Guide to securing an angel investor | Jersey Business (2024)


Business Angels are generally wealthy individuals or syndicates who invest in businesses in exchange for a share of the equity of the business.

Angel investors will typically invest in start-up or young businesses that have an opportunity for growth through, for example, product development or market expansion.

When approaching investors a business needs a well-rehearsed presentation about the plans and goals for the business including what the funding is needed for. Much of this information will be contained in a business plan and financial projections which investors will expect to see. Although angel investors can make quick decisions about whether or not to make an investment, they do so as a result of a thorough evaluation of the information they receive from the business.

The following checklist has been used by an angel investor to review a prospective investment opportunity so it is important that a business plan and presentation can answer these point

The product or service

  1. What is the product or service and how will it be used?
  2. If the product or service is in development at what stage is it? How long is it before it can be commercialized?
  3. What is its USP, its sustainable competitive advantage?
  4. How will it add value or fill a gap in the target market?
  5. Is this a revolutionary product or service or does it already exist in the market?
  6. Is there an existing or latent demand for the product or service or does demand have to be created?
  7. Is it a “bought” product or service (e.g. a better mousetrap) or a “sold” product (e.g. life assurance)?
  8. Is the product or service opportunistic (short life) or durable (constant demand)? Will it be re-ordered?
  9. If the product or service already exists, who is the competition and how similar is their product or service and pricing points?
  10. What are the competition’s weaknesses? How does the competition position itself in the market?
  11. Is the proposed price of the product or service competitive?
  12. Are raw materials readily available and are raw material prices stable?
  13. Is the product or service easily scalable?
  14. Can suppliers and/or subcontractors increase production in line with demand?
  15. Does the product need licensing or official approval in the markets it will be sold in? Has this been obtained? If still to be obtained, how long will it take and what will it cost?

Business plan and due diligence

  1. Have the promoters drafted a professional and convincing business plan?
  2. Has the investee company populated an online dataroom? Request access.

Intellectual property protecting the product or service

  1. Is the product or service protected by a patent, trade mark, design rights etc.?
  2. If yes, does the company own these rights or are they licensed from a third party? If the latter:
  3. What are the terms of the license (life, restrictions on sublicensing etc.,)
  4. Has an adequate provision for royalties has been included in the financial projections?
  5. In the case of a patent, at what stage is registration? What territories does the patent(s) cover?
  6. Does the investee company share its brand with any other business, even if the latter produces a different product or service? How is use and quality of brand controlled?

Marketing the product or service

  1. Has the investee company developed a marketing plan?
  2. What is the end-user target market?
  3. What is the geographic market (Jersey, UK or international)?
  4. How big is the potential market and what is the company’s potential market share?
  5. Is the market growing or declining? What are the factors behind this?
  6. Has the investee company done any market research?
  7. If the company is established does it have any testimonials or customer feedback?
  8. Is the market reliant on or subject to Government policy, legislation or subsidy?
  9. Who will manage the sales and marketing & what experience do they have?
  10. What distribution channels or intermediaries will the investee company use?
  11. What sales & marketing tactics are to be used?
  12. Has a realistic cost for marketing been included in the budget?


  1. Does the investment proposal include a cash-flow forecast for the next 3 years?
  2. If the investee company currently receiving any revenue, where is this coming from and how sustainable is it?
  3. What is the current monthly cash burn? Will this increase or decrease over the next 12 months?
  4. What is the investee company’s current cash balance?
  5. How much is the minimum or maximum subscription proposed for this round?
  6. How will the investment be used? For example, working capital to cover cash burn, purchase of fixed assets or employment of staff?
  7. Is the proposed minimum investment adequate for purpose or will it merely be swallowed by existing creditors?
  8. Who are the company’s bankers? Is the relationship good?
  9. Does the company have an overdraft or loan facility? If yes:
  10. How much is drawn down?
  11. What % of the facility has been used in each of the previous 4 quarters?
  12. Will the investee company need to raise another round of funds? If so, when; how much and what is the likely source or format?
  13. Does the investee company qualify for any grants, soft loans from Government If so, when and how much?
  14. Are there any contingency plans in case the cash runs out? For example sale & leaseback of assets, JVs etc.
  15. Are there any loans or other creditor balances requiring repayment before the company is ready for an IPO or trade sale?
  16. Are creditors reasonably up-to-date, especially payroll, ITIS, social security, GST?

