Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (2024)


IFW has extensive experience in Forex scam investigations, combating fraud on fake trading platforms around the world.

Foreign exchange or ‘Forex’ trading carries serious risks, with online fraudsters exploiting the volatile market to get their hands on investors’ capital. At IFW, we perform rigorous Forex scam investigations to help victims uncover the culprits behind the crime and recover their losses.

Harnessing a worldwide network of whistleblowers, expert witnesses and international partner agencies, IFW is a global leader in Forex fraud investigations. Equipped with over 30 years of experience in evidence gathering, our licenced investigators unravel fraudulent Forex trading operations to reveal the criminals and money trails behind them.

This actionable intelligence and information can be used to help recoup your money and prosecute the scammers who pocketed it. Book a consultation with IFW to arrange an investigation today.

As featured on

  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (1)
  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (2)
  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (3)
  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (4)
  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (5)
  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (6)
  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (7)

Falling victim to a forex scam

Although forex trading is not always fraudulent, this highly-technical market is prolific with financial scams that target all levels of investor.

Forex fraudsters operate out of call centres in countries such as Cyprus, Israel, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Georgia, Bulgaria, South Africa, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia and Myanmar. These scammers lure investors in with the promise of high returns and specialist support, posing as industry experts despite having little to no experience in trading foreign currencies – nor any intention of doing so.

Instead of investing the capital they receive, these criminals funnel it through an intricate money trail for their own use. By the time you realise that the trades are fraudulent, your funds have vanished.

If this sounds all too familiar, please contact our forex scam investigators as soon as possible to discover how we can assist your case.

  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (8)
  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (9)
  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (10)
  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (11)
  • Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (12)

Forex scam investigators with a proven track record

World-class fraud investigations

Our cyber investigators, analysts and researchers have been gathering evidence to hunt down fraudsters across the globe for over 30 years. With our exceptional investigative skills on your side, you can maximise the likelihood of recovering your losses.

Connections in every country

IFW has extensive experience working closely with state, federal and international law enforcement agencies. Our investigators can also join forces with local and foreign correspondent lawyers to discover money trails and hidden assets on any continent.

Powerful techniques

With direct access to local databases, expert witnesses in cyber fraud, cybercrime and cyber forensics, and a network of confidential informants, IFW utilises a range of techniques to complete rigorous investigations into even the most complex Forex scams operating from foreign countries.

Actionable evidence

No matter where your investigation takes place, IFW will prepare a solid brief of evidence for use in criminal proceedings in the appropriate jurisdiction. Armed with proof of fraud, and the identities of those involved, you will be able to file complaints to prosecute the offender and take steps to recoup your money.

Renowned results

IFW investigators have been instrumental in helping international law enforcement agencies crack down on organised cybercrime groups, providing pivotal evidence that has resulted in major police raids, arrests and prosecutions around the world.

Total discretion

Our dedicated fraud investigators conduct every investigation with unfaltering professionalism, sensitivity and discretion. To ensure client privacy is protected, we encrypt all personal data and will only ever disclose case information with consent.

Falling victim to a Forex scam

Although Forex trading systems are not always fraudulent, this highly-technical market is prolific with financial scams that target all levels of investors.

Forex fraudsters operate out of call centres in countries such as Cyprus, Israel, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Georgia, Bulgaria, South Africa, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia and Myanmar. These scammers lure investors in with the promise of high returns and specialist support, posing as industry experts despite having little to no experience in trading foreign currencies – nor any intention of doing so.

Instead of investing the capital they receive, these criminals funnel it through an intricate money trail for their own use. By the time you realise that the trades are fraudulent, your funds have vanished.

If this sounds all too familiar, please contact our Forex scam investigators as soon as possible to discover how we can assist your case.

Common types of Forex scams

Signal seller scams

Signal sellers are managed account companies, retail firms, asset managers or individual traders who provide a software system that flags advisable times to purchase or sell a currency pair. These suggestions are based on professional insights, purporting to help inexperienced traders earn money in return for a recurring fee.

While some legitimate signal sellers perform trade functions as promoted, it pays to do your due diligence. Otherwise, Forex scammers could snatch your money and disappear.

