GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (2024)

How would you rate GasBuddy?

Top Positive Review

“Agree with everyone who gave 0-1”



Besides all other issues mentioned above, this company cancelled my card without notice. When asked, they told me that I have a duplicate account? Really?Three months tried to get a new card. Just keep asking banking info to send small deposits for verification but never sent. Only sending stupid useless emails once in a month.

See positive reviews

Top Critical Review

“Prices shown are way lower than actual prices at the pump”



Went to 4 stations on 7/11/24 based on prices reported to Gas Buddy. All of the actual prices were drastically higher than the prices reported via Gas Buddy. We'd driven far out of our way based on the GB reported prices. AND, when I submitted correct prices to Gas Buddy, they were never posted. I have relied on GB for best gas prices for years but won't be depending on GB anymore. Something fishy going on.

See critical reviews

Reviews (345)

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (1)

2 reviews

5 helpful votes

August 21st, 2023

Verified purchase

We just drove 10 miles out of our way because Mobile advertised 3.62. When we got there it was 377. I suspect that the business has people constantly updating their gas price to something outrageously low just to get customers to drive there.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (2)

1 review

33 helpful votes

October 24th, 2021

Just tried using this app and the card stopped working while I was at a pump. It is not updated, even if it states it was 2 to 4 hrs ago, it will be more at the pump. Just stick to Waze app. I would not recommend gas buddy be used by anyone. A total incompetent app! You have been warned and I hope it helps someone use any other alternative. I enclose a photo of my receipt before it stopped working at any other pump or even gas station?

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (3)

1 review

9 helpful votes

March 14th, 2017

I've used for 6 months. Kind of fun to start with. Now it's just disappointing. I'm not cheating. I go to each gas station submit info. The points are gone. I'm deleting this app today. Also the truck drivers should be on a different program. How can one compete with that. Good bye gas buddy.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (4)

1 review

2 helpful votes

September 27th, 2021

Besides all other issues mentioned above, this company cancelled my card without notice. When asked, they told me that I have a duplicate account? Really?
Three months tried to get a new card. Just keep asking banking info to send small deposits for verification but never sent. Only sending stupid useless emails once in a month.






GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (5)

1 review

10 helpful votes

October 26th, 2022

What started out as a decent app geared to saving money at the pump appears to have become a "bait and switch" scam to get users to participate and purchase at a specific station under the guise of cheaper gas through discounting. Only problem I've noted is that the discounts rarely, if ever, materialize. Complaints filed with the company are initially ignored or stalled hoping you'll go away and if pressed, they then merely recite the rules for making the program work. Even if you follow the rules to the letter and everything appears to work as planned using their GasBuddy card, the discounts are not received.

Anyone else notice this? Anyone else know of any class action law suits contemplated or actually filed against them? I'd be interested in seeing one come down the pike.

Tip for consumers:
If using your GasBuddy card, always check to see if you received your discount. I detect a pattern or lowballing on the discounts actually given vs. what they tell you that you will receive




GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (6)

1 review

6 helpful votes

September 20th, 2018

GasBuddy needs to crack down on owners reporting false prices. The same names keep popping up at certain stations, with prices often 25 cents or more lower than actual. This has made GasBuddy completely useless.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (7)

2 reviews

25 helpful votes

April 27th, 2019

Well it's sort of a mystery/crap shoot on prices at the pump using gas buddy. Are users just making up prices to get points for reporting or station owners to get traffic?
So while GasBuddy can be a useful tool people find a way to make it useless. I have driven around looking for that amazing lower price too. Like all things that were cool "Internet" sites/apps, another just goes to $#*!.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (8)

1 review

9 helpful votes

December 31st, 2015

This site never allows me to post prices and the current ones are wrong for hours. It also will not let you log in no matter how many times you set up an account. I have correct prices since I am a manager at one of the gas stations. Hate the website.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (9)

