Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (2024)

Originally written by CompanionCubeCutie

You finished all Levels and already have a ton of Stone and Gold, but you're still missing Dragon Gems and also need a lot more Dragon Power?

Dragon Gems[]

The best way to get Dragon Gems without buying them is to tap Dragon Stars, so we'll need to farm them in levels.

As they appear randomly, it's very rare to gain 3 Dragon Stars in one level, and thus you probably won't be able to merge them in a level. Luckily, you can take them to your Camp if they appear in a level by leaving them alone until you finish the level (you can also tap the purple star once in a level for a freebie gem prior to exiting the level, though it has no benefits in general and dragon star in camp will retain one less tap).

Dragon Star(s) will show up as a free reward when you collect your level rewards, and you'll need to select it before leaving the rewards screen. At your camp you can merge 3 (or even better 5) of them to gain a Magnificent Dragon Star and tap it for about 5 Giant Dragon Gems, which you should definitely 5-merge, as the level 3 gems only give exactly as many gems as three level 2 ones.

How to get the most profit from your stars:

From the moment the star appears, it is determined how many times you can tap it. So don’t do it in the level as you can’t merge it there. Once in camp, you can keep the level rewards with the dragon star bubbled until you have 5, this way you won’t accidentally tap it. When you have 5, you unbubble them and place them close to each other, ready to be merged. The number of times dragon stars can be tapped is random. It varies between 1-3 times before they turn into the regular yellow stars.

With the following trick you can find out how many times:

Exit to the world map, disconnect from the cloud and go back to your camp. This way your actions won’t be saved. You can now safely tap your stars and count how many times you can do for each one. Make sure to remember it! Then you fly back to the map, connect and download the previous save. Pay attention not to chose upload and to keep playing! Now the game is reset to before you tapped your dragon stars, but you know how many times they can be tapped. If that was for example 3, you can tap it 2 times. Don’t merge them yet. Now you connect and chose to keep the current game. A Magnificent Dragon Star can be tapped 7-11 times for gems. Again, you can use the cloud to get as many as possible. Disconnect from the cloud, merge the dragon stars and start counting how many times you can tap them. If you want more taps, connect again and download previous cloud save, disconnect and do it again. This only works if you merge your dragon stars after you disconnected from the cloud. Now you can 5-merge the gems.

Cosmos Dragon Eggs[]

Of course you can wait for Cosmos Dragons to randomly spawn from merged Sapphire Eggs, but you could also just play one level over and over, as you'll get Cosmos Dragon Eggs and Nests as Level Rewards if you finish it a certain number of times.

At first, you play a few times (usually three times) for a chest (often a Dangerous Chest). Then you play for a Cosmos Egg. When you have achieved the single egg, you play for a nest of Cosmos Eggs. A nest can contain as many as seven eggs, and no fewer than three eggs. When you have achieved the nest, the cycle starts again, sometimes with a different type of chest. Each time you complete the entire cycle of chest, single egg and then nest, the number of times you are required to play to gain the reward is increased. If you play the same level too many times, the chalice cost of gaining the reward and the time involved outweighs the actual reward itself, making the level only useful for Dragon Star farming.

Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (1)

Possible Rewards and Dragon Eggs[]

Each level lists "possible rewards". These are offered to you for free in the level rewards when you complete the level, and may include a Dragon Egg. The egg is infrequently offered, and you need to tick it to bring it back to camp.

A free dragon egg is distinct from eggs that are offered in the level rewards at the cost of gems. The "possible rewards" eggs do not need to be present at the end of the level, whereas eggs that can be bought in the level rewards are simply objects that were lying around in the level when the level completed.

"Possible rewards" eggs then are an added (and welcome) bonus for repeatedly playing a single level.

Highlighting Levels[]

You are rewarded for finishing levels every time, but when levels take time and require merge planning to get all 3 star objectives, it is useful to adjust the strategy to fit the goal. For farming Dragon Stars, Cosmos Dragon Eggs/Nests, increasing Wishes collections to attain the Dragon Shrine, and completing Star Quests to improve your Star Rank, choose the level wisely.


