Hashgraph VS Blockchain - A Detailed Comparison (2024)

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Hashgraph VS Blockchain - A Detailed Comparison (1)

The worldwide arrival of Blockchain was marked by the introduction of digital currency in the form of a cryptocurrency named Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which emerged as a new monetary network, use decentralized control as compared to general centralized control in traditional banking systems. By relying solely on the peer-to-peer network, Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) presents a better model for businesses to harness computing power like never before.

Till now, the transition to DLT is limited due to various reasons such as scalability, efficiency, and interoperability, but Hedera Hashgraph comes as an alternative.

Below we shall be discussing the various features and differences between two Decentralized Distributed Ledger technologies – Blockchain vs. Hashgraph.

What Is a Distributed Ledger Database?

A Distributed Ledger Database or Distributed Ledger Technology can be described as a ledger of any transactions or shared contracts that are synchronized and maintained in a decentralized form across different locations and people. A Distributed Ledger Database stores the information in it securely immutable using cryptographic techniques, and DLs are much more difficult to attack as all the nodes will have to be attacked and manipulated simultaneously.

To maintain a Distributed Ledger Database, both the blockchain development service and Hedera Hashgraph use different types of data structures and consensus mechanisms.

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain technology is the earliest generation of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that works upon a sequential data structure that forms a chain of blocks.

Blockchain banks upon several mechanisms like –

Proof of Work

To bring a consensus in the network and secure the block, this mechanism requires solving a puzzle by computation. This mechanism is also known as mining, while the network’s nodes are known as miners. Here to validate transactions add new blocks and win rewards, the members/nodes of the network have to solve these puzzles.

Proof of Stake

This mechanism works on a basis where a creator/validator is chosen to verify and add blocks to the Blockchain, and they are chosen based on their contributions to the network.

Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET)

This mechanism follows a fair lottery system to prevent the network from high energy consumption and resource utilization. In this consensus algorithm, network participants have to identify themselves before joining the network. In this algorithm system, there are fair winning chances, and it is generally used over permissioned networks.

Leader based Consensus

As the name suggests, here in this mechanism, members in the network send transactions to the leader computer, who in turn sends out the transactions to be added to the chain.

Voting based Consensus

In this mechanism, all nodes must be familiar and flexible. Here in such networks, all nodes have to verify blocks together and manage the ledger.

Economy based Consensus

This mechanism works upon the idea of economic rationality to manage consensus, as a real-world economy functions without dealing with chaos.

Here in this mechanism, you have to vote to add blocks, and you might have to pay a fine if you vote for a block for which no one else voted. On a similar note, you may even earn a profit if you vote for such a block for whom everyone voted.

Smart Contracts over Blockchain network

Blockchain developers explain that a blockchain-based Smart Contract is an agreement, a self-executing sort of contract between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of computer code. Such codes and agreements which control the execution and transactions are trackable but immutable. In case there is a need to modify it, a new contract can be used, which is similar to modifying a smart contract.

An intermediary Smart Contract can hold the current active smart contract’s address with a function “delegate call,” which will conveniently redirect all the transactions and calls to the active version. However, another alternative solution is to extract the previous contract information, add it to a new one, and update the address you want your users to see.

What is Hedera Hashgraph?

What is a Hedera Hashgraph?Hedera Hashgraph is a DLT technology that works on graph structures where all the nodes communicate their information to each other, and their communication is reported by building a graph of connections. All the information or data is stored in the form of events.
How does Hedera Hashgraph achieve consensus?Hedera Hashgraph uses the Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance consensus algorithm, which is capable of securing the platform against attacks. It also offers security, fair conditions, and a high level of performance. The main mechanism of Hashgraph technology relies upon ‘Gossip about Gossip’ and ‘Virtual voting’ to bring consensus to the network.
What is Gossip about Gossip?Gossip about Gossip is a mechanism where each node transfers or syncs information to another random node. This mechanism is used to make sure that all data has been circulated to all the members of the network.
What is Virtual voting?Virtual voting is a mechanism where each node can predict what the other node would vote for, without sending voting messages across the network. This is possible because each node is already aware of what the other node knows through the Gossip about the Gossip mechanism.
What is Hedera Consensus Service?Hedera Consensus Service is a service feature that is available over Hedera Mainnet, and it allows developers to generate verifiable time stamps, generate ordered events for any application, and maintain privacy controls specific to the application. This service is useful for those applications that need to order transactions without involving middlemen, maintain high output inconclusiveness while ordering, and maintain real-time audibility.

