Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (2024)

by Nicky Jessen

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (1)

Table of Contents
  • Feng shui and crystals: what is the connection?
  • Modern crystal use and Feng Shui stones
  • 1. Rose quartz Feng Shui Tips
  • 2. Amethyst Crystals for Feng Shui - Transform the Energy of your Space
  • 3. Carnelian gemstone for Feng Shui
  • 4. Tigers Eye Feng Shui Crystals in Your Home
  • 6. Pyrite for Feng Shui
  • 7. Hematite Feng Shui Crystals
  • Honorary mention: Clear quartz for Feng Shui
  • Unlocking More Feng Shui Secrets with 5 More Crystals
  • In conclusion, the best Feng Shui Crystals

Personally, crystals are beautiful. You can find them in a range of shapes, sizes and colours. However, there is an entirely different category of crystals or semi-precious stones that are used in Feng-shui to benefit the mind and body. And in this article, we are focusing on seven of the most beautiful and helpful Feng Shui Crystals for your home.

What truly makes the experience wonderful for me is the number of stories people tell me about their crystals.

If you talk to other crystal lovers, every single person has a lovely story of finding the stones that resonate with them.

Precious stones that uplift them. The stones help clear the negative energy and provide balance, clarity and peace.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (2)

Feng Shui crystals are a special breed of crystal.

Hopefully, you will be as inspired as I was when looking into the benefits these precious stones provide.

Feng shui and crystals: what is the connection?

It's not just about feng-shui; crystals themselves are powerhouses of energy.

They store energy, and they are also capable of moving chi or energy through space or a person.

The practise of using crystals to heal is at least 6000 years old.

According to researchers, the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians used crystals exclusively for their properties (apart from their decorative value).

Modern crystal use and Feng Shui stones

However, modern crystal use is focused on using crystals to store energy or chi and redirect it in a much more favourable manner.

As a result, different stones are assigned various properties based on their effects and properties. Crystal healers typically use their stones by placing them on body chakras to influence the body and heal sickness.

Placing the crystals in specific locations in your home can have much of the same effects but on a broader plane.

So if you are interested in feng-shui crystals, here is our top list of beautiful but useful crystals that will benefit different aspects of your life.

1. Rose quartz Feng Shui Tips

Rose quartz is beautiful. It comes in a range of colours, shapes and sizes and it's super-popular as a jewellery stone.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (3)

The most common colour is rose-pink, but you will find lovely dark red to blood red shades.

However, just like the colour, the stone radiates peace, happiness and healing.

The rose quartz stone is a master healer, and it is commonly used to heal almost every aspect of relationships and romantic experiences.

In feng-shui, rose quartz is used to enhance the romance sector of your home.

Ideally, the romance sector of any home is back right corner of a room, but specifically your bedroom.

Some of the commonly purchased rose quartz crystals for feng shui are rose quartz chunks, rose quartz gem trees, rose quartz hearts, tealight candle holders, eggs and pyramids.

Click play on the video below to see a beautiful selection of rose quartz crystals.

2. Amethyst Crystals for Feng Shui - Transform the Energy of your Space

We love amethysts are they are beautifully purple and vivid in colour.

Something about purple is just so soothing and calming.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (4)

The colour is also synonymous with spiritual and psychic empowerment.

In fact, in Chinese civilisation, it is considered the primary stone for clearing negative energy and driving away hazards from personal, spiritual and professional lives.

In Feng Shui, amethysts can deflect negative energy and redirect positive energy into useful areas.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (5)

For example, most practitioners recommend using the stone by placing it in different segments of your home as related to different areas of your life.

For example, the number 5 symbolises the reconciliation of all conflicts and the central area of your home. By placing an amethyst in this area, you are encouraging just that.

3. Carnelian gemstone for Feng Shui

The Carnelian gem works in two ways.

It is an energy booster, and it can stabilise your energy as well.

When it is placed in a room, it can increase the energy flow in the room.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (6)

At the same time, it turns the energy into a peaceful warm and secure strength.

Just like its sunset orange colours, users have reported feeling peacefully warm and joyful on using this stone in their homes.

Most users recommend placing two gemstone hearts in the love and relationship area of your home. The second best place is in the fame and reputation of the Bagua area of your home.

The exact shape of the stone can also influence your home in different ways. For example, you can choose tumbled stones or Carnelian hearts, balls or Carnelian spheres and specific carvings to direct energy in your home.

4. Tigers Eye Feng Shui Crystals in Your Home

Tigers eyeis a very uniquely coloured stone.

The banded colours range from a light yellow to a deep chocolaty brown, but they are truly beautiful to look at.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (7)

It's safe to say that no two of these stones are the same in colour, but they are very effective in protecting your home.

It is considered a powerful dynamic stone with a protective and watchful quality.

Metaphysically, a tiger's eye can bring clarity to a situation, help focus your mind, guard your energy, reduce fear and promote mental clarity.

Its ideal placement would be near your front door or around windows. It's also a great stone for protecting children.

