Financial Aid for Students With Disabilities | BestColleges (2024)

Learn more about available resources to help students with disabilities attend college and pay for their education.


Heather MullinixRead Full Bio


Heather Mullinix is an award-winning journalist and writer living in Tennessee. She writes about education, government, healthcare, and the outdoors. She graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a bachelor's degree in journalism....

Updated on March 24, 2023

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Cameren BoatnerRead Full Bio

Editor & Writer

Cameren Boatner is a senior news editor at BestColleges. She's a Society of Professional Journalists award winner for her coverage of race, minorities, and Title IX. You can find her work in South Florida Gay News, MSN Money,, the Student Pr...

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Angelique GeehanRead Full Bio


Angelique Geehan founded Interchange, a consulting group offering anti-oppression support. A queer, Asian, gender binary-nonconforming parent, Geehan works to support and repair the connections people have with themselves and their families, communit...


Mary LouisRead Full Bio

Reviewer & Writer

Mary Louis has worked in financial aid at city-run, state-run, for-profit, and Ivy League schools and at an HBCU. She also has experience working in recruitment, processing student payments, and assisting in processing documents for the registrar....

with advice from Doug Watson

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Heather MullinixRead Full Bio


Heather Mullinix is an award-winning journalist and writer living in Tennessee. She writes about education, government, healthcare, and the outdoors. She graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a bachelor's degree in journalism....

Edited by

Cameren BoatnerRead Full Bio

Editor & Writer

Cameren Boatner is a senior news editor at BestColleges. She's a Society of Professional Journalists award winner for her coverage of race, minorities, and Title IX. You can find her work in South Florida Gay News, MSN Money,, the Student Pr...

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Angelique GeehanRead Full Bio


Angelique Geehan founded Interchange, a consulting group offering anti-oppression support. A queer, Asian, gender binary-nonconforming parent, Geehan works to support and repair the connections people have with themselves and their families, communit...


Mary LouisRead Full Bio

Reviewer & Writer

Mary Louis has worked in financial aid at city-run, state-run, for-profit, and Ivy League schools and at an HBCU. She also has experience working in recruitment, processing student payments, and assisting in processing documents for the registrar....

with advice from Doug Watson

Updated on March 24, 2023

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A college education can lead to greater job opportunities, but students with disabilities remain underrepresented on college campuses and in career training programs. The disability rate for high school graduates was 11%, compared to just 4% for bachelor's degree holders, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Disabilities can include physical disabilities, cognitive and learning disabilities, and neurological disabilities. One challenge centric to the college experience is figuring out how to pay for it — but for students with disabilities, it can be uniquely difficult.

This guide explores federal and state student assistance, targeted scholarships, and relevant grant programs. It also looks at the documents you'll need to get financial aid and campus accommodations.

Financial Challenges for Students With Disabilities

Financial aid expert Doug Watson pointed out the challenges unique to students with disabilities.

"In addition to the traditional challenges students may have paying for college in general, students with disabilities may have other expenses related to their disability that may impact their ability to attend college and/or be academically successful," Watson said. "While many costs may be covered by the institution, some may not."

Rising College Costs

The cost of college tuition continues to increase for all students. According to the NCES, college tuition, room and board, and required fees averaged nearly $26,000 a year in 2020-21 — up from $20,896 in 2008-09.

Limited Financial Assets

According to the NASFAA Journal of Student Financial Aid, many high school students with disabilities come from families with lower household incomes than their peers without disabilities.

Enrolling as a Part-Time Student

A larger percentage of undergraduates who reported having disabilities made up part-time enrollments than full-time enrollments. During the 2015-16 academic year, 21% of undergraduate students who enrolled part time or for part of the academic year reported having a disability, whereas 17% of undergraduate students who enrolled full time reported having a disability.

Taking fewer classes each term means students will take longer to graduate. In the long run, part-time students usually end up spending more on their education. Additionally, going to school part time may disqualify students from some forms of financial aid.

Living Costs

Students with disabilities may need to find accessible housing, which can limit their options. If not available on campus, students may face higher housing costs and additional transportation costs to travel to and from campus.

Technology Costs

Students may require specialized technology, like scooters or hearing aids, to help them succeed in college. Computers, specific apps, and other devices can also assist students and help them overcome barriers in their education.

Popular Online Programs

Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below.

Federal and State Benefits and Assistance for Students With Disabilities

The government has several programs that help students with disabilities enter and complete college or other postsecondary education programs. These programs can provide educational benefits, pay for assistive technology, and/or help defray living expenses while in college.

Federal Pell Grants

One option to help you pay for college when you come from a low-income household is the Pell Grant.

This federal education grant program helps undergraduate students with financial need pay for college or other postsecondary education programs. Unlike loans, you don't have to repay these funds. More than 5,400 postsecondary educational institutions participate in the Pell Grant program. When determining grant amounts, the student's enrollment status, expected family contribution, and cost of attendance are considered.

Social Security Benefits

The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program can help adults who were disabled before age 22. If the Social Security Administration determines you have a qualifying disability, benefits help defray education and training expenses. Benefits can continue for as long as your income remains below a specified amount.