Hedera Hashgraph Platforms

Open Source SDK

Hedera Hashgraph has released an open-source SDK for developers in Java to build Hashgraph applications. This SDK supports three platform services: File Storage, Smart Contracts, and Cryptocurrency.

All the necessary tools for creating public/private key pairs and signing transactions are offered by this SDK.

Mainnet Testing Platform

The Mainnet Testing Platform is a program that allows users and developers to test various network capabilities before the actual mainnet gets opened for access. Recently, Hedera Hashgraph announced the second phase of the Community Testing Program.

Under phase II of testing, Hedera plans to make Android and iOS versions of the Hedera wallet, Hedera Browser Extension, and open-source WordPress plug-in. These applications would be used to create use cases for the Hedera network services test and P2P micropayments by the developers under the community testing phase.

Methods of Transaction Confirmation Over Hedera Hashgraph

In Hedera Hashgraph, when a client makes a transaction, they may seek acknowledgment about whether that transaction was added to a consensus state. So, to address it, Hashgraph offers the following mechanism to know about confirmation –


In this scenario, the client submits a transaction to a specific node with a request added that the transaction should be submitted to the network. Before submitting, the node will quickly check the transaction and respond with the client’s result. This check is mandatory since it determines whether a transaction is structured or not. If it is structured and found “OK,” the node will add the transaction to the network, while the client can pay associated fees.

Subsequently, the honest node adds the transaction to the network, while the response is sent to the client with it. This confirmation makes the client confident that the transaction will change the consensus state.


After the above-mentioned steps have been completed, the nodes make a “receipt” for the transaction done. Further, the client can opt to get the receipt for the same by asking random nodes for the transaction status by querying for the receipt.

A receipt displays the following information –

  • Was the following transaction added successfully to the consensus state or not?
  • The identifier of the object

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HBARs – Hedera Hashgraph based Cryptocurrency

HBARs are the utility tokens used in Hedera Hashgraph, which are used to grant access to token holders into Hashgraph-based distributed applications.

Being fast, allowing micropayments, and offering low network fees are some of the lucrative features of HBAR. Additionally, Hedera even rewards users with HBARs for contributing to the launch of the node on the network. There is a wide range of use cases of HBAR cryptocurrency like Digital Content Monetization and Influencer Activity Monetization.

Smart Contracts Over Hedera Hashgraph

Contrary to Smart Contracts, those once deployed over Blockchain cannot be modified whether one has to fix a bug or add new functionality and deploying a new contract to replace the old one is only the option.

Here in Hashgraph, an option is present to enable “binding arbitration” for smart contracts. But that doesn’t compromise with its immutability feature; rather, it allows change only if several parties designed by the smart contract developer agree. Developers have a choice to choose the contract’s subsequent mutability while deploying a smart contract on Hedera Hashgraph.

Pros and Cons of Hedera Hashgraph

Hashgraph is a distributed ledger technology that aims to provide a more efficient and secure alternative to traditional blockchain systems. Here are some pros and cons of Hashgraph:


High Transaction Speeds:

Hashgraph claims to offer high transaction speeds, potentially surpassing traditional blockchain systems. This is due to its unique consensus algorithm called gossip about gossip and virtual voting.

Low Transaction Costs:

With faster transaction processing, Hashgraph may result in lower transaction costs compared to some traditional blockchain platforms.

Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance (ABFT):

Hashgraph claims to achieve asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance, making it highly secure against malicious attacks and ensuring consensus even in the presence of faulty nodes.

Fairness and No Forking:

Hashgraph aims to eliminate the concept of forking by achieving consensus through a voting mechanism that ensures fairness in the order of transactions.

Energy Efficiency:

Hashgraph may be more energy-efficient compared to proof-of-work based blockchains like Bitcoin, as it doesn't rely on resource-intensive mining processes.


Hashgraph strives to maintain decentralization, which is a key aspect of blockchain technology. It achieves consensus through the distributed nature of its nodes.


The ABFT consensus algorithm is designed to provide a high level of security, making Hashgraph resistant to various attacks.


