Freelance Writing Rates: Know Your Worth in 2024 (2024)

If you ask freelance writers, "what are freelance writing rates?" You're bound to hear a frustratingly wide range of answers. But what if you're asking the wrong question?

A better question to ask is,“How much money am I worth?”

In this post, you’ll find out.

I’ve been a freelance writer and editor for over 5 years, and I understand the anxiety that comes with negotiating rates.

In this post, I’ll cover all the different ways you can be a freelance writer, how much money you can expect to earn, and how your previous experience fits into the equation.

Ready for some realistic numbers?

Let’s get started.

Freelance Writing Rates: Know Your Worth in 2024 (1)

Show Me The Money

Let’s jump right in and check how much you can make as afreelance writer:

  • On average, freelance writers earn $23/hour.
  • At a regular full-time job (40hrs/week), that would earn you close to $50k per year.

Not bad, right?

Let’s break it down and look at a study done by Peak Freelance:

  • 91% of writers in their first year make less than $30k.
  • 50% of writers have worked 6-10 years to get into the $100k club.

When we look even closer, they found:

  • 50% (or more) of freelance writers earn less than $30k per year.
  • 18% of freelance writers reported income levels of $31k – $50k.
  • 5% reported making between $100k – $125k.
  • 4% earned over $125k.

It tells you at least 70% of freelance writers make less than $50k per year, and less than 10% make over $100k.

(To put that into perspective, 50% of freelance writers only work 10hrs/per week.)

That means 20% of writers are making $50k-$100k per year — the sweet spot.

Writers in this income range have figured out a few important things to get them there.

They’ve learned their worth.

How To Set Your Rates For Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing Rates: Know Your Worth in 2024 (2)

So, let’s get to the bottom of this. We’ll look at some different rates to help you decide how best to charge clients and help you find that income sweet spot that works for you.

Per-Word Rates

Generally, a freelancer starting out will charge a per-word rate. It’s a wise choice, as it helps you and the freelance writing client be on the same page.

Let’s say this client is on top of their game and has outlined their desired word count with a reasonable deadline.

There should be no question about how much you’re getting paid and how long it will take.

So, let’s make sure that you’re aware of what the going per-word rate is.

How Much Can You Charge?

These rates are flexible. There are many factors you will want to take into consideration when setting your rates (more on that later).

Here we have a basic breakdown fromWe Are Indy:

  • Entry Level — $.03 to $.06 per word
  • Intermediate — $.07 to $.12 per word
  • Experienced — $.13 to $.20 per word
  • Expert Level — $.21 to $.30 per word

Fun facts about per-word rates:

  • $250 – $399 is the most popular rate for a 1500-word blog post.
  • 21% of freelancers charge per word.
  • 34% of freelancers charge less than $.20 per word.
  • 85% of freelancers charge less than $.30 per word.
  • 97% of writers that charge per word write blog posts, but not exclusively.

Hourly Rates

Pricing an hourly rate can be tricky for a writer.

Let’s say you’re freelance rate is $20 per hour. That sounds reasonable, but you might not find it sustainable.

As your skills sharpen and your speed increases, you will want to raise your rates.

Yet, it’s hard to justify jumping from $20 per hour to $75 per hour if you’re used to working with a regular freelance writing client who might not be inclined to pay more.

Many experienced freelancers have learned this lesson the hard way. But luckily, you can learn from their mistakes.

How Much Can You Charge?

Here’s a breakdown to help you gauge your per-hour rate based on your experience level:

  • Entry Level — $15 to $30 per hour
  • Intermediate — $35 to $60 per hour
  • Experienced — $65 to $100 per hour
  • Expert Level — $105 to $150 per hour

Fun facts about hourly rates:

  • 53% of freelancers with a bachelor’s degree charge $50 – $100+ per hour.
  • 3% of freelancers with only ahigh school diploma charge by the hour.

The data suggests that a writer who specializes in a specific area or has a lot of experience feels more comfortable setting an hourly rate for their skills.

(Check out this handy calculator that converts a yearly salary to an hourly rate.)

Per Project Rates (Flat rate)

Charging a flat rate per project ismost popular for writers. It does help if you already have some experience, though, because there are a few things to consider. For example:

  • How many hours will it take to complete the writing project?
  • What is the total word count?
  • How much research is required?
  • What is the scope of the project?
  • How complicated is the writing project?

So, if the majority of writers (97%) content writing for blogs charge per word, you might be wondering:

“What are freelancers writing thatisn’t blog content?”