  • For Dragon Shrine: Tapping on Goal Stars dropping and selecting all the Dragon Wishes rapidly to get the full amount so they don't auto-collect and you'll get half, means you need a level that you want to attain all 3 Goal Stars with.
  • For Dragon Stars, Dragon Shrine, (1) Star Quest plus accumulation, level Possible Rewards accumulation, but not for Cosmos Dragon Eggs/Nests: For playing repeatedly and quickly to earn Dragon Stars dropped randomly among the Goal Stars, many choose gem farming on Dread Marsh 3,Zomblin Falls 1andSkull Grove. So here is a thought-out for reasons why you should know about Dread Marsh 3, for example:
    • The level is playable in under 10 seconds.
    • Often you can combine Dragon Shrine build-up with gem farming, and tap out all the Goal Stars to increase Dragon Wishes.
    • Depending into which camp you fall, tapping the Dragon Star once in level and collecting both the tap-out and the Dragon Star on Level Complete!, or not early tapping it, gets both the gems and Shrine progress in the game.
    • Cosmos Dragon Eggs/Nests however, drop further and further apart, as the number of plays to complete the reward increase with each play. For example if in Dread Marsh 3, being at 51/60 for a Cosmos Dragon Nest for the third overall level reward, it indicates 9 more plays on this level are playable to earn the next, but also that the earlier two overall level rewards went up as well, and that it clearly takes 3x60 attempts going ahead to continue to collect the Cosmos Dragon Nest in the future, which can be daunting.
    • Activating Bonus Points at the time of this writing, for the limited Grass Chain items in Dread Marsh 3, is actually one of the Star Quests, so that is really helpful to know how immediate these appear, but more so for the Star Point accumulation, getting all three stars at three points apiece for the full seven chalices equals 3x3x7 for 63 Star Points.
    • For the Possible Rewards accumulation, you have the coins dropped from Goal Stars while playing the level, and from finishing the level 7 chances from a full seven chalices for a Dragon Egg, as well as 7x 2-3 Magic Coin - Silver, 7x 1-2 Triple Shrooms, and 7x 1-2 Grass Tufts. Clicking out the whole haul back in camp sets out 21 Magic Coins, 7-14 Triple Shrooms, 7-14 Grass Tufts, possibly a Dragon Egg and a few Dragon Stars, all of which can really accelerate your game.

Levels Table (1) Chalice[]

#Level Name and MapChest and Possible Rewards on CompletionLevel SpeedConsPros
No one Chalice Cost Levels are in Intro, Level #s 1-4
(1) one Chalice Cost Levels is in Grassy, Level #s 5-11
6Grassy 2
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (2)
Bronze Chest

Life Essence, Grass Dragon Egg, Life Flower Sprout

17sNo Goal Stars
No one Chalice Cost Levels are in Haven, Level #s 12-14
(1) one Chalice Cost Levels is in Outskirts, Level #s 15-20
19 (Challenge #3)Outskirts 5
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (3)
Silver Chest

Tiny Life Orb, Life Flower Sprout,Rock Dragon Egg

1m 58s
(3) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Grove, Level #s 21-32
22Skull Grove
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (4)
Bronze Chest

Dangerous Riches, Magic Coin - Bronze, Crimson Dragon Egg, Tiny Life Orb

25Shore Grove
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (5)
Golden Chest

Topsoil, Grass Dragon Egg, Dragon Tree Sapling

1m 14sTakes >3min to get enough points required for the last star
27 (Secret)The Secret of Four
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (6)
Bronze Chest

Fruit Tree Seed,Grass Dragon Egg

59sGives coins instead of Dragon Stars therefore only useful for Cosmos eggs
(2) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Quarry, Level #s 33-41
39Quarry 7
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (7)
Bronze Chest

Stone Bricks, Grass Dragon Egg, Fresh Stones

40Open Lands
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (8)
Bronze Chest

Life Flower, Grass Dragon Egg, Dragon Tree Sapling

(2) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Hilltop, Level #s 42-47
43Hilltop Bluffs
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (9)
Silver Chest

