Google Colab - Using Free GPU (2024)

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Google provides the use of free GPU for your Colab notebooks.

Enabling GPU

To enable GPU in your notebook, select the following menu options −

Runtime / Change runtime type

You will see the following screen as the output −

Google Colab - Using Free GPU (2)

Select GPU and your notebook would use the free GPU provided in the cloud during processing. To get the feel of GPU processing, try running the sample application from MNIST tutorial that you cloned earlier.

!python3 "/content/drive/My Drive/app/"

Try running the same Python file without the GPU enabled. Did you notice the difference in speed of execution?

Testing for GPU

You can easily check if the GPU is enabled by executing the following code −

import tensorflow as tftf.test.gpu_device_name()

If the GPU is enabled, it will give the following output −


Listing Devices

If you are curious to know the devices used during the execution of your notebook in the cloud, try the following code −

from tensorflow.python.client import device_libdevice_lib.list_local_devices()

You will see the output as follows −

[name: "/device:CPU:0" device_type: "CPU" memory_limit: 268435456 locality { } incarnation: 1734904979049303143, name: "/device:XLA_CPU:0" device_type: "XLA_CPU" memory_limit: 17179869184 locality { } incarnation: 16069148927281628039 physical_device_desc: "device: XLA_CPU device", name: "/device:XLA_GPU:0" device_type: "XLA_GPU" memory_limit: 17179869184 locality { } incarnation: 16623465188569787091 physical_device_desc: "device: XLA_GPU device", name: "/device:GPU:0" device_type: "GPU" memory_limit: 14062547764 locality { bus_id: 1 links { } } incarnation: 6674128802944374158physical_device_desc: "device: 0, name: Tesla T4, pci bus id: 0000:00:04.0, compute capability: 7.5"]

Checking RAM

To see the memory resources available for your process, type the following command −

!cat /proc/meminfo

You will see the following output −

MemTotal: 13335276 kBMemFree: 7322964 kBMemAvailable: 10519168 kBBuffers: 95732 kBCached: 2787632 kBSwapCached: 0 kBActive: 2433984 kBInactive: 3060124 kBActive(anon): 2101704 kBInactive(anon): 22880 kBActive(file): 332280 kBInactive(file): 3037244 kBUnevictable: 0 kBMlocked: 0 kBSwapTotal: 0 kBSwapFree: 0 kBDirty: 412 kBWriteback: 0 kBAnonPages: 2610780 kBMapped: 838200 kBShmem: 23436 kBSlab: 183240 kBSReclaimable: 135324 kBSUnreclaim: 47916kBKernelStack: 4992 kBPageTables: 13600 kBNFS_Unstable: 0 kBBounce: 0 kBWritebackTmp: 0 kBCommitLimit: 6667636 kBCommitted_AS: 4801380 kBVmallocTotal: 34359738367 kBVmallocUsed: 0 kBVmallocChunk: 0 kBAnonHugePages: 0 kBShmemHugePages: 0 kBShmemPmdMapped: 0 kBHugePages_Total: 0HugePages_Free: 0HugePages_Rsvd: 0HugePages_Surp: 0Hugepagesize: 2048 kBDirectMap4k: 303092 kBDirectMap2M: 5988352 kBDirectMap1G: 9437184 kB

You are now all set for the development of machine learning models in Python using Google Colab.



Google Colab - Using Free GPU (2024)


How long can I use Google Colab GPU for free? ›

In the version of Colab that is free of charge notebooks can run for at most 12 hours, depending on availability and your usage patterns.

Can I use GPU in Colab for free? ›

Google Colab is a free cloud service and now it supports free GPU! You can; improve your Python programming language coding skills.

How do I force Google Colab to use GPU? ›

Open and register for a free account. Create a new notebook within Colab. Select Runtime from the menu and Change the runtime type. Choose GPU from the Hardware accelerator options - click save.

How many hours of GPU does Colab use? ›

GPUs and TPUs

Free Colab users get chargeless access to GPU and TPU runtimes for up to 12 hours.

Is TPU faster than GPU Colab? ›

GPUs have the ability to break complex problems into thousands or millions of separate tasks and work them out all at once, while TPUs were designed specifically for neural network loads and have the ability to work quicker than GPUs while also using fewer resources.

