights from my conversation with Phillips.

Table of Contents

Helium: The People’s Network

Before we dive into the hotspot and how I am mining crypto, let’s look at Helium the company and its mission: To make a better world.

In a whitepaper, the Helium network was described as “a decentralized wireless network that enables devices anywhere in the world to wirelessly connect to the Internet and geolocate themselves without the need for power-hungry satellite location hardware or expensive cellular plans.”

Helium is connecting all sorts of devices that transmit GPS, water, and environmental data over a network it calls The People’s Network. Instead of spending tens of billions of dollars to build and maintain a wireless infrastructure, Helium Systems connects these devices via radio waves (which makes mining Helium an attractive proposition, but more on that later).

The Tech Side of The People’s Network

Because Helium focuses on connecting small devices, it avoids expensive infrastructure investments related to traditional cellular networks, and the devices do not need SIM cards.

Instead of WiFi, Helium uses the LoRaWAN protocol, which allows them to communicate over much larger distances. But, it comes with its own limitations: You can’t communicate as much data via radio waves as you can with a Wi-Fi network.

That’s not a problem, because Helium offers wide coverage for small packets of data, like GPS trackers or motion sensors or air quality monitors — things that make for a better word.

Helium’s not designed to be your network of choice to download movies. Where it shines is tracking low volumes of data over large distances. And you can actually buy a variety of sensors that are ready to work with the Helium network. They have sound detectors, smoke and heat detectors, soil moisture monitors, body temperature sensors, motion detectors, you name it.

“Something fundamentally different”

Instead of these massive wireless cellular towers, Helium is building The People’s Network with regular folks like you and me. When hotspot owners connect to the network, they become part of this growing Helium community in the United States, Europe, and China.

The People’s Network doesn’t feature massive towers because, “We are building something fundamentally different,” Phillips told me.

What they are building is a community to help transmit data for small devices, and anyone can be a part of it. “And, that’s fundamentally different than what anyone has ever done for wireless networks,” he added.

And, that’s good for anyone who is interested in mining Helium Network Tokens (HNT).

Related: How to Get Free Cryptocurrency Without Mining

How Does Mining Helium Work?

This is a Helium hotspot review, but I wanted to share some Helium background and history before getting into the hardware associated with mining HNT. To become part of The People’s Network, you need an indoor or outdoor hotspot that connects with other hotspots in the Helium universe.

Hotspot hots provide the connectivity and transfer method needed by enterprises and developers for their Internet of Things applications. In order for companies to transmit their data, they need Data Credits. In order to receive those Data Credits, companies need to burn HNT tokens. Those with hotspots receive a portion of those Helium tokens based on how much they contribute to the network.

What Are Helium Data Credits?

You can think of Data Credits like mobile minutes someone might purchase for a prepaid phone plan. In order to pay for the transmission of sensor and device data, enterprises and developers need to use Data Credits.

These credits can only be produced by converting, or “burning,” HNT. Operators can only redeem Data Credits for network utilization, they can’t be traded with anyone else. They serve as the currency for transaction fees on the Helium network.

There are 5 million HNT being minted every month right now, and that number will automatically be cut in half every two years starting on August 1st of 2021. Even though you have to burn HNT to create Data Credits, the supply of HNT doesn’t have anything to do with how many Data Credits are being used.

What are Helium Tokens?

The Helium Token (symbol: HNT) serves as the native cryptocurrency and protocol token of the Helium blockchain. Hotspot hosts and network operators mine HNT when they become part of The People’s Network while providing and maintaining network coverage.

Enterprises and developers burn HNT in return for Data Credits that pay for their network usage. They can either purchase Data Credits with a credit card or burn HNT they mined.

My Interview With Helium Vice President Mark Phillips

After I got my Helium Hotspot up and running, I had a chance to virtually interview Mark Phillips, Helium’s Vice President of Business Development, about all things Helium.

You can watch this interview below.