There are many other ways to make money freelancing. Here are a few of the more popular methods.

How Much Can You Charge?

This study fromAshley Cummings provides some great insights into the average costs per project:

  • Guides and ebooks — $5500
  • Website copy — $3200
  • Landing pages — $2175
  • Sales letters — $1750
  • Ads — $1050
  • Case studies — $870
  • Blog posts — $550

Fun facts about per-project rates:

  • 65% of freelancers choose to charge per project.
  • 27% of writerscharge between $250-$400 per 1500 word post, and also that:
  • Most writers who earn more than $100k per year charge a min. of $1000 per post.

Most freelancers oscillate between writing different types of content using a variety of writing rates specific to each one.

Let’s look closely at some of the more popular niches for which freelancers create content.

Identify Your Niche and Go For It

Freelance Writing Rates: Know Your Worth in 2024 (3)

There’s a ton of work for freelance writers. Most writers start out blogging, but the opportunities are endless.

There’s a niche for every writer. Check out a few popular ones here, and see if any get you excited!

Content Marketing & SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Writing

Content marketing is the planning, creating, and sharing of valuable content. The goal is to attract and convert readers into customers and customers into repeat buyers.

In a nutshell, a content marketer educates the reader and builds trust with them so they will purchase products and services from the business.

Content marketing reaches far into many areas of content creation for freelancers, including:

  • Blogs
  • Ebooks
  • Case studies
  • Videos
  • Social media
  • Podcasts
  • Audiobooks
  • And so much more.

SEO writing benefits online searchers by using relevant terms or phrases to help them find products, services, information, or a business. These benefits help drive sales, increase traffic, and improve brand awareness.

You can charge:

  • $.07 – $.12 per to start with at an intermediate level and then notch your freelance writer rates up to $.20 — $.30 per word as you sharpen your skills.
  • A fair rate for writing a 1500-word blog post is $250 – £399.

Email Marketing

These are primarily short pieces of content you write to help with strategic marketing for online businesses.

Freelance writing capitalizes on assisting online businesses by writing emailcontent for promotions, announcements, onboarding, newsletters, and more.

You can charge:

  • $100+ per email.
  • $200 – $300 for 4-5 day email sequences.

Businesses that pay big bucks for email marketing are:

  • Ecommerce businesses
  • Retail
  • Hospitality
  • Influencers
  • Luxury brands
  • Wedding Industry
  • Etc.

Landing Pages

Alanding page is a specific single page that a person will click through via email, advertisem*nt, digital service, etc.

The primary purpose of creating a landing pageis to promote marketing and advertising that will attract customers to the next step toward making a purchase.

You can charge:

  • $300 — $800 per page, depending on your experience level and the clients budget.
  • $5,000 for experienced freelance writers working for a larger business.

White Papers

Simply put, white papers are informational documents.

(Like this one below ⬇️)

Freelance Writing Rates: Know Your Worth in 2024 (4)

The main types of white papers are:

  • Backgrounders (An official briefing or handout giving background information.)
  • Numbered lists
  • Problem/Solution document

White papers are highly sought after by startup companies, large corporations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies.

They are usually approximately 2,500 words long and have a straightforward yet compelling narrative.

You can charge:

  • $500 — $1000 for a single white paper.
  • $5,000 for larger onesthat require more research or interviews.

White papers are very lucrative; some people make over $250k yearly.

Website Copywriting

Sometimes confused with content marketing, website copywritingis for websites to showcase their branding and turn browsers into customers.

Website copywriting includes:

  • Home pages
  • Services pages
  • Contact pages
  • About pages
  • Etc.

You can charge:

  • $1 — $3 per word.
  • $60 — $100 per hour.
  • $400+ per page at a flat rate.

That was just a snapshot of a copywriting rate. There are plenty of popular areas in which freelance writers can thrive.

This simple chart fromElna Cain will give you some insight into how to progress your career⬇️:

Freelance Writing Rates: Know Your Worth in 2024 (5)

Here are some other areas that you can also pursue:

  • Advertising
  • Ebooks
  • Press releases
  • Technical writing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Sales letters

The list goes on.

But this is an excellent start to help you understand all the opportunities and their freelance writing rate.

You just need to dive in and build up your experience level one step at a time.

Why Your Experience Is An Asset

Experience matters.

It helps you build trust with prospective clients and gives you confidence in your skills to understand their goals, deadlines, and budget.

The more freelancing experience you have, the better you become at producing quality written content.

That means less work on the backend for your client spent editing and formatting your work.

