Frequently Asked Questions (2024)


Q. Who is selling the checks on this website?

A. The checks offered on this website are sold to you by yourfinancial institution. Deluxe is your financial institution'spreferred wholesale check supplier. Your bank hires us to manufacturethe checks, as well as process, handle, and deliver the retailorders.

Q. What are the benefits of ordering checks from myfinancial institution's preferred check supplier?

A. The advantages of ordering checks directly through yourfinancial institution include:

  • Security of ordering checks from your financial institutionsendorsed check printer
  • A guarantee that your checks will be printed accurately
  • Tamper-resistant checks that contain important securityfeatures to help fight against check fraud, protecting your checksfrom alteration and counterfeiting
  • Safe, secure check ordering
  • Multiple design choices
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee

Q. What kinds of fees, charges, and taxes are there?

  • A. The price of your checks is ultimately set by yourfinancial institution, considering various factors and costs,including but not limited to applicable program status, applicablewaives or discounts, and the amounts your financial institution paysDeluxe for the checks, standard shipping, handling, tax, and otherfees.
  • A. You are also offered various levels of Expedited Deliveryand Processing Fees, for which you are charged additionaldiscretionary amounts for delivering, handling, and processing yourorder with faster delivery times. The retail prices your financialinstitution sets for checks, Standard Delivery, as well as thevarious Expedited Delivery and Processing Fees, allows yourfinancial institution to offer its customers an integrated checkordering experience and, when considered along with other revenues,may earn a profit.
  • A. The various taxes applicable to your order-such as city,state, and local taxes-are typically included in the price of yourchecks. In some instances, however, taxes may be listed as aseparate charge. The actual amount of taxes applicable to each ordervaries.

Q. What happens to my payment?

A. When you place an order for checks, a third-party entityauthorized to act as an ACH Originator makes a deduction from youraccount for the total amount, including any additional fees forexpedited delivery, processing, and services. This will appear onyour bank account as an "ACH" fee.

The ACH Originator then remits to Deluxe the amount that thefinancial institution owes to Deluxe for the checks, various fees,and tax, per Deluxe's contract with that financial institution.Deluxe then remits the appropriate tax amount to the appropriateauthorities. The remainder of the amount is remitted to yourfinancial institution.

Q. How many checks are in a box?

A. Most personal check designs have 80 checks per box.Mini-Paks have 1 pad of 25 checks per box. Please note that somefinancial institutions specific design can have different quantities.

Q. What check number will print on my checks?

A. Our system calculates the next logical starting number basedon your previous order. You can change it if you would like, based onnumbering allowed by your financial institution.

Q. I'm getting an error message, how do I get help?

A. If possible, please follow the directions in the error message. Ifthat does not help, please call 866-838-5301 or use the contactus page

Q. I think I am missing a book/pad of checks, whatdo I do?

A. Some reorder forms list the next starting number, not thenumber for the check in the book/pad. This makes it appear that youare missing a book/pad of checks. Look at the actual check underneaththe reorder form for the check number in the book/pad.

Q. Where can I find more information on how to usemy checks and balance my checking account?

A. Learn more about managing and using your checking account at AboutChecks. Read or download the pdf file Learning About CheckingAccounts.

Q. What does the 100% satisfaction guarantee mean?

A. Deluxe is sure that you will be happy with your check order.However, if you are not satisfied with your order or your order wasprinted incorrectly, contactus and we will reprint your checks or replace your order with asimilar product at no additional charge. If we are unable to resolveyour concern, we are also happy to refund your money. We guaranteeyour satisfaction!

Q. How do I know if I can order my checks from thissite?

A. The personal checks available through this Web site areoffered by Deluxe on behalf of your financial institution. You shouldbe able to order from this Web site if all of the followingconditions are met:

  • Your financial institution has chosen Deluxe as its checksupplier.
  • Your financial institution offers this service to itsaccount holders.
  • Your last order was placed with Deluxe (using one of thetraditional ordering methods or online ordering).
  • You know the ZIP code that was printed on your last checkorder.

