Form Controls (2024)

XForms User Interface controls—form controls—are declared using markup elements, and their behavior refined via markup attributes. This markup may be decorated with class attributes that can be used in CSS stylesheets to deliver a customized look and feel. XForms user interface controls are bound to the underlying instance data using binding attributes as defined in the chapter 6 Constraints.

Form controls enable accessibility by taking a uniform approach to such features as captions, help text, tabbing and keyboard shortcuts. Internationalization issues are addressed by following the same design principles as in XHTML. All form controls are suitable for styling using Aural CSS (ACSS) style properties.

Form controls encapsulate high-level semantics without sacrificing the ability to deliver real implementations. For instance, form controls selectOne and selectMany enable the user select one or more items from a set. These form controls distinguish the functional aspects of the underlying control from the presentational aspects (through class attributes) and behavior (through XForms Action elements). This separation enables the expression of the intent underlying a particular form control—see [AUI97] for a definition of such high-level user interaction primitives.

Form controls when rendered display the underlying data values to which they are bound. While the data presented to the user through a form control must directly correspond to the bound instance data, the display representation is not required to exactly match the lexical value. For example, user agents should apply appropriate conventions to the display of dates, times, durations and numeric values including separator characters.

XForms user interface controls use common attributes and elements that are defined in (8.12 Common Markup ). Sections in this chapter define the various form controls by specifying the following:

Data Binding Restrictions
Implementation Requirements
XML Representation

8.1 input

Description: This form control enables free-form data entry.

<input ref="order/shipTo/street" class="streetAddress"> <caption>Street</caption> <hint>Please enter the number and street name</hint></input>

In the above, the class attribute can be used by a stylesheet to specify the display size of the form control. Note that the constraints on how much text can be input are obtained from the underlying XForms Model definition and not from these display properties.

A graphical browser might render the above example as follows:

Form Controls (1)

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds to any simpleContent (except xsd:base64Binary, xsd:hexBinary or any datatype derived from these).

Implementation Requirements: Must allow entry of a lexical value for the bound datatype. Implementations should provide the most convenient means possible for entry of datatypes and take into account localization and internationalization issues such as representation of numbers. For example, an input bound to an instance data node of type Date might provide a calendar control to enter dates; similarly, an input control bound to data instance of type boolean might be rendered as a simple checkbox.

XML Representation: <input>

<input (single node binding attributes) (common attributes) inputMode = xsd:string> <!-- caption, (help|hint|alert|action|extension)* --></input>

(single node binding attributes) - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes
common attributes defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes
inputMode - this form control accepts an input mode hint. D Input Modes


Notice that not binding any user interface to a piece of instance data results in an hidden form control in XForms; consequently, there is no need to explicitly define input form controls with type="hidden" as in HTML.

8.2 secret

Description: This form control is used for entering information that is considered sensitive, and thus not echoed to a visual or aural display as it is being entered, e.g., password entry.

Password Entry

<secret ref="/login/password"> <caption>Password</caption> <hint>Please enter your password --it will not be visible as you type.</hint></secret>

A graphical browser might render this form control as follows:

Form Controls (2)

Data Binding Restrictions: Identical to input.

Implementation Requirements: In general, implementations, including accessibility aids, must render a "*" or similar character instead of the actual characters entered, and thus must not render the entered value of this form control. Note that this provides only a casual level of security; truly sensitive information will require additional security measures outside the scope of XForms.

XML Representation <secret>

<secret (single node binding attributes) (common attributes) inputMode = xsd:string> <!-- caption, (help|hint|alert|action|extension)* --></secret>

(single node binding attributes) - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes
common attributes defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes
inputMode - this form control accepts an input mode hint. D Input Modes

8.3 textarea

Description: This form control enables free-form data entry and is intended for use in entering multiline content, e.g., the body of an email message.

Email Message Body

<textarea ref="message/body" class="messageBody"> <caption>Message Body</caption> <hint>Enter the text of your message here</hint></textarea>

In the above, the class attribute can be used by a stylesheet to specify the display size of the form control. Note that the constraints on how much text can be input are obtained from the underlying XForms Model definition and not from these display properties.

A graphical browser might render the above example as follows:

Form Controls (3)

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds to xsd:string or any derived simpleContent.

Implementation Requirements: Must allow entry of a lexical value for the bound datatype, including multiple lines of text.

