Hash Tables | What, Why & How to Use Them | Khalil Stemmler (2024)

On this site, we're primarily concerned with software design, architecture, and the many problems that occur later on in your developer journey, likekeeping code clean,handling complexity, andwriting testable code.

Early on, when you're primarily concerned with learning the ins and outs of a language, you'll find yourself also need to master the algorithmic basis of software development — code in methods and functions. One of the most integral tools to solving these problems? Data structures.

I want to talk about one of the most important data structures: the hash table.

In this article, we’ll begin by learning what hash tables are and why you'd want to use them. Then we’ll look at different hash tables implementations and closely related data structures. Finally, we wrap with a discussion of which hash table implementation you should reach most of the time and discuss some of the most common use cases for hash tables.

What is a hash table?

A hash table is a data structure that you can use to store data in key-value format with direct access to its items in constant time.

Hash tables are said to beassociative, which means that for each key, data occurs at most once. Hash tables let us implement things like phone books or dictionaries; in them, we store the association between a value (like a dictionary definition of the word "lamp") and its key (the word "lamp" itself).

We can use hash tables to store, retrieve, and delete data uniquely based on theirunique key.

Why use hash tables?

The most valuable aspect of a hash table over other abstract data structures is itsspeedto perform insertion, deletion, and search operations. Hash tables can do them all in constant time.

For those unfamiliar with time complexity (big O notation), constant time is the fastest possible time complexity. Hash tables can perform nearly all methods (except list) very fast in O(1) time.

AlgorithmAverageWorst case

Because of this efficiency, you'll find hash tables to be pretty dang useful for many use cases. And if you look carefully, you’ll notice that they’re actually implemented in a variety of places throughout your tools like your databases, caches, data-fetching libraries, and so on.

We’ll expand on some of the uses cases for hash tables later on in the article.

How do hash tables work?

There are four distinct aspects to discuss how hash tables work:

  • storage
  • key-value pairs
  • a hashing function
  • table operations


A hash table is an abstract data type that relies on using a more primitive data type (such as an array or an object) to store the data. You can use either, but slight implementation implications occur depending on what you choose. We'll discuss those nuances in detail later on.

Key-value pairs

Regardless of the underlying primitive data structure, you use to store data, to store data as avaluein a hash table, we need some way to identify it uniquely. We need akey.

Sometimes data contains an individual property that can very naturally assume responsibility for the key. For example, if we assume that a user has an email and a userId, then either the email or the userId could be used as the key if they are guaranteed to be unique.

{ email: '[email protected]', // highlight name: 'Khalil Stemmler', userId: '2', // or this phone: '555-123-4567'}

Other times, we're working with data where uniqueness is a little more ambiguous. Take, for example, the case of a dictionary again. Consider the dictionary definition for the wordchairlooks like this:

{ word: 'chair', definition: `a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs.`}

What can we use for uniqueness here?

If we wish to store this in a hash table to quickly access the dictionary definition for the word, we'd have to use the wordchairas the key itself.

However, based on this design, we cannot be sure to have uniqueness. Why? Because within the English language exists the idea ofhom*onyms: words spelled (and sometimes pronounced) the same but with different meanings.

For example, there is another dictionary definition for the word chair.

{ word: 'chair', definition: `the person in charge of a meeting or of an organization (used as a neutral alternative to chairman or chairwoman).`}

See the problem here? If we merely use word as the key, then we cannot be sure it's unique. And uniqueness is important for retrieval to get access to the definition by providing the word. If we have two definitions for the same word, this probably has to influence how we shape our data.

We could solve this problem by changing how we choose to model our data.

{ word: 'chair', definition: [ `a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs.`, `the person in charge of a meeting or of an organization (used as a neutral alternative to chairman or chairwoman).` ]}

If we wanted, it also wouldn’t hurt to improve the data structure even more by giving each definition a type and example property. This means that the data we store within the definition array would actually need to become an object.