Signs of a signal seller Forex scam

  • Subscription charges: Exercise caution if you are asked to pay daily, weekly or monthly fees to access this ‘privilege’. You should never share your credit or banking details without confirming the trader’s regulatory status.
  • Broker-specific signals: Step away from signal sellers that offer trading signals tied to a certain broker. The seller may make biased recommendations to earn a commission fee, regardless of your best interests.
  • Unsubstantiated results: False testimonials from seemingly-sound sources may attempt to persuade action, despite the signals failing to forecast profitable trades. Be wary if there is no verified track record to back reviews.
  • Inflated accuracy: such claims are an instant warning, as no trader or technology can achieve this degree of precision. Always compare past signals with historical market data.

Robot scams

A Forex robot is a software program that utilises algorithms to automatically buy and sell currency. The parameters and optimisation codes employed by genuine Forex robots are assessed by independent bodies to ensure their validity. Legitimate brokers often offer these Forex robots as value adds.

However, some scammers sell fraudulent robots that trade at random. Although claiming to be able to make you money around the clock, these untested systems can instead cause you to lose your hard-earned savings.

Signs of a robot scam

  • Exceptionally-high returns: Forex robots can advertise systems that achieve a percentage growth rate in the thousands after only a couple of years. Be sceptical. This figure could only reflect closed trades. If the system has open trades and the stop losses are triggered, your profits could be erased.
  • Set scalping tactics: Some Forex robots utilise a scalping system, trading for minuscule profits. Technically, this can create a seemingly-strong win rate that inflates results – and leaves your profits susceptible to slight variations in market conditions, should things take a turn.

Forex managed account and broker scams

Some Forex scammers target beginner investors who are looking for an expert to handle trades on their behalf. Posing as an investment firm that provides managed Forex accounts, the fraudster often demands a fee or commission charge in exchange for their professional services. But instead of maximising your returns, they report false profits and drain your account.

A scammer may also pretend to be a registered Forex broker, swindling investors with fake funds. They may assume the identity and registration number of a legitimate Forex broker, even creating a practically-identical website to lure you in and convince you to hand over your money.

Signs of a managed account Forex scam

  • No proof of fund manager qualifications: while fraudulent fund managers claim to be certified to serve this role, they may struggle to provide legitimate evidence of this experience.
  • Incredible returns: Forex scammers tend to purport inflated returns, displaying figures that outshine market norms to reel in unsuspecting investors.
  • Overly-high fees: charges are standard but make sure to read the fine print carefully before committing to a managed account. Excessive costs with penalties for early exits may be a warning sign of a Forex scam.

Forex pyramid and Ponzi schemes

Forex pyramid schemes purport to be investment groups, reeling in victims by offering access to exclusive trading advice in return for a membership fee. Existing members are promised a commission to recruit more members, in turn moving up the ‘pyramid’ of promised profits.

Similarly, a Forex scam can take the form of a Ponzi scheme, advertising Forex funds that ensure a strong return in a short timeframe. Typically, the scammers only request a minor upfront investment and may even pay the first few investors their promised returns to make the scheme appear effective. These investors are then convinced to persuade their friends and family to join.

In both pyramid and Ponzi schemes, distributed earnings derive from membership fees as opposed to Forex trading wins. In both cases, the investment does not actually exist. When recruits start to dwindle, the original orchestrators close the scheme and pocket your money.

Questions to ask to steer clear of a Forex scam

A handful of strategic questions can help you to confirm whether you are liaising with a credible professional or a Forex scammer. To help you avoid a Forex scam, ask the following questions before you sign up for an account.

  • Is the Forex broker or platform a registered company?

  • Is the Forex broker or platform regulated? If yes, how legitimate is the regulatory body?

  • Is the Forex broker or platform promoting profits or rewards, like a cash bonus, for opening an account?

  • Is the Forex broker or platform promising automatic trades or signals to ensure profits?

  • Does the website feature any credible information about the organisation, such as its performance history, financials, or physical address?

  • Can you verify the authenticity of awards, promotional partnerships and other trust symbols?

  • What are the exit terms in the contract?

  • How simple is it to contact customer support?

How to spot a forex scam

Guaranteed returns

Typically, the most prominent red flag of a Forex scam is the promise of unlimited profits with little or zero financial risk.

