Grand challenges in environmental engineering (2024)


Environmental issues such as water pollution, climate change, soil erosion, hazardous wastes, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss have been at the front of global concerns for many years. These environmental problems pose a severe threat to the quality of human life and ecosystem sustainability, and thus protecting the natural environment has become an important task for individuals, organizations, and governments. Encouragingly, environmentalists and engineers have made great achievements in the development of science, theories, and techniques for environmental remediation. As an involved interdisciplinary field, environmental engineering embraces broad scientific disciplines such as chemistry, biology, physics, geology, ecology, engineering (e.g., materials, computers, and civil engineering), mathematics, and economics to develop practical solutions for treating and controlling natural and anthropogenic contaminants across all environmental matrices (i.e., water, air, soil, and sediment), thus sustaining the health of all living things and improving the quality of the ecosystem.

The Frontiers in Environmental Engineering significantly push the boundary of environmental protection to a high level. Typically, breakthroughs in wastewater management, air pollution control, soil remediation, and waste utilization have marked the improvement of humanity’s standards of living. For instance, the anaerobic ammonium oxidation technology (anammox) innovates the direct oxidation of ammonia to nitrogen gas (N2) without the generation of toxic nitrous oxide (N2O, a kind of greenhouse gas) (Dalsgaard et al., 2003; Kuypers et al., 2003; Kartal et al., 2011), which importantly regulates the nitrogen circle in the wastewater treatment process. Carbon dioxide (CO2), a major part of greenhouse gas, has been recognized as the main reason for climate change. To manage the high carbon emission in the atmosphere, the carbon capture, utilization, and storage technology (CCUS) which involves the capture of CO2 from anthropogenic sources, and distribution of captured CO2 to different utilization or storage processes has shown an important role in achieving the carbon-neutral goal (Bachu, 2016; Tapia et al., 2018). Heavy metal(loid) polluted soils attract global public attention owing to growing concerns about the security of groundwater and agricultural products. Phytoremediation has gained increasing attention for its cost-effectiveness, eco-friendliness, and good efficiency. Currently, ∼ 500 plant species have been identified as hyperaccumulators of metal(loid)s and employed for soil remediation (Li et al., 2019; Gavrilescu, 2022). Also, the controllable pyrolysis of plastic wastes to form value-added carbon-based functional materials can not only help to manage hazardous solid waste but also reduce the fabrication cost of new materials (Yao et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2022). The close-loop reutilization of solid wastes accelerates the circulation of substances and limits solid wastes’ negative environmental impacts simultaneously. Certainly, these achievements that employ different practical techniques for pollution control help to alleviate the pressing environmental problems, but the current status is still far from satisfactory. To build a pollution-free society and a sustainable ecosystem, there remain some grand challenges in environmental engineering.

Grand challenges in environmental engineering

Environmental engineering represents one of the most important domains for a sustainable human society. Success in environmental engineering requires joint efforts by pollution reduction methodology, nanotechnology, engineering design, etc. Herein, several grand challenges in advancing environmental engineering are highlighted to identify future directions in this field. Also, disseminating excellent achievements which aim at meeting these challenges is the central mission of the new journal Frontiers in Environmental Engineering.

Challenge 1: Accurate identification of contaminants

Accurately identifying contaminants in the environment is a prerequisite to determining the pollution level and analyzing the effectiveness and mechanism of the degradation process. Currently, it is problematic to detect new pollutants in diverse environmental matrices with a wide concentration range, especially emerging pollutants (e.g., micro(nano)plastics, viruses, pharmaceuticals, bacteria, pesticides, nanomaterials, surfactants, industrial additives, personal care products, and perfluorinated compounds) and their derivatives (Khan et al., 2020). In addition, pollutants with similar physicochemical properties (e.g., density, shape, chemical structure, molecular weight) generally co-occur in the environment, which makes it hard to identify them separately. Therefore, developing advanced analytical methods and facilities with high sensitivity and selectivity to gain precise identification, confirmation, and quantification of different known and unknown pollutants is highly demanded.

Challenge 2: Cost-effective and safe functional materials/chemicals for pollution control

For most pollutant degradation/control processes, functional materials and/or chemicals are required. For instance, in wastewater purification, adsorbents are usually used to extract organic and inorganic pollutants, catalysts are needed in the photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, thermocatalysis, advanced oxidation processes, and advanced reduction processes, and flocculants are used for the flocculation process. The application of these functional materials/chemicals plays a critical role in enhancing purification efficiency. However, many materials/chemicals are prepared with complicated processes and high costs, which significantly limits their large-scale applications. To this end, developing cost-effective functional materials/chemicals from earth-abundant substances/wastes with facile methods is urgent for sustainable pollution control.

