Greek Mythology - Characters!!: Gods/goddesses Showing 1-8 of 8 (2024)


((Part 1))

Name: Hera Theophilia Irene
Name meanings: Hera = Queen. Theophilia = loved by god. Irene = peace.

Age: unknown but looks about early twentys

Gender: Female

Good or evil?: good

God/goddess of: Greek goddess of familial love, marriage, motherhood, and women.

Appearance: Greek Mythology - Characters!!: Gods/goddesses Showing 1-8 of 8 (2)
Wears: Greek Mythology - Characters!!: Gods/goddesses Showing 1-8 of 8 (3)
Description: Hera Has beautiful dark brown hair that's naturally curly but she straightens it a lot and beautiful white eyes with a black ring around it. Her skin is a beautiful soft white and she always smells like rose pedels. Her body is fit to be a model and is perfectly perfect. Perfect curves, perfect breasts, perfect smile, and perfect stomach.
Faceclaim: (optional)
Height: 5'5
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: Greek Mythology - Characters!!: Gods/goddesses Showing 1-8 of 8 (4)

Godly powers:
*superhuman strength- super strong
*Immortality- cant die
*Omnipresence- Like most of the Olympians, Hera is able to be at two places at once.
*Magic : Like most of the Olympians, Hera possess the ability to use magic. Hera has demonstrated this ability by teleporting, changing her physical size and manipulating clouds
*oversees marriage
*is able to throw zues' thunderbolts
*Superhuman speed
*superhuman stamina
*Superhumanly Dense Tissue- Hera's bodily tissues are about 3 times as dense as the tissue of a human being, which contributes somewhat to her superhuman strength and weight.
*Superhuman Durability- Hera's body is considerably harder and more resistant to injury than the body of a human being, or most other Olympians for that matter. Hera can withstand high caliber bullets, falls from great heights, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining physical injury.
*Regenerative Healing Factor- Despite her high resistance to injury, Hera, like all Olympians, can be injured. However, her metabolism enables her to recover with superhuman levels of speed and efficiency. Most injuries can heal within a matter of hours. However, she cannot regenerate missing limbs or organs without outside magical assistance.
*Energy Manipulation- Hera possesses the ability to manipulate vast amounts of energy.
*Monster Conjuration- Hera could summon any living monster and thanks to Echida have their complete loyalty.
*Menstruation Manipulation- Hera could grant women easy or hard periods.
*Child Birth- No child could be born without Hera or one of her nymph handmaidens present during the labor.
*Luck Manipulation- Hera's duties to mankind were subtler than her siblings, people blessed by Hera were said to just seem to be lucky. However this meant that when angered Hera levied curses of misfortune upon those that offended her.
*Shape shifting- Hera disguised herself as random mortals to spy on followers.
*Transmutation- Hera had the power to change mortals into a variety of animals, objects or monsters.
*Mind Control- Hera could seize control of a mortal's mind for brief periods, or simply drive them permanently mad.
*Apples of the Hesperides- Hera was given a magical bush of golden apples by Gaea as a wedding present. The apples were said to be able to restore one's youth.

Personality: Hera Has multiple personalities. She's kind, gentle, calm yet strict, sometimes quiet, motherly to all, and will agree with just about anything zues has to say. although she often agrees with him, she'll sometimes disobey him if its for the safety of him and the rest of the pure ones. People can be mean all they want, she will never be mean back. but, if you are of an evil soul, she wont hold back her anger and her actions sometimes get the better of her. To evil people she rarely bites her tongue and will be a smartass yet look completely serious when doing it just to piss them off, its something people often find most attractive about her.
Hera might be nice, but dispite how she treats godly people, she easily holds a grudge and loves killing people on occasions. She will kill or curse any girl who lays a loving eye on zues.

*white roses
*any angelic person
*the color white
*thunder storms

*Being alone
*the colors black and red
*the smell of death
*the sight of someone getting killed or tortured
*any evil soul
*black roses

Flaws: Her beauty for one, because demons lust for such beauty and will do anything to have it, though that's one of the main reasons zues keeps a close eye on her. and how she cant hold her tongue around evil spirits, being around them fills her soul up with thousands of years of hatred and disgust.

Virtues: Her beauty. Yes, its also her flaw, but her beauty comes in handy when she needs it like if in a fight with the opposite sex, it often distracts them. And how gentle and kind she is to most people, it makes them feel welcomed.

History: Hera (Roman name: Juno), wife of Zeus and queen of the ancient Greek gods, represented the ideal woman and was goddess of marriage and the family. However, she was perhaps most famous for her jealous and vengeful nature, principally aimed against the lovers of her husband and their illegitimate offspring. Hera herself was notable as one of the very few deities that remained faithful to her partner and she therefore came to symbolise monogamy and fidelity.