First off, 100% guarantees are simply not possible – and if there was some way to make them happen, traders would keep this winning formula to themselves.

Furthermore, successful Forex trading demands expertise and patience. It is not the avenue for quick and effortless returns. If you are being assured otherwise, walk away and do your own research.

A beginner trader should approach every opportunity with caution, analysing the data independently and testing their functions on a demo account before investing a cent. This will help you to avoid falling victim to a Forex scam.

The bottom line: If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

Lack of regulatory information

Forex scams are often orchestrated by unregulated brokers, who are not obliged to report to an authority. In other words, they can use deceptive tactics, such as blaming system glitches, to steal your money.

Alternatively, many Forex scam brokers are regulated by foreign governing bodies with minimal oversight. Consequently, it is critical that you only engage brokers with a robust reputation and first-rate regulation, such as by ASIC in Australia.

To check your Forex broker’s regulatory status, take a thorough look at the bottom of each page on their website. Genuine Forex brokers always demonstrate evidence of their legitimacy online, as they are legally required to present certain risk disclaimers and regulatory information within their website footer.

However, as some Forex scammers may include deceptive details to appear above board, it is strongly recommended that you confirm their registration with the relevant authority by requesting a list of regulated companies.

Emails pestering you for personal details

Often, a Forex scam can involve email spam that requests personal information, including your full name, phone number, home address, birthday and more.

Never share these details with anyone who you do not know and trust completely – no matter how high the returns they are promising. Be wary of brokers who fail to supply you with a written risk disclosure statement. And if they do, always double check the fine print.

Signup bonuses

When an unregulated broker advertises an unusually large cash bonus with vague details and little context, you are likely looking at a Forex scam.

Offering a signup bonus with a lack of practical information is a typical scam strategy. This tactic persuades website users into clicking on a link that brings them straight to the account signup page – where they will steal your funds.

No background information

Never give your hard-earning savings to someone who cannot provide you with genuine background information, such as their professional credentials, physical location, team members, client reviews and other key elements.

Orchestrators of a Forex scam do not want to be associated with any names, places, or contact details in case the authorities try to crack down on their operations.

Frequently asked questions

  • If you have comes across a Forex scam, please report it to the Police or via your national fraud reporting portal (for example: Australia –, USA –, UK –, Canada –

  • If your money has ended up in another country, it may be recovered through the relevant jurisdiction’s Court process or private settlement negotiation.

    A negotiated outcome is particularly likely once IFW has gained strong legal leverage against the fraudsters.

  • Given the legal complexities of Forex fraud, a successful outcome is never guaranteed. However, the stronger the evidence against the offenders, the more likely a legal case can be filed – and Court proceedings can often result in a recovery.

    At IFW, our investigators will conduct a preliminary assessment of your case to identify any commercial or financial risks of the investigation and advise on the realistic chances of recovery. Equipped with these expert insights, you will be able to make an informed decision on whether or not you wish to proceed with our services.

  • The duration of a Forex scam investigation depends on its complexity and whether legal proceedings are involved. Typically, IFW can track down the fraudsters and their locations within one to three months.

    After this milestone, a recovery strategy must be implemented in light of the investigation’s discoveries. This process usually includes preparing an initial demand letter, which, if ignored, is followed by legal action and/or the lodging of a criminal complaint and close liaison with law enforcement agencies.

    In this case, IFW investigators will assist law enforcement officials with the filing of search warrants and/or criminal charges against the offender, who will most likely end up arrested and prosecuted.

  • The fundamental features of Forex fraud are deception and dishonesty. Therefore, as the victim, you must prove that your decision to send money was based on the fraudster’s false statements about the purported investment.

    From there, the expert investigators at IFW will take care of the rest, gathering clear evidence of fraud to meet the criminal burden of proof required in Courts around the world.

  • The cost of investigating a Forex scam varies according to the complexity of the case, the amount of money concerned, and the country from which the offenders operate.

    In general, the larger the losses, the more challenging and expensive the investigation – particularly if your funds have been transferred across various financial institutions or money-remitting platforms.

    IFW’s skilled investigators will prepare a personalised proposal for your unique case, budgeting to maximise the likelihood of a successful outcome.

  • Due to the amount of time, resources and expenses involved in tracking down criminals behind complex cross-border investment frauds, IFW does not take on any unfunded investigations.