State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies

Each state offers a vocational rehabilitation program to help students with disabilities access training to find or keep a job. Eligibility varies by state. Services are tailored to meet each student's needs. Vocational rehabilitation can pay for postsecondary education, on-the-job training, assistive technology, and career counseling. It may also provide benefits for limited medical and psychological treatment.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

This program provides monthly benefits to people with disabilities. In addition to federal benefits, many states also offer additional support, such as food assistance, healthcare services, and supplemental income payments. Students can work while also receiving SSI. However, the program does place restrictions on earned income.

College Financial Resources for Students With Disabilities

Colleges have many resources to help students with their financial aid, and according to Watson, students with disabilities can also find help from outside organizations.

"The financial aid office at the school the student plans to attend is an excellent resource in helping the student navigate through the process," Watson said. "There are also a number of organizations and foundations that provide scholarships or support to students with specific disabilities. Students and families should contact those organizations that relate to the student's disability and follow their process in applying for funding."

College Disability Services

College disability services can help students with disabilities access the services they need. All colleges and universities participating in federal funding programs must adhere to federal laws regarding education for students with disabilities.

Disability services offices typically coordinate assistance. Students should register with the office at their school and provide forms documenting their disability and accommodation needs.

Some college disability services offices offer additional support, such as specially trained tutors or workshops on study skills and time management. Students with disabilities may also qualify for priority class registration, housing accommodations, and parking accommodations.

Grants for Students With Disabilities

Grants supplement your financial aid award, and you don't have to repay them. Grants may come from educational institutions, private organizations, or companies. You can renew many grants each year you attend school.

These awards typically have specific criteria, such as demonstrated financial need. Grants may also pay for assistive technology, like note-taking software or Braille printers. Completing financial aid forms is the first step in applying for many grants, like the federal Pell Grant or state education grants.

Scholarships for Students With Disabilities

Scholarships for students with disabilities supplement federal and state financial aid. They can reduce your out-of-pocket expenses by thousands of dollars. Many schools, companies, and nonprofits offer scholarships for students. These awards can be based on variables like academic achievement, community service, and/or volunteer efforts.

You also don't need to repay scholarships. You can use the funds to cover tuition, fees, housing, books, or other supplies, depending on the award. Some scholarships allow you to renew the funding for multiple years.

Important Documents for Financial Aid

Accommodations Request Forms

Schools must provide reasonable academic accommodations to students with disabilities, and it may even help out with your college costs in the long run. However, you need to formally request those accommodations through the college disability services office. Accommodations may include:

  • Accessible housing or transportation
  • Extended testing times
  • Alternate testing locations
  • Audio files of class lectures
  • A note-taker for classes

Disability Diagnostic Forms

Colleges often require proof of disability before they grant requests for accommodations. A medical or mental health provider must complete the required form. Check with the disability services office to determine if a new evaluation is necessary.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Many states, colleges, and universities use financial information provided on the FAFSA to determine how much a student or family can contribute toward educational expenses. It can also determine eligibility for federal, state, and institutional financial aid. Check with a financial aid counselor about how to report certain benefits, like SSI or SSDI.

Watson pointed out that students with disabilities often need to work with multiple agencies to ensure they get the financial aid they're entitled to.

"Students should go through the regular financial aid process — completing the FAFSA, applying for college scholarships, etc. — so they can be considered for traditional funding sources," Watson said. "They may also need to work with a state agency, such as the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, or another organization that is authorized to provide evaluative services to determine funding from the state or organization. Often, the state agency will coordinate their funding with other resources available to the student, which typically involves collaboration with the school's financial aid office."

Additional Financial Resources for Students With Disabilities

This collaborative effort of the University of Washington, National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education, and state of Washington brings together resources for students with disabilities seeking postsecondary education. DO-IT includes an extensive list of financial aid resources.Maryland offers tuition waivers for students with disabilities who receive SSI or SSDI benefits. The waiver can be used at public community colleges and covers any remaining tuition and fees after considering other financial assistance. The program covers up to 12 credits per semester for degree-seeking students or six credits for students enrolled for other purposes.This federal agency advises government entities on policies and programs that affect people with disabilities. It offers multiple resources on disability rights laws and helps connect individuals to education, employment, and financial assistance programs.This national alliance of attorneys helps families plan for the future, including funding educational needs. Attorneys specialize in public benefits, trust and tax planning, and legal issues for individuals with disabilities. The website includes educational information on tax-free savings accounts, accessing special education services, and establishing special needs trusts.The ED provides a guide that covers the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities attending postsecondary institutions. Learn about the Office of Civil Rights and critical legislation that prohibits discrimination. You can also find contact information and learn about Section 504, Title II, and other laws governing the rights of students with disabilities.

Advice from:

Financial Aid for Students With Disabilities | BestColleges (11)

Doug Watson

Doug Watson started working in higher education in 1981 at Midland Lutheran College, now Midland University. He has served in a number of higher education positions and currently is the director of financial aid and express services and the primary designated school official for the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, working with international students.

