Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (2024)


  • When you send a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin (BTC) or Ether (ETH), you'll pay a fee for using the public blockchain network. When the network is busy or congested, the fee is higher. Certain types of transactions also require a higher fee. Some networks such as Polygon, Avalanche, and Bitcoin Cash are known for having lower transaction fees.

  • When you create a transaction using the Bitcoin.com Wallet app, you can customize the fees you pay no matter which network you are using. Choosing a lower fee means your transaction will process more slowly.

💡 Bitcoin.com does not charge any additional fees for sending and receiving cryptocurrencies or for transacting on public blockchain networks. Network fees are paid to the miners/validators of the public blockchains.

Table of contents

What are blockchain network fees?

How to customize network fees when sending cryptocurrency

Fees for sending Bitcoin (BTC)

What is the Bitcoin network fee?

How are BTC fees determined?

Customizing fees when sending BTC

What can I do if my Bitcoin transaction is stuck?

Fees for sending Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Why is the BCH network fee so low?

Fees for transacting on the Ethereum network

Customizing fees for using the Ethereum network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app

Manually customizing fees when using the Ethereum network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet

Ethereum fees in detail

Pending transactions on Ethereum

Fees for transacting on the Avalanche network

Customizing fees when using the Avalanche network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet

Manually customizing fees when using the Avalanche network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet

How do fees work on the Avalanche network?

Fees for transacting on the Polygon network

Customizing fees when using the Polygon network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet

Manually customizing fees when using the Polygon network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet

Polygon fees in detail

Fees for transacting on the BNB Smart Chain network

Customizing fees when using the BNB Smart Chain network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet

Manually customizing fees when using the BNB Smart Chain network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet

Blockchain network fees, often referred to as transaction fees or gas fees, play a crucial role in the functioning and maintenance of decentralized networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum. These fees act as incentives for miners or validators who contribute their computational power to verify and process transactions, ultimately adding them to the blockchain. Network fees ensure the efficient and secure functioning of the system, as they deter spam transactions and malicious activities, while encouraging miners/validators to prioritize transactions with higher fees. This, in turn, promotes a competitive marketplace where users can decide the priority of their transactions by choosing the amount of fees they are willing to pay.

The reason some transactions incur higher fees than others is primarily due to the differing levels of complexity, data size, and urgency. In networks like Ethereum, where smart contracts are executed, more complex operations consume more computational resources, and thus require higher fees. Similarly, transactions with larger data sizes take up more space in a block, and therefore demand higher fees. This is why sending a larger amount of bitcoin generally comes with a higher fee.

Urgency also plays a significant role; users who desire faster confirmation times for their transactions typically offer higher fees to incentivize miners/validators to prioritize their transactions. This creates a dynamic fee structure that enables users to determine the balance between cost and speed, while simultaneously supporting the overall health of the blockchain network.

When you create a transaction using the Bitcoin.com Wallet app, you can customize the fees you pay for using the public blockchain network. Here's how:

  1. On the "Enter send amount" screen, tap on the "Network fee" icon at the bottom-left. This will open up the network fee settings menu.

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (1)

  2. Choose from one of the three following options:

  • 'Eco' means you'll pay a lower fee, but your transaction will take longer.

  • 'Fast' strikes the optimal balance between cost and speed.

  • 'Fastest' optimizes for speed over cost.

Here’s how to adjust the transaction fee when sending Bitcoin:

What is the Bitcoin network fee?

Bitcoin transactions incur a small fee which is paid to the miners that confirm them. Transactions with higher fees are picked up sooner by miners (who optimize for profitability), so higher-fee transactions are more likely to be included in the next block. This means you can opt for faster transaction processing by paying a higher fee. Alternatively, if you're not in a rush to have your transaction confirmed, you can save money by opting for a lower fee. However, you need to be careful because if you set the fee too low, your transaction may take hours or get stuck for days, and ultimately be reversed altogether.

How are BTC fees determined?

Fees are measured in satoshis/byte. A satoshi is the smallest divisible unit of bitcoin. This is 0.00000001 BTC (8 decimals, or 100 millionth of a bitcoin). Each transaction is made up of data, which is measured in bytes. In general, more complicated transactions (more inputs and outputs) involve more data and so are more expensive.

