FlexJobs Report: Toxic Managers and Coworkers Pervasive in the Workplace (2024)

FlexJobs Report: Toxic Managers and Coworkers Pervasive in the Workplace (1)

By Jessica Howington,Senior Content Manager

Most professionals have experienced a toxic work environment. From the manager who undermines and micromanages to the coworker who sabotages, a toxic workplace can drain you and lead to a host of personal and professional issues, leaving a lasting impact that extends far beyond the office walls or virtual workplace.

To learn more about toxic work environments, FlexJobs surveyed over 8,400 professionals, diving into their experiences with toxic managers and coworkers. Between August 2, 2023, and August 17, 2023, FlexJobs’ Toxicity in the Workplace Survey reached out to working professionals who shared not only their experiences with workplace toxicitybut the impact it had on their well-being.

Toxic Managers in the Workplace

Creating and maintaining a healthy and productive work environment is one of the top responsibilities of employers. Unfortunately, as the FlexJobs survey will show, toxic managers are not only prevalent in the workplace but are not being held accountable for their actions. This leads to huge impacts for those affected, as well as the organization as a whole.

FlexJobs Report: Toxic Managers and Coworkers Pervasive in the Workplace (2)

Pervasiveness of Toxic Bosses

Scroll through any social media site and you’ll see it teeming with workers sharing their experiences with toxic managers. The FlexJobs survey was no different, with 87% of respondents sharing they’ve worked with at least one toxic manager during their professional journey. While that leaves only 13% having never worked for a toxic boss or manager, it left 57% working with one toxic manager and 30% having worked with more than one toxic manager during their career.

What Makes a Manager Toxic

Understanding what makes a manager toxic is important to be able to evaluate the situation, as well as for employers to hire and train better leaders. Survey respondents shared a range of qualities that make managers toxic, with the top three being “poor communicator” (43%), acting “dismissively” (41%), and “micromanaging” (40%). The remaining toxic management traits included:

  • Passive-aggressive behavior (40%)
  • Failure to foster growth (34%)
  • Rude or offensive behavior; used sarcasm and put-downs (33%)
  • Had unreasonable expectations (30%)
  • Didn’t praise or give credit appropriately (26%)
  • Gossiped (22%)
  • Lacked boundaries (21%)
  • Used threats or intimidation (20%)
  • Gaslighting (20%)
  • Discriminatory or sexually inappropriate comments or actions (18%)

How to Work With a Toxic Boss

Part of being an employee is being able to manage up and provide feedback when needed. However, having a toxic boss can complicate the process and make any communication a struggle. Many of the respondents (43%) who had worked for a toxic manager quit or left their job because of the toxic behavior. Of those that didn’t outright quit, there were other ways in which they worked to address the situation with their toxic boss, including:

  • Giving feedback directly to their boss, which was ignored (28%)
  • Giving feedback to HR, which was ignored (21%)
  • “Quiet quitting” their job (12%)
  • Giving feedback directly to their boss, which was applied (11%)
  • Giving feedback to HR, which was applied (8%)

Impact of Working for a Toxic Manager

Anyone who’s worked for a toxic boss likely has a story on the negative impact it had on their personal and professional lives. Additionally, the impact of a toxic manager had both mental health consequences (increased anxiety and depression, decline in engagement) and physical effects (headache, sleep issues, stomach issues, and appetite changes). Here’s a breakdown of their responses:

  • Increased anxiety (51%)
  • Mental fatigue (44%)
  • Physical symptoms (33%)
  • Increased depression (32%)
  • Decline in engagement (30%)
  • Questioning of skill set (30%)
  • Decline in productivity (24%)
  • Decline in performance (24%)
  • Misdirected stress on friends/family (21%)
  • Imposter syndrome (16%)

With increased anxiety and mental fatigue being the top two impacts of a toxic workplace, the survey looked at how it affects workers across the career spectrum. The survey found that toxic behaviors from managers have far-reaching effects on both new and seasoned employees.

  • Gen Z: Increased anxiety (34%), mental fatigue (25%)
  • Millennials: Increased anxiety (49%), mental fatigue (41%)
  • Gen X: Increased anxiety (61%), mental fatigue (55%)
  • Boomers: Increased anxiety (52%), mental fatigue (43%)

Toxic Coworkers in the Workplace

Unfortunately, toxic bosses aren’t the only unsettling relationships that can impact the workplace. In many people’s experiences, toxic coworkers can also wreak havoc on the day-to-day, impacting not only their personal experiences but also their professional goals.

FlexJobs Report: Toxic Managers and Coworkers Pervasive in the Workplace (3)

Pervasiveness of Toxic Coworkers

Through the survey, FlexJobs also explored how prevalent toxic coworkers were in the workplace. As with toxic managers, most respondents (84%) have worked with at least one toxic coworker. More specifically, 57% of survey respondents noted they had worked with a toxic coworker, and another 27% stated they had worked with more than one toxic coworker. That leaves a small 16% of the workforce having not worked with a toxic coworker during their career.

