Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (2024)

Golden Akita Retriever Health

Average Size

Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (1)

Height: 24-26 inches Weight: 75-100 lbs

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Height: 23-25 inches Weight: 65-90 lbs

Major Concerns

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Bloat
  • Aortic Stenosis

Minor Concerns

  • Patellar Luxation
  • Cataracts
  • Sebaceous Adenitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Skin Allergies
  • Hypothyroidism

Occasional Diagnoses

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Elbow Dysplasia

Occasional Tests

  • Physical Examination
  • Radiographs

Golden Akita Retriever Breed History

The Golden Akita is hybrid of two large hunting turned companion dogs, the Akita and theGolden Retriever. The hybrid is a modern dog with little documentation over the last decade orso of intentional breeding. Being a modern hybrid, bred as a designer dog, those interested inunderstanding the potential characteristics and traits of the Golden Akita will have to look at theparent breeds for insight.

Golden Retrievers are well known for their excellent companionshipand sweet natures. The Akita breed is also a faithful companion who with strong guardinstincts.The Akita developed in northern Japan in the Akita province, where the breed draws its name.Formerly a guard dog for Japanese royalty, the Akita is documented as far back as the 15th Century and was introduced to the United States by Helen Keller, who had a great love for thebreed. Keller was first introduced to the Akita breed while in Japan where she first learned ofHachiko of Shibuya. Hachiko was a world-renowned Akita who met his master, a professor,every day at the time station when the professor would return home from work. The professorsuffered a heart attack while away and Hachiko continued to keep vigil at the station andreturned every day at 3:00 p.m. for a full decade after his master's death. Akitas are well knownfor their fearless and devotion to their families as exhibited by Hachiko. The American KennelClub first recognized the Akita in 1972.

The Golden Retriever is known for its excellence as a hunter and retriever while at work and also for its gentle and loving manner at home. Developed in Scotland, the early retrievers were of a darker color, including dark gold and copper gold. As the breed characteristics broadened, lighter colors began to emerge, particularly in the show ring. First known as the Retriever (Golden and Yellow), the name was eventually changed to the Golden Retriever. This dog was registered in 1925 with the American Kennel Club, and was added to the Sporting Group.

Golden Akita Retriever Breed Appearance

The Golden Akita is a hybrid between the Akita and the Golden Retriever and can look likeeither parent breed depending on the dominant appearance. This is a large dog, weighingbetween 66 and 100 pounds with a sturdy, muscular build. The desired look is that of the Akitawith a large, round head and erect, triangular ears. The muzzle is large but in proportion to thehead and the bite is scissor. The Golden Akita’s eyes are gentle, expressive, round to oval-shaped in all shades of brown. The legs are longer than the Golden Retriever, and this hybridhas round, compact feet. The tail usually resembles the Akita and curls over the back but canbe straight if the Golden Akita resembles the Golden Retriever. The coat is also like the Akita,double and dense. However, if the coat resembles the Golden Retriever, it will also be doublebut longer and either flat or wavy.

Eye Color Possibilities

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Nose Color Possibilities

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Coat Color Possibilities

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Coat Length

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Short Medium Long

Coat Density

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Sparse Normal Dense

Coat Texture

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Straight Wiry Wavy Curly Corded

Golden Akita Retriever Breed Maintenance

The Golden Akita is not a hypoallergenic dog and sheds considerably no matter which parentthe hybrid resembles. Bi-weekly grooming will help remove dead and loose hair and keep yourGolden Akita’s coat healthy. This mix is not known to smell, but weekly grooming will helpdistribute oils and remove dirt and dead skin that might lead to a hound smell. Frequent nailclipping is also suggested for your Golden Akita. The Golden Akita has sensitive skin and maydevelop dermatitis is over bathed. Regular bathing is not advised, but grooming will help keepthe coat clean.

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Brushes for Golden Akita Retriever

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Pin Brush

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Slicker Brush

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Nail Clipper

Brushing Frequency

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Daily Weekly Monthly

Golden Akita Retriever Temperament

The Golden Akita is a high energy hybrid that loves its family. Unlike the friendly GoldenRetriever, the Akita parent makes this mix slight leery of strangers and is an excellent guarddog. The Golden Akita may make for a good watchdog, and you can expect him to bark atunfamiliar approaching strangers and well as display bravery in protection. Otherwise, theGolden Akita is quiet. The Golden Akita is patient and with proper socialization will do well withchildren. However, this energetic breed and may not be well suited for living with very youngchildren. Always teach your kids how to approach a dog and interact with him. Rough play, tailpulling, and teasing must be avoided.The Golden Akita adapts well to sharing space with other dogs and cats only if it is properlysocialized at an early age. The Akita parent is known to show aggression towards other dogs,but the Golden Retriever parent may mellow this trait in the Gold Akita. The Golden Retrieverparent is always eager to please but the Akita may be stubborn and may make training moredifficult for the novice dog owner. Otherwise, this is an intelligent and loving companion mix.

