General Info | Binance Open Platform (2024)

General API Information

  • The following base endpoints are available:
  • The last 4 endpoints in the point above (api1-api4) might give better performance but have less stability. Please use whichever works best for your setup.
  • All endpoints return either a JSON object or array.
  • Data is returned in ascending order. Oldest first, newest last.
  • All time and timestamp related fields are in milliseconds.

HTTP Return Codes

  • HTTP 4XX return codes are used for malformed requests;the issue is on the sender's side.
  • HTTP 403 return code is used when the WAF Limit (Web Application Firewall) has been violated.
  • HTTP 409 return code is used when a cancelReplace order partially succeeds. (e.g. if the cancellation of the order fails but the new order placement succeeds.)
  • HTTP 429 return code is used when breaking a request rate limit.
  • HTTP 418 return code is used when an IP has been auto-banned for continuing to send requests after receiving 429 codes.
  • HTTP 5XX return codes are used for internal errors; the issue is onBinance's side.It is important to NOT treat this as a failure operation; the execution status isUNKNOWN and could have been a success.

Error Codes and Messages

  • If there is an error, the API will return an error with a message of the reason.

The error payload on API and SAPI is as follows:

"code": -1121,
"msg": "Invalid symbol."
  • Specific error codes and messages defined in Error Codes.

General Information on Endpoints

  • For GET endpoints, parameters must be sent as a query string.
  • For POST, PUT, and DELETE endpoints, the parameters may be sent as aquery string or in the request body with content typeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded. You may mix parameters between both thequery string and request body if you wish to do so.
  • Parameters may be sent in any order.
  • If a parameter sent in both the query string and request body, thequery string parameter will be used.


General Info on Limits

  • The following intervalLetter values for headers:
    • SECOND => S
    • MINUTE => M
    • HOUR => H
    • DAY => D
  • intervalNum describes the amount of the interval. For example, intervalNum 5 with intervalLetter M means "Every 5 minutes".
  • The /api/v3/exchangeInfo rateLimits array contains objects related to the exchange's RAW_REQUESTS, REQUEST_WEIGHT, and ORDERS rate limits. These are further defined in the ENUM definitions section under Rate limiters (rateLimitType).
  • A 429 will be returned when either request rate limit or order rate limit is violated.

IP Limits

  • Every request will contain X-MBX-USED-WEIGHT-(intervalNum)(intervalLetter) in the response headers which has the current used weight for the IP for all request rate limiters defined.
  • Each route has a weight which determines for the number of requests each endpoint counts for. Heavier endpoints and endpoints that do operations on multiple symbols will have a heavier weight.
  • When a 429 is received, it's your obligation as an API to back off and not spam the API.
  • Repeatedly violating rate limits and/or failing to back off after receiving 429s will result in an automated IP ban (HTTP status 418).
  • IP bans are tracked and scale in duration for repeat offenders, from 2 minutes to 3 days.
  • A Retry-After header is sent with a 418 or 429 responses and will give the number of seconds required to wait, in the case of a 429, to prevent a ban, or, in the case of a 418, until the ban is over.
  • The limits on the API are based on the IPs, not the API keys.

Order Rate Limits

  • Every successful order response will contain a X-MBX-ORDER-COUNT-(intervalNum)(intervalLetter) header which has the current order count for the account for all order rate limiters defined.

  • When the order count exceeds the limit, you will receive a 429 error without the Retry-After header. Please check the Order Rate Limit rules using GET api/v3/exchangeInfo and wait for reactivation accordingly.

  • Rejected/unsuccessful orders are not guaranteed to have X-MBX-ORDER-COUNT-** headers in the response.

  • The order rate limit is counted against each account.

  • To monitor order count usage, refer to GET api/v3/rateLimit/order

Websocket Limits

  • WebSocket connections have a limit of 5 incoming messages per second. A message is considered:
    • A PING frame
    • A PONG frame
    • A JSON controlled message (e.g. subscribe, unsubscribe)
  • A connection that goes beyond the limit will be disconnected; IPs that are repeatedly disconnected may be banned.
  • A single connection can listen to a maximum of 1024 streams.
  • There is a limit of 300 connections per attempt every 5 minutes per IP.