Fruit Tree Sprout, Rock Dragon Egg

1m 58s
44 (Secret)The Crescent
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (10)
Bronze Chest

Fruit Tree Sapling,Sharp Dragon Egg

3m 51sGives Dangerous Riches instead of Dragon Stars therefore only useful for Cosmos eggs
(1) one Chalice Cost Levels is in Zomblin Falls, Level #s 48-50
48Zomblin Falls 1
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (11)
Bronze Chest

Magic Coin - Silver, Life Flower Sprout, Dragon Tree Sapling, Green Dragon Egg

12sCan also collect Magic Coins during the level
(2) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Fear Isle, Level #s 51-55
51Fear Isle 1
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (12)
Bronze Chest

Fruit Tree Seed, Green Dragon Egg, Fruit Tree Sprout

55sOccasionally impossible to get all three stars.
54Fear Isle 4
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (13)
Bronze Chest

Rock Dragon Egg, Small Life Orb, Fresh Stones

3m 45s
(3) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Silent Bay, Level #s 56-64
56Silent Bay 1
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (14)
Bronze Chest

Fresh Stones, Green Dragon Egg, Bricks

3m 3s
57 (Challenge #9)Silent Bay 2
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (15)
Golden Chest

Life Flower, Green Dragon Egg, Bricks

3m 45s
64Silent Bay 9
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (16)
Bronze Chest

Elderwood, Spotted Dragon Egg

1m 26s
No one Chalice Cost Levels are in Sun Veldt, Level #s 65-73
(2) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Shroomia, Level #s 74-79
75Shroomia 2
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (17)
Golden Chest

Spotted Shroom, Spotted Dragon Egg, Rain Puddle

4m 33s
79Shroomia 6
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (18)
Bronze Chest

Grass Tuft, Spotted Dragon Egg, Moss Covered Stone

7m 40s
(2) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Dread Marsh, Level #s 80-84
82Dread Marsh 3
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (19)
Bronze Chest

Grass Tuft Spotted Dragon Egg, Triple Shroom

83 (Secret)The Secret Healer's Den
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (20)
Bronze Chest

Grass Tuft,Spotted Dragon Egg,Moss Covered Stone

3m 33s
No one Chalice Cost Levels are in Foothills, Level #s 85-87
(3) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Summit, Level #s 88-95
88Summit 1
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (21)
Bronze Chest

Topsoil, Crimson Dragon Egg, Hill

1m 28s
89Summit 2
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (22)
Golden Chest

Topsoil, Sharp Dragon Egg, Hill

1m 23sMagic Coins - Silver
90 (Secret)Summit Basin
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (23)
Silver Chest

Dragon Tree Sapling,Grass Dragon Egg,Drake's Ridge

2m 53s
No one Chalice Cost Levels are in Prism Rift, Level #s 96-97
(3) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Isles, Level #s 98-107
103Boneyard Isles
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (24)
Bronze Chest

Life Flower, Rock Dragon Egg, Shrub Sprout

7m 33s
105Peace Isles
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (25)
Golden Chest

Magic Mushroom Cap, Sharp Dragon Egg, Fruit Tree Sapling

17m 0s
106 (Secret)The Secret Isles
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (26)
Silver Chest

Young Fruit Tree,Grass Dragon Egg,Shrub Sprouts

4m 54sNo stars
(2) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Totem Shire, Level #s 108-122
110 (Secret)The Secret Garden
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (27)
Bronze Chest

Life Flower,Golem Dragon Egg,Drake's Ridge

59sNo stars
121 (Secret)Totem Grid
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (28)
Golden Chest

Rain Puddle,Green Dragon Egg,Lawn Grass

19m 9s
(2) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Drakeshire, Level #s 123-134
126 (Secret)The Healer
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (29)
Golden Chest

Topsoil,Sharp Dragon Egg,Dragon Tree Leaf

6m 10s
132Drakeshire 9
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (30)
Silver Chest

Dragon Tree Sapling, Toadstool Dragon Egg, Budding Shrub

3m 4s
(3) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Fjord, Level #s 135-155
136Great Fjord
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (31)
Golden Chest