Submit an enquiry

Understand the process and make an informed decision about engaging IFW Global services. Complete our enquiry form and get started with your investigation.

Forex Scam Investigation: IFW Global (2024)


Is global forex trading a scam? ›

Forex trading itself is not a scam, but there are certainly scammers who use the industry as a way to take advantage of unsuspecting investors. These scams come in many forms, from unscrupulous brokers to fake trading systems.

Can I get my money back from forex scam? ›

Even if money has been lost in a Forex scam there is always the possibility that there may be a way to recover the funds; there are many routes to recovery and it may well be worth making an attempt.

How to spot a forex scammer? ›

Individuals and companies that market systems—like signal sellers or robot trading—may sell products that are not tested and do not yield profitable results. If the forex broker is commingling funds or limiting customer withdrawals, it could be an indicator that something fishy is going on.

How do I report a forex scammer? ›

Call 866-FON-CFTC (866-366-2382).

Are there fake forex brokers? ›

If you do an internet search on forex broker scams, the number of results is staggering. While the forex market is slowly becoming more regulated, many unscrupulous brokers remain. When you're looking to trade forex, it's important to identify reliable brokers and avoid those that are not.

How to spot a fake trading platform? ›

Besides trolling for victims on social media or messaging apps, here are 10 other telltale signs an online trading platform is a fraud:
  1. It isn't registered to trade forex, futures, or options.
  2. Trades crypto, but not registered as a money service business.
  3. No physical address, it's clearly fake, or offshore.

How to recover money from a scam trading platform? ›

If you suspect fraud related to an investment loss, you can file a complaint using FINRA's online Investor Complaint Center. You can also file a complaint with the SEC or your state securities regulator and report suspected recovery scams to the Federal Trade Commission or the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center.

Can you recover money lost in forex? ›

It's typical for new traders to lose their account, nothing new about that and most do. Most successful traders just didn't give up ;) It's possible to recover some losses in Forex investments, but it can be challenging. Forex trading carries risks, and there's no guarantee of making profits or recovering losses.

What is the forex trading scandal? ›

The forex scandal (also known as the forex probe) is a 2013 financial scandal that involves the revelation, and subsequent investigation, that banks colluded for at least a decade to manipulate exchange rates on the forex market for their own financial gain.

How do you find out if you are talking to a scammer? ›

You might be dealing with an online scammer if they request sensitive personal information, money, or insist on speaking on a chat app of their choice. You might be dealing with an online scammer if they request sensitive personal information, money, or insist on speaking on a chat app of their choice.

How do I verify a forex trader? ›

How Do I Know If a Forex Broker Is Legit? You can ask the broker for their Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer (RFED) number. 10 You can also check with the National Futures Association or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

How do I report an international scammer? ›

If you have a complaint about international scams or cross-border fraud, report it at

Is it worth reporting a scammer? ›

If you have fallen victim to scams or fraud, we encourage you to file a report with federal and state agencies. Also, contact law enforcement offices in your local area to report the crime.

How do you outsmart a money scammer? ›

  1. Do not make any decisions in the moment. ...
  2. Hang up if you are feeling pressured. ...
  3. Do not share any personal or financial information (your social security number, checking account information, etc.). ...
  4. Ask for their name and the name of the business/organization. ...
  5. Ask for additional information to be mailed to you.

Is Forex com a scam or legit? › is one of the top platforms for foreign currency trading. Foreign exchange ("forex" or "FX") is a global marketplace where one currency is converted into another. is one of the leading FX brokers in the U.S., offering transparent pricing and an advanced trading platform.

Is Global trading Company legit? ›

Global Trade is not a trusted broker because it is not regulated by a financial authority with strict standards. We would not open an account for ourselves with them. If you want to stay safe, only sign up with brokers that are overseen by a top-tier and stringent regulator.

Is forex trading real and legit? ›

Is Forex a scam? The Forex market is a legitimate trading market where the world's currencies are traded. It is not a scam in itself.

What is global forex trading? ›

The foreign exchange (forex or FX) market is a global marketplace for exchanging national currencies. Because of the worldwide reach of trade, commerce, and finance, forex is the world's largest and most liquid asset market. Currencies trade against each other as exchange rate pairs.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.