{ word: 'chair', // the key to all of this data definition: [ { type: 'noun', example: 'no one occupied the seat, so I sat in it', value: `a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs.`, }, { type: 'noun', example: 'a three-year term as the board’s deputy chair', value: `the person in charge of a meeting or of an organization (used as a neutral alternative to chairman or chairwoman).` } ]}

Great, so we have some data which can be uniquely identified, and we have some data that we’d like to store so that we can retrieve quickly.

Hash functions

Once we have the key-value pair, we pass them to the hash table to store the data for later retrieval. Hash tables need a hash function to determine how the table should store the data, and this is one of the standard hash table operations.

The hash function requires both key and the value.

The key contains the logic that determines whatindexthe value will live at within the underlying data structure (array or object).

  • When we use objects as storage, the index is often just some string or integer version of the key.
  • When we're a fixed-size array as storage, we need to generate ahash code: a value that maps the key to a valid index/position in the array.

After deciding on an index, depending on how we've implemented it, the hash function can insert or merge the value at the position specified by the index.

For example, suppose our dictionary hash table had saved only one of the possible definitions for the wordchairso far. In that case, we could configure the hash function to merge additional non-duplicate definitions to thechairvalue's definition when we try to hash it.

{ 'cat': [...], 'chai': [...],- 'chair': { - type: 'noun',- example: 'no one occupied the seat, so I sat in it',- value: `a separate seat for one person, typically with a back - and four legs.`,- }+ 'chair': [+ { + type: 'noun',+ example: 'no one occupied the seat, so I sat in it',+ value: `a separate seat for one person, typically with a back + and four legs.`,+ }, + {+ type: 'noun',+ example: 'a three-year term as the board’s deputy chair',+ value: `the person in charge of a meeting or of an organization + (used as a neutral alternative to chairman or chairwoman).`+ }+ ]}

Alternatively, we could also configure it to throw an error if the hash function encounters a duplicate. In implementations where we're not merging data, this is generally referred to as a collision.

Methods/operations (what can it do?)

We know that one of the operations a hash table should perform is tohashan item — that is, to create the unique index based on a key. What other things should it be capable of?

At the bare minimum, a hash table should be able to perform:

  • add — add a key-value pair
  • get — get a value by key
  • remove — remove a value by key
  • list — get all the keys (or key-value pairs)
  • count — count the number of items in the table

How to choose the key in a hash table

To determine what should be the key in the key-value pair, it must be:

  • Unique (e.g., yellow is a unique word — and though it has many definitions, we can store those definitions at the index created by the yellow key).
  • known by the client in the world so that data can be re-retrieved (e.g., in storing the value, we must remember the key to re-retrieve it in constant time)

Basic JavaScript hash table examples

In this section, we’ll look at various ways to implement hash tables using JavaScript (and TypeScript). There are differences in languages like Java and Python (for example, in Java, you can use the HashMap interface as a part of the Java collection package). Still, ultimately, most general-purpose languages have a few different ways to implement a hash table.

Let's start with the simplest one.

Object implementation

The object implementation of a hash table in JavaScript is to merely lean on the usage of the plain ol' JavaScript object.

let table = {};

There are a few ways the API allows us to add a key-value pair to our table. The first is to use the dot-property.

let table = {};table.yellow = 'color between green and orange';console.log(table); // { yellow: 'color between green and orange' }

Another way is to use object brackets (which is useful when our key is numeric).

let table = {};let pairOne = { key: 'yellow', value: 'color between green and orange' }let pairTwo = { key: 2, value: { name: 'Bob' } }// Text keytable[pairOne.key] = pairOne.value;console.log(table); // { yellow: 'color between green and orange' }// Numeric keytable[pairTwo.key] = pairTwo.value console.log(table); // {  // yellow: 'color between green and orange',  // 2: { name: 'Bob' }  // }

To see if a value is present, we can use the hasOwnProperty method that’s a part of every object in JavaScript.

let table = {};table.yellow = 'color between green and orange';table.hasOwnProperty('yellow'); // true

To get the value of an item, we can call upon it using the key within either object brackets or with object dot notation.

let table = {};table.yellow = 'color between green and orange';console.log(table['yellow']); // 'color between green and orange'console.log(table.yellow); // 'color between green and orange'

When you're solving one-off algorithmic problems, you can use objects to get the functionality you need from a hash table quickly. However, there are better ways to design hash tables to be easier to use, and one such route is through encapsulation.