Closed Source and Patented:

Hashgraph's core technology is patented, and as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, it was not fully open source. This could limit its adoption and transparency in the development community.

Limited Public Information:

While Hashgraph provides technical papers and documentation, the level of transparency may not be as high as some open-source blockchain projects. This lack of full transparency could be a concern for some users.

Tokenization and Smart Contracts:

Hashgraph's focus is on providing a consensus algorithm rather than supporting a cryptocurrency or smart contract platform. This might limit its use cases in comparison to more versatile blockchain platforms.

Less Decentralization:

Some argue that Hashgraph is less decentralized compared to traditional blockchain systems, as the network relies on a smaller number of nodes for consensus.

Young Technology:

Hashgraph is a relatively young technology, and its long-term viability and scalability under real-world conditions are yet to be fully tested and proven.

Governance and Centralization:

The governance model of Hashgraph and potential centralization concerns may be debated, especially considering that the consensus algorithm relies on voting.

Network Effects:

The success of any blockchain or DLT system often depends on network effects. Hashgraph may face challenges in achieving widespread adoption and building a large user and developer community.

Hashgraph Vs Blockchain | Category wise comparison

Now, let’s see how Hashgraph vs Blockchain fare against each other in terms of various categories –

Categories Blockchain Hedera Hashgraph
Copyright Open Source Patented
Consensus Mechanism Proof of Work, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance, Proof of Work, Proof of Elapsed Time Virtual Voting
Security Mechanism Cryptographic Hashing Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Applications Bitcoin, Hyperledger Blockchain Projects, Ethereum, EOS, Tezos Swirlds
Speed of transactions Depends upon the protocol implementation (Eg: 100 – 1000 transactions per second in Ethereum, Hyperledger) Up to 500000 transactions per second
Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance Some implementations in Hyperledger are Byzantine Fault Tolerance ready 100% compliance


It’s an open secret that Blockchain is an open-source technology to run over the DLT platform, and it can be contributed by many people to build utilities like cryptocurrencies and other utility tokens. Moreover, Blockchains have created their niche around some business houses due to their decentralized nature after defining their quality.

Whereas, Hashgraph is a patented technology owned by Swirlds, so as a new user, you have to pass through Swirlds.

Speed of transactions

In Blockchain technology, the speed depends upon the implementation of protocols such as Hyperledger Development or solutions such as cryptocurrency, Blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Corda, and more.

Compared to Blockchain technology, to provide high transaction speed, Hedera Hashgraph uses the gossip about gossip protocol as it requires less information to propagate with more events taking place.

No doubt, Blockchain is way much slower than Hashgraph, which can process up to 500,000 transactions per second.


The efficiency of the Blockchain comes into question since it uses a block approach which makes it difficult for more than several miners to work on it, as at the same time, only blocks can be mined. While the other blocks that are being mined get discarded, and the efforts are wasted.

Compared to this, Hedera Hashgraph is much more efficient, as no resources are wasted or discarded. Here all events that are gossiped about to the network are reserved, which makes it 100% efficient.

Consensus Mechanism

The consensus mechanism in Blockchain relies upon cryptography and currencies. Blockchain experts conclude that the most widely used consensus algorithm used in Blockchain technology is Proof-of-Stake, Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-Elapsed Time, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance, etc.

To achieve the same network consensus Hedera Hashgraph platform uses virtual voting. Now in this mechanism, there is no need for other algorithms as they can provide low transaction costs and high performance without failure. Apart from that, even operating costs can be minimized as there’s no need for high computation power and electrical supply.

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Currently, Hedera Hashgraph blockchain as a Distributed Ledger Technology stands as a promising technology, but it also faces limitations in some areas. As of now, Hashgraph awaits to be tested in a public network, as till now, it has only been used in private and permission-based networks.

Hedera Hashgraph’s faster transaction throughput and flawless security might look impressive, but to replace blockchain solutions, the real potential and effectiveness of Hedera Hashgraph must be proven. This only can be known once it gets released to the public and non-permission-based networks, and the same gets tried over the Blockchain sector over time.

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How is hashgraph compared to blockchain? ›

Blockchain: Blockchains often face scalability challenges, resulting in slower transaction processing times as the network grows. Transactions are typically confirmed in blocks at regular intervals. Hashgraph: Hashgraph claims to offer higher transaction throughput and lower latency compared to many blockchains.