Aside from cost-effectiveness, the environmental risk of functional materials/chemicals also should be concerned. The transformation of functional materials/chemicals would release nanoparticles, metal ions, and organics into the environment, which leads to secondary pollution. Such issues are important for the practical applications of functional materials/chemicals but have not received enough attention. For future studies, it is recommended to design stable functional materials/chemicals and put forward efficient strategies to manage the potential secondary pollution.

Challenge 3: Atomic, molecular, and genetic level understanding for mechanistic studies

The in-depth understanding of pollutant degradation mechanisms remains a big challenge, especially in complex environmental systems. For chemistry-involved remediation processes, it is highly encouraged to uncover the degradation mechanism on an atomic and molecular level by utilizing state-of-the-art experimental (microscopy, spectroscopy) and computational tools (molecular dynamic simulations, density functional theory computations). Moreover, in situ techniques are vital to studying environment-sensitive processes like thermocatalysis and electrocatalysis, which can provide meaningful information about (unstable) reaction intermediates and thus enhance the understanding of reaction pathways. Differently, bioremediation processes need the application of molecular-biology-based techniques to investigate the (micro)organism-pollutant interaction on a genetic level. Good knowledge of the underlying degradation mechanism can help to create new knowledge in this field and guide the design of high-performance functional materials/chemicals.

Challenge 4: Integrated technologies

Generally, it is difficult to treat multiple pollutants with an individual method, owing to the differences in pollutants’ properties, such as species, density, concentration, toxicity, and chemical resistance. Accordingly, the treatment of most real environmental problems necessitates the development of integrated technologies. Benefiting from the advantage of different methods, integrated strategies can attain upgraded degradation/remediation performance. To date, the coupling of electrochemical, physical, biological, and other processes has been successfully implemented for environmental remediation. The future optimization of integrated technologies should take effectiveness and cost into consideration, as well as the environmental impact.

Challenge 5: Artificial intelligence and environmental engineering

With the speedy development of computational technology, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques like artificial neural networks, adaptive neuro-fuzzy systems, and Fuzzy logic emerge as powerful tools in the management of complicated environmental systems. AI-based prediction models have been successfully used for water/wastewater remediation, air pollution, soil protection, and solid waste management (Yetilmezsoy et al., 2011; Alam et al., 2022; Garg et al., 2022). A main challenge that lies in the further expansion of AI techniques is the availability and selection of valid data, which governs the efficiency, precision, and reproducibility of AI techniques-guided prediction, optimization, and decision-making processes. Also, benchmarks/frameworks are required to recognize the performance of various AI tools in different sections of environmental engineering and to form optimal stand-alone or hybrid AI techniques for applications in real environmental engineering.

Challenge 6: Closed-loop control for waste valorization

In traditional environmental management concepts, solid, liquid, and gaseous wastes are generally recognized as a burden on our society because of their hazardous nature. Alternatively, recent achievements in converting solid, organic, and gaseous wastes into value-added materials, chemicals, and energy fuels have profoundly unleashed the inherent potential of wastes. Such “waste-to-wealth” practices help to build a closed-loop approach for the valorization of wastes and accelerate the circular economy, which also innovates the conventional environmental management process. Jointly considering the environmental, technical, and economic aspects is thus suggested to maximize the waste valorization scheme and benefit sustainable pollutant management.


The area of environmental engineering is important in sustaining the development of the natural ecosystem. There is an increasing demand for progress in advanced theories, methods, materials, techniques and facilities for solving current environmental problems. Such a line of research will positively boost the development of environmental engineering for a healthy and sustainable world.

Author contributions

B-JN is the exclusive author of the Field Grand Challenge article.

Conflict of interest

The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


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As a seasoned expert in environmental engineering, I bring forth a wealth of knowledge and experience in addressing the complex challenges related to water pollution, climate change, soil erosion, hazardous wastes, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss. My expertise spans various scientific disciplines, including chemistry, biology, physics, geology, ecology, engineering (materials, computers, civil engineering), mathematics, and economics. Over the years, I've actively engaged in the interdisciplinary field of environmental engineering, contributing to the development of innovative science, theories, and techniques for environmental remediation.

In the provided article on environmental engineering, the author discusses the pressing global concerns related to environmental issues and highlights significant achievements in the field. The key concepts covered in the article include:

  1. Environmental Issues: The article identifies various environmental issues such as water pollution, climate change, soil erosion, hazardous wastes, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss as critical challenges affecting the quality of human life and ecosystem sustainability.