The default BTC network fee in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app ("Fast") is set to have your transaction confirmed most likely within the next two blocks (so less than 30 minutes). If you change it to "Fastest," you'll pay a higher satoshi-per-byte rate and likely have your transaction confirmed in the next two blocks (so less than 20 minutes). Changing it to "Eco" will save you some money, but still result in your transaction getting confirmed within the next six blocks (generally less than 60 minutes). For advanced users, you also have the option of setting a custom fee. You'll want to use a tool like Bitcoinfees to ensure you're choosing an appropriate fee given the current state of network congestion.

Customizing fees when sending BTC

When you create a transaction on the Bitcoin network using the Bitcoin.com Wallet app, you can customize the fee you pay to Bitcoin miners for sending BTC. Here's how:

  1. On the "Enter send amount" screen, tap on the "Network fee" icon at the bottom-left. This will open up the network fee settings menu.

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (2)

  2. Choose from one of the three following options:

  • 'Eco' means you'll pay a lower fee, but your transaction will take longer.

  • 'Fast' strikes the optimal balance between cost and speed.

  • 'Fastest' optimizes for speed over cost.

You also have the option to manually customize the network fee, choosing exactly the satoshi/byte rate you prefer. Here's how:

  1. On the "Enter send amount" screen, tap on the "Network fee" icon at the bottom-left

  2. Select "Advanced fee options." You'll then be prompted to enter the precise satoshi/byte rate you prefer. You can use a tool like this to determine the optimal Bitcoin fees for your needs.

🔍Note that if you choose the 'Eco' option or manually customize the network fee to a level that is too low, there's a small chance your transaction will be canceled due to network congestion. In this case, you won't lose your Bitcoin, but you will need to wait for the transaction to be canceled, at which point you'll need to re-initiate the sending process. Cancelled transactions will be reverted to the sender's wallet, meaning the balance will show up in your wallet again.

What can I do if my Bitcoin transaction is stuck?

If the network is very congested or if you've set a fee that is too low, there's a small chance your transaction will be stuck. Don't worry, you won't lose your Bitcoin! If your transaction is stuck, you have two options:

  1. Wait for the transaction to be canceled by the network, at which point you'll need to re-initiate the sending process. Cancelled transactions will be reverted to the sender's wallet, meaning the balance will show up in your wallet again.

  2. If you'd rather not wait, another option is to use a transaction accelerator in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app. Here’s how it works:

    1. Get your transaction ID for the stuck BTC transaction. For step-by-step instructions on how to find your transaction ID in the app, please refer to this guide.

    2. Navigate to Discovery > Overview > Services > TXA.CC.

    3. Paste your transaction ID and follow the instructions. And that’s it!

Sending bitcoin cash (BCH) generally incurs a fee of less than a penny per transaction.

Why is the BCH network fee so low?

The Bitcoin Cash network has a bigger block size than the Bitcoin network. This means that, in most cases, there is plenty of space in each block to include all transactions proposed by network participants. The result is that fees for Bitcoin Cash transactions are negligible. Furthermore, transactions are always confirmed quickly. These features make Bitcoin Cash ideal for use as peer-to-peer money.


Transactions on Ethereum incur fees that are paid to the network in ETH. This means that you must have a balance of ETH in your wallet in order to execute any type of transaction on the Ethereum network.

Customizing fees for using the Ethereum network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app

When you create a transaction on the Ethereum network using the Bitcoin.com Wallet app, you can customize the fee you pay to the Ethereum network. Here's how:

  1. On the "Enter send amount" screen, tap on the "Network fee" icon at the bottom-left. This will open up the network fee settings menu.