XML Representation: <textarea>

<textarea (single node binding attributes) (common attributes) inputMode = xsd:string> <!-- caption, (help|hint|alert|action|extension)* --></textarea>

(single node binding attributes) - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes
common attributes defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes
inputMode - this form control accepts an input mode hint. D Input Modes

8.4 output

Description: This form control renders a value from the instance data, but provides no means for entering or changing data. It is typically used to display values from the instance, and is treated as display:inline for purposes of layout.

Explanatory Message

I charged you -<output ref="order/totalPrice"/>and here is why:

A graphical browser might render an output form control as follows:

Form Controls (4)

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds to any simpleContent.

Implementation Requirements: Must allow display of a lexical value for the bound datatype. Implementations should provide the most convenient means possible for display of datatypes and take into account localization and internationalization issues such as representation of numbers.

XML Representation: <output>

<output (single node binding attributes)> <!-- empty content --></output>

(single node binding attributes) - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes

8.5 upload

Description: This form control enables the common feature found on Web sites to upload a file from the local file system, as well as accepting input from various devices including microphones, pens, and digital cameras.

Uploading An Image

<upload ref="mail/attach1" mediaType="image/*"> <caption>Select image:</caption></upload>

A graphical browser might render this form control as follows:

Form Controls (5)

Data Binding Restrictions: This form control can only be bound to datatypes xsd:base64Binary or xsd:hexBinary, or types derived by restriction from these.

Implementation Requirements: For suitable mediaTypes:

  • Implementations with a file system should support file upload—selecting a specific file. The types of files presented by default must reflect the mediaType specified in the XForms Model, for example defaulting to only audio file types in the file dialog when the mediaType is "audio/*". In XForms 1.0, there is a 1:1 binding between a upload form control and one of the binary datatypes, although that single file may be compound (e.g. application/zip).

  • Implementations with specific pen/digitizer hardware should (and implementations with other pointing devices may) support scribble—allowing in-place creation of pen-based data.

  • Implementations with specific audio recording capabilities should support record audio—in-place recording of an audio clip.

  • Implementations with a digital camera/scanner interface or screen capture should support acquire image—in-place upload of images from an attached device.

  • Implementations with video recording capability should provide a record video option.

  • Implementations with 3d capabilities should provide a 3d interface option.

  • Implementations may provide proprietary implementations (for example, a mediaType of text/rtf could invoke an edit window with a proprietary word processing application)

  • Implementations are encouraged to support other input devices not mentioned here.

  • Implementations which cannot support upload for the given mediaType must make this apparent to the user.

XML Representation: <upload>

<upload (single node binding attributes) (common attributes) mediaType = list of content types> <!-- caption, (help|hint|alert|action|extension)* --></upload>

(single node binding attributes) - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes
common attributes defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes
mediaType - list of suggested media types, used by the XForms Processor to determine which input methods apply.

8.6 range

Description: This form control allows selection from a continuous range of values.

Picking From A Range

<range ref="/stats/balance" start="-2.0" end="2.0" stepSize="0.5"> <caption>Balance</caption></range>

A graphical browser might render this as follows:

Form Controls (6)

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds only the following list of datatypes, or datatypes derived by restriction from those in the list: xsd:duration, xsd:date, xsd:time, xsd:dateTime, xsd:gYearMonth, xsd:gYear, xsd:gMonthDay, xsd:gDay, xsd:gMonth, xsd:float, xsd:decimal, xsd:double.

Implementation Requirements: Must allow input of a value corresponding to the bound datatype. Implementations should inform the user of the upper and lower bounds, as well as the step size, if any. In graphical environments, this form control may be rendered as a "slider" or "rotary control".

Notice that the attributes of this element encapsulate sufficient metadata that in conjunction with the type information available from the XForms Model proves sufficient to produce meaningful prompts when using modalities such as speech, e.g., when using an accessibility aid. Thus, an aural user agent might speak a prompt of the form Please pick a date in the range January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001.

XML Representation: <range>

<range (single node binding attributes) (common attributes) start = datavalue end = datavalue stepSize = datavalue-difference> <!-- caption, (help|hint|alert|action|extension)* --></range>

(single node binding attributes) - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes
common attributes defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes
start - optional hint for the lexical starting bound for the range—a legal value for the underlying data.
end - optional hint for the ending bound for the range—a legal value for the underlying data.
stepSize - optional hint to use for incrementing or decrementing the value. Should be of a type capable of expressing the difference between two legal values of the underlying data.