What are the disadvantages of hashgraph? ›

Cons. Despite its many advantages over traditional blockchain technology, Hashgraph has a few drawbacks. It is more expensive to use, as it requires more resources, such as storage and bandwidth. Furthermore, it has yet to be widely adopted, so it is not feasible for mainstream applications.

Is there a better technology than blockchain? ›

Attractive alternatives to blockchain for distributed ledgers include Hashgraph, Iota Tangle and R3 Corda. Both Iota and Hashgraph use Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) as an alternative data structure for maintaining the ledger.

What are the advantages of hashgraph? ›

One of the significant advantages of Hashgraph is its scalability. Due to its efficient consensus mechanism and the DAG structure, it can handle a higher volume of transactions per second compared to traditional blockchains.

What is the difference between Hedera Hashgraph and blockchain? ›

Unlike traditional blockchain-based systems, which rely on a chain of blocks to record transactions, Hedera Hashgraph uses a directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure to store and manage transactions. This structure enables parallel processing of transactions, resulting in high throughput and fast confirmation times.

Does HBAR have its own blockchain? ›

The native cryptocurrency of the Hedera Hashgraph system is HBAR. Unlike blockchains, hashgraphs do not bundle data into blocks or use miners to validate transactions.

Is hashgraph decentralized? ›

A hashgraph is a decentralized ledger in much the same way a blockchain is.

Is hashgraph immutable? ›

Hashgraph achieves high-throughput with 10,000+ transactions per second today and low-latency finality in seconds from its innovative gossip about gossip protocol and virtual voting. Once consensus is reached, the transaction is immutable and available on the public ledger for everyone to transparently see.

What is unique about HBAR? ›

Hedera (HBAR token), also known as Hedera Hashgraph, is a public network that extends beyond the traditional concepts of blockchain technology, utilising an innovative approach known as the hashgraph consensus for faster, fairer, and more secure digital transactions.

Why is blockchain not used more? ›

Blockchain technology is complicated. New products often require extensive research, development and validation. For this reason, products can be slow to come to market. Complementary and postproduction vendors, however, do not face these issues as often.

Is blockchain really the future? ›

In the long-run, blockchain may enable a transformation of operating models across industries. Just as the internet upended how we share information, blockchain has the potential to revolutionize how we exchange value, transfer ownership and verify transactions.

Which is easier AI or blockchain? ›

If you have a strong background in computer science or data science, AI might align better with your skills. Blockchain may be a better fit if you have experience in cryptography or distributed systems. 3. Market Demand: Research the demand for both Blockchain and AI professionals in your desired location or industry.

What is more advanced than blockchain? ›

Some of the greatest alternatives are centralized databases, distributed databases, centralized ledgers, cloud storage, decentralized storage, etc. These blockchain alternatives offer diverse benefits, ranging from increased transaction speed and efficiency to enhanced scalability and data privacy.

What is the future of Hedera Hashgraph? ›

2024: Hedera is expected to trade between $0.047 to $0.074, possibly increasing by 15.11%. 2025: A wider range is forecasted, from $0.067 to $0.21, suggesting a substantial increase of 236.42%. 2030: A long-term view shows a potential low of $0.042 and a high of $0.29, marking a gain of 348.99%.

Why is Hedera so good? ›

Hedera's HBAR token is used within its ecosystem to power the smart contracts, transactions, and file storage decentralized applications need to function. Accordingly, the high correlation we're seeing with today's move in Hedera and the fundamental performance of many of its key applications makes sense.

Is holochain better than blockchain? ›

With Holochain, developers can create applications that don't rely on a central server or go through middlemen like miners in blockchain. It operates truly peer-to-peer. Unlike blockchain, Holochain lets each participant in its network have their own computing power.

What blockchain does HBAR use? ›

HBAR runs on the Hedera Hashgraph network much as the Ether cryptocurrency runs atop the Ethereum blockchain. The Hedera Hashgraph supports smart contracts, so it is a potential host for distributed apps in finance and other fields.

Why is HBAR better than Ethereum? ›

Scalability and Speed:

Currently, Ethereum can process around 15 transactions per second (TPS), significantly lower than HBAR's ability to handle thousands of TPS. The DAG structure of HBAR enables it to scale effortlessly, offering faster transaction confirmation and reducing congestion during peak periods.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.