Encapsulated hash table

When you have related functionality, it's generally a good idea to encapsulate it within a cohesive object or a collection of functions. Here, we create a HashTable class that uses a plain object for storage and exposes all the necessary methods for a hash table.

class HashTable { constructor() { this.storage = {}; } // Hash function add(key, value) { if (this.exists(key)) { throw new Error(`${key} already exists`); } this.storage[key] = value; } get(key) { if (!this.exists(key)) { throw new Error(`${key} not found`); } return this.storage[key]; } exists(key) { return this.storage.hasOwnProperty(key); } remove(key) { delete this.storage[key]; } list() { return Object.keys(this.storage).map((key) => ({ key, value: this.storage[key], })); } count() { return Object.keys(this.storage).length; }}let hashTable = new HashTable();hashTable.add(1, "Bill");hashTable.add(2, "Mary");hashTable.add(3, "Samson");console.log(`The hashtable has ${hashTable.count()} elements`);console.log(`This is ${hashTable.get(2)}`);hashTable.remove(1);console.log(`The hashtable has ${hashTable.count()} elements`);console.log(`Here are all the elements: ${hashTable.list()}`);

The console output would look like the following:

The hashtable has 3 elementsThis is MaryThe hashtable has 2 elementsHere are all the elements: [object Object],[object Object]

Other similar data structures

Lots of languages have hash table-like data structures already defined into the language.

You may hear about:

Each of these are (more or less) the same thing as a hash table.

Associative array JavaScript hash table example (advanced)

Let's now look at a more advanced way to create hash tables using arrays as the backing data structure instead of objects.

We create a HashTable class and initialize a fixed-size array to 200 elements.

class HashTable { constructor() { this.table = new Array(200); this.size = 0; }}

Hash code

Next, let's implement the hash method. Assuming this is a private method used by all of the other public methods, its job is to create a hash code from a key.

A hash code is a value computed from the key which designates the index which the value should be saved at within the array.

In this implementation, the hash function expects a string key and returns a numeric hash code. Looking at each element in the string, we add the character codes to create a hash code.

// Assume the key is a 'string'_hash(key) { let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { hash += key.charCodeAt(i); } return hash;}

But how can we make sure that the hash value stays within the bounds of the array? One solution is to use the modulo operator to have the number roll around and never surpass the table length.

_hash(key) { let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { hash += key.charCodeAt(i); } return hash % this.table.length;}

Implementing the operations

Within the add method, we create a hash code to use as an index, and then we store both the key and the value within the array. We also increment the array size so we can tell how fully utilized the array storage is. We may want to resize it later when we get to a decent size utilization.

add(key, value) { const index = this._hash(key); this.table[index] = [key, value]; this.size++;}

For the get method, we'll rely on the hash function again to get the index for the value.

get(key) { const index = this._hash(key); return this.table[index];}

And then to remove an item, we merely remove the item from the array and decrement the size counter.

remove(key) { const index = this._hash(key); const itemExists = this.table[index] && this.table[index].length if (itemExists) { this.table[index] = undefined; this.size--; } }

A full associative array hash table implementation looks like the following:

class HashTable { constructor() { this.table = new Array(200); this.size = 0; } _hash(key) { let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { hash += key.charCodeAt(i); } return hash % this.table.length; } set(key, value) { const index = this._hash(key); this.table[index] = [key, value]; this.size++; } get(key) { const target = this._hash(key); return this.table[target]; } remove(key) { const index = this._hash(key); const itemExists = this.table[index] && this.table[index].length; if (itemExists) { this.table[index] = undefined; this.size--; } }}

Let’s go ahead and test it out now.

const ht = new HashTable();ht.set("Bill", '519-429-2212');ht.set("Kit", '647-232-1246');ht.set("Susan", '754-664-2397');console.log(ht.get("Bill")); // [ 'Bill', '519-429-2212' ]console.log(ht.get("Kit")); // [ 'Kit', '647-232-1246' ]console.log(ht.get("Susan")); // [ 'Susan', '754-664-2397' ]console.log(ht.remove("Kit")); console.log(ht.get("Kit")); // undefined

Looks good! If we were also to inspect the console afterward, here’s what the table could look like.