Financial statements

  1. What is the date of year end?
  2. Does the gross profit look reasonable?
  3. Are the costs of delivery or fulfilment adequately provided for in the budget?
  4. What are the terms of trade? For example, stage payment with order; during manufacturing or invoicing full price on dispatch?
  5. Will the investee give customers credit terms? If yes, how will they finance this?
  6. What is the procedure for checking the creditworthiness of customers?
  7. Who is CFO & what qualifications and experience does he/she have?
  8. How often are management accounts produced?
  9. Are the last two years audited financial statements available?
  10. Who are the auditors and is the audit report qualified?
  11. How have development costs been accounted for? If they have been capitalized what is the amortization policy?


  1. Who is the main promoter? What is his/her position in the company background, experience and track record?
  2. Has he/she got proprietary knowledge or experience or is this shared with the rest of the management team?
  3. Is the promoter totally familiar with the numbers and customer profile?
  4. Is the company’s know-how stored electronically and backed-up?
  5. Is key-man insurance in place for the promoter and other senior executives?
  6. How are the promoter and other principal directors tied into the investee company for example through personal investment; contract or profit share forfeit?
  7. What is the management structure and is all the management team available to meet?
  8. What proportion of the equity do the executive directors hold?
  9. Ask promoter for a SWOT analysis
  10. Is there currently or will there be a long term incentive plan for executive directors, which may result in dilution of equity investors? If yes, what are the details?
  11. Is there a company pension scheme that will impact on the performance of the business?
  12. Are any third party equity investors represented on the board?
  13. Are there any independent Non-Executive Directors on the board? What do they contribute? Is the Chairman Non-Executive?
  14. Will management undertake to provide monthly or quarterly management information to equity investors?

Capital structure and valuation

  1. Obtain a copy of the up-to-date Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A).
    1. Undertake research about the shareholders, directors, latest filed accounts etc.
    2. Is there more than one class of shares? If so, what are the rights attaching to each class?
  2. Which class of shares are now being offered for investment? What is nominal value of each share?
  3. Is there a shareholders’ agreement? As a new investor, will I become a party to this agreement?
  4. Who are the existing major shareholders (over 5% shareholding)?
  5. Does the M&A or the shareholders agreement contain or waive pre-emption rights? Can the directors issue new shares to whomever they like without first offering them to existing shareholders?
  6. Has the investee company issued loan notes? If so:
    1. Are they secured?
    2. Are they convertible into ordinary shares and at what price?
  7. Are there any fixed or floating charges?
  8. If the company is not currently profitable, and therefore a P.E. basis is inappropriate, who has estimated the pre-money and future valuations of the company and on what basis?
  9. What is the dilution effect of future fund raising? Ask for, or prepare, a table for proposed funding rounds until IPO or sale in the format in Appendix.


  1. Search the web for any adverse comment on investee company and promoters
  2. Is the investee company involved in any litigation?
  3. Do the directors know of any circ*mstances which may lead to litigation for example breach of copyright?
  4. Are there any claims from current or previous staff?
  5. Where is the company’s production facility or office? If leased on what terms and when will the lease be renewed?
  6. Are there any supply chain threats for example, a shortage or price volatility of raw materials?
  7. Is there any threat to product or service from changes in public sentiment or Government policy?

Investor exit

  1. What are the exit plans for example an IPO; trade sale or sale to other investors?
  2. What is the approximate timing and estimated share value at exit?
  3. Has the company sought professional advice on an exit? If an IPO, will shareholders be locked in for 2+ years?
  4. Where is the investee company tax resident? Will there be any local tax on the gain on sale of shares?


  1. What could go wrong?
  2. Weigh the opportunity v risk.
  3. Are there any conditions that I, as an investor, intend to attach to subscription e.g. a minimum aggregate subscription?
  4. Are the subscription monies being paid direct to the company or to an escrow holder (e.g. the company’s solicitor) to hold until any conditions are met?

This checklist has been provided by Envestors, a Jersey and UK focused angel investor network. For more information on Envestors email[email protected].