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (3)

  2. Choose from one of the three following options:

  • 'Eco' means you'll pay a lower fee, but your transaction will take longer*

  • 'Fast' strikes the optimal balance between cost and speed

  • 'Fastest' optimizes for speed over cost

Here’s how to customize the transaction fee for Ethereum and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chains including Avalanche, Polygon, and BNB Smart Chain:

Manually customizing fees when using the Ethereum network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app

The Bitcoin.com Wallet constantly monitors the market rate for gas, as well as the current base fee cost, to arrive at the optimal price for each preset mode. However, you also have the option to manually customize your network fee settings for each transaction (see below for an explanation of how 'gas' relates to fees in Ethereum). You can check gas rates using a tool like https://ethgasstation.info/ and set customized fees based on the market rate for gas. Here's how to set customized fees in your wallet:

  1. On the "Enter send amount" screen, tap on the "Network fee" icon at the bottom-left. This will open up the network fee settings menu.

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (4)

  2. In the network fee settings menu, select "Custom fee options." You'll then be prompted to enter the max base fee and the priority fee, both priced in Gwei, for your transaction.

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (5)

Ethereum fees in detail

The cost you pay for a transaction on the Ethereum network is two-fold. First, there is the base fee, which is burned (destroyed). Second is the priority fee, or tip, which is paid to network validators. Both of these fees are influenced by market forces, meaning the cost goes up when the network is congested. The total cost for a transaction also depends on its complexity.

Transaction complexity is measured by computational effort, which is delineated in units of "gas." For example, sending ETH from one wallet to another (one of the simplest transactions you can make), may consume up to 21,000 units of gas. One unit of gas is equal to 0.000000001 ETH (10-9 ETH). Note that this denomination of ETH is also known as a giga-wei, or gwei.

Total fees are calculated as follows:

Gas units * (base fee + tip)

Let’s look at an example where Alice sends Bob 1 ETH. Imagine the base fee is 100 gwei and Alice includes a tip of 10 gwei. Using the above formula, we can calculate this as 21,000 * (100 + 10) = 2,310,000 gwei or 0.00231 ETH.

When Alice sends the money, 1.00231 ETH will be deducted from Alice's account. Bob will be credited 1.0000 ETH. The validator will receive the tip of 0.00021 ETH and the base fee of 0.0021 ETH is burned.

Pending transactions on Ethereum

Pending transactions are those that haven’t yet been processed by the Ethereum network. You can speed up pending transactions by replacing them with a new transaction with a higher fee.


Transactions on Avalanche incur fees that are paid to the network in AVAX, the network’s native token. Although fees are generally very small, you must have a balance of AVAX in your wallet in order to execute any type of transaction on the Avalanche (C-Chain) network.

Customizing fees when using the Avalanche network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app

When you create a transaction on the Avalanche (C-Chain) network using the Bitcoin.com Wallet app, you can customize the fee you pay to the network. Here's how:

  1. On the "Enter send amount" screen, tap on the "Network fee" icon. This will open up the network fee settings menu.

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (6)

  2. Choose from one of the three following options:

'Eco' means you'll pay a lower fee, but your transaction will take longer*

'Fast' strikes the optimal balance between cost and speed

'Fastest' optimizes for speed over cost

Manually customizing fees when using the Avalanche network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app

Advanced users may also choose to manually customize fees:

  1. On the "Enter send amount" screen, tap on the "Network fee" icon at the bottom-left

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (7)

  2. In the network fee settings menu, select "Custom fee options." You'll then be prompted to enter the max base fee and the priority fee, both priced in nAVAX, for your transaction.

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (8)

How do fees work on the Avalanche network?

In order to prevent spam, transactions on Avalanche require the payment of a transaction fee. The fee is paid in AVAX and subsequently burned (destroyed forever).

Transactions on the Avalanche network are measured by computational effort, which is delineated in units of "gas." **Simple transactions like sending from one wallet to another use less gas than more complicated transactions such as those that interact with one or more smart contracts.

When you create an Avalanche C-Chain transaction, you must set the “gas price.” This is the amount of AVAX you are willing to pay for each unit of gas consumed. Gas price is measured in nAVAX, which itself is a denomination of AVAX. Each nAVAX is equal to 0.000000001 AVAX (10-9 AVAX). So, instead of saying that your gas costs 0.000000001 AVAX, you can say your gas costs 1 nAVAX.

The Avalanche C-Chain uses an algorithm to determine the "base fee" for a transaction. The base fee increases when network utilization is above the target utilization and decreases when network utilization is below the target. The base fee can go as low as 25 nAVAX and has no upper bound.