8.7 button

Description: This form control is similar to the HTML element of the same name and allows for user-triggered actions. This form control may also be used to advantage in realizing other custom form controls.

Simple Button

<button> <caption>Click here</caption></button>

Data Binding Restrictions: Binding not possible for this form control.

Implementation Requirements: The user agent must provide a means to generate an xforms:activate event on the form control. Graphical implementations would typically render this form control as a push-button with the caption on the button face. Stylesheets can be used to style the button as an image.

XML Representation: <button>

<button (common attributes)> <!-- caption, (help|hint|alert|action|extension)* --></button>

common attributes defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes

8.8 submit

Description: This form control initiates submission of all or part of the instance data to which it is bound.


<submit submitInfo="timecard"> <caption>Submit Timecard</caption></submit>

Data Binding Restrictions: Binding not possible for this form control.

Implementation Requirements: Upon receiving event xforms:activate, this form control dispatches event xforms:submit to the submitInfo element specified by required attribute submitInfo.

XML Representation: <submit>

<submit (common attributes) submitInfo = xsd:IDREF #REQUIRED> <!-- caption, (help|hint|alert|action|extension)* --></submit>

submitInfo - Required reference to element submitInfo
common attributes defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes

8.9 selectOne

Description: This form control allows the user to make a single selection from multiple choices.

Pick A Flavor

<selectOne ref="my:icecream/my:flavor"> <caption>Flavour</caption> <item> <caption>Vanilla</caption> <value>v</value> </item> <item> <caption>Strawberry</caption> <value>s</value> </item> <item> <caption>Chocolate</caption> <value>c</value> </item></selectOne>

In the above example, selecting one of the choices will result in the associated value given by element value on the selected item being set in the underlying data instance at the location icecream/flavor.

A graphical browser might render this form control as any of the following:

Form Controls (7) Form Controls (8) Form Controls (9) Form Controls (10)

Data Binding Restrictions: Binds to any simpleContent.

Implementation Requirements: The caption for each choice must be presented, allowing at all times exactly one selection. This form control stores the value corresponding to the selected choice in the location addressed by attribute ref. The value to be stored is either directly specified as the contents of element value, or specified indirectly through attribute ref on element value.

Note that the datatype bound to this form control may include a non-enumerated value space, e.g., xsd:string. In this case, control selectOne may have attribute selection="open". The form control should then allow free data entry, as described in 8.1 input.

For closed selections:If the initial instance value matches the storage value of one of the given items, that item is selected. If there is no match, the first item is initially selected.

For open selections: If the initial instance value matches the storage value specified by one of the items, the first such matching item is selected. Otherwise, the selected value is the initial lexical value. Free entry text is handled the same as form control input 8.1 input.

User interfaces may choose to render this form control as a pulldown list or group of radio buttons, among other options. The selectUI attribute offers a hint as to which rendering might be most appropriate, although any styling information (such as CSS) should take precedence.

Typically, a stylesheet would be used to determine the exact appearance of form controls, though a means is provided to suggest an appearance through attribute selectUI. The value of the attribute consists of one of the following values, each of which may have a platform-specific look and feel.


XML Representation: <selectOne>

<selectOne (single node binding attributes) (common attributes) selectUI = ("radio" | "checkbox" | "menu" | "listbox" ) selection = "open" | "closed" : "closed"> <!-- caption, (choices|item|itemset)+, (help|hint|alert|action|extension)* --></selectOne>

(single node binding attributes) - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes
common attributes defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes
selectUI - appearance override
selection - optional attribute determining whether free entry is allowed in the list.

8.10 selectMany

Description: This form control allows the user to make multiple selections from a set of choices.

Selecting Ice Cream Flavor

<selectMany ref="my:icecream/my:flavors"> <caption>Flavours</caption> <choices> <item> <caption>Vanilla</caption> <value>v</value> </item> <item> <caption>Strawberry</caption> <value>s</value> </item> <item> <caption>Chocolate</caption> <value>c</value> </item> </choices></selectMany>

In the above example, more than one flavor can be selected.

A graphical browser might render form control selectMany as any of the following:

Form Controls (11) Form Controls (12) This configuration is not recommended. Form Controls (13)

Data Binding Restrictions: any simpleContent capable of holding a sequence.