Hash Tables | What, Why & How to Use Them | Khalil Stemmler (1)


A collision is when the hash function maps two or more key-value pair to the same storage index. As we populate the array, we’re bound to run into scenarios where collisions occur.

For example, if we were to run the following, we’d end up with a collision.

const ht = new HashTable();ht.set("Susan", '754-664-2397');ht.set("z", '555-123-5555');console.log(ht.get("Susan")); // ['z', '555-123-5555']console.log(ht.get("z")); // ['z', '555-123-5555']

It appears we’ve overridden the “Susan” key with the “z”. This is very bad because it means we’ve lost data. And we don’t want that.

How does this even happen? Well, the reason why this happened is because the ASCII character for “z” is equal to the added ASCII characters in “Susan”. It’s 122.

To fix this, we’ll need collision detection (and optionally, array resizing) logic.

Collision detection and dynamic array resizing

It turns out that this is quite a challenging problem to solve. There are trivial approaches like just storing the same data in the same array index position and then merely traversing through it, but that increases the time complexity to O(n).As you'll discover down the road of writing your own hash table with associative arrays, there is no perfect approach to collision detection and dynamic array resizing.

There is one easy thing we can do, however. Using a prime number for the array (like 257, for example), we drastically reduce the likelihood of a collision.

If we had set the array size to 257 instead of 200, we’d get:

const ht = new HashTable();ht.set("Susan", '754-664-2397');ht.set("z", '555-123-5555');console.log(ht.get("Susan")); // ['Susan', '754-664-2397']console.log(ht.get("z")); // ['z', '555-123-5555']

Hash Tables | What, Why & How to Use Them | Khalil Stemmler (2)

One technique for collision detection and resizing is called Prime Double Hash Table and it relies on the use of one smaller and one larger hash table. You can read here for more information on how this works.

Which implementation should I use?

For simplicity,I generally advocate you use one of the language's hash tablesorencapsulate an object for storageinstead of rolling your own associate array style hash table. Dealing with collisions and resizing is messy, and there are other more important things you need to spend your time coding.

When to use hash tables (use cases)

Not only are hash tables one of the first types of data structures you should reach for when solving problems in programming interviews, but their fast retrieval time makes them great for a variety of other use cases. Here are some common ones.

Databases (indexing)

Probably the most common use for hash tables is databases. To retrieve and increment through data in a database in a performant way, we need some way to identify it uniquely, and we need some way to index it.

In databases, we use indexes to locate data fast without needing to search through every single row. If a database has records from 0 to 100 and it knows that we're looking for 88, it doesn't need to start from 0 and traverse up to 88. It can begin the search from a much closer index.

Caching (backend)

Caching is a technique we use to speed up requests.

We separate read-like commands from write-like ones inCommand Query Response Segregation (CQRS). We do this so that we can scale both sides independently.

On the read side, if we could tell that data hasn't changed yet (there haven't been any recent write-like operations — no commands), then there's an opportunity to optimize reads to the database.

In computing, reading from disk (database) takes longer than reading from memory (cache). Therefore, if we used an in-memory data store like Redis, we could speed up requests by offloading some of the reads to Redis instead.

Here's a Gherkins Given-When-Then (BDD-style) story to describe what should happen.

Feature: CachingScenario: Cache miss Given a resource is not cached When a read request comes in for the resource Then the controller fulfils the request by going to the databaseAnd the controller saves the resource to the cache for the next timeScenario: Cache hitGiven a resource is cachedWhen a read request comes in for the resourceThen the controller fulfils the request by going to the cache Scenario: Cache invalidationGiven a resource is cachedWhen a write request on the resource is performedThen the cache invalidates the resource by removing it from the cache

Caching (front-end state management)

In thestate management layerof a client-side application, we often find ourselves needing to persist, remove, and update data in storage.

Using tools like Apollo Client, Redux, or React hooks, the work we do to uniquely identify data andnormalize it within our client-side cacheis very similar to hashing function and persistence logic we write in hash tables.