Transactions on Polygon incur fees that are paid to the network in MATIC. This means that you must have a balance of MATIC in your wallet in order to execute any type of transaction on the Polygon network.

Customizing fees when using the Polygon network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app

When you create a transaction on the Polygon network using the Bitcoin.com Wallet app, you can customize the fee you pay to the Polygon network. Here's how:

  1. On the "Enter send amount" screen, tap on the "Network fee" icon. This will open up the network fee settings menu.

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (9)

  2. Choose from one of the three following options:

'Eco' means you'll pay a lower fee, but your transaction will take longer*

'Fast' strikes the optimal balance between cost and speed

'Fastest' optimizes for speed over cost

Manually customizing fees when using the Polygon network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app

The Bitcoin.com Wallet app constantly monitors the market rate for gas, as well as the current base fee cost, to arrive at the optimal price for each preset mode. However, you also have the option to manually customize your gas price for each transaction (see below for an explanation of how 'gas' relates to fees in Polygon). You can check gas rates using a tool like https://polygonscan.com/gastracker and set customized fees based on the market rate for gas. Here's how to set customized fees in your wallet:

  1. On the "Enter send amount" screen, tap on the "Network fee" icon at the bottom-left

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (10)

  2. Select "Advanced fee options." You'll then be prompted to enter the precise gas price in Gwei for your transaction.

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (11)

Polygon fees in detail

The cost you pay for a transaction on the Polygon PoS network is two-fold. First, there is the base fee, which is burned (destroyed). Second is the inclusion fee, or tip, which is paid to network validators. Both of these fees are influenced by market forces, meaning the cost goes up when the network is congested. The total cost for a transaction also depends on its complexity.

Transaction complexity is measured by computational effort, which is delineated in units of "gas." For example, sending MATIC from one wallet to another (one of the simplest transactions you can make), may consume up to 21,000 units of gas. One unit of gas is equal to 0.000000001 MATIC (10-9 MATIC). Note that this denomination of MATIC is also known as a giga-wei, or gwei.

Total fees are calculated as follows:

Gas units * (base fee + tip)

Let’s look at an example where Alice sends Bob 1 MATIC. Imagine the base fee is 100 gwei and Alice includes a tip of 10 gwei. Using the above formula, we can calculate this as 21,000 * (100 + 10) = 2,310,000 gwei or 0.00231 MATIC.

When Alice sends the money, 1.00231 MATIC will be deducted from Alice's account. Bob will be credited 1.0000 MATIC. The validator will receive the tip of 0.00021 MATIC and the base fee of 0.0021 MATIC is burned.


Transactions on BNB Smart Chain incur fees that are paid to the network in BNB. This means that you must have a balance of BNB in your wallet in order to execute any type of transaction on the BNB Smart Chain network.

Customizing fees when using the BNB Smart Chain network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet

When you create a transaction on the BNB Smart Chain network using the Bitcoin.com Wallet, you can customize the fee you pay to the BNB Smart Chain network. Here's how:

  1. On the "Enter send amount" screen, tap on the "Network fee" icon at the bottom-left

  2. Choose from one of the three following options:

'Eco' means you'll pay a lower fee, but your transaction will take longer*

'Fast' strikes the optimal balance between cost and speed

'Fastest' optimizes for speed over cost

Manually customizing fees when using the BNB Smart Chain network in the Bitcoin.com Wallet

The Bitcoin.com Wallet constantly monitors the market rate for gas, as well as the current base fee cost, to arrive at the optimal price for each preset mode. However, you also have the option to manually customize your gas price for each transaction (see below for an explanation of how 'gas' relates to fees in BNB Smart Chain). You can check gas rates using a tool like https://bscscan.com/gastracker and set customized fees based on the market rate for gas. Here's how to set customized fees in your wallet:

  1. On the "Enter send amount" screen, tap on the "Network fee" icon at the bottom-left:

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (12)

  2. Under "Custom fee options"you can enter the precise gas price in gwei for your transaction:

    Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (13)

BNB Smart Chain network fees in detail

The majority of transaction fees generated on BNB Smart Chain are paid to BNB Smart Chain validators. BNB Smart Chain runs on a Proof of Staked Authority consensus mechanism where validators take turns compiling and proposing transactions for new blocks. BNB Smart Chain doesn't have inflation (no new BNB is being minted), so validators don't receive a block reward; only the transaction fees. A small portion of transactions fees go to the BNB Smart Chain protocol and are used for actions such as facilitating cross-chain transactions between the BNB ecosystem of blockchains.

