Good God Sans (2024)

Page created by "User:Goklababa"

Archangel Sans(Good God Sans) is the embodiment of pure good in the multiverse, a wandering being who travels the AUs helping any AU it passes in any way it can. Good God Sans is the sole enemy of Anti-God!Sans. They are matched almostly evenly in terms of power. Good God Sans resides near the Doodlesphere or any creation universe.

Godverse Tiering System Tier 2-C - Multiverse Threat even though This Sans poses no threat whatsoever to the Multiverse.

It's Goal is to rid the Multiverse of all evil once and for all.


  • 1 Backstory
    • 1.1 Appearance
    • 1.2 Personality
  • 2 Personality In Combat
  • 3 Powers/Abilities
    • 3.1 Emotion Manipulation
    • 3.2 Weapons of Positivity
    • 3.3 Dream Manipulation
    • 3.4 Golden Bones and Angelic Gaster Blasters
    • 3.5 Stat Manipulation
    • 3.6 Multiversal Immunity
    • 3.7 Reality Manipulation
    • 3.8 Creation Force Manipulation
    • 3.9 Eternal Resurrection
    • 3.10 Limited Omniprescence
    • 3.11 Limited Omniscience
    • 3.12 God Blocker
    • 3.13 Hyper Reaction
    • 3.14 God of Positivity
    • 3.15 The King's Guard
    • 3.16 Malice neutralization(Credit for suggesting this ability goes to User:DocMelonhead)
    • 3.17 Godly Summon(Credit for this ability goes to User:Omega alpha 34324)
  • 4 Relationships
    • 4.1 Anti - God Sans and Shadow God Sans(Archenemies)
    • 4.2 Error 404(Frenemies)
    • 4.3 Void Overlord Sans(Friends/Neutral)
    • 4.4 Infinity Code(Enemy)
    • 4.5 Multiversal Root Flowey(Friends)
    • 4.6 Ink Sans!(Ambassador/Friend)
    • 4.7 Omni - Creation Sans! (Close Friends)
    • 4.8 Death Sans! (Close Friends/Lieutenant)
    • 4.9 Core Frisk!(Close Friends)
    • 4.10 [Redacted] Sans!(Frenemies)
    • 4.11 Insanity Good God Sans(All versions)
    • 4.12 Lightning God Sans(Friend/Acquaintance)
  • 5 Weaknesses
  • 6 Transformations
    • 6.1 Incarnated Good (Note: This transformation is canon now.)
  • 7 Rumors/Sightings
    • 7.1 Underfell
    • 7.2 Error Sans!
    • 7.3 Underswap
    • 7.4 Horror
  • 8 Theme
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 Gallery


The True Godverse itself is an intelligent system. When the system faces error, it repairs said error. But what can the system do when it doesn't understand what is and what isn't an error? Something outside the system needs to repair it. When Anti-God corrupted the TGV System, and objective good ceased to exist within the TGV, something from outside took notice of this issue. A being existing only because it believes so, one untouched by everything else. One of objective good. The being took pity on the TGV System, and felt that it must correct it by re-introducing right and wrong to the chaotic system. The being sent a savior into the TGV, one holding all of its qualities, inhabiting a body familiar to many in the TGV. This savior, is Archangel Sans(Good God Sans).

Credit to: User:1002 Obviously.

Here is an excerpt for what Good God felt like when he first entered the Godverse:-

"The savior awoke surrounded by nothing. It stood up, trying to remember what it was. It knew its name was Sans the Skeleton, it had a brother named Papyrus who it cherished, and that there was a problem that it had to fix. The world and it's people had been corrupted by an unknown force, right and wrong no longer discernable. How it would fix this, it was unsure. While it was racking its brain for answers, another skeleton appeared before it. One with bright gray eyes, wearing a cloak, a sweater, shorts, and slippers, all of which share the same color, a lightish gray. The skeleton looked at the savior, examining it with an utmost curiosity.