Q. How long is my order information stored?

A. Information on orders is stored for up to 5 years. If youhave not ordered personal checks through your financial institutionwithin the past 5 years, or if our system is unable to retrieve yourorder history, please contact your financial institution to placeyour order.

Q. There is a problem with my order. What should Ido?

A. To have your checks reprinted, contact your financial institutionor call 1-866-838-5301 or by using the CustomerService area within this site.


Q. What information should I have printed on mycheck?

A. To protect yourself from identity theft, Deluxe recommendsnot including your Social Security number, driver's license number,or other unnecessary personal information on your checks. Merchantsshould request and verify your identifying information.

Q. Are there any ordering restrictions?

A. Possibly. Depending upon the type of account you have withyour financial institution you may be unable to order certain typesof products (address labels and/or accessories), order certain checkdesigns, or make alterations to the accent features (symbols,background symbols, messages) of your check.

Q. Can I change my imprint or shipping addressonline?

A. For your security and protection, many financial institutions donot allow these changes online.

If you areallowed to make these changes, the system will allow you to. Pleasenote that these changes may need to be approved by your financialinstitution prior to the order being produced.

Ifyou aren't allowed to make changes online, please place your orderwith your financial institution or by calling 866-838-5301.

Q. I am part of a program at my financialinstitution. If I reorder through this Web site, will I be charged?

A. Deluxe offers this service to you on behalf of your financialinstitution. To find out your specific program requirements, pleasecontact your financial institution.

The actualamount debited from your checking account will reflect your properdiscount as defined by your program or account type.

Q. How do I pay for my order?

A. Your checking account will be debited for the amount of yourorder.

Q. My bank is going through some changes. Will myorder be printed correctly?

A. Deluxe stays current with all changes taking place in thefinancial industry. If your financial institution informationchanges, we update our system automatically to ensure your checks areprinted correctly.

Q. Why do I get a price not available instead of aprice?

A. This rarely happens, but when it does it is because ourapplication has encountered a glitch. You can place your order bycalling 866-838-5301 or with your financial institution to get yourprice.

Q. Will my order be automatically processed?

A. Yes, however orders are sent through a fraud screeningprocess. Some orders may have a slight delay or be cancelled duringthis process.


Q. When will I get my checks?

A. Allow 10-14 days for production and standard delivery. Ifyou need your checks sooner, take advantage of our faster deliveryoptions, which are available for most products. Orders with fasterdelivery methods placed later in the day may be produced and shippedthe next day.

Q. Can I change where my order is shipped?

A. For your security and protection, many financial institutions donot allow the shipping address to change online.

If you are allowed to make these changes, the system will allow youto. Please note that these changes may need to be approved by yourfinancial institution prior to the order being produced.

If you aren't allowed to make changes online, please place your orderwith your financial institution or by calling 866-838-5301.

Q. Can I ship my order to an international address?

A. This site can only accept check orders that will ship withinthe United States, including Puerto Rico. All reorders to be shippedoutside the U.S. must be handled through your financial institution.We do accept APO/FPO addresses for military personnel.

Order Status

Q. How can I check the status of my order?

A. Sign in and click My Orders. Details such as item name,order date, status, and ship status will display on the page.

Q. How do I know that my order has been placed?

A. After you click the Place Your Order button on the Review Orderpage, you will see an Order Confirmation page. The Order Confirmationpage confirms that your order has been submitted to Deluxe. You willalso receive an e-mail message confirming your order.
You canview your order by signing in and checking order status in My Orders.

Q. I ordered more than one product, but onlyreceived one. Where is the rest of my order?

A. Products may ship from various facilities and therefore mayarrive at different times. Also, certain products are consideredseparate orders and will be shipped separately.

Q. Can I check the status of my order even if Ididn't order online?

A. Yes. Information about your recent check order is availableon this Web site whether you ordered by mail, by phone, online, orthrough your financial institution. The order status service isavailable to anyone whose financial institution has selected Deluxeas its check supplier. If you didn't order online, allow up to sevendays for your order to be entered into our online system.