1 review

7 helpful votes

July 30th, 2018

I wasted so much time and money using this app - namely, driving out of my way to stations that were supposedly cheaper than others to only find out they were MORE expensive. Apparently station owners are known to report false prices. Terrible.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (10)

1 review

26 helpful votes

June 25th, 2019

I've been using Gasbuddy very regularly for about 7 years (including prior versions of app), and consider myself a loyal fan. I post prices every day, and always use it to find prices when in need of a fill up. Unlike many comments, I've found the prices to be accurate the vast majority of the time. My problem is that while it shows that I've actually earned several million points & dozens of 'Challenge Awards' life-to-date, and I've entered the 'free gas' card drawing regularly over the years, I've never won the 'daily drawing.' Do they automatically block certain names for some reason? Or do they even draw names daily as they advertise? After 7 years, I wonder...

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (11)

2 reviews

2 helpful votes

March 24th, 2022

I use the app almost every time I need gas. I search Current Location—or anywhere else. Sometimes I'll check a location I plan to visit in case gas is cheaper there.

Today, just now, I paid 20¢/gallon less because I searched my current location and found Power Plus Automotive in Belmont, MA was that much less than my go-to, Watertown Gas. The stations are ~equidistant but I would have driven a little further to save the $2.80.

At least as of this writing, I have only encountered one incorrect price—the price I paid was less. (This actually happened today.)

I didn't know I could Favorite stations until I read someone else's review. (Heart upper right corner but sometimes the heart doesn't seem to appear.)

Based on reviews, I'll skip the GasBuddy card, at least until more issues are resolved. It doesn't seem consistent, often defaults to "credit" price, and issues with double billing or inability to use the card.

Tip for consumers:
Cheapest gas in the area.

Products used:



GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (12)

1 review

10 helpful votes

August 29th, 2019

The *******686 customer support number on the back of the card is never answered. I found two fraudulent charges that happened 500 miles from where I live on my card. I was never able to get a live person and I called continuously from the moment they allegedly opened until... I have left a voice mail and am supposed to receive an email response to my situation. In this day of technology what other reputable company handles customer service issues this way? Right, none. I suggest you use a credit card that offers gas discounts or points. Pay it off at the end of the month and you will be far better off than this inept company.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (13)

1 review

12 helpful votes

May 10th, 2018

Signed up under the guise that I would save money on each gallon and then when I used it ended up with useless points that can only be redeemed by buying crap that I don't want or need at Shop Your Way. Pretty slimy tactics. Will be closing this account.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (14)

2 reviews

22 helpful votes

May 25th, 2018

I question how stupid some of the reviewers here are. "Rejecting my info"? 10 cents off then 5 cents? Can people read? These are the same idiots that didn't read their mortgage agreements in the run up to the recession and caused the housing crisis. There's a lot of stupid people. I read the terms, agreed, and have been getting the discount now just fine. I've never had any issues. Their support the one time I used it could be improved absolutely agree there. But the card works, read the fine print before complaining and you won't have problems.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (15)

1 review

24 helpful votes

February 11th, 2020

I have been trying for 6 months, dozens of emails, calls won't go thru, just to get my card. Still have not received it. Keep getting auto-replies. Got a human response 1 time and they asked for my old address from 3 years ago. I refused. I have already earned over $30 that I guess I'll just let them keep it at this point.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (16)

1 review

2 helpful votes

June 14th, 2023

Unfortunately, Gas Buddy is good for nothing more than finding the nearest gas station because prices are either out of date or faked by the station owners and managers. Great concept but total fail as there are no checks or balances to prevent fake news.





October 21st, 2019

Many of the gas stations in my area are reported incorrectly. When I try to access one particular town, it shows me stations 60 miles away. I have sent the information to gasbuddy on several occasions and have been told that someone will get back to me, but it never happens. It does, nt even seem like they read complaints.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (18)

1 review

4 helpful votes

January 14th, 2023

Verified purchase

They say you can redeem your rewards for gift cards, but make it impossible to "confirm" the order of the gift card. Apple should remove this fraudulently company from the App Store. They just want to sell your information and pretend they're saving you money. Worthless, piece of crap company.