Place a stone in their room or make it a keychain tohelp with life balance and protection.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (8)

5. Citrine crystals for Feng Shui & Placement of Crystals

Citrines are just beautiful.

They are traditionally considered healing stones for third chakra or solar plexus issues.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (9)

However, the stone is also considered ideal for boosting self-esteem and creating positive energy in any location.

For businessmen, this stone is also considered the ideal stone to boost finances and positive cash flows.

Traditionalists usually place the stone in the money area of a home as a wealth cure.

Citrine is one of the best Feng Shui crystals for wealth. If you would like to attract more wealth in your life then be sure to have citrine crystals on you and around your home.

Click play on the video below to see some beautiful Citrine crystals.

However, we also like carved, or feng shui cures made from citrine like wealth vases, crystal gem trees, clusters, tealight candle holders and points.

However, tumbled crystals in a simple glass bowl also work just as well.

We recommend choosing from citrine clusters and citrine geodes, which are more rare and expensive relative to the amethyst versions.

Carved stones and jewellery are also great.

Crystal gem trees with citrine leaves, in particular, are quite popular in Asia.

Users have citrine trees that are placed in the wealth corner of the house.

Believers place folded wishes under the tree with Mandarin oranges to make their wishes come true.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (10)

You can do the same by investing in a citrine crystal tree and positioning it in the family room to improve harmony, facilitate bonds between family members and ensure overall wealth and harmony.

6. Pyrite for Feng Shui

Pyrite is called fool's gold because it resembles gold.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (11)

The stone shines with a beautiful golden lustre, and it is considered ideal as a wealth cure.

It brings with it a crisp energizing aspect to any home and with it comes wealth. Yes, it may be known as fool's gold, but it is very well known to help set the intention of the owners on the attraction of wealth and money.

We've not seen jewellery with pyrite, but it is considered grounding and protective.

You will find large cubes, spheres and towers of this stone online and they make for beautiful home ornamentation.

Display the stone prominently in the wealth and cure position of your home, and you should see the effects almost immediately.

7. Hematite Feng Shui Crystals

If pyrite resembles gold, then this stone resembles silver and steel so much that it can stun you.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (12)

It is technically the mineral form of iron oxide, and it is one of the oldest known iron oxide minerals in the world.

The jet-black silvery sheen of the stone is simply beautiful, and it can make the stone one of the most beautiful additions to a household.

Hematite is known for its stress-busting and grounding qualities.

It is supposed to be placed near the door and ensures the energy entering the home is calm and soothing.

It also seems to help soothe hyperactive children and it is commonly placed in their rooms.

You can find tumbled stones, carvings, towers, and jewellery that are ideal for powering up the positive energy of a home.

Honorary mention: Clear quartz for Feng Shui

Although we love the top 7 crystals we've mentioned above, we do believe that clear quartz is also an essential member of this list and deserves an honorary mention.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (13)

Just like its name, the clarity of a clear quartz crystal ensures that your mind remains open and curious.

The most exciting aspect of the stone is you can charge the stone with specific intent and energy.

You can infuse it with your desires and target it towards a specific direction.

Of course, it also means that your energy is transmuted and purified through the crystal resulting in healing and harmony in a home.

Although decorative crystal use for feng shui is now commercialised, you can just as well find small personalised crystals that you can use to maximum effect.

We recommend finding a good feng-shui person and then picking a single stone for personal use.

If you are happy with the effect of one stone, you can then move on to using more stones in different parts of your life.

Unlocking More Feng Shui Secrets with 5 More Crystals

Black Tourmaline:

  • Black Tourmaline is a great crystal for grounding and protection.
  • Place this crystal near the entrance to shield your home from negative energies as you enter your home.
  • Balances the earth element, bringing stability and earth energy.


  • Selenite is known for its calming energy and clarity.
  • Place crystals in your living space or workspace to promote a peaceful environment.
  • Aligns with feng shui elements to foster positivity and purify the space.

Smoky Quartz:

  • Smoky Quartz is a powerful stone for detoxifying and grounding.
  • Place this crystal in areas where you need to neutralise negative vibes and enhance feng shui energy.
  • It resonates with the earth element, providing a strong, stabilising energy.


  • Renowned for its energising properties and ability to inspire love and passion.
  • Great for placing in the bedroom or areas where you want to enhance relationships and feng shui elements of love.
  • Garnet brings a sense of vigour and positivity to your living space.

Green Crystals (like Jade or Green Aventurine):

  • Symbolise growth, healing, and abundance.
  • Place these crystals in areas where you want to encourage growth, whether it's personal, in your career, or your garden.
  • Aligning with the wood element of feng shui, green crystals bring balance and encourage the flow of positive energy.

Each of these crystals and stones carries unique properties that can be strategically placed in your home to enhance specific feng shui elements, bringing harmony and balance to your living space.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (14)

In conclusion, the best Feng Shui Crystals

The practise of Feng Shui dates back over 5,000 years and it is easy to see why so many people follow these teachings.