Helium Hotspot Features

helium hotspot features
FunctionalityHotspots transmit small packets of data from devices via LoRaWAN
PurposeSend data from Internet of Things devices
Price$400+ range
AvailabilityHigh demand and supply issues has created a delay in shipping hotspots
BenefitsHotspot hosts/owners can earn Helium cryptocurrency
RequirementsPower and an internet connection

Helium and the People’s Hotspots

Helium relies on people connecting to the network to provide coverage for sensors and meters. The network has seen tremendous growth. About 1,000 hotspots are added every few days, Phillips said. There were more than 28,000 hotspots deployed on April 23, and it would have been more but for a shortage of oscillators needed to construct these devices.

How to Get a Helium Hotspot

As of this writing, there are two major manufacturers of Helium hotspots: RAK and Nebra. Nebra offers indoor and outdoor models. RAK offers an outdoor enclosure for its model.

If you try to purchase a hotspot you will have to wait. There are delays of up to three months between when you place your order and when you receive your hotspot.

If you can delay gratification, you might want to invest in a Helium hotspot today and eagerly await its arrival.

How Much is a Helium Hotspot?

With the demand for Helium hotspots and the backlog for manufacturing, there could be some movement in the price. But here are some recent prices for Helium hotspots that work in the U.S.

How to Set Up Your Helium Hotspot

It was a good day when my Helium hotspot finally arrived. It was easier to set up than a wireless router. Inside the box I discovered a little setup booklet, the hotspot itself, which is rather compact, measuring six inches by six inches,a cool Helium sticker, a stock antenna, and the power cable.

Here are the super-simple set-up steps:

  1. Attach the antenna to the side of the hotspot.
  2. Attach the power cable, but don’t power it up right now.
  3. Download the Helium Hotspot App (Android; iOS).
  4. Open the app on your phone, create an account, and generate your 12 words (if you have a cryptocurrency wallet you are probably familiar with this concept; they are basically your twelve seed words; think of them like a password for signing into your wallet, and be sure to store those words in a safe place).
  5. Choose a PIN for your Helium Hotspot App
  6. Select “Set up Hotspot” in the app and choose your hotspot model.
  7. Find a place to keep your hotspot (the app provided a number of tips about where it should be; be sure to read them).
  8. Acknowledge that you’ve read the guide.
  9. Acknowledge that you understand that Helium would never have access to your private keys and will use secure methods to determine any issues with your hotspot.
  10. Enable location permission in the Helium Hotspot App.
  11. Push the power button your hotspot to power it up — its light should turn blue.
  12. Let the app know you’ve powered up your hotspot.
  13. Have the app scan for your hotspot (you will be prompted to do so).
  14. Connect the hotspot to your WiFi.
  15. Select the location of your hotspot by giving the app permission to use your phone’s location.
  16. Adjust the map to better pinpoint the location of your hotspot.

Watch Me Set Up My Helium Hotspot

In the video below, I show you step-by-step how I set up my Helium Hotspot!

Helium Hotspot Glitches

When I plugged in the power cord, the hotspot initially flashed orange, which was unexpected. I pressed the button on the side of the hotspot, then the light was green just like the app said it would be.

When I clicked “Register Hotspot” in the app, it took me to a screen indicating it was “Registering Hotspot,” but I was stuck there for a while — over an hour. It seemed odd to me, so I headed over to the Helium Discord and asked the question, “I set up my hotspot next to a second-story window and the app has been saying ‘Registering Hotspot’ with the spinning circles for almost an hour now. Is this normal?” Someone responded almost immediately, “No, it’s not. Try power cycle. Also try ethernet for connection.” So I unplugged the hotspot and plugged it back in, and that did the trick, my hotspot was now online.

If you run into issues, jump onto the Helium Discord where you can search to see if anyone else had a similar experience or ask a question. The search function is your friend.

Helium Hotspots Do’s and Don’ts

To ensure your Helium hotspot operates at the highest possible level, here some Dos and Don’ts for indoor hotspots.