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Guide to securing an angel investor | Jersey Business (2024)


How do I secure my angel investment? ›

How to find angel investors
  1. Get involved with angel groups and angel investment networks. ...
  2. Attract interest to your business on social media. ...
  3. Attend networking events. ...
  4. Compete in startup events and pitch competitions. ...
  5. Talk with fellow founders. ...
  6. Engage with an incubator or accelerator. ...
  7. Participate in local startup ecosystems.

How much cash do you need to be an angel investor? ›

In most cases, it is advisable to have at least $25,000 available for investing purposes. However, if a startup is seeking a large amount of funding (say $1 million or more), then angels may need upwards of $100,000 to make a meaningful contribution and secure a spot in the syndicate.

What types of business do most angel investors focus on? ›

Early stage: Angel investors typically fund early-stage startups, providing initial seed money to allow the team to build the business and/or product.

What is the success rate of angel investing? ›

The effective internal rate of return for a successful portfolio for angel investors is about 22%, according to one study.

What ROI do angel investors look for? ›

The more money an angel investor gives your business, they more they'll expect a bigger return on investment (ROI). The ROI expectation varies between angels and the specific investing opportunity. It's not uncommon for an angel investor to expect a 30% return on their money.

How hard is it to find an angel investor? ›

Finding the right angel investors is going to take a lot of meetings—more than many entrepreneurs expect. A good rule of thumb is 50 introductory meetings. But these meetings are a great opportunity, even when they don't lead to funding.

What is the average net worth of an angel investor? ›

To be an angel, you need to qualify as an accredited investor, defined by the SEC as $1 million of net worth or annual income over $200,000.

What is the average stake in an angel investor? ›

In exchange for investing a certain amount of funding, angel investors receive a minority ownership stake in the company. This proportion is typically no larger than 20 to 30 percent across all investors, since the founders need to retain majority ownership and also reserve some shares for employee stock options.

How much percentage do angel investors take? ›

It's typically between around 10% and 25% but it can be as much as 40% or more. Angel investment is most suitable if your business has growth potential, and you're willing to give up part ownership in return for investment.

Do angel investors use LLC? ›

TL;DR US-based angel investors may explore setting up an LLC to house their angel investments. The main benefits are organizing investments across multiple people, preserving privacy, building an investing brand, managing business-related expenses, and maintaining flexibility to transfer ownership.

How do angel investors get paid back? ›

Once they commit, they tie up their funds for an unknown period of time with no quick way to cash in—if they can cash in at all. Angel investors make money when their stake grows in value, and they're able to liquidate it in what's known as an exit.

How long do angel investors generally hold shares? ›

Angels assume the risk of losing their entire investment. Illiquidity and long exit timelines — Unlike public stocks, angel investors can rarely sell their private startup shares quickly for cash until a liquidity event like an IPO or acquisition. Exits typically take 5–10 years.

How rich do you have to be to be an angel investor? ›

Angel investors can be accredited investors with net worth of at least $1 million or at least $200K in annual income.

What is the best return for angel investors? ›

From surveys of angel groups, Le Merle found that 55% of investors expect returns above 20% IRR, and the rest expect 10-20% IRR – better than public markets on average. This resonates with surveys of our members that show they are targeting returns of 20%+ IRR.

What dollar range do angel investors typically invest in? ›

Typically, angel investors allocate about $50,000 per business they invest in, and the amount per deal can vary from $5,000 to over $100,000 based on the investor.

What is the negative side of receiving angel investment? ›

Disadvantages of angel investors

Many business owners give away between 10% and 50% of their startups in exchange for funding. Pressure: Angel investors may expect a substantial return on their investment, which can create additional pressure for you and any employees.

What is a safe for angel investors? ›

What is a SAFE? A Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE) is an agreement made between an early-stage startup and a VC or angel investor. In this type of agreement, which usually takes place during the seed fundraising round, the investor pays money now and receives shares of company stock later.

How do angel investors make their money back? ›

During an angel investment round, investors can purchase equity in the company, giving them a certain percentage of the ownership. This equity stake can then be cashed out at a later date when the company has increased in valuation, earning a profit for the investors.

Is it safe to be an angel investor? ›

Angel investing has great allure, but is fraught with peril at every turn. This is particularly true if you are considering investing directly in individual companies rather than through an angel group where there may be more safety in numbers and the opportunity to diversify.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.