The cost for transactions on BNB Smart Chain is influenced by two factors:

  1. The current market rate for gas.

  2. The complexity of the transaction.

The market rate for gas is determined by congestion, so if BNB Smart Chain is very busy, the price of gas will go up. Under normal conditions, the BNB Smart Chain gas price is set at 3 gwei.

Transaction complexity is measured by computational effort, which is delineated in units of "gas." For example, sending BNB from one wallet to another (one of the simplest transactions you can make), may consume up to 21,000 units of gas. One unit of gas is equal to 0.000000001 BNB (10-9 BNB). Note that this denomination of BNB is also known as a giga-wei, or gwei.

Total fees are calculated as follows:

Gas units consumed x Current Gas Price

Let’s look at an example where Alice sends Bob 1 BNB. Imagine the cost of gas is 3 gwei and the gas consumed is 21,000 units. Using the above formula, we can calculate this as 21,000 x 3 = 63,000 gwei or 0.000063 BNB.

When Alice sends the BNB, 1.000063 BNB will be deducted from Alice's wallet. Bob will be credited 1.0000 BNB. Most of the 0.0000063 BNB transaction fee will go to the validator, however a portion will go to the BNB Smart Chain protocol.

Greetings, fellow enthusiasts of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. As someone deeply entrenched in the intricacies of decentralized networks, I bring forth not just theoretical knowledge but hands-on experience navigating the dynamic landscape of blockchain transactions and fees. My expertise extends across various blockchain networks, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Avalanche, Polygon, and BNB Smart Chain.

Let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the provided article:

  1. Blockchain Network Fees Overview:

    • Blockchain network fees, also known as transaction or gas fees, are integral to decentralized networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
    • These fees incentivize miners or validators to process transactions, maintaining the network's efficiency and security.
    • They deter spam and malicious activities while allowing users to prioritize transactions based on the fees they are willing to pay.
  2. Bitcoin Network Fees:

    • Bitcoin transactions involve fees paid to miners for confirmation.
    • Higher fees lead to quicker transaction processing, but users can customize fees based on urgency and cost considerations.
  3. Ethereum Network Fees:

    • Ethereum transactions require fees in ETH to compensate miners.
    • The cost involves a base fee (burned) and a priority fee (paid to validators), both influenced by market forces and transaction complexity measured in gas.
  4. Avalanche Network Fees:

    • Avalanche transactions incur fees in AVAX, burned to prevent spam.
    • Gas and gas price play a role, with the base fee determined algorithmically and varying based on network utilization.
  5. Polygon Network Fees:

    • Polygon transactions involve fees in MATIC, burned for the base fee and paid as a tip to validators.
    • Gas and gas price determine the cost, influenced by market forces and transaction complexity measured in gas.
  6. BNB Smart Chain Network Fees:

    • BNB Smart Chain transactions require fees in BNB, with the majority going to validators.
    • Gas and transaction complexity influence the cost, with a fixed gas price under normal conditions.
  7. Customizing Network Fees:

    • Users can customize fees in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app for various networks, choosing options like 'Eco,' 'Fast,' or 'Fastest' based on their priorities.
    • Manual customization allows users to set precise satoshi/byte rates for Bitcoin or gas prices for Ethereum, Avalanche, Polygon, and BNB Smart Chain transactions.
  8. Handling Stuck Transactions:

    • In cases of stuck transactions, users can wait for cancellation and re-initiate the process or use a transaction accelerator in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app.

This comprehensive understanding of blockchain network fees empowers users to navigate the intricate balance between transaction speed and cost across multiple blockchain networks. Feel free to explore further or seek additional insights into the fascinating world of decentralized finance and blockchain transactions.