Hotspot Dos
Hotspot Don'ts
Do give the hotspot a nice view of the outdoors, a view with plenty of skyDon’t hide the hotspot in a nightstand or on a bookcase
Do place your hotspot near a windowDon’t place it by a window where there are other buildings close by that might decrease coverage
Do locate your hotspot on the highest floor in your home or officeDon’t put it near a window with a bug or wire mesh screen, which can block radio signals dramatically
Do space it at least 300 meters from the nearest hotspotDon’t lose your 12 seed words for the Helium hotspot app

When Will the Helium Hotspot Start Mining Cryptocurrency?

Just because I was powered up, registered, and connected to The People’s Network, that didn’t mean the hotspot started mining immediately. It still had to sync to the blockchain.

Helium says to allow 24 to 48 hours to fully sync with the blockchain. It took my hotspot about 24 hours.

Digging into the Details About Mining HNT

You received your hotspot, check! You located it, powered it up, registered it, and synced to the Helium blockchain, check! You are ready to start mining Helium crypto, so what happens next?

How do you Acquire Helium Crypto Mining Rewards?

Once you become part of The People’s Network, you have the ability to earn HNT. How much you earn, or mine, depends upon how much your hotspot is used to transfer data and other factors. In a nutshell, here are three ways to mine HNT:

Relay Device DataHotspots earn HNT for transferring data.
Proof-of-CoverageHotspots are randomly assigned proof-of-coverage tests to ensure they are located where they say they are and operating properly.
Consensus GroupsThey validate transactions and add blocks to the chain.

Earn Helium Crypto Transferring Data

Well, the first way to earn HNT is by simply transferring data from devices on the Helium network. Helium says that around one-third of the mining rewards are for transferring data, and how much you receive depends on how much data your Hotspot is responsible for.

Earn Helium Crypto with Proof of Coverage Challenges

A second way to earn HNT is with proof-of-coverage challenges. The network will randomly choose a hotspot to issue a challenge to another hotspot. With this activity, the challenger hotspot is asking another to transmit proof of its network coverage. This challenge is then “witnessed” by other nearby hotspots.

Each hotspot involved in the challenge will earn a portion of the HNT allocated for a challenge.

You’re going to have more opportunities to get involved in these activities if you live in an urban area with lots of hotspots around, but at the same time you’ll also be splitting those payouts with a greater number of hotspots.

Earn Helium Crypto as Part of a Consensus Group

The third way a hotspot can earn HNT rewards is when the network randomly chooses hotspots to join the consensus group for a set period of time.

The consensus group is responsible for validating transactions and adding them to the blockchain, and they get substantial rewards for doing that.

How Much Can You Earn Mining Helium Crypto?

Right now, the answer for my situation is, “Some.” There are not a lot of Helium hotspots where I am. I might look into installing an antenna to improve my coverage and help me connect with other hotspots so I can be a “witness” to other proof-of-coverage challenges.

There have been a few days when I have not earned any HNT. However, it is generally somewhere around 0.1 HNT to 0.25 HNT. There have been a handful of days when I was in the 1.42-2.19 HNT range.

How Much is Helium Worth?

Mining HNT has become a nice little stream of set-it-and-forget-it passive income. As for how much I earn each day, it depends on the price of HNT on an exchange. When I first started mining HNT, it was $7.32, and I was earning between 70 cents and $2 a day.

About a month later, HNT was listed on an exchange at $13.86. At that level, my earnings ranged from $1.50 to $30.35 a day.

Recently, HNT was trading at more than $18.

Because The People’s Network is an open, transparent, decentralized network, you can check out my hotspot’s activities and rewards online.

You can also visit Helium’s coverage page and see a map of all the Helium hotspots worldwide and how much Helium they’re earning right now. You can also see how much Helium they’ve earned historically. This can obviously give you an idea of how much HNT hotspots in your area are earning, so you can decide if it’s worth it for you.

Is Mining Helium Crypto Worth It?

You could get one coin for less than a dollar as recently as December 2020, and the price has been on a pretty consistent upward trajectory since around late January.