How do I make Google Colab run forever? ›

So to prevent this just run the following code in the console and it will prevent you from disconnecting. Ctrl+ Shift + i to open inspector view . Then goto console. It would keep on clicking the page and prevent it from disconnecting.

What are the disadvantages of Google Colab? ›

Cons: Need to install all specific libraries which does not come with standard python (Need to repeat this with every session) Google Drive is your source and target for Storage, there are other like local (which eats your bandwidth if dataset is big)

What is the free alternative to Colab GPU? ›

Like Colab, Kaggle provides free browser-based Jupyter Notebooks and GPUs. Kaggle also comes with many Python packages preinstalled, lowering the barrier to entry for some users. On the other hand, many users note that Kaggle kernels tend to be a bit slow (albeit still faster than Colab).

What is the alternative to Colab with GPU? ›

7 of the Best Alternatives to Google Colab For 2023 (With Free Compute!)
  • Saturn Cloud. Saturn Cloud is a data science platform for scalable Python, R, and Julia for teams and individuals. ...
  • Amazon SageMaker. Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed machine learning service. ...
  • Paperspace Gradient. ...
  • Azure ML. ...
  • Deepnote. ...
  • Noteable.
Jan 5, 2023

Does Colab use GPU by default? ›

Google provides the use of free GPU for your Colab notebooks.

Why is Colab GPU slow? ›

Google Colab instances are using some faster memory than google drive. As you are accessing files from google drive (it has a larger access time) so you are getting low speed. First copy the files to colab instance then train your network. Save this answer.

Is A GPU faster than a CPU? ›

GPU computing is faster than CPU because a graphics card has thousands of cores compared to computer processors. Each core is a processing unit that can execute a specific task individually. The throughput of a GPU surpasses the CPU when thousands of cores work together on a divided process.

Is Google Colab faster than GPU? ›

That's something you should think about. To summarize, even a mid-range GPU dramatically outperforms the free Google Colab environment. Keep in mind that I was assigned with Tesla K80 12 GB, which might not be the case for you. Your benchmark results may vary.

How much faster is a Colab GPU? ›

On average, Colab Pro with V100 and P100 are respectively 146% and 63% faster than Colab Free with T4. (source: “comparison” sheet, table E6-G8) Even though GPUs from Colab Pro are generally faster, there still exist some outliers; for example, Pixel-RNN and LSTM train 9%-24% slower on V100 than on T4.

How many GPUs does Colab give? ›

You can only have 1 GPU in Colab.

Why use TPU instead of GPU? ›

TPUs typically have a higher memory bandwidth than GPUs, which allows them to handle large tensor operations more efficiently. This results in faster training and inference times for neural networks.

Is Google Colab faster than Macbook Pro? ›

Google Colab - Data Science Benchmark Results. M1 Pro was definitely faster on this TensorFlow test. Without augmentation, M1 Pro was around 23% faster than Google Colab. The difference skyrockets to 124% if we're talking about a model that uses an augmented image dataset.

Which Colab GPU is better? ›

Increasing your power with NVIDIA GPUs

Paid Colab users can now choose between a standard or premium GPU in Colab, giving you the ability to upgrade your GPU when you need more power. Standard GPUs are typically NVIDIA T4 Tensor Core GPUs, while premium GPUs are typically NVIDIA V100 or A100 Tensor Core GPUs.

How long can free Colab run? ›

Runtimes will time out if you are idle. In the version of Colab that is free of charge notebooks can run for at most 12 hours, depending on availability and your usage patterns. Colab Pro, Pro+, and Pay As You Go offer you increased compute availability based on your compute unit balance.

Can I run Google Colab overnight? ›

The 'maximum lifetime' of a running notebook is 12 hours (browser open) An 'Idle' notebook instance cuts-off after 90 minutes. You can have a maximum of 2 notebooks running concurrently.

What is the limit of Google Colab per day? ›

Colab Pro limits RAM to 32 GB while Pro+ limits RAM to 52 GB. Colab Pro and Pro+ limit sessions to 24 hours.

Is Google Colab enough for deep learning? ›

Colab is an excellent tool for data scientists to execute Machine Learning and Deep Learning projects with cloud storage capabilities. Colab is basically a cloud-based Jupyter notebook environment that requires no setup.