A limitation of the Schema list datatypes is that whitespace characters in the storage values (the value="..." attribute of the item element) are always interpreted as separators between individual data values. Therefore, authors should avoid using whitespace characters within storage values with list simpleContent.

Incorrect Type Declaration

<item> <value>United States of America</value> ...</item>

When selected, this item would introduce not one but four additional selection values: "America", "of", "States", and "United".

Implementation Hints: An accessibility aid might allow the user to browse through the available choices and leverage the grouping of choices in the markup to provide enhanced navigation through long lists of choices.

XML Representation: <selectMany>

<selectMany (single node binding attributes) (common attributes) selectUI = ("radio" | "checkbox" | "menu" | "listbox")> <!-- caption, (choices|item|itemset)+, (help|hint|alert|action|extension)* --></selectMany>

(single node binding attributes) - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes
common attributes defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes
selectUI - appearance override

8.11 Common Markup for selection controls

8.11.1 choices

This element is used within selection form controls to group available choices. This provides the same functionality as element optgroup in HTML.

XML Representation: <choices>

<choices> <!-- caption?, (choices|item|itemset)+ --> </choices>

8.11.2 item

This element specifies the storage value and caption to represent an item in a list. It is found within elements selectOne and selectMany, or grouped in element choices.

XML Representation: <item>

<item> <!-- caption, value, (help|hint|alert|action|extension)* --></item>

id = xsd:ID - optional unique identifier.

8.11.3 itemset

Element itemset allows the creation of dynamic selections within controls selectOne and selectMany, where the available choices are determined at run-time. The node-set that holds the available choices is specified via attribute nodeset. Child elements caption and value indirectly specify the caption and storage values. Notice that the run-time effect of itemset is the same as using element choices to statically author the available choices.

XML Representation: <itemset>

<itemset (node-set binding attributes)> <!-- caption, value, (help|hint|alert|action|extension)* --></itemset>

node-set binding attributes - required node-set selector that specifies the node-set holding the available choices.

The following example shows element itemset within control selectMany to specify a dynamic list of ice cream flavors:

Dynamic Choice Of Ice Cream Flavors

<model id="cone"> <instance> <my:icecream> <my:flavours/> </my:icecream> </instance></model><model id="flavours"> <instance> <my:flavours> <my:flavour type="v"> <my:description>Vanilla</my:description> </my:flavour> <my:flavour type="s"> <my:description>Strawberry</my:description> </my:flavour> <my:flavour type="c"> <my:description>Chocolate</my:description> </my:flavour> </my:flavours> </instance></model><!-- user interaction markup --><selectMany model="cone" ref="my:icecream/my:flavours"> <caption>Flavors</caption> <itemset model="flavours" nodeset="my:flavours/my:flavour"> <caption ref="my:description"/> <value ref="@type"/> </itemset></selectMany>

8.11.4 value

This element provides a storage value to be used when an item is selected.

Data Binding Restriction: All lexical values must be valid according to the datatype bound to the selection control.

XML Representation: <value>

<value (single node binding attributes)> <!-- ##any --></value>

single node binding attributes - optional binding selector that specifies a location from where the storage value is to be fetched.

If inline content and a ref attribute are both specified, the ref attribute is used.

8.12 Common Markup

The preceding form control definitions make reference to child elements and attributes that are common to several of the form controls. This section defines these common markup components.

8.12.1 Common Attributes

The following attributes are common to many user-interface related XForms elements.

XML Representation: Common Attributes

xml:lang = xsd:languageclass = space separated list of classesnavIndex = xsd:nonNegativeInteger : 0accessKey = xsd:token

xml:lang - Optional standard XML attribute to specify a human language for this element.
class - Optional selector for a style rule.
navIndex - Optional attribute is a non-negative integer in the range of 0-32767 used to define the navigation sequence. This gives the author control over the sequence in which form controls are traversed. The default navigation order is specified in the chapter 4 Processing Model.
accessKey - Optional attribute defines a shortcut for moving the input focus directly to a particular form control. The value of this is typically a single character which when pressed together with a platform specific modifier key (e.g., the alt key) results in the focus being set to this form control.

8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes

The following attributes define a binding between a form control and an instance data node.