The gray skeleton made eye contact with the savior, and said, "Now, just who are you?" "I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton.", the savior replied.

"Yes, that much is obvious, but where are you from? How did you get here?".

"I'm not sure, I just woke up here."

The skeleton looked at the savior, thinking.

"Ah, now I see! Your wings! You're supposed to be an angel, right? Hello. I am this world's God, nice to meet you. Whilst creating the Inferno, a hellish force, something must have went wrong, resulting in the creation of the opposite. Something heavenly. This experiment just got much more interesting..."

"You... created me?"

"Why, yes! As your creator, I will name you Good God, a rare specimen in this world."

"I already have a name, it's Sans the Skeleton."

"Do you realize how many 'Sans the Skeleton's there are? You need to be distinct."

"There are others like me?"

"Yes, obviously. However, before we proceed, I'd like to establish a few rules. First of all...."

The savior stopped listening to the skeleton. It stared out to the abyss, listening intently, searching for other life. It felt that far far away, it's true calling lay. A whole wide world to enlighten, to educate.

"...Rule 37, insulting me or blaspheming in any way is strictly forbidden, and will be punished se-"

"Sorry, but I have to go." interrupted the savior.

"What? No, you can't lea-"

But it was too late. The savior spread its wings, and took flight. Before the skeleton had a chance to react, the savior was gone. And thus, Good God Sans' mission began." Credit to: User:1002 Obviously.

Good-God was first sighted in Underswap where he simply vanished after that. No one knows where he ended up. Maybe another AU.


Good-God is as tall as Classic Sans! and weighs nothing, he can reform anywhere in the multiverse as long as positivity is present there. he wears a white and cyan jacket with Golden Stripes at make the ends of the sleeves on his jacket and the outline on the jacket. Good God also has a Golden halo and wings though he usually doesn't show them.

Good God's native dimension is the Aether dimension. Good God usually hangs out in the Aether Dimension flying around and other stuff. The Aether Dimesion does not have a floor or ceiling but rather is a dimension filled with air.

Side Note: Good God Sans does not have to be a Sans and can look like any character like Asgore, Flowey etc.. . He just likes to make himself look like Sans most of the time as he thinks that fits better with his personality. And this is just his physical appearance. His true appearance is unknown as of now.


Good-God is can described as the very defintion of GOOD. He is usually cheerful, affable and humurous. He likes to tell jokes to cheer people up.

He possesses EVERY good power of the multiverse and often lurks in other AUs causing good emotions to arise. when beings encounter him face to face they can feel the overwhelming amounts of Goodness and good emotions around Good God and usually become happy and have good luck throughout the Day.

Good God RARELY never talks, Good God possesses a personality driven by all good forces of existence meaning what he decides to do is is always For safety and better of the Multiverse. He cannot be summoned but he will usually appear in AUs that are sad and will try to cheer them up.

Personality In Combat

In combat, He tries to not damage the person but tries to sway them using words. He's basically non - violent. The only person he will use action against is Anti God Sans(primarily) or any other True Evil creature.


Good God possesses every single good "power/ability" present in the Multiverse like:- (Some of the powers mentioned are not technically "good" powers.)

  • All Creation(nerfed version) Powers
  • All powers of Protectors and like The Star Sanses, Team Shining, Archangel Papyrus etc...
  • All Angelic powers(since hes an angel and all)
  • Omniscience (limited to places with a lot of postivity)
  • Limited Omniprescence
  • Reality Manipulation (a little bit)

Emotion Manipulation

Good God can make people feel positive emotions to make them feel better anytime he wants. However, he rarely uses this abiltity.

Weapons of Positivity

Good God Sans can shape and manifest weapons of any kind using postive feelings and emotions. The are great for melee and close quarters combat. These induce positive feelings to any being it touches. They dont do much damage to postive characters. They do more damage to True Evil beings(most of their hp if they even have hp).

Dream Manipulation

He can enter anyone's dreams and see what the person is dreaming about. He can also turn nightmares into dreams. He can manipulate dreams also and can make a person dream about anything he wants to.