Fees for sending cryptocurrencies and transacting on public blockchains | Bitcoin.com Support Center (2024)


What are blockchain transaction fees? ›

In simple terms, the transaction fee is a nominal amount that the user has to pay to the miners to have their transaction verified and added to the Blockchain ledger. Each Blockchain network has a maximum limit on the transaction fee users can set for their transactions.

Are there fees for sending crypto? ›

Bitcoin transaction fees depend on how much data is contained in your transaction and how congested the Bitcoin network is. Usually, you'll be able to send BTC for between $1 and $3 in fees, but fees can increase significantly during spikes in network activity.

Why is the blockchain sending fee so high? ›

Miners are responsible for confirming and adding transactions to the blockchain. With more people wanting their transactions processed, they are willing to pay higher fees to incentivise miners to prioritise their transactions.

Does blockchain.com have fees? ›

Blockchain.com processing fees vary based on factors like order size and payment method. A fee will be incurred for your Buy order, and it will be transparently presented for all payments prior to placing the order.

What is the transaction fee for $1000 dollars of Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin Purchase/Conversion Fee: $1,000 x 11% = $110. Transaction Fee: $1 set fee per transaction.

Does blockchain have trading fees? ›

Our fee system rewards makers with a lower rate for helping provide liquidity in order to offer the most fair, efficient, and orderly market. Trading fees are applied and deducted from your total execution. That fee will be debited from the crypto that you are buying or selling in that transaction.

How to send crypto without fees? ›

Using the Lightning Network is a faster and cheaper way to send and receive bitcoin transactions. There are typically little to no fees involved, and it's used to send smaller amounts of bitcoin. Lightning transactions are not recorded on the blockchain.

How much does it cost to send $100 Bitcoin? ›

What's The Bitcoin Transaction Fee For $100? Bitcoin transaction costs only depend on how big in bytes your transaction is. As such, the dollar value you're sending is irrelevant with Bitcoin. A simple transaction usually costs around 200-2,000 sats or $0.06-$0.60 USD which could be for $100 or $100 million dollars.

What exactly is blockchain? ›

Blockchain technology is an advanced database mechanism that allows transparent information sharing within a business network. A blockchain database stores data in blocks that are linked together in a chain.

How do I increase my transaction fee on blockchain? ›

1. On the main page of your wallet, select your unconfirmed transaction. 2. Tap Increase fee.

Can I use blockchain for free? ›

At Blockchain.com, we do not charge fees for depositing cryptocurrencies into your wallet. However, we do charge a processing fee for all cryptocurrency withdrawals. Blockchain.com applies a processing fee to cover the costs associated with transferring your cryptocurrency from your wallet to an external address.

Where is Blockchain.com located in the US? ›

Blockchain (US), Inc. Company Profile | Miami, FL | Competitors, Financials & Contacts - Dun & Bradstreet.

Is there a fee to withdraw crypto? ›

There's typically a small network fee. For example, withdrawing 10 bitcoins might reduce your balance by 10.0005 bitcoins. To withdraw currency, there's usually a fee associated with the transfer method.

How much is a Bitcoin transaction fee for $100? ›

Bitcoin transaction costs only depend on how big in bytes your transaction is. As such, the dollar value you're sending is irrelevant with Bitcoin. A simple transaction usually costs around 200-2,000 sats or $0.06-$0.60 USD which could be for $100 or $100 million dollars.

What are the costs of blockchain? ›

Private blockchains require infrastructure setup and maintenance costs. This may involve hosting on cloud platforms, setting up dedicated servers, and other related expenses. The approximate cost for a private blockchain is around $1500 per month.

What is the transaction fee for ethereum blockchain? ›

Ethereum Average Transaction Fee is at a current level of 0.0003, down from 0.0004 yesterday and down from 0.0007 one year ago. This is a change of -25.00% from yesterday and -57.14% from one year ago.

Who pays the bitcoin transaction fee, sender or receiver? ›

If you're not so time-sensitive, you can make do with a smaller fee. It's important to note that fees are always paid for by the sender of the transaction.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.