Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (2024)

Table of Contents
LIQUIDITY is the ability of your farm business to meet financial obligations as they come due - to generate enough cash to pay your family living expenses and taxes, and make debt payments on time. Current Ratio Working Capital Working Capital to Gross Revenues SOLVENCY is the ability of your business to pay all its debts if it were sold tomorrow. Solvency is important in evaluating the financial risk and borrowing capacity of the business. Farm Debt-to-Asset Ratio Farm Equity-to-Asset Ratio Farm Debt-to-Equity Ratio PROFITABILITY is the difference between the value of goods produced and the cost of the resources used in their production. It is the ability of a farm to earn a profit and is a relative measure of success. Net Farm Income Rate of Return on Farm Assets Rate of Return on Farm Equity Operating Profit Margin Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization REPAYMENT CAPACITY shows the borrower's (i.e., your) ability to repay term debts on time. It includes non-farm income and so is not a measure of business performance alone. Capital Debt Repayment Capacity Capital Debt Repayment Margin Replacement Margin Term Debt Coverage Ratio Replacement Margin Coverage Ratio FINANCIAL EFFICIENCY shows how effectively your business uses assets to generate income. Past performance of the business could well indicate potential future accomplishments. Asset-Turnover Rate Operating-Expense Ratio Depreciation-Expense Ratio Interest-Expense Ratio Net Farm Income Ratio

LIQUIDITY is the ability of your farm business to meet financial obligations as they come due - to generate enough cash to pay your family living expenses and taxes, and make debt payments on time.

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (1)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (2)

Current Ratio

= Total Current Farm Assets / Total Current Farm Liabilities

Comfort&gt 2
Caution1.3 - 2
Danger&lt 1.3

CURRENT RATIO measures the extent to which current farm assets,if sold tomorrow, would pay off current farm liabilities.

Total Current Farm Assets

Total Current Farm Liabilities

Current Ratio

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (3)

Working Capital

= Total Current Farm Assets - Total Current Farm Liabilities

WORKING CAPITAL tells us the operating capital available in theshort term from within the business.

Working Capital

Total Current Farm Assets

Total Current Farm Liabilities

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (4)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (5)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (6)

Working Capital to Gross Revenues

= Working Capital / Gross Farm Income

Comfort&gt 30%
Caution10% - 30%
Danger&lt 10%

WORKING CAPITAL TO GROSS REVENUES measures operating capital available against the size of the business.

Working Capital
Click here to Calculate Working Capital

Gross Farm Income

Working Capital to Gross Revenues

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (7)

SOLVENCY is the ability of your business to pay all its debts if it were sold tomorrow. Solvency is important in evaluating the financial risk and borrowing capacity of the business.

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (8)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (9)

Farm Debt-to-Asset Ratio

= Total Farm Liabilities / Total Farm Assets

Comfort&lt 30%
Caution30% - 60%
Danger&gt 60%

FARM DEBT-TO-ASSET RATIO is the bank's share of the business. It compares total farm debt to total farm assets. A higher ratio is an indicator of greater financial risk and lower borrowing capacity.

Total Farm Liabilities

Total Farm Assets

Debt-to-Asset Ratio

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (10)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (11)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (12)

Farm Equity-to-Asset Ratio

= Farm Net Worth / Total Farm Assets

Comfort&gt 70%
Caution40% - 70%
Danger&lt 40%

FARM EQUITY-TO-ASSET RATIO is your share of the business. It compares farm equity to total farm assets. If you add the debt-to-asset ratio and the equity-to-asset ratio you must get 100%.

Farm Net Worth

Total Farm Assets

Equity-to-Asset Ratio

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (13)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (14)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (15)

Farm Debt-to-Equity Ratio

= Total Farm Liabilities / Farm Net Worth

Comfort&gt 1.5
Caution.43 - 1.5
Danger&lt .43

FARM DEBT-TO-EQUITY RATIO compares the bank's ownership to your ownership. It also indicates how much the owners have leveraged (i.e., multiplied) their equity in the business.

Total Farm Liabilities

Farm Net Worth

Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (16)

PROFITABILITY is the difference between the value of goods produced and the cost of the resources used in their production. It is the ability of a farm to earn a profit and is a relative measure of success.