Do data scientists use Google Colab? ›

The best option to be used as a data science notebook

Even experienced Data Scientist some times don't know which tool exactly to use, many of them don't even know Google Colab, a simple but powerful option for your notebooks.

Does internet speed affect Colab? ›

There are several ways to increase the speed of loading large datasets in Google Colab: Use a faster internet connection: A faster internet connection can significantly increase the speed of loading large datasets.

Which is faster kaggle or colab? ›

However, if TensorFlow is used in place of PyTorch, then Colab tends to be faster than Kaggle even when used with a TPU. Kaggle Kernel: In Kaggle Kernels, the memory shared by PyTorch is less. In general, Kaggle has a lag while running and is slower than Colab.

Does Jupyter use GPU? ›

Jupyter Notebooks from the NGC catalog can run on GPU-powered on-prem systems, including NVIDIA DGX™, as well as on cloud instances.

How to increase RAM in Colab for free? ›

Run your task. If it takes less than 12 GB RAM, then you are good. Otherwise, the notebook will crash and you will get a popup notification at the bottom left asking you to increase your RAM. Click on that and “Switch to a high-RAM runtime”.

What is the difference between GPU and CPU in Colab? ›

While CPU is known as the brain of the computer, and the logical thinking section of the computer, GPU helps in displaying what is going on in the brain by rendering the graphical user interface visually. GPU stands for Graphical Processing Unit, and it is integrated into each CPU in some form.

What is the difference between kaggle and Colab? ›

Kaggle and Colab are two powerful tools data scientists can use to work. Kaggle is a platform for data scientists to access public datasets, participate in competitions, and collaborate with others. On the other hand, Colab is a cloud-based platform for writing and running Python code, with access to powerful hardware.

How do I know if Google Colab is using GPU? ›

Enabling and testing the GPU
  1. Navigate to Edit→Notebook Settings.
  2. select GPU from the Hardware Accelerator drop-down.

How many hours is kaggle free GPU? ›

Kaggle community allows for collaboration and easy work sharing. 9 hour execution time limit. Higher GPU RAM (13 GB) than Gradient Free Tier. Completely free.

How is Google Colab so fast? ›

One of the highlights of Google Colab is the provision of hardware accelerators such as GPUs and even TPUs which can be used to train deep learning models at a much faster speed than on a CPU. This short article explains how to access and use the GPUs on Colab with either TensorFlow or PyTorch.

Does TensorFlow use GPU automatically? ›

By default, if a GPU is available, TensorFlow will use it for all operations. You can control which GPU TensorFlow will use for a given operation, or instruct TensorFlow to use a CPU, even if a GPU is available.

What are the disadvantages of a GPU? ›

Disadvantages of GPUs compared to CPUs include: Multitasking—GPUs can perform one task at massive scale, but cannot perform general purpose computing tasks. Cost—Individual GPUs are currently much more expensive than CPUs. Specialized large-scale GPU systems can reach costs of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

When should I use GPU instead of CPU? ›

The primary difference between a CPU and GPU is that a CPU handles all the main functions of a computer, whereas the GPU is a specialized component that excels at running many smaller tasks at once. The CPU and GPU are both essential, silicon-based microprocessors in modern computers.

Is A GPU Smarter Than A CPU? ›

CPU vs GPU Processing

While GPUs can process data several orders of magnitude faster than a CPU due to massive parallelism, GPUs are not as versatile as CPUs. CPUs have large and broad instruction sets, managing every input and output of a computer, which a GPU cannot do.

Is Google Colab faster than M1? ›

Google Colab is significantly faster due to a dedicated GPU. M1 has an 8-core GPU, but it's nowhere near capable as TESLA from NVIDIA. Still, I have to admit that seeing these results is impressive for a thin and light laptop that wasn't designed for data science and machine learning.

Is TPU slower than GPU? ›

For example, we observed that in our hands the TPUs were ~3x faster than CPUs and ~3x slower than GPUs for performing a small number of predictions (TPUs perform exceptionally when making predictions in some situations such as when making predictions on very large batches, which were not present in this experiment).

How fast is TPU than GPU? ›

The TPU is 15x to 30x faster than current GPUs and CPUs on production AI applications that use neural network inference.

Is it worth to buy Colab Pro? ›

More RAM. Users with the paid models also benefit from RAM. While you have to make do with 16 GB in the free Colab, Pro users can access 32 GB and Pro+ users even have access to 52 GB of RAM. The paid accounts should be a good choice, especially for processing large amounts of data.