Golden Bones and Angelic Gaster Blasters

These look like normal bones and gaster blasters except the bones are fully gold and gaster blasters have small white wings attached to them. These do the same damage as Classic Sans's Gaster Blastars and Bones in default but Good - God can vary his damage from 1 to 1,000,000. He can vary their damage mid - battle also.

Stat Manipulation

He can manipulate the stats of any being weaker than him. This doesn't work on beings like Error404 (Fanon) and ERROR404 sans, Multiversal Root Flowey etc...

Multiversal Immunity

Good God Sans is immune to almost all kinds of manipulation. He is immune to Stat Manipulation, Emotion Manipulation, Virus Manipulation, Corruption, Glitches, Errors, Paralyzing Attacks, Soul Manipulation, Organic Disruption, Code - based Manipulation, Mind Manipulation and Reality Manipulation and Light Manipluation.

Reality Manipulation

He can manipulate reality to a certain extent. (I won't go into details)

Creation Force Manipulation

He can use the powers of Creation to create, reassemble, recreate, reshape any object no matter how small or big. He can also create edible food using this. But the food will not have any flavor.

Eternal Resurrection

He can resurrect himself if his body gets destroyed. He takes about 10 minutes to resurrect himself. He can also resurrect other beings but this has a cooldown of 28 hours.

Limited Omniprescence

He can teleport/travel to any place in the universe except The Omega Timeline (OM) and Classic Sans! Universe.

Limited Omniscience

Y'all know what this means. Good God can use this when in postive aus or areas with extremely high amounts of postivity.

God Blocker

He generates a force field that can block the attacks of a God for 10 minutes. Cooldown is 10 Hours. This is an emergency ability. Good God only activates this if he is in grave danger. This ability also takes a fairly good portion of Good God's strength to summon it. He can also attack while in the force field.

Hyper Reaction

Good God has very fast reaction capabilities and can quickly react to getting suddenly ambushed or attacked by anyone.

God of Positivity

Good God is the ruler of positivity and will become stronger in any postive feelings and emotions based environment.

The King's Guard

King Godverse owed Good God a favour and will come to Good God's aid when called by Good God. However this is a one time use. This is Good God's trump card to almost any battle. The weakness being Good God is totally defenseless while summoning KG and might die if ambushed.

Malice neutralization(Credit for suggesting this ability goes to User:DocMelonhead)

As a omnibenevolent being, Good God is able to neutralize malice and HATE with a single touch. If it's a omnimalent being , their touch would turn them into stone for a indefinite amount of time so long as the being is weaker than Good God.

Godly Summon(Credit for this ability goes to User:Omega alpha 34324)

Good God can summon other protectors and guardians like Omni-Creation and Ink Sans! to aid him in battle if required.


Anti - God Sans and Shadow God Sans(Archenemies)

Good God hates them very much and would like nothing more than to destroy them.

Error 404(Frenemies)

Sometimes they get along, and sometimes they fight a lot.

Void Overlord Sans(Friends/Neutral)

Good God Sans is friends with Void Overlord Sans and often visits him in the Void Dimension.

Infinity Code(Enemy)

Good God Sans also hates Infinity Code.

Multiversal Root Flowey(Friends)

Good God Sans hangs out with M.R. Flowey once in a while.

Ink Sans!(Ambassador/Friend)

Good God Sans sometimes gives some odd jobs to do for Ink Sans like delivering messages, bringing back stuff etc.. .

Omni - Creation Sans! (Close Friends)

Good God Sans is very Good Friends friends with him and Omni-Creation will always help him take down Shadow God and Anti God Sans.

Death Sans! (Close Friends/Lieutenant)

Good God Sans is good friends with Death Sans. Death Sans invites Good God over to his dimension many times. He's also Good God's second-in-command. If Good God is not available for an event or meeting, he will ask Death Sans to go in his stead.