Finding all unique elements

One other great use for a hash table is to find all unique elements among a list or collection of unorganized data.

Using some common aspects as the key, we can ensure that an item is only inserted once.Once that's done, we can merely iterate through the keys to get the entirety of the hash table's unique items.

Hash tables are a prevalent technique used in algorithm-based interview questions. As mentioned in Cracking the Coding Interview, hash tables should be one of the first data structures that come to mind for solving a potential challenge.

Storing transitions (transposition table)

This one is cool. Think about chess or other games where it may be essential to keep track of the entire sequence of moves made.

We can figure out any move's previous move in constant (O(1)) time with a transposition table.Assume a player's piece is at [1, 3]. How can we know what the previous move was? If we store moves like [xPosition, yPosition, moveNumber, player], we can use that as a key that maps to the previous position as a value.

For example:

  • [1, 3, 5, 1] → [1, 4, 4, 1]

This says that player 1 is now at position [1, 3] as their 5th move. It also says that before their 5th move (their 4th), they were at [1, 4].

To retrieve the previous move, the hash function could easily find the index based on the player's piece's current position and the turn number. This is just an example; of course, there may be better ways to do this, but it should further illustrate the power of hash tables.

To learn more, read about transposition tables here.


Hashtable vs. hashmap — what’s the difference?

Hash tables and hash maps are essentially the same things, and it just comes down to the methods you use and what you choose to use as your backing data structure.

People typically equate the idea of a hash table with that of the associative array approach. But people often associate the idea of a HashMap with the object approach.

Right? They do the same thing and ideally have the same time complexity, but it comes down to the methods and storage.

How do you create a hashmap in JavaScript?

We technically already did this with the object implementation example we first explored in this article. HashMaps are a specific type of data structure that exists in Java but (and hackily in JavaScript).

Without a HashMap abstraction, we can achieve similar behavior like this:

function createHashCode (object){ return obj.someUniqueKey; // Just an example};let dict = {};dict[key(obj1)] = obj1;dict[key(obj2)] = obj2;

There is, however, the Map abstraction in JavaScript.

let map = new Map();let obj1 = { value: 1 }let obj2 = { value: 2 }map.set(1, obj1);map.set(2, obj2);console.log(map.get(1));// expected output: { value: 1 }map.set(3, { value: 'billy' });console.log(map.get(3));// expected output: { value: 'billy' }console.log(map.size);// expected output: 3map.delete(2);console.log(map.size);// expected output: 2


In this article, we learned:

  • That hash tables an abstract data structure that stores data in key-value pairs and can be used for fast data retrieval
  • Hash tables can be implemented to have either an object or an array as the backing storage structure
  • A key must be unique and readily queryable by the client
  • The object implementation of a hash table is perhaps the simplest but languages like Java, Python, and TypeScript also have their own language-defined implementations of hash tables which can be used instead of rolling your own
  • If using an array for the backing data storage of a hash table, one must be ready to perform collision detection and dynamic array resizing logic
  • Hash tables are a common data structure in software engineering. They can be found or influenced in the design and implementation of databases, caching strategies, and more.

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Hash Tables | What, Why & How to Use Them | Khalil Stemmler (2024)


Hash Tables | What, Why & How to Use Them | Khalil Stemmler? ›

Hash tables let us implement things like phone books or dictionaries; in them, we store the association between a value (like a dictionary definition of the word "lamp") and its key (the word "lamp" itself). We can use hash tables to store, retrieve, and delete data uniquely based on their unique key.

What are hash tables and why are they useful? ›

A hash table uses a hash function to compute an index, also called a hash code, into an array of buckets or slots, from which the desired value can be found. During lookup, the key is hashed and the resulting hash indicates where the corresponding value is stored.

What is the use of hash table example? ›

A popular and simple example of how to create a hash table is a basic phone number storage list. In this scenario, the key is the name of the person and the phone number is the value. John has a phone number that needs to be stored in the array. After performing the hash function, the index for John comes out as 02.