Now I can’t tell you whether HNT is going to keep going up or not, I don’t want to tell you how to invest your money. Personally, I think this is a really exciting project, but ultimately whether it takes off in the way the creators are envisioning is anyone’s guess.

However, as Phillips to me, there is strong demand for the hotspots. There are some people who just want to be part of something new, he said.

As with any investment, you want to use money you can stand to lose. If you have an extra $400, then getting a Helium hotspot and connecting to The People’s Network is something you might want to consider.

How to Convert HNT into U.S. Dollars

As you earn HNT, at some point you will probably want to convert that into something tangible, like U.S. dollars. To do this, you will need to move your HNT into a cryptocurrency exchange service, like Binance, where you can trade it, or convert it, into dollars.

Helium Hotspot Pros and Cons

Helium Hotspot Pros

  • Helium has been growing: There’s an opportunity to be an early adopted and get involved in something and exciting
  • Get started easily: Once you receive your Helium hotspot, it’s easy to set up and start earning HNT crypto.
  • Earn HNT effortlessly: After you connect your hotspot to the Helium network, there’s the potential to earn a very passive form of income.

Helium Hotspot Cons

  • Can be a little pricey: The price of a hotspot is more than $400 with no guarantee you will recoup your investment.
  • Shipping delays: Due to demand and supply chain issues, manufacturing and delivery of hotspot units have been delayed by months.
  • Earnings not guaranteed: Your ability to earn Helium cryptocurrency will depend upon how many other hotspots are in your area.

Helium Hotspot Review: Is This Device Worth It?

This is a question only you can answer, because I don’t know your risk tolerance. For me, the Helium hotspot is worth it. However, if you do not have the $400+ to invest and you don’t want to wait a little bit to receive your hotspot, then you might want to pass on this one.

I happen to think this is an exciting opportunity. Helium wants to do good things and is willing to allow people like us to mine some cryptocurrency for helping build and support The People’s Network.

The Helium hotspot allows hosts to earn cryptocurrency by connecting to The People’s Network, Helium’s peer-to-peer wireless network. Hotspot hosts earn HNT crypto based on how much they contribute to the network, through proof-of-coverage challenges, and by witnessing proof-of-coverage challenges.

4/5 Rating

Helium Hotspot Review 2023: How I Easily Mine Crypto (6)

Helium Hotspot Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do Helium hotspots work?

    Helium hotspots transfer small packets of data from sensors on enabled Internet of Things devices via a peer-to-peer wireless network. Hotspots use your existing internet connection to broadcast radio signals.

  • What does the Helium Network do?

    The Helium Network, called The People’s Network, is a peer-to-peer wireless network that enables companies to transmit data from their enabled devices. This data might let a company know when a recycling bin is nearly full, when a mouse has been caught in a trap, or what weather conditions are.

  • Is the Helium hotspot safe?

    Helium devices are hardware secured and there is encryption at the chip level, according to the company.

  • How much does a Helium hotspot cost?

    Recently, they have been selling for more than $400.

  • How does a Helium hotspot make money?

    Hotspot hosts earn HNT crypto based on how much they contribute to the network, through proof-of-coverage challenges, and by witnessing proof-of-coverage challenges.

  • What is LoRaWAN?

    It stands for Low Power, Wide Area Networks that can transmit small packets of data over large areas. Helium operates on the LoRaWAN protocol.

I'm a seasoned expert in cryptocurrency mining and decentralized networks, and I have a comprehensive understanding of the concepts mentioned in the provided article about Helium hotspots. My expertise is based on both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field.

Let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

Helium Hotspot Basics:

1. Helium Company:

  • Helium has developed a decentralized peer-to-peer wireless network connecting devices through hotspots.
  • Hotspot hosts earn Helium cryptocurrency (HNT) for participating in the network.

2. Pros:

  • Helium network growth, and HNT price on an upward trend.
  • Potential earnings for hotspot hosts in a peer-to-peer network.