Core Frisk!(Close Friends)

Good God frequently visits Core Frisk. He is invited to the Omega Timeline and goes there frequently to check on the wellbeing of the people living there.

[Redacted] Sans!(Frenemies)

They have a mixed relationship. He does not approve of destroying but they usually get along. [Redacted] even assisted Good God once when he was fighting Error 404.

Insanity Good God Sans(All versions)

He has mixed feelings about this version of himself. Although Good God is okay with Insanity God. He does not like how this version of him has to kill to save his sanity. But he is a tad bit happy cause Insanity Good God managed to destroy the Infinitey Code of his Omni - Timeline.

Lightning God Sans(Friend/Acquaintance)

Good God sans found Lightning God Sans in the anti-void. Lightning God Sans was stuck in the Anti - Void but Good God helped him escape. Lightning God Sans considering Good God as a ally saying "just come ask me for help if you need".


The only relative Weakness that Good God Sans is Blood Magic or Anger Magic. Blood Magic is more effective on him than any other kind of magic.


Incarnated Good (Note: This transformation is canon now.)

This is Good God's more powerful form. In this form He recieves a new ability and all his past abilities get buffed. His stats also get boosted to Low tier omniverse level. He can be in this form for max a day. After a day, he automatically turns back to his normal form.

Clone Creation - He can summon up to ten clones of himself in his normal form. They have the same LV, HP, DF, AT, Abilities etc...This ability lasts for an hour.

Golden Bones and Angelic Gaster Blasters (Buffed)These bones and blasters now do 10009090000009000901000090000900 damage per hit. He can also vary it. This damage counts as true damage and only beings with veryy and i MEAN very high damage reduction can lower the total damage output.

Omniversal ImmunityHe gets immunity from low - tier and some mid - tier omniversal attacks. Any Low to Mid tier omniversal effect will not affect him anymore.

God Blocker (Buffed)This ability lasts longer upto 40 minutes and cooldown is reduced to an hour.

PURIFICATIONThis basically works like a reset button. It will turn any TRUE EVIL beings into its GOOD counterpart. This is temporary on high power level beings and will only render powerful TRUE EVIL beings immobile for an hour or two. But on beings like Nightmare and Error. He can revert them back to Night and Sans.

Eternal Resurrection (Buffed)'If he dies while in this form he will be able to resurrect himself faster and he will retain his transformation although duration of the Incarnated Good form will be decreased by 3 hours every time he dies.

His control over dreams, emotions, Creation Force and Reality will also increase.

Weapons of PositivityThese will now instakill all low tier multiversal beings and low tier gods like ink and error instantly.



A monster who looked an awful lot like Underfell Sans was seen eating some french fries with ketchup at Grilly's in a cyan - yellow jacket and yellow slippers. Some monsters assumed he was new to Snowdin and some assumed it was just Sans cosplaying. But we all know who it is.

Error Sans!

When Error was on one of his usual Alternate Universe (AUs) destroying sprees, while destroying a version of an Underswap Au, he got suddenly teleported to the Anti - Void. Error to this day remembers that day and wonders how it happened. We assume that Good God was responsible as he particularly likes the Underswap AUs and was rumored to be in the same AU that Error was going to destroy.


We already know what happpened.(Check Backstory if not)


Horror reported spotting a mysterious haloed figure that looked just like him standing in Snowdin one day when he was selling HEAD-DOGS. Horror reported that the mysterious figure seemed to be watching him. The mysterious figure went away after some time.


Light in the Darkness [Credit goes to: on youtube]


  • Good God Sans also has white Angel Wings and A Golden Halo. He just doesn't usually show them.
  • Good God Sans is friends with Ink Sans and Gleam Papyrus.
  • Good God likes hanging out with protectors/guardians of AUs.
  • Good God is the Guardian God of all AUs.


Good God Sans (1)

Good God - Incarnated Good Form by Alterna Team

Good God Sans (2)

Good God sprite by Dust www

Good God Sans (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Job: Banking Officer

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.