In Greek mythology, Hera was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and mother of Ares (god of war), Hebe (goddess of youth), and Eileithyia (goddess of childbirth), all with Zeus. Hera also gave birth alone to Hephaistos (god of metallurgy) in retaliation for Zeus’ similarly single-handed birth of Athena. However, Hera threw Hephaistos from Mount Olympus because of his ugliness, and crashing to earth, the god became lame. In other accounts, Hephaistos was thrown from the heavens by Zeus precisely because of his lameness. In any case, Hephaistos held a grudge against his mother and even imprisoned her in a special throne. Hera was only released from the device by promising her son the hand of Aphrodite in marriage.

Hera constantly battled with her husband’s infidelity and she often took swift revenge. Leto was so punished through Hera promising to curse any land that gave the pregnant goddess refuge. Only after months of wanderings could Leto find a place (Delos) to give birth to her son, the god Apollo. Even then, Hera had her daughter Eileithyia prolong the labour to nine months.

In various versions, a very popular myth involved Hera, Zeus, and Io. In some accounts, the queen of the gods turned Io, who was one her own priestesses and a former princess of Argos, into a cow to deter Zeus’ advances, but in other versions, it was Zeus who turned the girl into a white cow, either to secretly rendezvous with her or to persuade Hera that he was not really interested in Io. However, Hera discovered their courting, took custody of the cow. and set the one- hundred-eyed Argos to guard her. Zeus then employed Hermes to lull Argos to sleep and kill him. In memory, Hera then set his 100 eyes on the wings of a bird - the peaco*ck. Finally, not to be outdone, Hera sent a gadfly to continually pester the unfortunate Io.

Other victims of Hera’s jealousy were Semele, who was tricked by Hera into asking Zeus to reveal himself in all his godly splendour and the sight immediately destroyed her. Callisto was another of Zeus’ lovers who caught the wrath of Hera as she was turned into a bear and hunted by Artemis. Zeus, in pity, later made her into a constellation, the Bear.

Hera went to great lengths to revenge herself for Zeus’ infidelity with Alkmene, principally focussing her wrath on their son Hercules. Hera delayed his birth so that his cousin Eurystheus could claim the throne of Tiryns, sent two snakes to kill the infant while he slept, caused the hero to become mad and kill his own wife and children, and had Eurystheus set the hero his twelve labours, which being so dangerous, she hoped they would be fatal. She also set the Hydra of Lerna against the inhabitants of Hercules’ home town and set the Amazons against the hero when he went in search of the girdle of Hippolyta. Hera was also responsible for some of the fierce monsters Hercules had to fight - the lion which terrorized Nemea and the Ladon dragon which protected the goddess’ sacred apple trees, a wedding gift from Gaia. Another pan-Hellenic hero though, who did receive Hera’s favour, was Jason, of the Golden Fleece fame. The hero had helped the goddess unknowingly when she was disguised as an old woman and wanted to cross a dangerous river, and she promised to be always at hand in any hour of need.

Finally, two more victims of the queen of gods were Ixion, who was tied to an ever-spinning wheel down in Hades as punishment for his attempted seduction of Hera, and Tityos, who was punished for the same indiscretion by being chained to a rock and having his liver eaten daily by a vulture.

Hera was a major protagonist in the story of the Trojan War as told in Homer’s Iliad. The goddess supports the Achaeans and frequently schemes with other deities to bring the downfall of Troy, as she never forgave the Trojan prince Paris for choosing Aphrodite above her as the most beautiful goddess. In the Iliad, Hera mentions three cities particularly dear to her - Argos, Sparta, and Mycenae (or Mykene). We are also told that as a child she was raised by Ocean and Tethys whilst Zeus battled with Cronos. Homer most often describes Hera as ‘white-armed’, ox-eyed’, and ‘Hera of Argos’. Hesiod, in his Theogony, similarly describes Hera as: ‘of Argos’ and more frequently as ‘golden-sandaled’.

Hera was the patron of Argos, which possessed a sanctuary to the goddess from the mid-8th century BCE. She also had a temple dedicated to her at Olympia (650-600 BCE), and Tiryns was an important cult centre to the goddess in the 7th century BCE. The island of Samos, in some accounts the birthplace of the goddess, had been a centre for cult worship of the goddess as far back as the Mycenaean period in the mid-2nd millennium BCE, and a major centre was created from the 8th century BCE which prospered right into the Roman period. Hera was greatly esteemed at Elis, where coins depicted the goddess in the 5th and 4th century BCE. Across Greece, sporting competitions for women, the Heraia, were held in Hera’s honour, as were annual marriage festivals (hierogamy) when couples re-enacted the marriage of Zeus and Hera.

As one of the most important deities, Hera was, naturally, a prominent figure in ancient Greek art, particularly on Attic red- and black-figure pottery. However, without any specific attributes she is often hard to distinguish from other goddesses. She is most often seated on a throne and sometimes wears a crown (polos), holds a royal sceptre, and wears a bridal veil. On occasion she is also depicted holding a pomegranate, a traditional symbol of fertility. Other associations include the peaco*ck - symbol of pride - and the cuckoo, the form Zeus first took when he courted Hera - both of which the goddess reportedly kept as pets on Mount Olympus - and finally, with the lily flower.