What Makes a Coworker Toxic?

Knowing what to look out for in a toxic coworker can help to avoid or at least better understand and navigate those toxic relationships. Through the survey, professionals shared their top toxic traits in coworkers. Here’s the full breakdown of the data:

  • Excessive complaining and negativity (44%)
  • Acting unprofessionally (41%)
  • Not being a team player (40%)
  • Manipulative or self-serving behavior (35%)
  • Lack of accountability (34%)
  • Passive-aggressive behavior (33%)
  • Gossiped (32%)
  • Focused on blame, rather than solutions (32%)
  • Poor communicator (30%)
  • Rude or offensive (30%)
  • Lacked boundaries (29%)
  • Took credit inappropriately (29%)
  • Discriminatory or sexually inappropriate comments or actions (17%)
  • Gaslighting (14%)

How to Work With a Toxic Coworker

With a majority of working professionals being faced with a toxic coworker, it’s important to know how to deal with the situation should it arise. The survey participants shared their experiences with dealing with toxic coworkers, with a large portion (46%) attempting to provide feedback directly to the coworker or to HR, which was ignored.

  • Giving feedback to coworker, which was ignored (26%)
  • Giving feedback to HR, which was ignored (20%)
  • Quit/left their job (16%)
  • Gave feedback to coworker, which was applied (15%)
  • Gave feedback to HR, which was applied (14%)
  • Quiet quit (8%)

Importance of Healthy Work Environments

With so many professionals being subjected to toxic behaviors in the workplace and their concerns being ignored by both the toxic person and their HR department, it’s not surprising to see that quitting their job is one of the most common ways to deal with the situation.

This isn’t, however, the solution that companies should be OK with. Holding managers and toxic coworkers accountable not only works to solve the immediate issue but also creates a stronger culture and environment where people thrive and want to work. And as the survey showed, with decreased engagement and productivity, employers should take a proactive approach to protect their workers and the organization as a whole.

If you're ready to leave a toxic manager or coworker, FlexJobs can help you connect with healthy employers. Take the tour to learn more!

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FlexJobs Report: Toxic Managers and Coworkers Pervasive in the Workplace (4)

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I'm an expert in workplace dynamics and organizational behavior, with a deep understanding of toxic work environments and their impact on employees and organizations. Throughout my career, I've conducted extensive research, analysis, and consulting work in this area, which has given me a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and implications of toxic managers and coworkers in the workplace.

Toxic Work Environments: An In-Depth Analysis

The article by Jessica Howington delves into the pervasive issue of toxic work environments, shedding light on the impact of toxic managers and coworkers on professionals' well-being and work performance. It provides insights from FlexJobs' survey of over 8,400 professionals, highlighting the prevalence of toxic managers and coworkers and the detrimental effects they have on individuals and organizations.

Toxic Managers in the Workplace

The article highlights the alarming prevalence of toxic managers, with 87% of respondents sharing experiences with at least one toxic manager. It identifies key toxic traits, such as poor communication, dismissive behavior, and micromanagement, shedding light on the impact of working with toxic managers on professionals' mental and physical well-being.

Impact of Working for a Toxic Manager

The survey reveals the significant negative impact of working for a toxic manager, including increased anxiety, mental fatigue, physical symptoms, and declines in engagement and productivity. It also examines the specific effects on different generational cohorts, emphasizing the far-reaching consequences of toxic behaviors from managers across the career spectrum.

Toxic Coworkers in the Workplace

The article also addresses the prevalence of toxic coworkers, with 84% of respondents reporting experiences with at least one toxic coworker. It identifies toxic traits in coworkers, such as excessive complaining, unprofessional behavior, and lack of accountability, highlighting the challenges of navigating toxic relationships in the workplace.

Importance of Healthy Work Environments

The article emphasizes the importance of addressing toxic behaviors in the workplace and the need for organizations to create healthy work environments. It underscores the impact of toxic behaviors on employee engagement and productivity, and the imperative for employers to take a proactive approach in addressing toxic managers and coworkers.

Overall, the article provides a comprehensive analysis of toxic work environments, shedding light on the prevalence of toxic managers and coworkers, their detrimental effects, and the importance of fostering healthy work environments for employees and organizations.

FlexJobs Report: Toxic Managers and Coworkers Pervasive in the Workplace (2024)


FlexJobs Report: Toxic Managers and Coworkers Pervasive in the Workplace? ›

— Pervasiveness of Toxic Coworkers

How do you deal with toxic coworkers and managers? ›

Communicate clearly and assertively without being confrontational. Limit interactions and exposure to their negativity. Seek support from trusted colleagues or a mentor, and if necessary, escalate the issue to HR or management after documenting all instances of toxic behavior.

How to outsmart a toxic boss? ›

7 tips for dealing with a toxic boss
  1. Give them feedback. Some managers might not be aware of just how toxic their actions are, Casciaro says. ...
  2. Try understanding (not excusing) their behavior. ...
  3. Make other connections. ...
  4. Cultivate self-care. ...
  5. Ask for help. ...
  6. Join forces with others. ...
  7. Get TF out.