Q. Is it safe to reorder checks through this Website?

A. Yes. Deluxe uses a secure server for all onlinetransactions. In addition, we have set up security checkpointsthroughout the order process to further ensure the security of yourtransactions. How do you know you have a safe connection? Look for aclosed lock icon in the lower right corner of the browser window-anytransactions made from a page with a closed padlock icon are secure.

Q. Can anyone outside Deluxe see my personalinformation?

A. No. All transactions processed on this Web site areprotected using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, theindustry-standard method for protecting Web communications. The SSLsecurity protocol provides data encryption, server authentication,message integrity, and optional client authentication for a TCP/IPconnection. This means you can enter personal information, like yourname, address, and account number, and be confident that otherscannot read or access this information.

Note:If your financial institution subscribes to oneof Deluxe's account verification services, the information you submitmay be forwarded to these areas within our company for riskevaluation.

Q. How can I be sure that Deluxe is a reputable andtrustworthy Internet supplier?

A. Your financial institution selected Deluxe as its check supplier after a thorough review of our credentials and capabilities. Deluxe is proud to display the BBB Accredited Business. Learn more by clickingon the logo. You can also learn more about how we use and protect the information you supply on the website by reviewing our PrivacyPolicy.

Q. How do you protect the privacy and security of myinformation?

A. Deluxe has a long history of recognizing and protecting the privacy of consumers and is committed to protecting your privacy and utilizing technology that gives you the most powerful, safe, online experience available. Security measures are in place on our website to protect the misuse and alteration of the customer information under our control. Feel free to review our Privacy Policy for more details.

Q. What does the BBBAccredited Business seal mean?

A. Deluxe is authorized to display the BBB seal because we havebeen an accredited business since 1999 and meet and comply withBBBOnline privacy standards. You can learn more about the BBB and ouraccreditation by clicking on the BBB logo.

Q. Is e-mail I send to you through this Web sitesecure?

A. If you use the CustomerService page to send your e-mail message, your message is secure.All communication sent through this Web site is protected by SecureSockets Layer (SSL) technology. SSL encrypts information sent overthe Internet between your computer and Deluxe, helping to ensure thatthe information remains confidential. Note that SSL security does notapply to e-mail exchanges that occur outside our CustomerService pages.

Provent Fraud Protection

Not all financial institutions participatein Provent Fraud Protection. If your financial institutionparticipates this service may be included with your check order.Please contact your financial institution for more information.

Q. What is Provent Check Fraud Protection?

A. Provent Check Fraud Protection® is the only service of its kind,covering your checks against forged signatures, forged endorsem*ntsand altered checks. We will reimburse your loss of funds due to checkfraud up to $25,000, within 72 hours. Speedy reimbursem*nt keeps youburden-free while giving your financial institution time to fullyinvestigate and resolve the fraud incident. The service also givesyou access to certified Resolution Specialists who can answerquestions and give you advice for prevention of check fraud.
Formore information about Provent Services including Terms andConditions please visit

Q. Is there a monthly fee?

A. No it is not. The cost is $2.49 per order. The checksordered are covered for up to 2 years.

Q. Does it cover electronic fraud?

A. No, Provent only covers checks that were physically altered,or forged (the actual checks ordered). Counterfeit or reproducedchecks would not be covered.

Q. How do your certified Resolution Specialistsassist me in the event of check fraud?

A. The service provides Assisted or Fully Managed supportoptions. With Assisted support, the certified Resolution Specialistwill directly advise you on the best procedures and documents torespond to a check fraud incident. With Fully Managed support, thecertified Resolution Specialist will act on your behalf to resolvethe check fraud incident.

Q. How do I report a possible check fraud event withyou?

A. Contactus immediately if you see any activity that concerns you. You canreport fraud or suspicious activity by clicking "Report Fraud" at thetop of the Deluxe Provent website and filling out our form, or bycalling a certified Resolution Specialist right away by calling1-866-460-0095. By filling out the "Report Fraud" form, or contactingus directly, your case will be given our highest priority.