  2. Achievements in Environmental Engineering: The author emphasizes the achievements made by environmentalists and engineers in developing science, theories, and techniques for environmental remediation. Breakthroughs in wastewater management, air pollution control, soil remediation, and waste utilization are highlighted as examples.

  3. Specific Technologies and Innovations:

    • Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox): The article discusses the Anammox technology, which innovatively oxidizes ammonia to nitrogen gas without producing toxic nitrous oxide, contributing to the regulation of the nitrogen cycle in wastewater treatment.
    • Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS): CCUS technology is presented as a crucial approach to managing high carbon emissions, involving the capture of CO2 from anthropogenic sources and its distribution to different utilization or storage processes.
  4. Phytoremediation: The article introduces phytoremediation as a cost-effective and eco-friendly method for addressing heavy metal(loid)-polluted soils. Approximately 500 plant species are identified as hyperaccumulators of metal(loid)s and are employed for soil remediation.

  5. Plastic Waste Management: The controllable pyrolysis of plastic wastes is discussed as a method to produce value-added carbon-based functional materials, contributing to the management of hazardous solid waste and reducing fabrication costs.

  6. Grand Challenges in Environmental Engineering:

    • Accurate Identification of Contaminants: The article highlights the challenge of accurately identifying contaminants, especially emerging pollutants, in diverse environmental matrices. Advanced analytical methods with high sensitivity and selectivity are deemed necessary.
    • Cost-Effective and Safe Functional Materials/Chemicals: The need for cost-effective functional materials/chemicals from earth-abundant substances with minimal environmental risk is emphasized.
    • Atomic, Molecular, and Genetic Level Understanding: Understanding pollutant degradation mechanisms at the atomic, molecular, and genetic levels is presented as a significant challenge for in-depth mechanistic studies.
    • Integrated Technologies: The difficulty in treating multiple pollutants with individual methods is addressed, advocating for the development of integrated technologies.
    • Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Engineering: The role of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, such as neural networks and fuzzy logic, in managing complex environmental systems is discussed, along with the challenge of data availability and selection.
    • Closed-Loop Control for Waste Valorization: The article introduces the concept of waste valorization, converting solid, organic, and gaseous wastes into value-added materials, chemicals, and energy fuels, contributing to a closed-loop approach and circular economy.

In conclusion, the author emphasizes the importance of environmental engineering for a sustainable human society and outlines several grand challenges that need to be addressed to advance the field further. The article calls for joint efforts in pollution reduction methodology, nanotechnology, engineering design, and other domains to meet these challenges and contribute to a healthy and sustainable world.

Grand challenges in environmental engineering (2024)


How many grand challenges are there in engineering? ›

The 14 Grand Challenges for Engineering – Grand Challenges Scholars Program.

What is a problem that an environmental engineer may try to solve? ›

Environmental engineers use engineering disciplines in developing solutions to problems of planetary health. Their work may involve concerns such as waste treatment, site remediation, and pollution control technology.

What are the environmental problems for engineers? ›

The report identifies five pressing challenges of the 21st century that environmental engineers are uniquely poised to help advance: sustainably supply food, water, and energy; curb climate change and adapt to its impacts; design a future without pollution and waste; create efficient, healthy, resilient cities; and ...

What are the three major environmental challenges? ›

The UN system has adopted international frameworks for environmental issues in three key issues, which has been encoded as the "triple planetary crises": climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss.

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The top 5 most difficult engineering courses in the world are nuclear engineering, chemical engineering, aerospace engineering, biomedical engineering and civil engineering.

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Grand challenges are more than ordinary research questions or priorities, they are end results or outcomes that are global in scale; very difficult to accomplish, yet offer hope of being ultimately tractable; demand an extensive number of research projects across many technical and non-technical disciplines and ...

What is the future of environmental engineering? ›

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the job outlook for this field is as fast as average from 2021 to 2031. As climate change continues to be a concern, the need for environmental engineers will likely continue to increase.

What future challenges are environmental engineers going to face and attempt to solve? ›

In today's world, ensuring a clean water supply, monitoring pollution, and safely disposing of hazardous waste have become paramount challenges. Enter environmental engineering! Environmental engineering takes on these critical issues with innovative solutions that protect and preserve our planet.

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Environmental engineers are concerned with local and worldwide environmental issues. They study and attempt to minimize the effects of acid rain, global warming, automobile emissions, and ozone depletion. They may also be involved in the protection of wildlife.

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Engineering workplaces can be messy with oil, dust and other waste from machines and work processes. As well as this, slips, trips and falls are made all the more dangerous with the risk of falling into machinery or sharp edges. Managing these risks effectively needs attention to detail to identify potential risks.

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