Net Farm Income

= Gross Cash Farm Income - Total Cash Farm Expense + OR - Inventory Changes - Depreciation

NET FARM INCOME represents return to 3 things (labor, management and equity) that you have invested in the business. It is the reward for investing your unpaid family labor, management and money in the business instead of elsewhere. Anything left in the business, i.e., not taken out for family living and taxes, will increase your farm net worth.

Gross Cash Farm Income

Total Cash Farm Expense

Operating Revenue

Inventory Changes


Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (17)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (18)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (19)

Rate of Return on Farm Assets

= Return on Farm Assets (Net Farm Income + Farm Interest -Value of Operator Labor & Management) / Average Farm Assets

Comfort&gt 8%
Caution4% - 8%
Danger&lt 4%

RATE OF RETURN ON FARM ASSETS can be thought of as the average interest rate being earned on all (yours and creditors') investments in the farm. Unpaid labor and management are assigned a return before return on farm assets is calculated.

Return on Farm Assets


Net Farm Income
Click here to Calculate Net Farm Income


Farm Interest


Value of Operator Labor & Management

Average Farm Assets

Rate of Return on Farm Assets

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (20)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (21)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (22)

Rate of Return on Farm Equity

= Return on Farm Equity (Net Farm Income - Value of Operator Labor & Management) / Average Farm Net Worth

Comfort&gt 10%
Caution3% - 10%
Danger&lt 3%

RATE OF RETURN ON FARM EQUITY represents the interest rate being earned by your investment in the farm. This return can be compared to returns available if your equity were invested somewhere else, such as a certificate of deposit.

Return on Farm Equity


Net Farm Income
Click here to Calculate Net Farm Income


Value of Operator Labor & Management

Average Farm Net Worth

Rate of Return on Farm Equity

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (23)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (24)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (25)

Operating Profit Margin

= Return on Farm Assets/ Value of Farm Production(Gross Cash Farm Income + OR - Inventory Change of Crops, Mkt Lvst, Brdg Lvst & Other Income Items - Feeder Livestock Purchased - Purchased Feed)

Comfort&gt 25%
Caution15% - 25%
Danger&lt 15%

OPERATING PROFIT MARGIN shows the operating efficiency of the business. If expenses are low relative to the value of farm production, the business will have a healthy operating profit margin. A low profit margin can be caused by low product prices, high operating expenses, or inefficient production.

Return on Farm Assets

Value of Farm Production

Operating Profit Margin


Gross Cash Farm Income


Operating Revenue


Inventory Change of Crops, Mkt Lvst, Brdg Lvst & Other Income Items


Feeder Livestock Purchased


Purchased Feed

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (26)

Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization

= Net Farm Income + Interest Expense + Depreciation and Amortization Expense

E.B.I.T.D.A. measures earnings available for debt repayment.


Net Farm Income
Click here to Calculate Net Farm Income

Interest Expense

Depreciation and Amortization Expense

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (27)

REPAYMENT CAPACITY shows the borrower's (i.e., your) ability to repay term debts on time. It includes non-farm income and so is not a measure of business performance alone.

Capital Debt Repayment Capacity

= Net Farm Income + Depreciation + Net Non-Farm Income-Family Living & Income Taxes + Interest Expense on Term Loans

CAPITAL DEBT REPAYMENT CAPACITY measures the amount generated from farmand non-farm sources, to cover debt repayment and capital replacement.

Capital Debt Repayment Capacity

Net Farm Income
Click here to Calculate Net Farm Income


Net Non-Farm Income

Family Living & Income Taxes

Interest Expense on Term Loans

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (28)

Capital Debt Repayment Margin

= Capital Debt Repayment Capacity - Scheduled Principal & Interest on Term Loans

CAPITAL DEBT REPAYMENT MARGIN is the amount of money remaining after all operating expenses, taxes, family living costs, and scheduled debt payments have been made. It's really the money left, after paying all bills, that is available for purchasing or financing new machinery, equipment, land or livestock.

Capital Debt Repayment Margin

Capital Debt Repayment Capacity
Click here to Calculate CDRC

Scheduled Principal & Interest on Term Loans

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (29)

Replacement Margin

= Capital Debt Repayment Margin - Unfunded (cash) capital replacement allowance

REPLACEMENT MARGIN the amount of income remaining after paying principal and interest on term loans and unfunded (cash) capital purchases.