Deluxe Provent ID Restoration

Not all financial institutions participatein Deluxe Provent ID Restoration. If your financial institutionparticipates this service may be included with your check order.Please contact your financial institution for more information.

Q. What is Deluxe Provent ID Restoration?

A. Provent ID Restoration protects you in the event of identity theftby working with you to restore your identity to pre-theft status. Anonline fraud incident reporting process allows you to submit cases atany time, which ensures a timely response to your identity theftcases. Certified Resolution Specialists research each case and helpyou throughout the process. With this service you will receive: (a)access to ongoing education and information regarding how to avoididentity theft issues, (b) 24/7 access to a password-protected,secure online dashboard where you can manage and protect essentialpersonal information, (c) and identity theft resolution support froma certified Resolution Specialist should you experience an identitytheft event.
For more information about Provent Servicesincluding Terms and Conditions please visit

Q. Is there a monthly fee?

A. No there is not. The cost is $1.95 per order. Identity theftcoverage is provided for 1 year.

Q. How will you know if someone has stolen myidentity?

A. You will contact EZShield to notify us if you suspect that fraudhas occurred. You can contact us 24/7 via phone, fax or email. Call1-866-460-0095 or visit

Q. What is a Limited Power of Attorney?

A. It gives us permission to speak on your behalf so we mayassist with the fraud restoration process. Providing a Limited Powerof Attorney is only required if you would like our certifiedResolution Specialists to work on your behalf instead of justadvising you on how to resolve issues yourself.

Q. How do I report a possible identity theft eventwith you?

A. Contact us immediately if you see any activity that concernsyou. You can report fraud or suspicious activity by clicking "ReportFraud" at the top of the Deluxe Provent website and filling out ourform, or by calling a certified Resolution Specialist right away bycalling 1-866-460-0095. By filling out the "Report Fraud" form, orcontacting us directly, your case will be given our highest priority.

Q. How long am I covered?

A. ID Restoration purchased with your check order providescoverage for one year. You will be asked if you wish to continue thisservice after one year.

Deluxe Provent Checking Account Protection

Q. What is Provent Checking Account Protection?

A. If you experience any type of fraud associated with yourchecking account, Deluxe is here to assist. You receive: (a) fraudresolution support by certified Resolution Specialists (b) 72 houradvancement of funds lost due to fraud up to $25,000 for forgedsignatures, forged endorsem*nts, altered checks, counterfeiting, ATMfraud, and debit card fraud (c) access to Online Wallet, a securemember area for managing and protecting essential personalinformation such as passwords, identification, credit cardinformation, and bank account information (d) ongoing education andtips to help you minimize your risk of fraud.

Q. Is there a monthly fee?

A. No there is not. The cost is $4.49 per order. The customerreceives complete fraud resolution assistance for any type of fraudassociated with a covered checking account for up to 2 years.

Q. How do customers report a possible fraud eventwith you?

A. Customers should contact us immediately if they see anyunusual account activity that concerns them. Customers can reportfraud or suspicious activity by clicking "Report Fraud" at the top ofthe Deluxe Provent website and filling out our form, or by calling acertified Resolution Specialist right away at 1-866-460-0095. Byfilling out the "Report Fraud" form, or contacting us directly, thecustomer's case will be given our highest priority.


Q. I no longer want to receive promotional emailsfrom Deluxe. How do I unsubscribe?

A. If you no longer wish to receive promotional emails fromDeluxe, use the unsubscribe link provided at the bottom of each emailfrom Deluxe or contact us at 866-838-5301.

Q. I no longer want to receive reorder reminderemails from Deluxe. How do I unsubscribe?

A. If you no longer wish to receive reorder reminder emailsfrom Deluxe, use the unsubscribe link provided at the bottom of eachemail from Deluxe or contact us at 866-838-5301.

Q. I opted out, but would like to resubscribe. Howdo I do this?

A. You may select to resubscribe to reorder reminders orpromotional emails each time you place an order.

Frequently Asked Questions (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.