It helps to justify your freelance writing rates.

Assess Your Experience Level:

If you’re a beginner freelance writer or an experienced writer, here are a few questions to consider when setting your rates…

Do You Have Experience in a Particular Niche?

Freelance Writing Rates: Know Your Worth in 2024 (6)

Expertise in a specific niche isn’t necessary for being a content writer but can be helpful when approaching a potential client. As your experience grows, so will your writing skills and the diversity of your niches.

If you’re new and need to find your niche, consider what you’re interested in thinking, writing, talking about, and learning. Or pull from your work experience and current interests.

Here are a few examples:

  • If you’ve worked as a baker at a local bakery, you’ll have valuable knowledge applicable to content writing for a food blog.
  • Let’s say you love being up to date on what the best headphones are and why. You’ll probably have luck writing an electronics blog post.

Explore two or three niches as your content type, and start writing.

How Many Years Have You Been Writing?

Every writer has their own unique life experiences and natural aptitudes. If you’ve been writing professionally for 6+ years, you’ll have gained a stronger relationship with your writing, and charging higher rates will be acceptable to clients.

If you’re a newbie writer, you might be overwhelmed just trying to figure out how to find a prospective client.

Yet, if you’re insecure about your level of writing experience, it might interest you to know how your previous education is an asset.

What Is Your Highest Level of Education?

Education can make a difference to your freelance writer rate for a few reasons:

If you have a degree in, let’s say, business and you’re interested in freelance writing for financial blogs, your education will come in handy.

People with a post-secondary degree generally have a higher aptitude for research, writing papers, and meeting deadlines.

Moreover, a whopping majority of freelance writers (76%) have a bachelor’s degree or higher. People with only a high school education are less likely to pursue a freelancing career.

But don’t let these stats dissuade you.

A client wants to work with curious people who continue learning, are great to work with, and deliver quality content.

Plan Today, Thrive Tomorrow

I’m sure you’re worth a million bucks, but don’t bite off more than you can chew.

In the beginning, freelance writing can be a grind. It’s a balancing act between finding work, making a great income, and trying not to burn out while doing it.

You don’t want to make the mistake of undercharging and overworking yourself.

Remember, you’re running a freelance writing business.

Here’s a freelancer checklist of things you can circle back to as you move forward and plan your future freelance rate.

What Are Your Overhead Costs?

Freelance Writing Rates: Know Your Worth in 2024 (7)
  • Location

Consider your Country, State, taxes, utilities, etc… all of these effect your living expenses

  • Expenses

Your computer, research or editing tools such as Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, Buzzsumo or Grammarly etc…

  • Benefits

Health insurance, retirement, vacation, sick days, rainy day fund etc…

What Are Your Income Goals?

  • Plan your income goals

How much money do you need to make; per week, month, or year — is this a full-time career or a side hustle?

  • Preferred Pricing Model

Per hour, per word, per project, or a combination.

  • Unique skills you offer a client

Are you a bodybuilder, scientist, stockbroker, etc.?

  • Experience

Content marketing, SEO strategy, blog editing, etc.

  • Speed to quality content ratio

How fast can you produce quality content in your niche?

  • Project scope you’re comfortable with

Word count, timeframe, research, etc.

How Can You Level Up Your Freelance Writer Rates?

  • Expand your content writing experience.
  • Clients’ testimonials help take a beginner freelance writer to an expert writer.
  • Write for respected companies.
  • Showcase your portfolio on your website.
  • Incorporate higher-paying clients.
  • Set profit goals
  • Step away from beginner gigs and into projects that willlevel up your income.
  • Avoid burnout.

Make Friends With Your Freelance Writing Rates

You and your freelance writing rates are becoming fast friends already. You’ve learned to apply them to profitable niches and incorporate them into your business plan.

Everybody’s path is different, and it sure helps to know where you’ve been, where you’re going, and how to get there.

You’re well on your way.

Negotiating a higher freelance writer rate with a client is liberating. If your reasoning is sound, you’re not taking advantage of them, and they’re not taking advantage of you.

When you know your worth, everybody wins!

This post was originally published on January 5th, 2023 by Jesse MacLeod. It has been updated for clarity and comprehensiveness.

Freelance Writing Rates: Know Your Worth in 2024 (2024)


Freelance Writing Rates: Know Your Worth in 2024? ›

Here's a breakdown to help you gauge your per-hour rate based on your experience level: Entry Level — $15 to $30 per hour. Intermediate — $35 to $60 per hour. Experienced — $65 to $100 per hour.