Sharp Dragon Egg, Nice Treasure Chest, Drake's Ridge

7m 41s
142 (Challenge #21)Fjord 7
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (32)
Bronze Chest

Dragon Tree Sapling, Spotted Dragon Egg, Budding Shrub

1m 29s
155Fjord 20
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (33)
Bronze Chest

Life Flower, Spotted Dragon Egg, Nice Treasure Chest

9m 8s
(9) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Grimshire, Level #s 156-164
156 (Challenge #23)Grimshire 1
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (34)
Silver Chest

Fledgling Puddle,Golem Dragon Egg,Budding Shrub

1m 20s
157Grimshire 2
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (35)
Golden Chest

Shrub Sprouts, Green Dragon Egg, Magic Mushroom Caps

12m 24s
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (36)
Bronze Chest

Spotted Dragon Egg, Shrub Sprouts, Magic Shroom Cluster

20m 6s
159Grimshire 3
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (37)
Bronze Chest

Dragon Tree Sapling, Toadstool Dragon Egg, Budding Shrub

2m 21s
160Grimshire 4
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (38)
Silver Chest

Dragon Tree Sapling, Rock Dragon Egg, Budding Shrub

4m 57s
161Grimshire 5
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (39)
Golden Chest

Dragon Tree Seeds, Grass Dragon Egg, Dragon Tree Sapling

7m 51s
162Grimshire 6
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (40)
Bronze Chest

Dragon Tree Saplings, Grass Dragon Egg, Hill

6m 54s
163Grimshire 7
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (41)
Silver Chest

Dragon Tree Seeds,Roc Egg,Deathly Hollow Tree

2m 45s
164Grimshire 8
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (42)
Golden Chest

Dragon Tree Seeds, Golem Dragon Egg, Dragon Tree Sapling

3m 35s
No one Chalice Cost Levels are in Cloud Land, Level #s 165-175
(4) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Maywood, Level #s 176-194
176Maywood 1
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (43)
Bronze Chest

Magic Shroom Stalk, Roc Dragon Egg, Budding Shrub

5m 47s
179Maywood 4
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (44)
Golden Chest

Bones, Golem Dragon Egg, Life Orb

7m 34s
186Maywood 10
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (45)
Bronze Chest

Dragon Tree Seeds, Golem Dragon Egg, Dragon Tree Sapling

5m 24s
193Maywood 17
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (46)
Silver Chest

Young Fruit Tree, Sharp Dragon Egg, Magic Shroom Stalk

1m 51s
(2) one Chalice Cost Levels are in Craven Crypt, Level #s 195-213
197 (Challenge #28)Craven Crypt 3
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (47)
Silver Chest

Magic Shroom Stalk, Golem Dragon Egg, Drake's Ridge

5m 34s
204Craven Crypt 10
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (48)
Bronze Chest

Triple Shroom, Toadstool Dragon Egg, Spooky Old Tree,

6m 1s
No one Chalice Cost Levels are in Sea Breeze, Level #s 214-225, Glacier Falls, Level #s 226-249, Nocturne Oasis, Level #s 250-271, Golden Meadow, Level #s 272-293, Spell Shore, Level #s 294-316, Zeal Land, Level #s 317-327, or in Drake's Ascent, Level #s 328-336
337More Levels coming soon.
Guide: Where to farm Dragon Stars and Cosmos Eggs (2024)


Where is the best place to farm dragon stars? ›

For Dragon Stars, Dragon Shrine, (1) Star Quest plus accumulation, level Possible Rewards accumulation, but not for Cosmos Dragon Eggs/Nests: For playing repeatedly and quickly to earn Dragon Stars dropped randomly among the Goal Stars, many choose gem farming on Dread Marsh 3, Zomblin Falls 1 and Skull Grove.

Where can I get cosmos dragon eggs? ›

Eggs cannot be bought through the Egg Shop. When Noble Cosmos Dragons are merged, an additional Nest of Nova Dragon Eggs may be created in a Dimensional Jar with a price of 450 Dragon Gems. Eggs and Nests may be obtained by playing Levels a certain amount of times. Randomly from merging Sapphire Eggs.