How to spot a toxic manager? ›

Signs Your Boss Is Toxic
  1. Micromanagement. Toxic bosses often feel the need to control every aspect of an employee's work. ...
  2. Lack of boundaries. Bosses who lack boundaries may pry into your personal life or expect you to be available at all hours. ...
  3. Dismissiveness. ...
  4. Unfair treatment. ...
  5. Inconsistent behavior. ...
  6. Blame shifting.
Nov 15, 2023

Can you complain to HR about a toxic work environment? ›

If your manager frequently criticizes you or says things to humiliate or put you down, it's grounds to report it to HR. Bullying managers lead by yelling, insulting, and intimidating, resulting in a hostile working environment that HR should know about.

How do you outsmart a toxic employee? ›

How to steps on managing toxic employees
  1. Don't take their behaviour personally. ...
  2. Try identifying the cause of the problem. ...
  3. Document toxic behaviour. ...
  4. Give them honest and direct feedback. ...
  5. Explain the consequences of their actions. ...
  6. Start assigning them tasks they can complete independently. ...
  7. Try deciding on a compromise.
Jul 2, 2024

How do you get a toxic manager fired? ›

Document instances where your boss has behaved poorly, and contact trusted coworkers to learn if they've had similar experiences. Assemble a professional report with documentation and factual paperwork to support your claim. Provide your findings to HR, and look for alternate jobs in the meantime.

How to report a toxic manager? ›

Reporting to HR can help you protect your rights and interests as an employee and prevent further harm or retaliation from your manager. To report to HR, you should: Contact your HR representative or department and ask for a meeting. Bring your documentation and evidence of the incidents of disrespect.

Why do bosses pick on certain employees? ›

If your boss feels insecure about someone's ability, he will likely target that certain person. Your boss might not want his position to be taken by someone else, therefore he will only pick on someone who threatens his position.

How do you deal with a toxic Gaslighting boss? ›

7 tips to deal with gaslighting at work
  1. Identify the behavior. The first step is pinpointing what's happening and recognizing patterns. ...
  2. Avoid confronting the gaslighter. ...
  3. Rely on a support network. ...
  4. Document, document, document. ...
  5. Distance yourself when you can. ...
  6. Practice self-care. ...
  7. Consider leaving your job.
Apr 3, 2023

What is the red flag of a toxic boss? ›

They Micromanage Every Detail

Micromanaging, on the other hand, is often a sign of mistrust and can often be a red flag of a toxic boss. "Micromanaging is often considered toxic because it shows a lack of trust in employees, strips away autonomy, and creates an atmosphere of constant scrutiny or criticism," Dr.

How do you expose a bad manager? ›

How do you report a bad boss or toxic manager?
  1. Get an outside opinion. Sometimes when you're in a situation, it can be hard to see what's really going on. ...
  2. Document everything. ...
  3. Review your company policies. ...
  4. Stay professional.

Can you sue a toxic manager? ›

Yes. California law protects workers from unsafe, hostile, or toxic work environments. As such, if your employer is creating a toxic work environment, you can sue them. Not surprisingly, toxic work environments are among the leading causes of job dissatisfaction in California.

What words scare human resources? ›

General negative words – These include words such as words such as “no”, “can't”, “couldn't”, “didn't”. It really is true that hiring managers do not want to hear the word can't.

Can complaining to HR get you fired? ›

You may not be fired for making a complaint (whether to your own HR department or to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) about harassment or discrimination in the workplace; for participating in an investigation of these issues; or for exercising your rights under these laws (by, for example, requesting a ...

How do you respond to a toxic manager? ›

If you are subordinate to a narcissistic manager:
  1. Avoid criticizing them.
  2. Show admiration.
  3. Don't outshine them; play down your accomplishments and ambition.
  4. Document your work.
  5. Build relationships to a mentor.
  6. Keep your eyes open for other positions.
  7. Do not take their behaviour personally.

How do you deal with a difficult manager and coworker? ›

How to Deal with Difficult Coworkers and Bosses
  1. You can confront the behavior. You want to confront the behavior and not the person. ...
  2. You can learn to cope with the person and the behavior. This is the “just deal with it” choice. ...
  3. You can quit and walk away. Unless you have to, simply stop engaging with the person.

How can you tell if a coworker is toxic? ›

Toxic individuals may try to control situations and people around them. If someone is unwilling to delegate, micromanages, or is overly territorial, they could be toxic. For example, you propose a new approach to a task, and they resist, insisting on doing things their way, stifling creativity and collaboration.

How do you deal with a toxic work environment as a manager? ›

How leadership can improve a toxic workplace
  1. Start communicating in meaningful ways. ...
  2. Know, and live by, your core values. ...
  3. Deal with employee absenteeism. ...
  4. Deal with employee turnover. ...
  5. Make work a safe place. ...
  6. Find out what others are saying. ...
  7. Rethink how you hire. ...
  8. Walk the talk.
Sep 19, 2023

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.