Ultimately, the goal of Feng Shui is to help harmonise you and the people around you with your environment. This translates to a wonderful flow of energy in your home office and bedroom.

The benefit of combining the teachings of Feng Shui with the positive energy and balance that crystals provide can be life-changing. The more you read about Feng Shui Crystals, the more you start to notice the change in energy flow around you and your family.

Hopefully, these feng shui tips and popular feng shui crystals provide some inspiration and ideas for your home.

Best of luck with your feng shui crystals.

Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (15)

Nicky Jessen


Nicky is the proud mum of 3 beautiful girls and Owner of Earth Inspired Gifts. Earth Inspired Gifts is an online retail store specialising in gifts inspired by Nature, such as Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps, Geodes, Crystals, Jewellery and other beautiful items. In addition to running Earth Inspired Gifts, Nicky has been building and managing many websites, including some of the largest online stores in Australia. Feel free to reach out to Nicky via her Facebook page or Twitter.

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Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home (2024)


Feng Shui Crystals - The Top 7 Crystal Stones for Your Home? ›

To protect your entire home, place crystals in the four main corners of your home using Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Hematite, Magnetite, Selenite and/or Black Tourmaline which will ward off negative energies.

Where should crystals be placed in a house Feng Shui? ›

To protect your entire home, place crystals in the four main corners of your home using Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Hematite, Magnetite, Selenite and/or Black Tourmaline which will ward off negative energies.

What crystal to put at the front door? ›

Carnelian and pyrite: you keep a small stone of pyrite or carnelian by your front door at all times. In addition to protecting against negativity, these stones also bring in the positive vibes of abundance.

What crystals protect your house? ›

What crystals protect your home? Welcome crystals into your home space for protection, harmony, and to keep negative vibes at bay. Some of the best crystals for keeping bad energy out are Black Obsidian, Onyx, Hematite, and Black Tourmaline.

Which is most powerful crystal? ›

Clear quartz is one of the most versatile and powerful stones in the crystal kingdom. It is said to amplify energy, cleanse negative energies, and balance the body and mind. Some people also use clear quartz to enhance the effects of other crystals, making it an excellent addition to a crystal grid.

Which is the luckiest crystal? ›

Green Aventurine, widely recognised as the Stone of Opportunity, has a remarkable ability to attract luck, particularly in financial matters. This enchanting green stone is often hailed as the luckiest among all crystals, making it a top choice for anyone seeking to enhance wealth and prosperity.

How to arrange crystals in your home? ›

If you want extra protection in a specific space, place a crystal in every corner of that room. When creating a grid, connect each crystal with the same intention during activation (more on that below). You should say something like, “May this home and everyone within be protected at all times.”

Where should crystals be placed in your home for the best energy? ›

The entrance of your home sets the tone for the entire space, making it an ideal place to position crystals! Placing a large clear quartz cluster or a selenite tower near the entrance can help cleanse and purify the energy as you and your guests enter.

Where to place crystals for wealth? ›

Place Citrine, Green Aventurine, or Jade in the wealth corners of your space, such as the southeast corner of a room or desk. These crystals are believed to invite positive financial energy.

What crystals should not be together? ›

Common Crystal Combinations to Avoid
  • Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline. The first one on our list is rose quartz and black tourmaline crystal combination. ...
  • Citrine and Amethyst. ...
  • Selenite and Hematite. ...
  • Clear Quartz and Malachite. ...
  • Moonstone and Labradorite.
Jan 27, 2024

What crystal increases luck? ›

Green jade, rose quartz, Tiger's Eye and citrine are some of the most popular crystals for boosting good luck and success. Carry or wear your crystal of choice to usher in the motivation to make your dreams come true, and reach for it when you need a vote of confidence.

Which crystal put in the bedroom? ›

Amethyst. If you only have one crystal in your bedroom, Amethyst is the way to go. Known as "the all purpose stone", Amethyst is a protective stone that helps to relieve stress and anxiety in your life, and the symptoms that accompany it, namely headaches, fatigues, and anxiety.

What stone protects from negativity? ›

Hematite is a coveted crystal for protection and grounding. This iron-rich stone is known for its ability to absorb negative energy. It is often worn in the form of rings and bracelets. As it shields the wearer's aura from external forces, it instils confidence and boosts self-esteem.

What crystal is good for positive energy? ›

Citrine: Citrine is the “success stone” and is used to bring prosperity and positive energy. It's often used to attract wealth, opportunities, and positivity into one's life. Black Tourmaline: Black tourmaline is a protective stone that absorbs and transforms negative energy.

What is the most powerful crystal for protection? ›

Black Tourmaline is a powerful crystal that acts as the ultimate shield against negative energy. Renowned for its protective properties, this versatile crystal not only defends against negative energies but also promotes grounding, making it one of the best protection crystals available.

Should you have crystals in your house? ›

For centuries, crystals have been used in homes to ward off negative feelings, encourage prosperity, improve sleep and create harmony. Even the most common crystals on the market work on a vibrational level and have the ability to heal, protect and transmute energy.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.