/api/ and /sapi/ Limit Introduction

The /api/* and /sapi/* endpoints adopt either of two access limiting rules, IP limits or UID (account) limits.

  • Endpoints related to /api/*:

    • According to the two modes of IP and UID (account) limit, each are independent.
    • Endpoints share the 6000 per minute limit based on IP.
    • Responses contain the header X-MBX-USED-WEIGHT-(intervalNum)(intervalLetter), defining the weight used by the current IP.
    • Successful order responses contain the header X-MBX-ORDER-COUNT-(intervalNum)(intervalLetter), defining the order limit used by the UID.
  • Endpoints related to /sapi/*:

    • Endpoints are marked according to IP or UID limit and their corresponding weight value.
    • Each endpoint with IP limits has an independent 12000 per minute limit.
    • Each endpoint with UID limits has an independent 180000 per minute limit.
    • Responses from endpoints with IP limits contain the header X-SAPI-USED-IP-WEIGHT-1M, defining the weight used by the current IP.
    • Responses from endpoints with UID limits contain the header X-SAPI-USED-UID-WEIGHT-1M, defining the weight used by the current UID.

Data Sources

  • The API system is asynchronous, so some delay in the response is normal and expected.
  • Each endpoint has a data source indicating where the data is being retrieved, and thus which endpoints have the most up-to-date response.

These are the three sources, ordered by which is has the most up-to-date response to the one with potential delays in updates.

  • Matching Engine - the data is from the matching Engine
  • Memory - the data is from a server's local or external memory
  • Database - the data is taken directly from a database

Endpoint security type

  • Each endpoint has a security type that determines how you willinteract with it. This is stated next to the NAME of the endpoint.
    • If no security type is stated, assume the security type is NONE.
  • API-keys are passed into the Rest API via the X-MBX-APIKEYheader.
  • API-keys and secret-keys are case sensitive.
  • API-keys can be configured to only access certain types of secure endpoints.For example, one API-key could be used for TRADE only, while another API-keycan access everything except for TRADE routes.
  • By default, API-keys can access all secure routes.
Security TypeDescription
NONEEndpoint can be accessed freely.
TRADEEndpoint requires sending a valid API-Key and signature.
MARGINEndpoint requires sending a valid API-Key and signature.
USER_DATAEndpoint requires sending a valid API-Key and signature.
USER_STREAMEndpoint requires sending a valid API-Key.
MARKET_DATAEndpoint requires sending a valid API-Key.
  • TRADE, MARGIN and USER_DATA endpoints are SIGNED endpoints.


  • SIGNED endpoints require an additional parameter, signature, to besent in the query string or request body.
  • Endpoints use HMAC SHA256 signatures. The HMAC SHA256 signature is a keyed HMAC SHA256 operation.Use your secretKey as the key and totalParams as the value for the HMAC operation.
  • The signature is not case sensitive.
  • totalParams is defined as the query string concatenated with therequest body.

Timing security

  • A SIGNED endpoint also requires a parameter, timestamp, to be sent whichshould be the millisecond timestamp of when the request was created and sent.
  • An additional parameter, recvWindow, may be sent to specify the number ofmilliseconds after timestamp the request is valid for. If recvWindowis not sent, it defaults to 5000.

The logic is as follows:

 if (timestamp < (serverTime + 1000) && (serverTime - timestamp) <= recvWindow)
// process request
// reject request

Serious trading is about timing. Networks can be unstable and unreliable,which can lead to requests taking varying amounts of time to reach theservers. With recvWindow, you can specify that the request must beprocessed within a certain number of milliseconds or be rejected by theserver.

SIGNED Endpoint Examples for POST /api/v3/order - HMAC Keys

Here is a step-by-step example of how to send a vaild signed payload from theLinux command line using echo, openssl, and curl.