Greek Mythology - Characters!!:  Gods/goddesses Showing 1-8 of 8 (2024)


Who is the goddess of the number 8? ›

Ashta Lakshmi
MantraAshtalakshmi Stotra
WeaponKhanda (sword), Bow and Arrow, Trishula (Trident), Chakra (discus), Gada (mace), Ankusha (goad) and Shield
MountLotus, Owl, Eagle, Lion, Elephant
6 more rows

What Greek gods number is 8? ›

Gods and goddesses associated with the number 8 include: Mercury, the Roman Messenger God; Gaia, the Greek Earth Mother; and Hera, the Greek Queen of Heaven. The number 8 is represented by the colors pink and rose.

Who are the 12 Greek gods and goddesses? ›

In ancient Greek religion and mythology, there were 12 gods called Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus. They were called 'Olympians' because they lived in Mount Olympus. They were immortal but looked and behaved like humans.

What Greek gods number is 1? ›

In many myths and religions around the world number 1 is associated with Chinese God Pangu, Allah in Islam, Greek gods Aphrodite (Love Goddess) and Apollo (Gog of Communication), Diana – the Goddess of Hunt in Roman Mythology and Roman Heart Goddess – Vesta, Jenovah, Neter – Egyptian God, and the Norse Hearth Goddess – ...

Who is god for number 8? ›

According to the numerology, the ruling planet of number 8 is Saturn (Shani). The people who are born on these dates - 8, 17 (1+7 = 8) and 26 (2+6 = 8) are ruled by the planet Saturn. Number 8 people have all the qualities of Saturn.

What is the Greek number 8? ›

It represents abundance in Ancient Greek philosophy.

What angel is 8? ›

What Is Angel Number 8? Angel number 8, often seen in numerology and spiritual practices, is a number that symbolises abundance, prosperity, and infinite possibilities. It carries a powerful energy that resonates with success, personal power, and self-discipline.

What is the sacred number of Aphrodite? ›

Five is the symbolic number of Aphrodite/Venue representing perfection of the five senses, the nuptial number of love and union, Venus years being completed in groups of five.

Is the number 8 a holy number? ›

In Revelation 3:20, the Word tells us that Jesus stands at the door and knocks. If you let him in then he will sup with you, which means gives you a new beginning. This is again the number eight, according to the Word. The number eight is our new beginning because of Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

What is Athena's daughter's name? ›

Athena never had a daughter, with Zeus or anyone else. Athena is parthenos (virgin, hence “Parthenon”) just like Artemis, Hestia and Hecate.

What Greek goddess was the most beautiful? ›

Aphrodite's title of the most beautiful goddess was confirmed in a contest. It is hardly surprising that the Greeks described Aphrodite as a young, beautiful woman with long hair and a dress that accentuates her feminine curves. She was often portrayed with an apple, shell, dove or swan.

Who is the most powerful Greek god or goddess? ›

Zeus was the most powerful of the Greek gods and goddesses. As god of the sky and king of Olympus, his temper affected the weather. Zeus also rules over all other gods and goddesses, so he was worshipped in most ancient Greek homes through altars, shrines and daily offerings.

What Greek god is number 7? ›

so, 7 is the sacred number of Apollo and Artemis. I don't know about Artemis, but I noticed some patterns with Apollo. First with days of the week. the greeks invented the 7 day week.

Who killed Medusa? ›

Medusa was beheaded by the Greek hero Perseus, who then used her head, which retained its ability to turn onlookers to stone, as a weapon until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield. In classical antiquity, the image of the head of Medusa appeared in the evil-averting device known as the Gorgoneion.

Which god is number 2? ›

Positive Traits: The most blessed thing about number 2 is that Lord Shiva is the presiding deity of people. With this number, Mahadev has given Chandra a place on his head, so there is a supernatural relationship between them. Worshipping Lord Shiva is very fruitful for happiness, prosperity and success in life.

Who is the 8th angel of god? ›

Jerahmeel means "God's exaltation". He is venerated as an inspirer and awakener of exalted thoughts that raise a person toward God (2 Esdras 4:36). As an eighth, he is sometimes included as an archangel.

Who is angel number 8? ›

Angel number 8, often seen in numerology and spiritual practices, is a number that symbolises abundance, prosperity, and infinite possibilities. It carries a powerful energy that resonates with success, personal power, and self-discipline.

Who is the 8 handed goddess? ›

The Hindu goddess with eight arms is often depicted as Goddess Durga. She is a warrior goddess who is seen as the embodiment of the collective power of all the gods and goddesses. Her eight arms symbolize her ability to wield many different weapons and use them to defeat her enemies.

What does 8 mean in mythology? ›

In Babylonian myth there were seven spheres plus an eighth realm, the fixed stars, where the gods lived. As a result, 8 is often associated with paradise. Muslims believe that there are seven hells but eight paradises, signifying God's mercy.

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