XML Representation: Single Node Binding Attributes

ref = binding-expressionmodel = xsd:IDREFbind = xsd:IDREF

ref - Binding expression. Details in the chapter 6 Constraints. The first-node rule applies to the nodeset selected here.
model - Optional instance data selector. Details in the section 6.4.3 Binding References.
bind - Optional reference to a bind element

It is an error if the model idref value refers to an id not on a model element, or if the bind idref value refers to an id not on a bind element.

8.12.3 Nodeset Binding Attributes

The following attributes define a binding between a form control and a node-set returned by the XPath expression.

XML Representation: Nodeset Binding Attributes

nodeset = binding-expressionmodel = xsd:IDREFbind = xsd:IDREF

nodeset - Binding expression. Details in the chapter 6 Constraints.
model - Optional instance data selector. Details in the chapter 6 Constraints.
bind - Optional reference to a bind element

It is an error if the model idref value refers to an id not on a model element, or if the bind idref value refers to an id not on a bind element.

8.12.4 Common Child Elements

The child elements detailed below provide the ability to attach metadata to form controls.

Instead of supplying such metadata e.g., the label for a form control as inline content of the contained element caption, the metadata can be pointed to by using a simple XLink attribute xlink:href on these elements. Notice that systematic use of this feature can be exploited in internationalizing XForms user interfaces by:

  • Factoring all human readable messages to a separate resource XML file.

  • Using URIs into this XML resource bundle within individual caption elements

  • Finally, an XForms processor can use content negotiation to obtain the appropriate XML resource bundle, e.g., based on the accept-language headers from the client, to serve up the user interface with messages localized to the client's locale. caption

The required element caption labels the containing form control with a descriptive label. Additionally, the caption makes it possible for someone who can't see the form control to obtain a short description while navigating between form controls.

XML Representation: <caption>

<caption (common attributes) (single node binding attributes) xlink:href = xsd:anyURI> <!-- ##any --></caption>

common attributes - defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes
single node binding attributes - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes
xlink:href = xsd:anyURI - link to external caption

The caption specified can exist in instance data, in a remote document, or as inline text. If multiple captions are specified in this element, the order of preference is: ref, xlink:href, inline.

An accessibility aid would typically speak the metadata encapsulated here when the containing form control gets focus. help

The optional element help provides a convenient way to attach help information to a form control. This is equivalent to a xforms:help event handler that responds with a <message type="modeless">.

XML Representation: <help>

<help (common attributes) (single node binding attributes) xlink:href = xsd:anyURI> <!-- ##any --></help>

(common attributes) - defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes
single node binding attributes - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes
xlink:href = xsd:anyURI - link to external help

The message specified can exist in instance data, in a remote document, or as inline text. If multiple captions are specified in this element, the order of precedence is: ref, xlink:href, inline. hint

The optional element hint provides a convenient way to attach hint information to a form control. This is equivalent to a xforms:hint event handler that responds with a <message type="ephemeral">.

XML Representation: <hint>

<hint (common attributes) (single node binding attributes) xlink:href = xsd:anyURI> <!-- ##any --></hint>

(common attributes) - defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes
single node binding attributes - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes
xlink:href = xsd:anyURI - link to external hint

The message specified can exist in instance data, in a remote document, or as inline text. If multiple captions are specified in this element, the order of precedence is: ref, xlink:href, inline. alert

The optional element alert provides a convenient way to attach alert or error information to a form control. This is equivalent to a xforms:alert event handler that responds with a <message type="modal">.

XML Representation: <alert>

<alert (common attributes) (single node binding attributes) xlink:href = xsd:anyURI> <!-- ##any --></alert>

(common attributes) - defined in 8.12.1 Common Attributes
single node binding attributes - Selection of instance data node, defined in 8.12.2 Single Node Binding Attributes
xlink:href = xsd:anyURI - link to external alert

The message specified can exist at in instance data, in a remote document, or as inline text. If multiple captions are specified in this element, the order of precedence is: ref, xlink:href, inline. extension

Optional element extension is a container for application-specific extension elements from any namespace other than the XForms namespace. This specification does not define the processing of this element.

XML Representation: <extension>

<extension> <!-- ##other --></extension>

For example, RDF metadata could be attached to an individual form control as follows:

<input ref="dataset/user/email" id="email-input"> <caption>Enter your email address</caption> <extension> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#email-input"> <my:addressBook>personal</my:addressBook> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </extension></input>
Form Controls (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

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Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.