Golden Akita Retriever Activity Requirements

The Golden Akita is a hybrid of two breeds with high energy. Your Golden Akita will need plentyof exercise and relatively high intensity. The Golden Retriever parent may mellow the GoldenAkita’s needs, but you can expect one to two hours of daily exercise. His high energy meanshe is not well suited for apartment and urban living. A backyard and space to run around aremore suitable for the Golden Akita. The Golden Akita prefers temperate climates, and while hetolerates hot and cold environment, he does not do well in extreme climates.

Similar Maintenance Breeds to Golden Akita Retriever

  • Kuvasz 100%Similar
  • Japanese Chin 100%Similar
  • Rhodesian Boxer 100%Similar
  • Raggle 100%Similar
  • Schnottie 100%Similar

Similarly Sized Breeds to Golden Akita Retriever

  • Labrador Corso 99%Similar
  • Sarplaninac 98%Similar
  • Old Deerhound Sheepdog 98%Similar
  • Slovensky Cuvac 97%Similar
  • Curly Coated Retriever 97%Similar

Golden Akita Retriever Food Consumption

Cups Per Day

3 cups

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Daily Cost

$1.50 - $1.90

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Monthly Cost

$39.00 - $45.00

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Golden Akita Retriever Owner Experiences

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7 Months

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4 People

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House & Yard

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Dog Parks

Poppy is such a loving dog, especially with people - she much prefers them to other dogs! She is friendly with other dogs but at the dog park she always goes to people first and dogs second! She is super intelligent and loves being outdoors. She is absolutely stunning looking! She has golden coloured retriever ears but the white Akita coat with a little wave to it especially at the back end. She also has the Akita curled tail with the white tip. Couldn’t have chosen a better dog if she had been a pedigree!

2years, 8months ago

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Buster Bear

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8 Years

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3 People

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House & Yard

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We got Buster when he was about 8 months. He was a fluff ball when we got him. We kept him inside for a few months because of potential diseases he could have gotten while a puppy. As he got older, we noticed he had some aggressiveness to him so we were confused what he could be a mix of to make him this way. Then we figured out it was the Akita. mix. He does not do well at all with being around unfamiliar dogs, he even needs a muzzle if we bring him to the dog park. We have not taken him in years tho. As well as small children he will growl because we think his eyesight is bad and can't tell if they are a person or animal. He is very loving with us and his dog sister, Penny, who is a Weiner dog. He is very aggressive when it comes to food. He was raised with two cats that we got before him but he does not do well when he sees stray cats. He would actually hurt one if he got ahold. This dog breed is sometimes stressful because if he accidentally gets out of the house he could potentially hurt an animal or maybe a small child. Thankfully nothing has happened but just be aware of the akita mix.

2years, 9months ago

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7 Years

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5 People

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House & Yard

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We got Marley when he was just a puppy, we rescued him at the pound. He has been a great dog, as we still have him. He’s part of he family and we love him to death.

6years, 5months ago

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4 Years

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3 People

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House & Yard

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He is quite fearful even though we’ve had him from a puppy and goes everywhere with us ,he is very loving and fun,although also stubborn

6years, 1month ago

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4 Years

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4 People

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House & Yard

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Rescue stray from Turkey

4years, 11months ago

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Koda Bear

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13 Years

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1 People

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House & Yard

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I rescued Koda Bear when she was given up by her owner of 13 yrs. I rescue senior dogs no longer wanted. I had Koda Bear an amazing 4 mos. I run the dogs on a country road less traveled along the cliffs above the river we live on. Koda went over the side and down the cliff to the water. There was no way a dog could climb up the steep cliff but she did! I came home and read about Akita's. The owner and our vet did not know what Koda was. I knew she was part Akita. Now I see she had traits of both dogs. The aloof Akita and also the Funny Retriever. Wonder filled Dog! The case of cat food went missing. I found it downstairs with chewed up cans everywhere. she had taken it down there and passed cans out to the other dogs for a party. Another day I hear my step stool in the bedroom moving along the floor. I went in to see what the heck. It was Koda Bear trying to drag a case of 36 cans of Friskies out of the room. She'd gotten it stuck under the step stool. A shoe chewer she only got 1 old slipper of mine. I never scolded her. Never did she act 13. She felt ill one day, she was off food the next. she went and lay by the foot of my recliner where she would rest her head on my foot. She got outside. I've heard dogs do that to die. She died that night in our flower bed. I sat with her until 1am. I've had animals all my life but Koda Bear was truly special. She left paw prints on my soul and my heart.

4years ago

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6 Years

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3 People

Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (250)


Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (251)


Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (252) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (253) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (254) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (255) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (256)

Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (257)


Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (258) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (259) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (260) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (261) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (262)

Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (263)


Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (264) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (265) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (266) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (267) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (268)

Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (269)


Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (270) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (271) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (272) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (273) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (274)

Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (275)


Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (276) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (277) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (278) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (279) Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (280)


Caspar is a very loving dog,and very relaxed at home,he loves camping and walking,swimming and going on adventures.But he is very fearful of lots of things even though we have exposed him to lots of things from 8 weeks old,he can show some aggression around some dogs even though we socialised him,he is very unique,hard work especially if he gets frightened because of his strength,but we love him x

3years, 9months ago

Golden Akita Retriever | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.