How do I maximize my GPU usage in Colab? ›

Faster GPUs

Users who have purchased one of Colab's paid plans have access to premium GPUs. You can upgrade your notebook's GPU settings in Runtime > Change runtime type in the menu to enable Premium accelerator. Subject to availability, selecting a premium GPU may grant you access to a V100 or A100 Nvidia GPU.

How to get free GPU? ›

Where To Get Free GPU Cloud Hours For Machine Learning
  1. An Introduction To The Need For Free GPU Cloud Compute. ...
  2. 1 – Google Colab. ...
  3. 2- Kaggle GPU (30 hours a week) ...
  4. 3- Google Cloud GPU. ...
  5. 4- Microsoft Azure. ...
  6. 5- Gradient (Free community GPUs) ...
  7. 6- Twitter Search for Free GPU Cloud Hours.
Aug 8, 2020

Can I use 2 GPU in Colab? ›

On google colab, you can only use one GPU, that is the limit from Google. However, you can run different programs on different gpu instances so by creating different colab files and connect them with gpus but you can not place the same model on many gpu instances in parallel.

How can I use GPU on Google Colab after exceeding usage limit? ›

If you don't use GPU but remain connected with GPU, after some time Colab will give you a warning message like Warning: You are connected to a GPU runtime, but not utilising the GPU. Change to a standard runtime. A good practice is to change the runtime on that time, otherwise, you may get blocked on this day.

What is the idle timeout for Colab? ›

Google Colab notebooks have an idle timeout of 90 minutes and absolute timeout of 12 hours. This means, if user does not interact with his Google Colab notebook for more than 90 minutes, its instance is automatically terminated. Also, maximum lifetime of a Colab instance is 12 hours.

Can I keep Google Colab running? ›

Running long sessions on Google Colab without any activity can cause the session to disconnect, losing all the data and variables from the earlier executed cells. This can be prevented by entering the following code into the browser console (opened by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I). function ClickConnect() { console.

How long can a Google Colab cell run? ›

Colab is built as an online notebook service by Google on top of open source Jupyter project. There's no resource guarantee in Colab even on Pro / Pro+ paid plans. Colab notebooks can run for a maximum of 12 hours.

Can I leave Google Colab overnight? ›

The 'maximum lifetime' of a running notebook is 12 hours (browser open) An 'Idle' notebook instance cuts-off after 90 minutes.

Can Google Colab run overnight? ›

Google Colab notebooks have an idle timeout of 90 minutes and absolute timeout of 12 hours. This means, if user does not interact with his Google Colab notebook for more than 90 minutes, its instance is automatically terminated. Also, maximum lifetime of a Colab instance is 12 hours.

What are the drawbacks of Google Colab? ›

Cons: Need to install all specific libraries which does not come with standard python (Need to repeat this with every session) Google Drive is your source and target for Storage, there are other like local (which eats your bandwidth if dataset is big)

What is colab daily limit? ›

Colab Pro limits RAM to 32 GB while Pro+ limits RAM to 52 GB. Colab Pro and Pro+ limit sessions to 24 hours.

How to prevent Google Colab from disconnecting due to inactivity? ›

— 2021 Solution. If you are not interacting with notebook for more than 90 minutes, its runtime is automatically disconnected. The only solution to this is you should interact with notebook in regular intervals but this is not always possible.

Why is Google Colab slower than PC? ›

Google Colab instances are using some faster memory than google drive. As you are accessing files from google drive (it has a larger access time) so you are getting low speed. First copy the files to colab instance then train your network. Save this answer.

How do I use Google Colab effectively? ›

Use Google Colab Like A Pro
  1. Check and Report on your GPU Allocation. ...
  2. No More Authenticating “gdrive. ...
  3. Bypass “pip install …” ...
  4. Import your own Python Modules/Packages. ...
  5. Copy files To Google Storage Bucket. ...
  6. Ensure all Files have been Completely Copied to GDrive. ...
  7. Quickly open your local Jupyter Notebook.
Mar 18, 2022

How do I know if Colab is using my GPU? ›

Enabling and testing the GPU
  1. Navigate to Edit→Notebook Settings.
  2. select GPU from the Hardware Accelerator drop-down.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.