Example 1: As a request body

Example 1

HMAC SHA256 signature:

 $ echo -n "symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "NhqPtmdSJYdKjVHjA7PZj4Mge3R5YNiP1e3UZjInClVN65XAbvqqM6A7H5fATj0j"
(stdin)= c8db56825ae71d6d79447849e617115f4a920fa2acdcab2b053c4b2838bd6b71

curl command:

 (HMAC SHA256)
$ curl -H "X-MBX-APIKEY: vmPUZE6mv9SD5VNHk4HlWFsOr6aKE2zvsw0MuIgwCIPy6utIco14y7Ju91duEh8A" -X POST '' -d 'symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559&signature=c8db56825ae71d6d79447849e617115f4a920fa2acdcab2b053c4b2838bd6b71'

  • requestBody:


Example 2: As a query string

Example 2

HMAC SHA256 signature:

 $ echo -n "symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "NhqPtmdSJYdKjVHjA7PZj4Mge3R5YNiP1e3UZjInClVN65XAbvqqM6A7H5fATj0j"
(stdin)= c8db56825ae71d6d79447849e617115f4a920fa2acdcab2b053c4b2838bd6b71

curl command:

 (HMAC SHA256)
$ curl -H "X-MBX-APIKEY: vmPUZE6mv9SD5VNHk4HlWFsOr6aKE2zvsw0MuIgwCIPy6utIco14y7Ju91duEh8A" -X POST ''

  • queryString:


Example 3: Mixed query string and request body

Example 3

HMAC SHA256 signature:

 $ echo -n "symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTCquantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "NhqPtmdSJYdKjVHjA7PZj4Mge3R5YNiP1e3UZjInClVN65XAbvqqM6A7H5fATj0j"
(stdin)= 0fd168b8ddb4876a0358a8d14d0c9f3da0e9b20c5d52b2a00fcf7d1c602f9a77

curl command:

 (HMAC SHA256)
$ curl -H "X-MBX-APIKEY: vmPUZE6mv9SD5VNHk4HlWFsOr6aKE2zvsw0MuIgwCIPy6utIco14y7Ju91duEh8A" -X POST '' -d 'quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559&signature=0fd168b8ddb4876a0358a8d14d0c9f3da0e9b20c5d52b2a00fcf7d1c602f9a77'
  • queryString:


  • requestBody:


Note that the signature is different in example 3.There is no & between "GTC" and "quantity=1".

SIGNED Endpoint Example for POST /api/v3/order - RSA Keys

  • This will be a step by step process how to create the signature payload to send a valid signed payload.
  • We support PKCS#8 currently.
  • To get your API key, you need to upload your RSA Public Key to your account and a corresponding API key will be provided for you.

For this example, the private key will be referenced as test-prv-key.pem


Signature payload (with the listed parameters):


Step 1: Construct the payload

Arrange the list of parameters into a string. Separate each parameter with a &.

Step 2: Compute the signature:

2.1 - Encode signature payload as ASCII data.

Step 2.2

 $ echo -n 'symbol=BTCUSDT&side=SELL&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.2&timestamp=1668481559918&recvWindow=5000' | openssl dgst -sha256 -sign ./test-prv-key.pem

2.2 - Sign payload using RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 algorithm with SHA-256 hash function.

Step 2.3

$ echo -n 'symbol=BTCUSDT&side=SELL&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.2&timestamp=1668481559918&recvWindow=5000' | openssl dgst -sha256 -sign ./test-prv-key.pem | openssl enc -base64 -A

2.3 - Encode output as base64 string.

Step 2.4


2.4 - Since the signature may contain / and =, this could cause issues with sending the request. So the signature has to be URL encoded.

Step 2.5

 curl -H "X-MBX-APIKEY: CAvIjXy3F44yW6Pou5k8Dy1swsYDWJZLeoK2r8G4cFDnE9nosRppc2eKc1T8TRTQ" -X POST ''

2.5 - curl command

Bash script

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Set up authentication:
API_KEY="put your own API Key here"

# Set up the request:

# Sign the request:
timestamp=$(date +%s000)
signature=$(echo -n "$api_params_with_timestamp" \
| openssl dgst -sha256 -sign "$PRIVATE_KEY_PATH" \
| openssl enc -base64 -A)

# Send the request:
"$API_CALL?$api_params_with_timestamp" \
--data-urlencode "signature=$signature"

A sample Bash script containing similar steps is available in the right side.

General Info | Binance Open Platform (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.