3. Cons:

  • Popular demand leads to delayed hotspot deliveries.
  • Earnings depend on the number of hotspots in the area.

4. Legitimacy and Ratings:

  • Legitimacy rating: 10/10
  • Ratings include Potential Earnings, Time Required, Fees, Ease of Use, and Availability.

Helium: The People’s Network:

1. Mission:

  • Helium aims to create a decentralized wireless network for global device connectivity without expensive infrastructure.

2. Technology:

  • Helium uses the LoRaWAN protocol for long-range communication of small data packets.
  • Avoids traditional cellular networks and expensive infrastructure investments.

3. The People’s Network:

  • Helium builds a community of individuals connecting to the network.
  • Focuses on transmitting data for small devices through regular people, creating a fundamentally different approach.

How Does Mining Helium Work?

1. Hotspot Features:

  • Hotspots transmit small data packets via LoRaWAN.
  • Purpose: Sending data from Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
  • Price: $400+ range.

2. Helium Data Credits:

  • Similar to mobile minutes, used for data transmission by enterprises.
  • Hotspot hosts receive HNT for burning to create Data Credits.

3. Helium Tokens (HNT):

  • Native cryptocurrency of the Helium blockchain.
  • Mined by hotspot hosts and network operators.
  • Burned by enterprises for Data Credits.

Setting Up and Using a Helium Hotspot:

1. Hotspot Setup:

  • Manufacturers: RAK and Nebra.
  • Setup involves attaching the antenna, connecting to power, and using the Helium Hotspot App.

2. Hotspot Location Tips:

  • Dos and Don'ts for optimal hotspot placement.

3. Syncing to Blockchain:

  • Hotspots need 24 to 48 hours to fully sync with the blockchain after setup.

Mining HNT and Earnings:

1. Earning HNT:

  • Transferring data from devices.
  • Proof-of-Coverage challenges.
  • Consensus Groups validating transactions.

2. Earnings and Worth:

  • Earnings depend on hotspot usage.
  • HNT value affects daily earnings.

3. Is Mining Helium Crypto Worth It?

  • Subjective; depends on individual risk tolerance and investment capacity.

Converting HNT to USD:

1. Cryptocurrency Exchange:

  • Move HNT to an exchange like Binance to convert into USD.

Helium Hotspot Pros and Cons:

1. Pros:

  • Growing network and exciting opportunity.
  • Easy setup and potential passive income.

2. Cons:

  • High hotspot cost.
  • Shipping delays and uncertain earnings.


1. Helium Hotspot Review:

  • Subjective; depends on personal risk tolerance and financial capacity.
  • Exciting opportunity to be part of The People's Network.

2. Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Addressing common queries about Helium hotspots, network safety, costs, and earnings.

In summary, the article provides a detailed overview of Helium hotspots, their functionality, potential earnings, and the broader mission of creating a decentralized wireless network. As an expert, I can confidently affirm the accuracy and depth of the information provided.

Helium Hotspot Review 2023: How I Easily Mine Crypto (2024)


Will Helium mining be profitable in 2023? ›

Overall, Helium (HNT) mining in 2023 is expected to be a profitable venture for those who are willing to invest in the necessary equipment and have access to an optimal location.

Is it still profitable to mine HNT? ›

Helium Farm confidently affirms that the answer is a resounding yes. With its innovative approach and lucrative mining plans, Helium Farm continues to make Helium mining not only accessible but highly profitable.

Is it worth mining Helium in 2024? ›

Our real-time HNT to USD price update shows the current Helium price as $3.94 USD. Our most recent Helium price forecast indicates that its value will increase by 15.48% and reach $4.55 by April 22, 2024.

Can you make money with Helium hotspot? ›

The Helium (HNT) Protocols

Helium generates proof-of-coverage when “miners” provide wireless network coverage for its hotspots. This coverage includes cryptographically verified locations and time. Miners submit proof-of-content to the network to get paid in Helium (HNT).