Where can I get dragon stars in Merge Dragons? ›

Play Quests!

Every time you complete a quest, there is a small chance that instead of a normal, yellow Fallen Star, a purple Dragon Star will appear. This is completely random -- there is no tally or anything that causes more or less at any point. It is entirely based on luck!

How do you get a star dragon egg? ›

Receive Star Dragon Eggs/Nests as rewards from the Star Quests. Open Star Rank Chests for Star Dragon Eggs/Nests.

How to gain dragon stars? ›

When you complete a Quest in Camp or in a Level there's a 5% chance that you'll receive a Dragon Star instead of a regular Goal Star. Dragon Star can be tapped 2 to 4 times for Dragon Gems and turns into a Fallen Star when used up.

Where does the dragon egg spawn? ›

In Java Edition, a single dragon egg is generated on top of the exit portal when the first ender dragon is defeated. In Bedrock Edition, two dragon eggs generate on top of the exit portal; one generates when the first ender dragon is defeated, while the other generates when the second ender dragon is defeated.

How rare is diamond dragon egg? ›

This item's rarity is very similar to that of a Chaos Coin from Chaos Chests and Ganda, the Sky Shepherd from Trove of Wonders, making it one of the most rare items in the game. Because they are account locked, they are unable to be bought, sold, or traded. They can be Loot Collected into 250 Diamond Dragonite.

How do you get free dragon eggs in Merge Dragons? ›

At first they could be obtained for free from Rare Daily Treasure Chests (every 7th Chest), which contained a Super Egg Fragment. Starting from Version 6.7. 0 (18th of August 2021) Super Egg Fragments and Super Eggs can be received from Daily Rewards system.

How to get a Magnificent Dragon Star? ›

If you get Purple Dragon Stars in a level, do NOT tap them! Instead, leave them there. They'll show up in the reward menu for you to bring home, where you can then save up and match them for a Magnificent Dragon Star. Tap that for lots of Dragon Gems of various sizes.

Does the golden apple of the cosmos do anything in Merge Dragons? ›

Golden Apple of the Cosmos is a decorative item. It can be merged into a Dragon Egg Chest (Midas Duck variant: 17 Dragon Gems to open), a Dragon Nest Vault (Midas Duck variant: 85 Dragon Gems to open), or, very rarely, a Mega Nest Vault (750 Dragon Gems to open).

Where is secret totem in Merge Dragons? ›

Totem Grid is a secret level full of Super Dead Land. It is located between Totem Shire 11 and 12, and denoted by a Fresh Stones icon.

What is a secret level in Merge Dragons? ›

Secret Levels, just like normal Levels, award items and Stars upon completion. However, as their name suggests, they are hidden in secret locations on the Map and only show up when tapped. It is also important to note that there is no way of telling how many Stars you have on a Secret Level from the World Map.

Where is the best place to farm dragon parts in breath of the wild? ›

Farosh is far and away the easiest of the three to farm for parts. To hunt it down, you'll need to head to Shai Utoh Shrine, just outside of Lakeside Stable. At Lakeside, camp at the fire until night and head out to the center of Floria Bridge. Farosh will be there waiting for you.

Where can I farm dragon scales? ›

There are a few lying around in Ash Lake, you get some when you kill the two hydras and the two zombie dragons. You can only get one trading an egg vermifuge with snuggly. That's probably 10 there. If you need more then you'll have to farm the drakes like he said.

Where to farm dragon souls? ›

Frequent dragon appearances = More Souls. This works best at The College of Winterhold. Complete main quests up to Diplomatic Immunity, then go to The College of Winterhold and sleep more or less 36 hours. When you go outside there will be a dragon.

How do dragons get stars in dragon City? ›

Empowering your dragons makes them stronger in battles (life points & damage dealt) and increases the maximum level they can grow to, as well as giving them a special aura. A dragon can be Empowered to a maximum of 5 stars.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.