How much should a freelance writer charge per 1,000 words? ›

We recommend beginner freelance writers charge no less than $0.05 to $0.20 per word. If you consider the example of a 1,000-word blog post, this means you'll range from $50 to $200 per post.

Can I make $1000 a month freelance writing? ›

If you're serious about making a career change, there's no faster way to make money online than freelance writing. The best part is that if you do it right, you can blow past the $1K a month mark in no time. Freelance writing offers much, much greater earning potential.

How much should I charge for a 500 word article? ›

Charging per article

Your pricing quotes will depend on your experience and the complexity of the work. For a 500-word article, beginner writers might charge between $3 to $25, while more experienced writers might charge between $30 to $150, and expert writers might charge up to $1,000 or more.

How much should I get paid as a freelance writer? ›

As of Sep 4, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Freelance Writer in the United States is $23.27 an hour.

How do I price myself as a freelance writer? ›

There's a simple formula you can use no matter which rate type you've picked.
  1. Per word. Desired monthly income ÷ Words you can write in a month = Rate per word. ...
  2. Per project (flat rate) Desired monthly income ÷ Projects per month you can complete = Rate per project. ...
  3. Per hour. ...
  4. Per page.

What is a good rate for freelance writing? ›

A shorter web page may only need 250-500 words of sales-driven copy and take less than two hours with minimal research. Freelance writers typically charge $100-$200 per page for a shorter web page. A highly technical and longer webpage may average closer to $500-$750 per page.

What type of freelance writing pays the most? ›

White paper writing

This type of freelance writer can command some of the highest-paying freelance writing gigs. Many companies pay at least $1 per word for white paper content or at least a few thousand dollars for white papers.

Can you live off of freelance writing? ›

Many freelance writers manage to make a good living writing for institutions, publications, and brands, and earn upwards of six figures per year. This step-by-step guide will help you get started as a successful freelance writer with a steady income and a flexible career.

How much do beginner writers charge per word? ›

Clearvoice shows a similar relationship between experience and rates, with most beginner and intermediate writers charging between $0.01 to $0.50 per word, and “professional” and expert writers charging from $0.50 to more than $1.00. If you're just starting, I recommend starting with $0.10 per word.

How much does a beginner writer make? ›

As of Sep 4, 2024, the average annual pay for an Entry Level Creative Writer in the United States is $54,981 a year.

How much should I charge for a 1 000 word article? ›

Website and blog content writing rates in India
Website content writing
Blog post (700-800 words)₹ 850
Blog post (800-900 words)₹ 950
Blog post (900-1000 words)₹ 1050
Blog post (1000-1200 words)₹ 1250
23 more rows

Are freelance writers in demand? ›

Due to their relative scarcity, niche writers are in high demand and in a good position to look for higher freelance writing rates than their generalist counterparts.

What is the hourly rate for content writing? ›

How much should I pay for content writing? Generally, content writers in India charge ₹2 to ₹6 per word. However, depending on the quality and experience of the writer, you should pay between ₹0.50 to ₹10 per word.

What is the average age of a freelance writer? ›

It says “There are over 4,882 freelance copywriters currently employed in the United States. 53.7% of all freelance copywriters are women, while 46.3% are men. The average age of an employed freelance copywriter is 42 years old” but the date of this result was published on 9 Sep 2022.

What should I charge for a 1000 word article? ›

The low-end range for a 1000-word research article is $75, while an experienced writer may charge $250 or more. Blog. The low-end range for a 1000-word blog post is $50, while an experienced writer may charge closer to $300 or more. Search engine optimized (SEO) article.

How much should I charge per word as a freelancer? ›

The price bracket varies from entry-level to expert level writers. How much should I pay for content writing? Generally, content writers in India charge ₹2 to ₹6 per word. However, depending on the quality and experience of the writer, you should pay between ₹0.50 to ₹10 per word.

How much should a copywriter charge per 1,000 words? ›

An in-depth, thought-leadership article of 1,000-1,500 words will cost around £400-£500, depending on the research needed. For 1,500+ words, you're looking at upwards of £500. The fee includes coming up with ideas, drafting the story and incorporating SEO keywords so Google loves you.

How much to charge for 800 words? ›

Rates for Freelance Writing Services

The 2020 survey included more than 600 participants at all levels of experience. Approximately 50% of respondents indicated making over $100 for a short blog post (500-800 words); for longer blog posts between 1,000 and 2,000 words, most writers reported earnings of up to $350.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.