What are the key things to consider when it comes to using hash tables? ›

Some important notes about hash tables:
  • Values are not stored in a sorted order.
  • You must account for potential collisions. This is usually done with a technique called chaining. Chaining means to create a linked list of values, the keys of which map to a certain index.
Jan 25, 2020

Why wouldn't you use a hash table? ›

Items in a hash table are ordered by their hash value, which isn't an order that makes any sense to people. If you want to traverse the contents in order, then a hash table isn't a good choice.

What is the main purpose of hash? ›

Hashing is a function used to map data to a fixed-length value. Businesses use hashing in authentication systems and to validate different types of data, such as files and documents. Understanding what hashing is and how it's used is important because it can help to prevent data breaches and protect stored information.

When to use a hash? ›

The main purpose of hashing is to verify the integrity of a piece of data. Since the hash generated is UNIQUE to the input data, it acts as a unique “fingerprint” of the input data. This makes a hash useful for verifying the integrity of data sent through insecure communication channels like the internet.

What is the most common use of a hash function? ›

Hash functions are used for data integrity and often in combination with digital signatures. With a good hash function, even a 1-bit change in a message will produce a different hash (on average, half of the bits change). With digital signatures, a message is hashed and then the hash itself is signed.

What are two examples of the uses of hashing? ›

Hash functions are also referred to as hashing algorithms or message digest functions. They are used across many areas of computer science, for example: To encrypt communication between web servers and browsers, and generate session IDs for internet applications and data caching.

What is a good example of hash function? ›

For example, if the input is 123,456,789 and the hash table size 10,000, squaring the key produces 15,241,578,750,190,521, so the hash code is taken as the middle 4 digits of the 17-digit number (ignoring the high digit) 8750.

What problems do hash tables solve? ›

Data structures and algorithms are essential topics for any software developer who wants to ace technical interviews and solve challenging problems. One of the most common and useful data structures is the hash table, which allows you to store and retrieve data efficiently using a key-value pair.

What is the hash table technique? ›

It involves mapping data to a specific index in a hash table using a hash function that enables fast retrieval of information based on its key. This method is commonly used in databases, caching systems, and various programming applications to optimize search and retrieval operations.

What happens when a hash table is full? ›

> When the hash table gets too full, we need to allocate a larger array and move the items over. This is absolutely required when the number of items in the hash table has reached the size of the array, but usually you want to do it when the table is half or three-quarters full.

What is the main purpose of hash table? ›

Hash tables are a type of data structure in which the address/ index value of the data element is generated from a hash function. This enables very fast data access as the index value behaves as a key for the data value.

When should I use a hash table? ›

Use Hash tables when we need to store key-value pairs and perform frequent lookup, insert, or delete operations. Use Sets when we need to store unique elements, don't care about duplicates, and just need to perform operations like checking if an element is in the set or not.

What is a real life example of a hash table? ›

When you go ice skating and you swap your shoes for ice skates. They take your shoes, put them in the ice skates box that includes your size, and give you the ice skates and a token which has the size (hash) and the shoe pair number (element in the hash box).

What are some main advantages of tries over hash tables? ›

Advantages of Trie Data Structure
  • Trie allows us to input and locate strings in O(L) complexity. ...
  • Trie allows for ordered iteration. ...
  • It helps in finding the match of the longest prefix. ...
  • For short keys like integers and pointers, attempts are often quicker than hash tables since they skip the hash function.
Mar 26, 2024

Why might we prefer a hash table? ›

1 Benefits of hash tables

This means that you can store and retrieve data in constant time, regardless of the size of the data set. Second, they are flexible and dynamic. You can use any data type as a key or a value, and you can resize the hash table as needed. Third, they are versatile and adaptable.

Why use a hash table instead of an array? ›

I'll typically use a hash table (or dictionaries) when I want fast lookup based on a unique key, and don't care about the order of items. Arrays when order matters, or when I know the number of items in advance, and when I need to iterate over items in sequence.

What is the main advantage of hash tables over direct address tables? ›

a hash table has a string of specific length that is not what you are finding but corresponds to it. with the direct address you need 2 types of data, what you are searching (the string) and an index, so it points you to the rest of the data.

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Article information

Author: Tish Haag

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Views: 6359

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.