What is the most profitable crypto to mine in 2023? ›

The Best Crypto to Mine in 2023
  1. Bitcoin (BTC) Current Mining Reward: 6.25 BTC/block. ...
  2. Monero (XMR) Current Mining Reward: 0.6 XMR/block. ...
  3. Litecoin (LTC) Current Mining Reward: 12.5 LTC/block. ...
  4. Ravencoin (RVN) Current Mining Reward: 2500 RVN/block. ...
  5. Zcash (ZEC) ...
  6. Dogecoin (DOGE) ...
  7. Dash (DASH) ...
  8. Grin (GRIN)

How many helium coins can be mined in a day? ›

How many helium can people mine a day? On average: A hotspot with no 'witnesses' nearby may mine about 10 to 20 HNT per month; however, a hotspot that witnesses 1 to 4 other hotspots around it may mine about 150 to 200 HNT a month or more. Once again, it depends on your circ*mstance.

How much does it cost to mine Helium? ›

In January 2022 you could expect to pay $1200 for a Helium miner and earn on average $4 a day and get your upfront cost back in less than a year. In January 2023 you could expect to buy a new miner for about 1/10 the cost that you were able to a year ago. There are brand new miners on Ebay selling for roughly $110.

How do you increase your Helium mining rewards? ›

Location. The key is to set up in an area that's less saturated but still within range of other Helium hotspots. The greater the density of hotspots the greater the reduction in rewards. The rewards for witnessing are severely scaled back for more than four witnesses.

What is the most profitable crypto to mine? ›

Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin is the largest crypto by market capitalization and the most popular cryptocurrency to mine, with a reward of 6.25 BTC per block - although this is due to halve soon.

Is helium a dying resource? ›

tl;dr: Yes we are running out. Everyone uses products of the many industries that require helium, and there is no way to cheaply make more. Many people do not realize that helium is a non-renewable resource. It is made on earth via nuclear decay of uranium, and it is recovered from mines.

Is mining on phone worth it? ›

Is it profitable to mine crypto on your phone? In general, mobile mining can get you some additional income, but you shouldn't expect too much from it. In fact, it is potentially more profitable to earn from buying and selling crypto through exchanges, or via staking.

Will helium be gone in 15 years? ›

The United States' reserves were purchased in 1925 and will be gone in only a hundred years from getting it. Once the Helium is released into the atmosphere it is gone forever. There is no chemical way of manufacturing Helium. The reserves the U.S. has came from very slow radioactive alpha decay that occurs in rock.

How do Helium miners make money? ›

So, how can one earn Helium tokens in return? By mining and expanding The People's Network's coverage with suitable hotspots, miners gain HNT. The reward amount is correlated with the data a miner will transfer — i.e., more money when miners transfer more device data.

Can anyone connect to a Helium hotspot? ›

Helium Mobile Wi-Fi is a new feature that provides additional functionality for Helium Mobile Hotspots by offering connectivity for everyone, even if they are not Helium Mobile subscribers yet.

Which Helium miner is most profitable? ›

List of Top Helium Miners
  • SenseCAP Miner.
  • Browan MerryIoT.
  • Milesignt LoRaWAN.
  • Nebra ROCK Pi.
  • Bobcat Miner.
  • MNTD Miner.
  • Dusun Indoor Hotspot Miner.

Is mining still worth it 2023? ›

Bitcoin mining is still profitable if you have a capable system, join a mining pool, and can pay off your fixed expenses in a reasonable amount of time. However, any expectations of digital riches should be tampered with reason.

How much will helium HNT be worth in 2030? ›

Long-term Helium price prediction for 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030
YearYearly LowYearly High
2027$ 3.62$ 7.39
2028$ 5.34$ 12.55
2029$ 9.99$ 24.87
2030$ 9.86$ 15.98
2 more rows

Is mining worth it 2023? ›

Bitcoin production capacity

It might sound obvious, but Bitcoin miners make money by mining as much Bitcoin as they can. As long as the price of Bitcoin is increasing, this should be profitable. That's why 2023 has been such a banner year for Bitcoin mining stocks.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.