Replacement Margin

Capital Debt Repayment Margin
Click here to Calculate CDRM

Unfunded (cash) capital replacement allowance

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (30)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (31)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (32)

Term Debt Coverage Ratio

= Capital Debt Replacement Capacity / Scheduled Principal & Interest on Term Loans

Comfort&gt 1.75
Caution1.25 - 1.75
Danger&lt 1.25

TERM-DEBT COVERAGE RATIO tells whether your business produced enough income to cover all intermediate and long-term debt payments. A ratio of less than 1.0 indicates that the business had to liquidate inventories, run up open accounts, borrow money, or sell assets to make scheduled payments.

Capital Debt Repayment Capacity
Click here to Calculate CDRC

Scheduled Principal & Interest on Term Loans

Term-Debt Coverage Ratio

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (33)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (34)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (35)

Replacement Margin Coverage Ratio

= Capital Debt Replacement Capacity / Scheduled Principal & Interest on Term Loans + Unfunded Capital Replacement Allowance

Comfort&gt 1.50
Caution1.10 - 1.50
Danger&lt 1.10

REPLACEMENT MARGIN COVERAGE RATIO A ratio under 1.0 indicates that you did not generate enough income to cover term debt payments and unfunded capital purchases.

Capital Debt Repayment Capacity
Click here to Calculate CDRC

Scheduled Principal & Interest on Term Loans

Unfunded (cash) capital replacement allowance

Replacement Margin Coverage Ratio

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (36)

FINANCIAL EFFICIENCY shows how effectively your business uses assets to generate income. Past performance of the business could well indicate potential future accomplishments.

It also answers the questions:

  • Are you using every available asset to its fullest potential?
  • What are the effects of production, purchasing, pricing, financing and marketing decisions on gross income?

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (37)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (38)

Asset-Turnover Rate

= Value of Farm Production / Average Farm Assets

Comfort&gt 45%
Caution30% - 45%
Danger&lt 30%

ASSET-TURNOVER RATE measures efficiency in using capital. You could think of it as capital productivity. Generating a high level of production with a low level of capital investment will give a high asset-turnover rate. If, on the other hand, the turnover is low you will want to explore methods to use the capital invested much more efficiently or sell some low-return investments. (It could mean getting rid of that swamp and ledge on the back 40 and getting something that produces income.) The last four ratios show how Gross Farm Income is used. The sum of the four equals 100% (of Gross Farm Income).

Value of Farm Production

Average Farm Assets

Asset-Turnover Rate

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (39)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (40)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (41)

Operating-Expense Ratio

= Total Farm Operating Expense Excluding Interest -Depreciation / Gross Farm Income

Comfort&lt 60%
Caution60% - 80%
Danger&gt 80%

OPERATING-EXPENSE RATIO shows the proportion of farm income that is used to pay operating expenses, not including principal or interest.

Total Farm Operating Expense Excluding Interest


Gross Farm Income

Operating-Expense Ratio

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (42)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (43)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (44)

Depreciation-Expense Ratio

= Depreciation / Gross Farm Income

Comfort&lt 5%
Caution5% - 10%
Danger&gt 10%

DEPRECIATION-EXPENSE RATIO indicates how fast the business wears out capital. It tells what proportion of farm income is needed to maintain the capital used by the business.


Gross Farm Income

Depreciation-Expense Ratio

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (45)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (46)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (47)

Interest-Expense Ratio

= Total Farm Operating Expense Excluding Interest -Depreciation / Gross Farm Income

Comfort&lt 5%
Caution5% - 10%
Danger&gt 10%

INTEREST-EXPENSE RATIO shows how much of gross farm income is used to pay for interest on borrowed capital.

Total Farm Operating Expense Excluding Interest


Gross Farm Income

Interest-Expense Ratio

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (48)

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (49)Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (50)

Net Farm Income Ratio

= Net Farm Income / Gross Farm Income

Comfort&gt 20%
Caution10% - 20%
Danger&lt 10%

NET FARM INCOME RATIO compares profit to gross farm income. It shows how much is left after all farm expenses, except for unpaid labor and management, are paid.

Net Farm Income
Click here to Calculate Net Farm Income

Gross Farm Income

Net Farm Income Ratio

Financial Scorecard - Cornell Small Farms (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.