Tip for consumers:
Avoid at all costs.

Products used:
The GasBuddy app






GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (19)

2 reviews

14 helpful votes

March 2nd, 2017

Used the old app for over 8 years and have close to 4 million points. The old app was great. Easy to use. The new app is full of garbage impossible to read easily. Their IT department must be a bunch of 13 year olds that don't even drive. I stopped posting right after the update last September. Too bad they made a god thing bad.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (20)

1 review

40 helpful votes

April 5th, 2020

Or you'll be ripped off to a premium extent. I've used Gasbuddy for over 6 years to find cheap gas and that's fine. Then they offered Gasbuddy Premium with savings and roadside assistance. The first time I needed roadside assistance I was told I didn't have a roadside assistance plan and that I could buy one for $149. There is no phone number to talk with anyone at Gasbuddy. Emails are returned after 2 weeks with no answers, only "can we help you further?" I have contacted my attorney to demand remuneration.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (21)

3 reviews

8 helpful votes

July 25th, 2011

I use gasbuddy quite regularly, especially when travelling in our RV.
Quite reliable and updated daily from registered users.
I highly recommend this website for those looking for the best gas prices anywhere!

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (22)

1 review

6 helpful votes

July 8th, 2022

Not only are their prices inaccurate but I signed up for their GasBuddy card, and it's a waste of steps and time. It sounds helpful enough, you use the app to activate your 3-5 cent discount, you use your GB card and it links directly to your bank account… only thing is that "discount" never gets applied. I thought it was user error but I tried it 3 separate times at 3 separate gas stations and nothing activated. I thought maybe the billed amount would be less on my bank statement but never received a discount. Better off using a points back credit card.

I tried calling their customer service department, might as well not count on that, it's non-existent.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (23)

2 reviews

1 helpful vote

July 9th, 2021

Wow... Where can I start... Another no-Service Company. Lost my card... April 2021. Tried to get a new one for three months and 8 days. The only way you can talk to someone is to go through a matrix of automated call prompts. There are 9 of them... after begging them to do business with them and getting no help, I finally chose the prompt to cancel card. Guess what. When you do that, they hook you up to a know nothing, work from home powerless person who reads from the same script and tells you what is wrong the same as the bots... but guess what again. It's not wrong. All the stuff they tell you you didn't do, you did. They don't listen to you they just keep reading from the script telling you you are wrong. Aggravation. Cancelled my card today, breathed a sigh of relief and made a vow to stop doing business with companies that don't provide service. Next after this, cancel my connections with walmart... No cashiers... another slap in the face.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (24)

1 review

12 helpful votes

May 30th, 2017

Used to LOVE the Gasbuddy app but the new app(2017) is annoying. Here's why:

1. First the nee version is way slower than the current app(2017).

2. Too many clicks needed to get to nearby gas prices and / or to enter gas prices.

3. Slow loading and slow bringing up new screens.

4. Small non-corp Non-name-brand gas stations seem to have disappeared from Gasbuddy and I haven't figured out how to add then back.

5. Slow and awkward to edit a station with the app, such as to add a new gas type, like Diesel. Can be done but was easier before with the old app.

GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (25)

1 review

5 helpful votes

August 11th, 2017

I have no Faith in this version, Aside from new look which always takes adjusting to, home page is not user friendly whatsoever. Changing the location of $price and last updated price from right to left is only good if your left-handed as I have to lift/move my right finger out of the way to see the $price and how long ago... Also, don't have the option to put favorites in order. Im not liking this to say the least. Old versions rules! At least keep the pros of old version with some if any pros on new version and lose the G. D. CONS.


GasBuddy Reviews - 1.3 Stars (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 5995

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.