Doug is a past president of the Nebraska Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NEASFAA) and has served on a number of state and regional committees. He currently serves on the NEASFAA State and Federal Relations Committee. He is also a recipient of NEASFAA's Bob Minturn award for outstanding service to the financial aid community.

Financial Aid for Students With Disabilities | BestColleges (2024)


How much is enough information to document that a student has a disability? ›

How much is enough information to document that a student has a disability? At the elementary and secondary education level, the amount of information required is determined by the multi-disciplinary committee gathered to evaluate the student.

Can people on disability get FAFSA? ›

State tuition waivers.

Receiving disability income does not disqualify you from receiving federal student aid.

What amount of aid a student can receive depends on financial need and cost of attendance? ›

They subtract your SAI/EFC from your COA to determine the amount of your financial need and therefore how much need-based aid you can get. To determine how much non-need-based aid you can get, the school takes your cost of attendance and subtracts any financial aid you've already been awarded.

Can I get student loans while on disability? ›

Fortunately, you can still qualify for federal student aid, and possibly private student loans, if you rely on disability income from an insurance policy, state benefits, or federal benefits.

What is documentation proof of disability? ›

Statements or letters on a physician's/medical professional's letterhead stationary. Statements, records or letters from a Federal Government agency that issues or provides disability benefits. Statements, records or letters from a State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency counselor.

What conditions are not considered a disability? ›

Similarly, traits such as irritability, chronic lateness, and poor judgment are not, in themselves, mental impairments, although they may be linked to mental impairments. Broken limbs, sprains, concussions, appendicitis, common colds, or influenza generally would not be disabilities.

What disabilities qualify for student loan forgiveness? ›

Any permanent physical or mental impairment that prevents you from working can qualify for student loan forgiveness. Borrowers have received TPD discharges due to stage IV or terminal cancer, chronic fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease (severe back pain), major depression and bipolar disorder.

What are special conditions for FAFSA? ›

The Special Circ*mstances/ EFC Appeal allows revisions, based on professional judgment by the Financial Aid Office, to the FAFSA income for an individual student based on loss of parent's (if dependent) or a student's employment or reduction in work hours, loss of untaxed income or benefit such as child support or ...

Who Cannot receive financial aid? ›

Students must be in good academic standing to receive federal aid. The required GPA varies from school to school, but typically students need a 2.0 or higher. If your grades fall below the minimum GPA, you could lose eligibility for financial aid. See also: What GPA do you need to get a full scholarship?

What is the max amount of financial aid you can receive? ›

$57,500 for undergraduates-No more than $23,000 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. $138,500 for graduate or professional students-No more than $65,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. The graduate aggregate limit includes all federal loans received for undergraduate study.

What determines how much financial aid you will get? ›

The Student Aid Index (SAI) is an eligibility index number that your college's or career school's financial aid office uses to determine how much federal student aid you would receive if you attended the school. This number results from the financial information you and your contributor(s) provide on your FAFSA® form.

What is the 600 percent rule for financial aid? ›

The amount of Federal Pell Grant funds you may receive over your lifetime is limited by federal law to be the equivalent of six years of Pell Grant funding. Since the amount of a scheduled Pell Grant award you can receive each award year is equal to 100%, the six-year equivalent is 600%.

What is considered to be a permanent disability? ›

If your treating doctor says you will never recover completely or will always be limited in the work you can do, you may have a permanent disability. This means that you may be eligible for permanent disability (PD) benefits. You don't have to lose your job to be eligible for PD benefits.

What is the 5 year rule for Social Security disability? ›

Once your benefits stop, you have five years to reapply through expedited reinstatement and qualify for temporary payments while you wait for a decision. Each year, this five-year grace period helps thousands of workers get back on benefits slightly faster than if they started a new application from scratch.

Does disability count as income for a loan? ›

Disability benefits

If you receive disability income, it can typically be used on your mortgage application. Long-term disability benefits from sources other than the Social Security Administration almost always count.

How do you document learning disability? ›

Documentation Guidelines: Learning Disorders
  1. The diagnosis should be clearly stated. ...
  2. All information should be current. ...
  3. History should be presented. ...
  4. The diagnosis should be supported by testing. ...
  5. Functional limitations should be described. ...
  6. Recommended accommodations should be justified.

How do I get documentation for learning disability? ›

A licensed clinical or school psychologist, neuropsychologist or other comparably trained expert is generally considered qualified to evaluate and diagnose learning disabilities. The name, title and professional credentials of the evaluator should be clearly stated in the documentation.

What document is used to determine whether the services provided to a student with a disability are appropriate? ›

Individualized education program (IEP): An IEP is a written statement of the special education services provided to meet the unique needs of a student with a disability between the ages of 3 and 21. The IEP, a blueprint of the student's FAPE, is developed in collaboration with the student's parents.

What is considered a record of disability? ›

Things that constitute a record of disability include hospitalization record, documented time off as a result of the injury, and other medical records. The disability claimed by the employee through his record must substantially limit a major life activity.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.